spicy-yvi · 3 years
It just keeps getting worse 🥲
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spicy-yvi · 3 years
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spicy-yvi · 3 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
the skinny girl’s cravings masterlist
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(request a post here)
enjoy this masterlist of healthy low-calorie alternatives to the foods you crave. you don’t have to deprive yourself of tasty treats anymore! if you want to see more posts like this, please like or request a post! now let’s get to the good stuff…
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instead of chocolate, have…
chocolate rice cakes - 50 cals
hershey’s kisses - 22 cals (you can have four of these babies for only 100 cals)
fudgesicles - 100 cals
fat free hot cocoa - 20 cals (spice it up with a dash of cinnamon and a few marshmallows)
heavenly crisp candy bar - 110 cals (tastes just like a kit kat, but better for you)
special k chocalate pretzels - 100 cals
skinny girl chocolate truffles - 50 cals
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instead of ice cream, have…
halo top ice cream - 70 cals (my favorite flavors are candy bar and oatmeal cookie)
breyer’s delights - 70 cals (these taste better than halo top imo, but have more fat)
mint chip ice cream sandwiches - 150 cals
vanilla ice cream sandwiches - 150 cals
homemade banana “nice” cream - 200 cals
dannon flavored yogurt (just pop it in the freezer) - 70 cals
luigi’s italian ice cups - 100 cals
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instead of cake, have…
starbucks cake pops - 140 cals
assorted biscotti - 80 cals
perfect-size-for-one cake in a mug - 260 cals (a little higher in calories, but good if you’re prone to binging)
brown sugar steelcut oatmeal - 150 cals (weird I know but it tastes just like cake/a cinnamon roll and always does the trick for me)
rice krispie treat - 90 cals
fiberone lemon drizzle cake - 90 cals
krispy kreme plain donut - 190 cals
chocolate chip and bluebbery waffles - 90 cals
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instead of a milkshake, have…
starbucks light caramel frappucino - 160 cals
vanilla soy milk - 90 cals (this is also good heated up in the microwave)
panera peach blueberry smoothie - 180 cals
starbucks light vanilla frappucino - 100 cals
mcdonalds berry parfait - 150 cals
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instead of chips, have…
cinnamon apple crisps - 110 cals
skinny pop popcorn (comes in lots of flavors) - 100 cals
lightly salted pretzel sticks - 3 cals
cheddar mini rice cakes - 10 cals
cheerios (good for munching on if you’re nauseated) - 100 cals
mixed nuts - 100 cals
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instead of a brownie, have…
fiberone chocolate brownie - 90 cals (small but good if you’re just craving the taste)
double chocolate biscotti - 110 cals (amazing for dipping in coffee!!)
special k brownie bites - 100 cals
chocolate filled soft bake - 120 cals
chocolate pudding - 90 cals
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instead of pizza, have…
pizza patties - 110 cals (these taste literally just like pizza, with hints of tomato basil and little globs of mozzerella)
lean pizza pockets - 230 cals (pretty much hot pockets except healthier)
pizza bagel bites - 200 cals (a serving size is four of these lil guys and i l o v e them)
homemade rice cake pizzas - 50 cals (calories vary depending on what toppings you use)
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instead of cookies, have…
teddy grahams - 120 cals
caramel rice cakes - 50 cals
graham crackers - 60 cals (come in a variety of flavors like cinnamon and chocolate)
meringue cookies - 25 cals (these are literally so incredible and they’re easy to make yourself if you’re broke)
panera petite chocolate chipper - 100 cals
fiberone cookie bites - 130 cals
ginger snaps - 70 cals
special k strawberry and chocolate crisps - 50 cals
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instead of candy, have…
sugar free fruit popsicles - 15 cals
smarties - 25 cals (you can have a whole roll of them)
sugar free jello cups - 5 cals (life savers!! omg)
jumbo marshmallows - 90 cals
fruit flavored tic tacs - 2 cals
berry fruit leather - 45 cals
granny smith applesauce - 50 cals (tastes exactly like apple jolly ranchers)
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
What “pro-ana” means to me
Of course I’m not “pro” ana. None of the people who post with this tag are. None of us want you to develop an eating disorder. None of us want you to starve yourself, harm your body, and hurt your mind. Come on, who the hell would wish this on anyone? 
I’m not pro ana.
I know what “ana” is. It’s not something anyone in their right mind would support. I’ve been living with an eating disorder for over 10 years now. That’s my whole teenage and adult life right there. I don’t remember what it’s like living without it. I don’t know what having a normal relationship with food feels like. I don’t know how people go about their daily lives without obsessing about what they eat or how they look.
I’m not pro ana. 
“Ana” isn’t something you get out of. I’ll go through a restrictive phase, then relapse into bulimia, and every once in a while, feel like I’m getting better and healthier. It never lasts. It’s as if my eating disorder went to sleep for a while… took a little break, and then came back a little stronger. It always does. 
I’m not pro ana. 
If you’re not dealing with an eating disorder, or if the content on my blog is triggering to you PLEASE don’t follow me. Please don’t think eating disorders are an easy way to lose weight. Please don’t take any dieting tips from “pro ana” blogs. Please, please, please don’t starve yourself. Don’t harm yourself. Binging, purging, restricting, fasting are terrible ideas. Run while it’s still time. 
I’m not pro ana. 
I’m “pro” supporting my sisters and brothers who struggle with an eating disorder. If I post something with the tag “pro-ana”, it doesn’t mean I encourage you to develop disordered habits… it means I’m here for you. I’m right there with you. 
I don’t support eating disorders, I support people going through them. 
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
fucking binged again yesterday and today! i have ZERO self control folks
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
types of breakdowns (a personal compendium):
the standard, classic, timeless DUDE HOLY FUCK EVERYTHING SUCKS AND I WISH I WAS DEAD 
time to self harm not as a cry for help or some shit but because i fucking deserve to be in pain
everything is making too much noise and  i’m crying and people are yelling and it just makes it worse
breathe in my direction and youre dead to me
bro. bro listen. nothing i experience is meaningful in any way on the cosmic scale. bro, were all going to die and well be reduced to the nothingness that we clawed our way out of. bro? bro?
only one (1) thing has gone wrong but im crying anyway
time to cut off all my friends and remake my personality because the one i have is horrible and i cant keep disappointing people
flashback til i puke! a new hit single
irrational anger & violence
listen im well aware that someone needs to be responding to this situation in some way but youve got the wrong guy. possibly the correct fleshsuit, but the wrong guy
feel free to add more
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
If you think a girl is cute and awesome and really cool and genuinely like her but won’t date her because she’s chubby or fat and you don’t want people to judge you for it then please remember you’re a piece of shit okay, promise
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
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reblog or the gods of glo up will not bless you
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
“6 months from now I will be in a different situation.”
Speak it into existence.
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
Of course I would binge after I weigh in at 172. Now for a two day fast.
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
Okay so I discovered a godsend today
What you’ll need
- lemon juice (0 cal)
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- koolaid liquid (0 cal)
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- water (0 cal)
And that’s it!!! I fucking love it and I’m going to buy more so I have a fuck ton of it and the koolaid comes in different flavors and tastes just like lemonade and it’s great for when you want to binge.
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Lol don’t mind my fat hand and crusty nails
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
ok universe, i’m ready to feel good things. make me feel good things.
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
Happiness Will Come To You.
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
✨Daily Affirmation ✨
‘I am in the process of a positive change in my life’
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spicy-yvi · 4 years
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