spitefulspider · 5 years
What Kind of Body of Water Are You?
Your result: A Pond Surrounded by Forest.
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Typically a trek to get to, surrounded by nettling thick bushes and unmoving trees, you have a guard up. Perhaps you are an extrovert who doesn't know /how/ to be an extrovert, you want so badly to be the all-powerful, unnerving Ocean but you can't figure out how to escape from the obstacles that you put up before yourself. Instead of meandering out of your secure, exclusive, invite-only comfort zone, you stay there and build up a forest to hide from everything you wish you were apart of. Because of this secluded aspect and by becoming so bounded with who you are, you grew to understand people on an intrinsic level. You may also be crafted in the arts, and possibly have an ever-growing imagination. You use your imagination as a means to cope with your everlasting desire for something greater.
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spitefulspider · 5 years
What Is Your Seduction Style?
Your Seduction Style: The Charmer
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You're a master at intimate conversation and verbal enticement. You seduce with words, by getting people to open up to you. By establishing this deep connection quickly, people fall under your power. And then you've got them exactly where you want them!
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spitefulspider · 5 years
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spitefulspider · 5 years
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Below the surface, everyone is pretty complicated. Based on your answers, we think the following three traits are important strands in your personality:
You have a strong sense of potential and an intense drive to accomplish difficult things. The core of this is your ability to hold together the big goals and the daily efforts. Where other people’s hopes collapse when they encounter the tedium of the journey, you keep coming back. Oddly, it is actually your ability to endure feeling unheroic that counts. You know the power of working away solidly on what’s in front of you.
You like clarity and intelligent simplicity and you get frustrated at messy thinking. This can make you seem unreasonably pushy to some, but it is actually a virtue: you are motivated by a horror at pointless effort and a longing for precision and insight into how things and people work. Your ability to synthesise and bring order is essential in producing thinking which is truly helpful.
You are good at making decisions; you have a clear sense of what needs to be done and what others should be doing. Played out inside yourself, this tendency drives you to value willpower and self-control. You may be accused of bossiness. But acting on your desire to dissuade, restrain or guide is often appreciated by others – who might secretly like a clear direction, and some firmness.
STOLEN FROM: another blog.
TAGGING:  whoever sees this & thinks they wanna do the thing.
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spitefulspider · 5 years
💠 Is there a Headcanon about my muse you want to know more about? Ask away!
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spitefulspider · 5 years
meet the muse ;
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LEGAL NAME: James Ríoghnán Moriarty. ALIAS[ES]: Moriarty , M , JM, Adam Worth, Richard Brook, Napoleon Of Crime. DATE OF BIRTH: October 21st. GENDER | SPECIES: Male I  Human (don’t let that fool you.) PLACE OF BIRTH: Dublin, Ireland.
CURRENT LIVING CONDITIONS: Shares a flat with Sebastian. Numerous other properties. SPOKEN LANGUAGES:  English, and countless other languages. EDUCATION: Impressive education regime, studied various advanced subjects including Astronomy.
OCCUPATION: Consulting Criminal / Professor. CRIMINAL RECORD: Extensive. (Broke into the Tower of London.) DRINK | SMOKE | DRUGS: Jim does all three quite often. Always in secret, however. LIKE[S]: Tailored suits, tasteful décor, order, chaos, playing games, knowledge / books , Astronomy, making the news, and extraordinary people. DISLIKE[S]: Boredom, deductions, mundane clients, stupidity, getting his hands exceptionally dirty, and ordinary people. FEAR[S]: None that he would openly admit it to ( considers fear a weakness. )
GOOD: Remarkable intellect, effective proficiency to predict and absorb human behaviour, influence to successfully prepare and follow through complex cunning plans, incomparable time-keeping skills, fiercely independent, extremely logical, in-depth knowledge, and unexpected patience.
BAD: Incapable of remorse and guilt, unable to sympathize with others, indifference of self safety, tendency to be sadistic, unwavering dominance, narcissistic, devious and deceiving, disrespect for authority, prone to extreme obsessions, complete lack of empathy, sick satisfaction of causing others psychological pain, incompetence to deal with boredom, craves complete chaos and disorder.
{ P H Y S I C A L   I N F O R M A T I O N } HAIR COLOUR: Black. EYE COLOUR: Dark Brown. (Often appear black and dead.) HEIGHT:  5’ 8" WEIGHT: Slim. TATTOOS: NIL.
{ F A M I L Y   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SIBLING[S]: Twin Richard Brook, elder brother James and younger brother Jamie. PARENT[S]: James Moriarty Senior, mother Brianna. CHILDREN: NIL. PETS[S]: Sebastian Moran , Lucien.
