sp00ky-town · 5 years
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
🔮✨🌞🤗💛 🔮✨🌞🤗💛 🔮✨🌞🤗💛 🔮✨🌞🤗💛
A happiness spell for anyone who is not feeling their best!  Like to charge, reblog to cast! 🔮✨
🔮✨🌞🤗💛 🔮✨🌞🤗💛 🔮✨🌞🤗💛 🔮✨🌞🤗💛
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
self love spell
i welcome self love into my life
like to charge
reblog to cast
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
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All the main holidays for ya witchy soul~ each have different goals and activities. Celebrating these holidays can give you an extra kick in all sorts of different spellwork ✨ which is your favorite? (Mines Samhain cause it’s the one holiday where I feel most comfortable being myself)
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
✨ Ideas for Cheap Witchcraft Tools 💰
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Modern witchcraft is steeped in various traditions, and many of these traditions demand a specific set of altar tools. As witchcraft has also gained unfathomable popularity recently, various aesthetics of witchcraft have also arisen. Unfortunately, many young witches think that they NEED all of these pretty tools just to be a witch, or that their craft has to meet a specific standard of aesthetic to work.
As someone who has been practicing since long before witchcraft became popular among Millennials, I am here to tell you that that is simply not the case.
At its roots, witchcraft has always been simple and accessible to the common person. Even longstanding traditions have some kind of basis in folk magic. Long before silver-plated athames and golden chalices were mass produced for aspiring witches, our witch ancestors were using anything and everything they had available to them.
As I've talked about in previous posts, the only thing you really need to create magic is yourself. Everything else - all of the tools and crystals and gadgets - are mostly there to help you tap into your own natural power.
So, with that in mind, here are some ideas for cheap and accessible magical tools:
🍷 Wine glasses from the dollar store make perfect chalices
🎇 Some of the best wands begin as simple twigs on the ground
👕 Poppets and spell dolls can be made from literally anything, including paper, twigs, and even old T-shirts (I've even made a poppet from natural clay I found at the beach)
💎 Crystals occur naturally and can be found everywhere in nature, especially near beaches, rivers, and rock formations. They aren't any less powerful just because they aren't polished and glossed
🌱 Research native plants in your region and figure out their metaphysical properties. Use these as substitutes for mainstream herbs
🌙 Moon water literally has more properties and uses than I can count, so fill up a jar with some water and leave it out overnight on a full moon
🧂 When all else fails, salt and salt water are some of the most ancient and powerful cleansing agents and are perfect to add in ritual baths
🛌 Almost every single altar cloth I've ever owned has been a $5 black bed sheet from Walmart
🌹If you can't afford a fancy oil from a shop, make your own! You'll be able to tailor it more precisely to your intention, and you'll be left with way more than you could get at a shop. I've created an in depth tutorial for making your own oils, which you can find here
🍯 Offerings do not have to be expensive. Some of the most traditional offerings include water, milk, and honey
🐦 I can't even tell you how many feathers I've found on the ground while I'm out and about in the world. Just make sure you disinfect them before use!
🛣 Crossroads dirt is one of the most powerful binding agents known to man, and it's completely free
✍ Sigilcraft is one of the most powerful types of magic and other than the cost of a paper and pen, it is completely free. I've created an in-dept tutorial which you can find here
🧨 Color magic is your friend. Colored candles from the dollar store are your friend. Birthday candles are still candles. Tealight candles from Walmart are still candles.
👟 Get familiar with knot magic for quick and simple spells. If you can't find yarn or a piece of thread, shoe laces will work perfectly in a pinch
🍽 If you can't obtain a candle holder for a taper candle, worry not! Light the taper candle and drip about 10 drops of melted wax onto the center of a plate. Then quickly press the base of the candle into the melted wax and hold it there firmly for about 30 seconds. Boom! You now have a stable taper candle that isn't going anywhere (as long as you don't bump it)
🥫 A jar is a jar. If you use a lot of jars in your craft, start washing and saving your spaghetti sauce jars. Pro tip: If you're into color magic, use old alfredo sauce jars for purity (that is a joke)
🥕 Most of the common magical herbs can be found for a dollar in the spice aisle at the grocery store
☕ You can literally cast a spell just by stirring your morning tea or coffee. Clockwise to attract something into your life. Counter clockwise to banish something from your life.
