spectatorinmylyf · 4 years
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spectatorinmylyf · 4 years
I lost count of times I typed a long msg about how I exactly feel then delete it all and instead send just a "hmmm".
How I wish I had the courage to say it all, what I feel and What I want
How I wish my brain would stop running countless simulations on thousand different things that could go wrong
How I wish to never delete it and replace it with a superficial "hmmm"
How I wish I was not afraid of being judged on what I say
How I wish I could actually be myself everytime I console that I am being myself when deep down I know I am not
How I wish to stop checking if I am a bother every now and then
How I wish all these things that I think about never to bother me and letmy inner self known to the world
No matter how raw, pure, or idiotic it may seem to be, it is still same me the complete me ,
Instead of it rotting inside me locked away Let it shine outside and be mocked away
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spectatorinmylyf · 4 years
People think with a change of place and people around you, it's a new beginning and they can be born anew and can be like what they have imagined themselves to be in their minds.
But thats a fool's dream, you can never change what you are from within no matter where so stop trying to act perfect and learn to embrace yourself cauz no one else will.
Learn to live with yourself, take pride in being and showing what you are instead of pretending like most of them. Lay your flaws out bare for everyone else out there to see and learn to deal with it. You will be fealess and carefree having nothing to lose then unlike the rest who dread being exposed even in their dreams.
Then sit back and enjoy the show put up by the rest. It's quite entertaining believe me u will love it.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Freedom doesn't mean to live without any rules... It just means to live by your own.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Do U know what comes to my mind looking at the vast starry sky laying on the hay.........
that's the best part - "NOTHING".
One of the rare moments when I just use my eyes without my brain....
Looking just at what's in front of me instead of thinking too much.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
I believe in "FATE" I create for myself,
"LUCK" has always been a sympathetic helper
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Some people grow wiser as they get older but unfortunately most people only grow older.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Off to a new city, new place, in wake of a new journey that I m about to embark. Both Nervous and excited, with my mind filled with expectations of what's to come ahead. Too many questions have crept up to me which I don't have answers to hoping to find some of them in this journey of mine.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Its funny how people can wrap their minds around things and fit them into their version of reality or truth.
So stop wasting ur breaths trying to prove urself right everytime and believe me when I say its pointless to explain yourself to everyone around that. Most people believe whats convenient for them and fits to their version better rather than the absolute truth.
Conviction from within matters the most and is more reliable than the illusionary support from approvals of others around you.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Lets try our best to take care of what's left around us, rather than lament on what has already left us behind.
Stop lamenting and start taking action.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
People say all the time that " It's never late to start something new", but almost no one speaks up this harsh truth that "It's only late to be the best at it"
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
I recognise a fake smile when I see one. In my mind I am like "Hey, I know that smile, so fake so hypocritical, you have to be better than that to fool me. I know cauz I am an expert at it. Just so you know you are just playing petty tricks in front of a master. So plz don't embarass yourself, it's tough for me to act dumb just so that you feel better"
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Sometimes a true friend is not someone who has your back always... but Someone who tells you when to stop.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
I lay awake on the ground staring at the clear sky.
Sometimes wondering how ambitious the sky is, covering us all under its palm
Sometimes thinking how magnanimous the sky is, hiding us from all harm.
At times its seemingly calm and peacefull,
At times its soothing with rage and hurtful.
I wonder why is the sky so ever changing,
But later I realized its not the sky thats changing
Its my thoughts that are.
I guess its the same with people out there,
They seem to be inconsistent in their deeds
Though it's my scrambled thoughts that says so
So don't try read their mind, untill they say it out loud,
Give your mind a rest from these taxing thoughts.
Sometimes looking on the surface is the best,
The sky is the sky, and what people say is what they think.
This will make life lot much easier and less complicated believe me.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Dark inklings
I regret so many things in my lyf, but I am glad that living isn't one of them.
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spectatorinmylyf · 5 years
Mine too
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