spiryts · 5 years
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Welp, today is the day.
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spiryts · 5 years
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The hinata’s description on this card seems to be something like “skill: all male characters are madly in love with her.” Lol so that’s why the haters are so angry 😂
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spiryts · 5 years
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戦艦・加賀 by artist deras (@deras_bgt, patreon)
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spiryts · 5 years
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⛄️🌟🎄Merry Christmas!🌟🎄⛄️
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spiryts · 5 years
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聖誕節! (excerpt) by artist 愷
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spiryts · 5 years
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Artist:Hobo Fuzai (ほぼ不在), @fushitas, Doujin Source: Here
Adaptation/Typeset: Me
The Uzumaki Family plays an MMORPG together. Some of them are better at it than others. Hilarity ensues.
I don’t know why, but for some reason Hinata being a muscle-bound barbarian online seems totally logical to me. She is not a person who likes to flaunt her beauty or her feminity, instead preferring to advance on her own merits and on her own terms.
Hey, guys choose female avatars all the time online, so why not?
This is my own adaptation on the story, so the usual warning applies: I am not accredited in Japanese and there’s a good chance I got things wrong. Take it with a grain of salt.
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spiryts · 5 years
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Fokin finally.
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spiryts · 5 years
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カイニスサンタ (excerpt) by artist イズ
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spiryts · 5 years
        As a Naruto fan, I never really understood why Hinata’s personal feelings are often disregarded. She is given these labels yet many people never really take the time to genuinely understand the hardships she faced as a Hyuga.
      I feel like her story is often swept under the rug. People are quick to assume things about her before actually understanding why she is the way that she is.
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 Hinata was treated like a sack of garbage by her own father…who, by the way, had absolutely no faith in her abilities or her potential…even going so low as to calling her a failure and deeming her a complete redundancy to the clan’s standards.  Her own flesh and blood drains her spiritually, mentally, and emotionally just because she is different from what is expected of her as the first born child of the main branch family.
He basically disowned her as if she equated to nothing…as if she wasn’t worth standing in the presence of. 
Even whilst dwelling in the womb, Hinata was brought into the world with a shitload of expectations and responsibilities stemming from the Hyuga’s hereditary linage . It’s not like she even had a choice for herself. She gets tossed away and degraded for being who she really is: someone who is kindhearted, gentle, and soft…which are easily depicted as weaknesses through the eyes of the clan.
She couldn’t please her father, she couldn’t please her clan…and in the short run, she didn’t have what it takes to please her own damn self. It’s pretty obvious that her father makes her the outcast especially when drawing the comparison between both of his children. 
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The one person in her life that is meant to support her no matter the odds, is the root to her social anxiety and poor self esteem issues. But then again…whose to say that her father is the only source of contempt in her life?
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Her own cousin despises her too…for reasons way beyond her control. So not only is she deemed a disappointment regarding the title as heir… but she’s being held accountable for her father’s title as well…and the fact that he is also the firstborn over his twin brother. This is also validated through the fact that Neji’s dad was ordered and obligated to give up his life in means to ensure the safety of Hinata’s father.
In the chunin exams you can clearly witness Neji crushing her spirit and belittling every ounce of her purpose for even attempting to be a ninja; every ounce of effort she puts into advancing the betterment of herself. 
Not only does he speak so carelessly about her feelings… but uses his byakugan to strip off every ounce of dignity that she could possibly muster and stigmatizes her through her own sense of inferiority and self loath. He demeans her through the existence of her own flaws by visually ridiculing her personal thoughts, ambitions, and behaviors. 
He refuses to acknowledge her commitment as a ninja…and tells her to forfeit not only the match…not only her title as a kunoichi…but her overall will to change into a stronger and more qualified individual.
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Hinata’s self hatred is quite evident…Neji easily notes her feelings of inferiority and assures her that she will never have what it takes to progress in life…due to the fate of her destiny.