So, yeah! Get crafty, and have fun with it. Try to change your perspective on objects you use everyday, and pretty soon, you'll see the magical potential in everything around you.
And remember,
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Brightest blessings, and best of luck 🕉
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
a beginners guide to the sabbat mabon
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NH: 21st-29th sepetember with the autumn equinox on the 23rd.
SH: 21st-29th march with the autumn equinox on the 23rd.
What is it?
Mabon is the autumn celebration of balance. It’s the day equal day and equal night. Mabon is the time to pay respect to the darker days coming, but also give thanks to the summer and harvest that we’re leaving behind. It’s the time for rest, rejuvenation, letting go and showing thanks.
What is associated with it?
Mabon is associated with earthy colours such as red,brown and green, apples,berries, ground vegetables, spices, leaves that have fallen and acorns. The crystals that are associated with the sabbat are quartz, amber and anything in those yellows and reds.
Activities to do :
give thanks and offerings to summer related deities such as Apollo
complete any unfinished projects and resolve any issues
harvest the final batch of herbs to dry
decorate your alter or shrines
burn incense (apple,sage, ginger etc)
wear mabon coloured clothes
now is the sabbat to perform protection and balance spells
honour spirits and ancestors, and leave offerings to nature and in graveyards for the spirits still walking
have a meal with loved ones (it’s our thanksgiving basically)
FOOD!! : breads, meats, any comfort food
relax and clean your room for the upcoming winter
remove any negative energies for summer
Hellenic Mabon:
This is the start of autumn and so this is when I celebrate Persephone being reunited with Hades. You can use this sabbat to learn more about them, contact them, give offerings etc. Use this day to celebrate their reunion and pay your respects and show they how happy you are for them.
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
Moon water 101:
What is Moon water? 
Moon water is water charged under the moonlight, often the full moon, to have specific energy infused. 
How do you make Moon water? 
Fill your vessel with water (add stones if you wanted to make the energy more specific). Put the vessel under the moonlight, after the sun has full set. Take your vessel from it’s spot before the sun raises again. Store it somewhere away from the sun. 
You only need to make enough water for a month. Remember, the moon will wane, and wax again, and you will get more water. 
Store your water in a closed drawer/cabinet, or under a cloth to keep the sun’s energy out. 
Cleanse, anoint, or bind your tools.
Add to spells, potions, drinks, or meals to give them a more powerful affect. 
Use in place of any oils in a pinch! 
The left over moon water at the end of the cycle can water plants, nourish you and your pets, or can be used to clean (recipe below)
Use in offerings to almost any deity
Cleansing Spray: Put moon water and sprigs of fresh rosemary in a spray bottle. Sprinkle some salt in. This can be used to cleanse your Altar, your bedroom, or kitchen, or anywhere that might beed protection 
Cleaning Spray: Add Moon water and vinegar to a spray bottle at a 1:1 ratio. Add Rosemary and salt. Let set for one week, after that you have an all purpose cleaner, that also gives protection! 
Moon phases in correspondence to Spells: 
New Moon: Setting Intentions and New Beginnings- Water charged under the full moon is great to help you set goals, helping you with getting rid of vices, and starting to hobbies/ventures in life. 
Waxing Moon(First Quarter): Taking action, Inspiration- Need to make a big change in your life? Use Waxing moon water. Good luck spells is a great example. If you are into dark magick there are a lot of things to do with Waxing moon water 
Full Moon: Harvesting, letting go- Has something been bothering you? Hanging over your head? Now’s the time to let it go. But as well, this is the time to reap what you so. Give full moon water as an offering to your deities, in thanks for your harvest. 