{ R E L A T I O N S H I P   I N F O R M A T I O N }
SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Pansexual. RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Complicated. SINCE WHEN: Meeting Sebastian.
NOTES: -Preference towards men. -Extreme sex-drive but rarely acts on it. VIEW ON RELATIONSHIPS: Jim has a complete disregard of empathy and commitment and although pansexual and attracted to most, prefers humiliation and dominance rather than the actual intercourse. Moriarty is a complete control freak and demands respect, so relationships have never mattered to him. However he has a tendency to play others, break their hearts, destroy them inside out for fun, and walk away with a smile. Despite this it is possible to get under his skin, Sebastian certainly has.
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spitefulspider · 5 years
nonverbal memes
add + to reverse who does the action
[ attention ] for your muse to touch mine as a way of getting their attention  [ sleep ] for your muse to wake mine  [ cover ]  for your muse to cover mine with a blanket or a jacket  [ lift ] for your muse to give mine a hand stepping up or over something etc.  [ kiss ]  for your muse to come up to mine and kiss them without warning  [ run ] for your muse to run their fingers through mine’s hair  [ braid ] for your muse to braid mine’s hair  [ embrace ]  for your muse to hold mine  [ smile ] for your muse to smile at mine from across the room  [ wave ] for your muse to gesture to mine to come closer  [ panic ] for your muse to grab mine’s arm or get behind them in a moment of danger  [ touch ] for your muse to rest their forehead against mine’s [ weep ]  for your muse to catch mine crying  [ eat ]  for your muse to offer mine food [ hit ] for your muse to attack mine  [ love ] for your muse to touch mine as a show of affection or reassurance  [ nap ] for your muse to fall asleep against mine  [ rest ] for your muse to rest their head in mine’s lap  [ look ] for your muse to catch mine staring  [ seduce ] for your muse to touch mine sexually  [ help ] for your muse to lean on mine for support  [ give ] for your muse to offer mine their arm  [ entwine ] for your muse to hold mine’s hand  [ laugh ] for your muse to laugh at something mine did  [ dance ] for your muse to dance with mine  [ sit ] for your muse to pull mine into their lap  [ yell ] for your muse to calm mine down  [ cry ] for your muse to wipe mine’s tears away  [ dream ] for your muse to wake mine from a nightmare  [ surprise ] for your muse to show up at mine’s house without explanation  [ fix ] for your muse to treat mine’s injury  [ sacrifice ] for your muse to get hurt protecting mine  [ guard ] for your muse to step between my muse and danger  [ taste ] for your muse to cook for mine  [ sing ] for your muse to sing to mine 
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spitefulspider · 5 years
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spitefulspider · 5 years
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spitefulspider · 5 years
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Take a look at the world… chaos… because people like you, paper-pushers and politicians, are too spineless to do what needs to be done so I made an alliance to place the power where it should be, and now you want to throw it away for the sake of democracy, whatever the hell that is. How predictably moronic.
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spitefulspider · 5 years
{ Welcome to my Jim blog. }
It’s under extreme construction so bare with me for the next few days !
I’m incredibly shy at him and will lurk and it will likely take me a while to approach people because that’s how I am with new blogs. I have roleplayed Jim previously but hope to re-find my inner Moriarty. Still, if I am out of character at all I apologise.
I’m a bloody perfectionist and will try my best to remain Jim-like, however despite this I will be making Jim my own and will have my own perception of him.
Feel free to approach me and interact, and slowly but surely I will creep out and engage others also, once over my anxiety of the blog.
If you would like to plot something let me know?
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spitefulspider · 9 years
Jim doesn’t speak if he is sleep deprived. It works in his advantage though - he is even more terrifying when he is completely silent.
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spitefulspider · 9 years
Jim went to drama school when he was younger.
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spitefulspider · 9 years
Jim spends the nights reorganizing bookshelves if he can’t sleep.
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spitefulspider · 9 years
Kill you? No, don’t be obvious. I mean I’m going to kill you anyway, 
Someday. I don’t want to rush it though.
 I’m saving it up for something special. 
No no no no no. If you don’t stop prying… 
I will burn you. I will burn…
 the heart out of you.
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spitefulspider · 9 years
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   ≾❦∬ ”Get out of my car. Now. I’m not in the mood for playing games.”
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'Now now, tiger. Since when do you not want to play games?'
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spitefulspider · 9 years
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    ”You’ll forgive me for not believe that to be in the least bit true. I believe you are incapable of missing anyone.”
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'Think you have me all figured out do you? Adorable.'
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