So…not only does her father deem her a failure and a redundant disgrace to the clan…but another part of her own flesh and blood hates her guts, degrades every outlet of her efforts, mentally/emotionally/spiritually abuses her in front of the eyes of her team mates, her sensei, the one person she admire, and the rest of Konoha 11.
                             Let’s also not forget to mention…
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…The fact that he tried to kill her when she was evidently WAY passed her limits and couldn’t defend herself.
     …All of this transpired just because of the fact that she was born into the main branch. It’s not like she had the prerogative to choose what branch to be born in…nor the order of birth between her father and uncle. Nor should she be held accountable for his father’s death.  At this point, I would question the purpose for even existing if my family looks down on me…and I already hate myself for being the epitome of an unfortunate fate.
   It’s sad because she is resented for her nature…when she pretty much resents herself. She resents herself for not setting a leading example, for not meeting her clan’s expectations, for not being good enough, for potentially burdening those around her, for being a failure, etc.
      Yet, it surprises me that people grudge her for not having the confidence to approach Naruto during his times of anguish. It surprises me that so many of us expect her to have the confidence to openly reveal her love…when she can barely withstand her reality.
    She can barely withstand the reality behind her feelings of inferiority…the reality of the hatred that exist against her very existence. Self affliction is not something to take lightly…and it’s not fair for people to condemn her when she’s fighting herself every single day.
                                                          But then…
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….Somewhere in her fucked up life…
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Exists a person who ignites her confidence and fearless determination..someone who gives her a reason to actually believe in herself and to not allow the evils in the world to deter her from achieving her goals. Somewhere in her fucked up life…there’s a person that actually uplifts her from her flaws and inspires her to be the best version of herself.   
…and people hate her for it… For naturally falling in love with someone who she is strengthened by… Someone who exemplifies the strength she’s dreamed of obtaining for herself since she was a child. 
   So I guess when that special someone walks into your fucked up life… You’re supposed to NOT have feelings for them? This is why I firmly believe that Hinata’s feelings for Naruto are completely understandable. Out of many characters in the series, I honestly believe that she has one of the most legitimate reasoning for loving him to such a huge extent.
     She loved Naruto WAY before anyone acknowledged his existence and way before he could summon a clone properly. She loved him even when he was just the “under dog” who no one paid hardly any attention to. 
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…There are even times where she places him ahead of herself. Like facing death in the eye for his safety when everyone else were too busy depending on him…
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…showing more concern towards the state of his well being more than her very own..
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…And tries to be there for him more than she is physically capable.
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But outside of her love and dedication towards Naruto, she is still a very kindhearted selfless person who is very considerate when it comes to others.
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For example, she chooses not to outwardly cheer for Naruto but takes in consideration the feelings of her team mate.
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She also offers Kiba and Akamaru healing ointment after their match against Naruto. (People will question…why didn’t she offer the ointment to kiba first? Well that’s because after Naruto won the match, He was already passing her to return to his team. 
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Kiba was being carried away by the paramedics down by the battle floor. Naruto was already approaching).
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…She protects the value behind Neji’s touching sacrifice by solidifying the purpose behind it…and the reasoning behind EVERYONE’S intent in protecting each other. She ensures that Naruto understands that HE IS NOT THE ONLY ONE who carries the will to protect his loving comrades. She states that since everyone carries the same will in their hearts, this is what makes them FAMILY. (Her exact words: “That is why we are family.”)
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    She sacrifices her love for him and agrees to marry Toneri in an effort to save both her sister and the world from impending destruction. Not to mention, she accuses herself of being a bad big sister whilst knitting Naruto a scarf and not being able to do anything about Hanabi’s predicament.
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She’s also very humbled and accepting…even despite the fact that Naruto couldn’t afford to take her out to some fine expensive restaurant, She’s more than content with spending time with him…even if they are downing a bowl at Ichirakus. 