Waning Moon(Last Quarter): Gratitude and re-evaluation. This is a time to be thankful of the harvest that the full moon brought, as well as re-evaluating how you would change your path in the future, in preparations for the new beginnings the new moons brings. 
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
🕯️ Reading Candles for Yes-or-No Questions 🕯️
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🔥 High, steady flame - Yes.
🔥 Low, steady flame - No.
🔥 Short, weak flame - No.
🔥 Dancing flame - Needs more focus. Re-ground, concentrate, and ask again. 
🔥 Violently flickering flame - Strong no. Take this as a warning (if you are positive the flickering is not caused by any outside force).
🔥 Sputtering and crackling flame - There is more to your answer than a simple yes or no.
🔥 Dual-Flame - Thinking, wait for your answer. 
🔥 Flame leaning to the left - Yes.
🔥 Flame leaning to the right - No. 
🔥 Candle will not light - Now is not the right time to ask.
🔥 Candle will not go out - You are not done yet. There is more to your answer that you need to hear.
🔥 Candle goes out on its own before giving an answer - Now is not the right time to ask.
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
Divination Tips from a Spoonie Witch
dont have enough energy to do a full cleansing ritual for your cards? Blow on them or just imagine a ball of cleansing light energy surrounding them
Not enough energy for a reading yourself? dont stress it. its a tool to be used but its not necessary for your craft. Theres also really easy apps to get like Galaxy Tarot that can do the whole reading for you, you just pick a card.
Ground and Cleanse yourself before a reading. it helps focus yourself on the task at hand and relaxes you. dont worry about getting a reading right. just focus on your intuition and what comes to you will.
Tarot and other divination can be emotionally and spiritually taxing. Make sure you give yourself breaks and allow yourself to recover after tuning into that much energy.
Self care is important in divination and witchcraft. If youre not feeling your best, youre not going to get a good reading. Meditate and relax, or do a reading when the time is right for you. Your readings are for you, no one else
if you sell readings, sell them during a specific time of day when you know youll have enough spoons for it. Set 30 minutes aside to do readings. you dont have to use the full 30 minutes, just take it a minute at a time.
Dont have any energy to do a reading whatsoever? maybe you just flat out dont want to. then dont force yourself to. The cards will know youre not tuning into them and your readings will come out jumbled and frustrating. give yourself time to center yourself and get in the mood to do divination or spiritual work of any kind. You want the best results, so you have to feel at your best.
Chronic illness is a bitch, and gets in the way of a lot of things. Take things one step at a time. Clean your alter bit by bit and set up a spiritual safe place for you to recouperate in. You dont have to practice everyday, every week, or even every month to be valid. making sure you have a clean and specific space helps you feel more drawn to your spirit work
Do a simple motivation spell. light some incense and focus on your intent as it burns. Light a yellow candle and focus on motivation and creativity. Dont stress yourself out, the spell will work when it needs to
Most of all take care of your physical needs first. Mental and Chronic illness takes away a lot of self care tactics. Drink some water, watch a movie, brush your teeth, take a shower, cleanse yourself, light your favorite incense and meditate to some background music or a guided meditation. Allow your spiritual self to recharge. Dont burn yourself out or you may lose interest for some time
I love you all and want you to take care of yourselves and make sure you progress in your craft and divination. Self care is huge when it comes to mental, physical, and spiritual health. I know its hard, but one day you’ll have the coping skills to progress and grow stronger through this ❤❤❤
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
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the big book of practical spells, judika illes
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
🍬🍭✨Candy Magic✨🍭🍬
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This is a sweet little charm I invented to help me get though times when my spoons were low. I combine sigil magic, intent, a touch of dopamine and a little bump in my blood sugar, and it has saved my sanity so many times. 
