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I laughed way too hard at this
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Their love was forbidden, but it was meant to be.
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Moon Dresses / Fabric
Vulgarja on Etsy
See our #Etsy or #Moon tags
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Lieutenant Mattias’s reactions to Olaf’s recap
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Pokemon Crystal
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Elsa travelling on water in Frozen 1 vs Frozen 2 // Why run when you can ride with style ~  
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I love seeing Elsa’s connection with animals. I love that, instead of being fearful of her powers, they sense that kindred wildness in her. Even the creatures who aren’t magical are drawn to her gentleness and compassionate spirit.
I love how she reveres the spirits of nature, bowing her head multiple times to them in respect and recognition.
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The Nokk and Bruni character designs for Frozen 2 by James Woods.
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Art of Frozen 2 Elsa scans
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Show Yourself!
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Fighting the Nokk
Source: clip from Foffy on discord
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I absolutely adore the use of Vuelie at the end of Frozen 2 (and the finale scene in general)
First of all, it complements so well the magnificent scene that is Elsa riding the Nokk and interacting with the spirits, truly happy in her new role. It is a beautiful scene with an equally beautiful and ethereal music, it gives me the chills
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Then, it holds so much symbolism. The first Frozen started with Vuelie and this one ends with it. It leaves you with a feeling of satisfaction. Like something has been accomplished. A story has been fulfilled. Everything led to this moment.
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It also symbolises Elsa’s new role as the fifth spirit. As she now lives in the Enchanted Forest with the Northuldrans, and is the protector of the spirits, it is so fitting to have this song inspired by the Sami culture while we see Elsa fulfilling her new spiritual role
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I’m way too emotional when I listen to this music. It hits you with this wave of nostalgia because it takes you back to Elsa’s beginning, and seeing her growth into this confident and happy woman makes me feel so happy
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This movie is a real masterpiece
Thank you to all of Frozen’s creators for this beautiful adventure
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Ahtohallan is frozen.
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@aegonthewhitewolf ’s joke was too funny to not make that meme
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I spoke before how similar elsa is to the winter goddess skadi and how they cleary took inspiration from this norse myth to mold elsa both in story and personality and someone called me out to something
"Skadi: Goddess of Winter & Wolves. A favorite of the wolf goddesses in ancient Scandinavia was Skadi. Skadi often has wolves at her sides, as the Poetic Edda shows. Njord, after returning to the sea from his stay in the mountains with Skadi, mentions how the howling of the wolves kept him awake at night. But Skadi doesn’t mind the howls, she welcomes them. She is one of the wolf pack, and she will forever guard the mountains as her sacred home."
With elsa being inspired in this norse myth and the leaks pointing to her becoming the fifth spirit and guardian of the lands look at this illustration
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You have Bruni, the Nokk, you can see Gale the wind spirit, reeinders and then u have this lone wolf, which in norse mythology is skadi's symbol along with, guess what? White crystals and clothes (sounds familiar?) skadi who is probably the most human like and compassionate jötnar, the one who curiously was well know between the sami people (familiar much?). (Also aparently wolves are mentioned in forest of shadows please correct me if i am wrong)
What i am saying is: WHAT IF elsa's final form is a spirit wolf form? WAIT, i am not saying this is how she will look like forever, we do know she will stay in human form for merchandise but what if now one of her power upgrades is to turn into some kind of Wolf spirit HOW AWSOME IS THAT.
Tell me your opinions on this theory and thoughts :D
Edit: As @haveyouheardofthathairshow said recently, maybe the wolf aparently doesn't appear in the into the unknow sequence because Elsa IS the wolf already, and the leaks do say that there is still one spirit that didn't woke up yet AND that the voice is coming from inside of elsa. I rest my case
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Do you ever stop what you’re doing to think about Nokk having a freAKING WATERFALL FOR A MANE.
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