Let’s also not forget to mention…she does NOT carry the jealous mentality. She is aware that Naruto is loved and endeared by pretty much EVERYONE and feels no need to envy any sign of affection.
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While many people were so fixated on the fact that Sakura hugged Naruto at the point of his return, Hinata was actually fretting her ass about his safety and THANKING GOD for managing his survival. We’re making a big deal about who SHOULD be hugging Naruto…and not so very much in terms of her being emotionally relieved and thankful that he’s alive and well. Her love does not represent any form of envy…but it is easily conveyed through her concern for his well being.
You can also witness her smiling as she watches  Sakura hugging Naruto out of relief. 
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She was completely devastated after witnessing her cousin’s death…
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…and still mustered every bit of strength she had left to get Naruto’s head back on track…preventing him from losing himself as well as the people who are all giving their lives to protect each other (including him)…which (as I mentioned earlier) truly solidified Neji’s words and actions….
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…She also reestablished his nindo…reminding him of the reason for why he chooses to advance forward regardless of the obstacles in front of him…the nindo that solidifies his drive in becoming Hokage and overcoming his adversities. The same nindo that delivered her through her times of weakness and self affliction. This is Hinata’s way of saying “Wake the fuck up!”
    Had Naruto allowed himself to fall victim to the traps of Obito…he would be basically going against everything he passionately believed in, the people who were able to conqueror their obstacles because of him, his comrades, and the rest of the lives that depends on him wholeheartedly. Hinata did not only save him from falling into a mental disaster…but she pretty much saved the lives of everyone who is fighting alongside him in the war…and revived his motivation.
In summary, once people actually get to understand Hinata, she’s not so bad. At the same time, no one is perfect…and I believe this is what gives us the ability to understand each other. I find Hinata to be a very interesting character…even if you want to argue and bring up the lack of screen time she received throughout the manga, I supposed you’re right… in fact, she deserved a lot more screen time than she was given. Perhaps, this is the reason why she is commonly misunderstood as a character…and just as a person overall.
And may I also note…she’s not the strongest character in the series….
She’s not the most relevant character in the series…
She’s not the most popular character in the series…
…………..Her fans tend to love her more…………..
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…….For the simple fact that she’s IMPERFECT…..
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spiryts · 5 years
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spiryts · 5 years
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Koyanskaya by artist Odya
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spiryts · 5 years
Reblog to show your support for NSFW Artists, who deserve better than having their art censored/removed because of a badly thoughtout idea
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spiryts · 5 years
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Nice :D
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spiryts · 5 years
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The one and only Byakugan Princess :))
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spiryts · 5 years
Welp, bye bye tumblr.
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We at Piczel.tv are sad to see Tumblr’s stance against NSFW artists, and would like to offer up our services as an alternative to Tumblr’s arbitrary shadowbans, deletions, and general stupidity.
We’re happy to host adult artists who are looking for a new place to call home, and are planning a few key upgrades and features. 
Effectively immediately though, our gallery upload size restriction has been removed, to be likely raised to 10MB in the near future for non-premium users. As always, we support image sets, and don’t compress anything. Firstly, for those that have been using tumblr as a portfolio, you’ll need a way to download all of your art, if you don’t have backups somewhere else. We are planning a tool for Piczel.tv that will import zip files full of images, including titles and descriptions if we are able. Second, we’re planning the following upgrades to piczel in the coming weeks: 1. Bulk upload/import to your piczel.tv gallery 2. Gallery UI cleanup and improvements 3. Gallery performance improvements 4. Gallery comments with in line image and custom emote support 5. Site-wide PMs (in the vein of tumblr asks, but better) 6. Archive button for your piczel account Don’t forget to follow us on twitter, we may be deleted on the 17th with everyone else. Until then, we’ll make posts here to keep everyone in the loop Please consider reblogging this to help artists in need.
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spiryts · 6 years
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spiryts · 6 years
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