I take individually wrapped hard lollies and I write my sigil for “I have enough spoons” on the wrapper and seal it with a kiss. At its most basic level, this is it. 
However, there are a ton of great things you can do to give this bit of simple folk magic a boost! And I’ve started using it for way more than just my spoonie needs :)
I keep my candies in a glass jar with a charged crystal (I love clear quartz, but you could use citrine, rose quartz, anything you feel will work). 
You can use any sigil you like: anti-nausea, lessen pain, energy recharge, “I can see spirits”, “people love me”, “negative energy cannot touch me”, “I remember what I hear”, the possibilities are literally endless.
I love a bit of correspondence magic, and there are so many flavour options!
Peppermint hard candies would be perfect for nausea of course, or to keep your concentration sharp and/or fight off brainfog. 
🍊Orange would brighten your mood and 🍋lemon would give you an edge for holding off negative energy. 
A 🍓strawberry flavoured lolly could give you a hit of self-love when people are wearing you down or love for others to help recharge your social battery a bit, or give a glamour a sweet boost. 
Honey flavour is perfect for interviews or public speaking as it gives you honeyed words. 
A humbug is perfect to suck on while communing with spirits or doing divination as the aniseed helps to heighten your psychic abilities. 
I believe cinnamon candy is a thing in America, so that would be perfect for a boost of spoons! The cinnamon would really give the spell a kick, and help to strengthen the guttering fire in your belly.
Colour magic as well! Red, orange, yellow, pink, blue, rainbow, there is infinite possibility for colour magic + hard candies! 
There are even those rock lollies with the little picture inside! Putting so much work into building that sugary image–that IS magic. It’s practically a pre-made sigil!
Of course, it doesn’t NEED to be a hard candy, but I love the way I can keep one in my bag for any time I need it, and how it takes a while to “soak in”, giving me a chance to meditate on the… spell. Charm. Potion? If you use another sort of lolly you can keep them in a jar with the sigil on a piece of paper inside/underneath. 
Anyway, I just wanted to share this little bit of sweet everyday witchcraft I rely on. Have fun experimenting! 
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
Easy to find herbs for all your favorite spells!
Baby witch who’s interested in spellwork? Broke witch who can’t afford their own rent let alone their spell jars? Here are some commonly found herbs (in the midwest, at least) and their magickal properties.
Aloe: beauty, protection, success, peace.
Found in houseplants
Apple: love, good luck
Found in your kitchen, hopefully
Basil: protection, love, healing relationships, fertility, courage, exorcism
Common spice
Bay leaves: psychic visions and dreams, repels negative energy
Common spice
Black pepper: protection
Common spice
Catnip: cat magic, familiars, joy, friendship, love
Found at your local pet shop
Cinnamon: healing, protection, consecration, love, lust, prosperity, speeds up spells and increases efficiency
Common spice
Chamomile: peace, money, tranquility, purification, love
Found in teas
Dandelion: hope, new beginnings, growth
Found in your backyard
Eucalyptus: healing
Found in bath salts at the dollar store
Garlic: protection, healing, good weather, courage, exorcism
Common spice
Ginger: power, success, love, money
Common spice
Jasmine: love
Found in teas
Lavender: sleep, peace, love, protection, purification
Found in teas/Common perfume scent
Lemon: purification, love, blessings
Common fruit
Lilac: protection, warding/banishing evil, beauty, love, harmony/balance
Your neighbors lilac bush!
Mint: money, healing, strength, luck, travel
Common spice, also found in mints and teas
Onion: protection, healing
Common spice
Orange peels, dried and ground: love and fertility
Your local kitchen!
Pine: connection with nature, centering, cleansing, healing, productivity, fertility
Found in your backyard
Rose: love, friendship, luck, protection, divination
Cheap at Walmart. Kroger sells petals separately if you’re willing to go out a few bucks.
Thyme: sleep, courage, healing, purification, renewal of energy
Common spice
Valerian: love, calming, sleep, purification
Found in teas
Vanilla: love
Common spice/perfume scent
White clover: good luck, protection
Found in your backyard!
