sp-helps 7 hours
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"Does the world expect us to be well-behaved victims while we're getting killed? For us to be slaughtered without making noise? We've tried peaceful resistance.
We decided to defend our people with whatever weapons we have."
Glory to the resistance.
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sp-helps 23 hours
I hope western leftists know that standing for a free Palestine is not the end of decolonization. I've seen far too many white leftists who proudly stand for freeing Palestine which is good but then get nervous and apprehensive at the idea of decolonizing the very land they are on. Norway will recognize Palestine but actively tear down S谩mi liberation. Liberation for one people means it for us all. If you support Palestinian liberation but deny it for the Indigenous people of the land you're on then you didn't stand for Palestinians or any of us to begin with.
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sp-helps 1 day
it鈥檚 2014 can taylor swift stop
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sp-helps 7 days
This mr beast kush got me feeling like white gaddafi
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sp-helps 7 days
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snoopy of the day
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sp-helps 11 days
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sp-helps 11 days
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it鈥檚 just me and my irrelevant blog against the world
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sp-helps 13 days
closure isnt real they made that shit up for tv and movie
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sp-helps 13 days
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sp-helps 13 days
When your partner has a praise kink but you're Montessori trained so you know that praise is an ineffective way to encourage development and it's much more productive to acknowledge their effort so that they learn to effectively give themselves feedback so they can develop a healthy intrinsic motivation instead of deriving their self worth from labels put on them by other people .... "baby it's amazing how much you could last today compared to last week"
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sp-helps 13 days
actual criticisms of academia:
cost of education acting as class barrier
exploitation of graduate workers
colonialist past and present
ties to military industrial complex
danger of power structure entrenching and justifying orthodox views on social issues
criticisms of academia that get made:
those damn ivory tower academics are wasting money learning about things
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sp-helps 13 days
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Good night
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sp-helps 13 days
It pisses me the fuck off that yoga is actually ancient and really good for you. Part of me still feels like it was invented to extract wealth from white socal moms.
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sp-helps 13 days
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sp-helps 13 days
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sp-helps 15 days
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snoopy of the day
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sp-helps 15 days
happy memorial day
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