Stay safe, practice intent, and as always- happy spellweaving! 
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
Uses of Moon Water
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Moon water – water that has been charged by the moon – has several uses in Witchcraft and magick. Many people charge their moon water in the light of the full moon, but it can be created during other moon phases as well. Like with spellcasting and rituals, the full moon is often seen as the most powerful time to charge your moon water. However, you might also charge your water to fit correspondences of other moon phases, too! And of course, you might also try to time charging your moon water based on the time of year.
Below are some general ideas about how you might decide to use your moon water.
Uses of Moon Water:
Energising, cleansing, and charging crystals – moon water is great for cleansing and empowering crystals! You can place your crystals in a jar with some moon water, to help amplify their energy. Make sure to check your crystals can be placed in water, though! Some crystals aren’t safe in water.
Bathing and cleaning yourself – you can add some moon water to your bath, or use some moon water to wash your hands or face as a cleansing ritual, blessing, or bath magick.
Drinking moon water – take a couple of sips of moon water each day to empower yourself with the moon’s energy. If you choose to drink your moon water, make sure you use spring or distilled water when making your moon water and keep it in the fridge. You could even use some moon water in your coffee or tea!
Making potions, cleansing sprays etc. – utilise the power of the moon and its correspondences to enhance your potions, or use moon water to make a little cleansing spray to use in your room or home.
Watering your plants or adding some moon water to flower vases – you might decide to water your plants with moon water, as a way to enhance your connection with them. You could also add some moon water to your vase of flowers.
Making fragrances or perfumes – you could also use your moon water to make perfumes or fragrances, to amplify your intentions or as part of a glamour spell!
Representing the Goddess and/or your intentions and goals on your altar – you could place some moon water in a container and put this on your altar, as representation of the Goddess and/or your intentions and goals.
Diffusing moon water in your home – you could place some moon water in an aromatherapy diffuser with your choice of essential oils, to help clear the air and enhance the effects of the oils you use.
Thinking about moon phases and correspondences:
As I mentioned before, you might want to think about your intentions and timings of when you charged your moon water. For example, May’s Full Flower Moon is often associated with love, health, and romance. So, water charged under May’s full moon might be useful in empowering crystals associated with love or the heart chakra, or enhancing spells related to compassion, love, romance, healing, and self-acceptance. Similarly, you might think about the season you charged your moon water, and what kinds of associations this season has for you.
Remember – the important part of any ritual, spellwork, or magick is your intentions, and what this means for YOU. My list is non-exhaustive – there are so many possibilities of what you can do! The important thing is to do what feels right for you personally.
I hope you enjoyed this post!
Blessed be <3
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
Anti-Depression Self Love Candle Recipe🌱🌷💓✨🍃🌙💐
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ok luvlies here is my Anti-Depression Self Love Candle recipe for all my fellow mentally ill witches on my blog💗
Things you need (all precharged and cleansed where needed)
a white or pink (love) candlestick
blue dripping wax (health and healing)
black dripping wax (protection)
dried eucalyptus leaves (healing)
dried rose petals (self love)
4 cloves (healing and naturally painkilling)
salt (protection and purifying)
coffee grounds (magic amplifying)
rose eo (self love)
eucalyptus eo (healing)
left over herbs and two sprigs of fresh eucalyptus
a small basin to hold the candle
(i know this seems like a lot of ingredients but u can tailor this to what you have and need)
throw the dried eucalyptus leaves, rose petals, cloves, salt, and coffee in a motar and powder them as fine as you can with a pestle. focus on the intention behind each ingredient as you do this, what will these herbs help you with? (i guess you can also food process these? but since i don’t have a food processor i did this by hand and this step took me a little while lol)
leave your powdered herb mix to the side, if you want to draw sigils on your candlestick, now is the time to do so. i used my ‘i am loving’ sigil on mine.
now annoint your precleansed candle with the eucalyptus and rose essential oils. i used 2 drops of eucalyptus and 4 of rose because the eucalyptus is such a strong scent i didn’t want the rose to be overpowered. you want the candle super oily so your herbs will stick to it’s sides.
over some parchment or newspaper, begin pressing your powders onto your anointed candle. if some falls off that’s ok, you can sprinkle it over the candle when the candles almost finished and your not handling it so much.
melt the wax on the base of your candle using a lighter or match and, working quickly, press the candle to your basin to secure it. doing this now instead of as the last step makes it so much easier to drip the wax over your candles without rubbing off the herbs.
now it’s time to drip the wax over your candle, just do this until you feel satisfied that you can see the colour and it looks cute.
after you’ve finished step 6 the candle itself is finished! just fill the basin with leftover herbs and herb powder. i threw some salt and rose buds on top of mine too.
stick the eucalyptus sprigs in the herb bath and you’re completely done!
to finish i just lit mine and left it near my windowsill to charge under the sunlight with two rose quartz and a tree agate.
i hope you guys are feeling better soon and if you like these posts lmk and i’ll make more!
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
♡ Milk ♡
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Cow’s Milk: Spells for nurturing, prosperity, and protection.
Goat’s Milk: Spells for power and success
Soy Milk: Spells for success
Coconut Milk: Spells for protection and cleansing
Bathing in milk is often done for ritual purposes/spell baths. Depending on the intent refer to what kind of milk to use above. Do this on a Monday or new moon.
Posted: June 15, 2019
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
“Fruits of my Labor” - A Simple Money Spell
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A spell to help attract prosperity and enhance wealth in your life
What you will need:
A pot (preferably a green one)
Potting soil
A penny
A waxing cresent, Blue or Harvest Moon (Optional)
What to do:
Fill your pot with the potting soil
Plant your seed(s)
Bury or “plant” the penny in the soil. Think of your intentions for this spell while doing so and send that energy into the penny
Water the seed(s)
Continue to care for the seed(s) as needed
Once your plant has emerged and sprouted from the soil, you will begin to see the efforts of your dedicated care and tending start to manifest
Continue to care for your plant. The more it grows, the better. Let the spell last as long as it lives
* Use a plant with a correspondence to wealth, money or prosperity. I used a Southern Blue Flag Iris ** Use moon water to enhance your spell! Moon water made on a waxing cresent or a Blue or Harvest moon are ideal, but any moon water will do!
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sp00ky-town · 5 years
simple money spell 💫
so you wanna get a couple extra bucks to get by? boost your chances of getting that call back from that job you want, saying you’re hired? here’s a small jar spell to boost your luck
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what you will need:
• jar
• green candle (associated with wealth)
• white candle (purity, use it while you work)
• alfalfa leaf
• rose hips
• lavender
• sesame seeds
• bay leaf
• sharpie
• shiny new penny
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what to do:
• light your white candle (mine was vanilla but whatever suits you best, use it)
• write your intention on the bay leaf in your sharpie, I wrote financial gain since im broke as fuck
• layer your ingredients however you want, but I did lavender, sesame seed, alfalfa, rose hip, basil, and penny.
• close that bitch up and seal it with your green wax. I let it drip all around the edge of the jar and then put the candle on top and kept it lit until it all turned into a thick goopy mess on top just because
• while the candle is burning/your wax is dripping, think about some possible ways that money could be coming to you, how thankful you’d be, what you’d use it for, etc. if you use a deity, you can ask for their assistance here, but i personally don’t have one.
• when you’re done with the green candle you can blow it out and blow out the white one, and keep the jar wherever you’ll see it most, or take it with you if its small enough. bonus points if you keep it with some crystals like citrine, green adventurine, pyrite, peridot, etc. I have all of these on my workspace but it isn’t required if you don’t have them
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now make some fuckin money 💚💚💚
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