soxiyy ¡ 12 hours
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soxiyy ¡ 12 hours
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Polish people told Jews to go back to Israel. Then they killed the 2.25 million of the 2.5 million Jewish population who couldn't return (the British blocked all Jewish immigration) or were physically unable.
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soxiyy ¡ 12 hours
BREAKING: A man kidnapped, raped, and tortured a Jewish woman in Paris to “avenge Palestine”.This is what your protests are encouraging.
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soxiyy ¡ 12 hours
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soxiyy ¡ 13 hours
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i’d argue the majority are antisemitic.
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soxiyy ¡ 16 hours
Please don’t stand by the islamic regime for the attack on israel. The whole thing was a joke and all it did was endanger the innocent lives of millions of my people. Stand by iranian people who’ve been taken hostage by these lunatics for decades. The islamic regime was killing iranian children and hundreds of men and women not so long ago. Have you all forgotten? Its still the same fucking terrorist regime. Just because their beef with israel now fits global sympathies with palestine, it doesn’t mean the islamic regime is now benevolent. They’re the same fucking murderous regime that killed mahsa amini for not observing the islamic hijab and then proceeded to kill hundreds of people who protested against her murder. This iran-israel conflict will not hurt israel or benefit palestine. It will only hurt iranian people.
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soxiyy ¡ 16 hours
By the way. If you think what’s happening at Columbia is “peaceful protest” in spite of all evidence to the contrary, you can unfollow me right the fuck now. And don’t bother sending me nasty shit, I’ll just block your pathetic ass.
They have accomplished NOTHING except stochastic terrorism and I hope every one of their lives is ruined for it.
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soxiyy ¡ 16 hours
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soxiyy ¡ 16 hours
So like Am Yisrael Chai and all that, don't get me wrong I'm so grateful for the superhuman resilience of Israelis (and really the whole Jewish people) because it's necessary
but damn, like
Could it just, for once, not be?
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soxiyy ¡ 16 hours
Don’t think I don’t notice how many people that follow me engage with my reblogs about pop culture/Judaism in general but refuse to engage with my reblogs about the massive rise in antisemitism that Jews are facing worldwide, even though those posts frequently occur back to back so you all are definitely seeing them.
Fucking support us. Jew Hatred should be something you have a problem with irrespective of your feelings towards Israel.
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soxiyy ¡ 16 hours
apparently people are now purchasing thick water to make slimes with because of a trend on tiktok
thick water is for disabled people who can’t swallow properly. stores usually have extremely limited supplies of it.
please don’t buy thick water for fun or to make slime with. it’s literally the only way some disabled people can drink anything. It’s not a fucking toy
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soxiyy ¡ 16 hours
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soxiyy ¡ 17 hours
Yeah I'm adding "I will condemn calls for violence" to my political beliefs
No more punching Nazis, y'all can't tell who's a Nazi
No more guillotine for the rich, y'all can't tell who's rich
No more killing rapists, y'all don't know who is a rapist
I wishing could talk about distinguishing civilians versus actively murderous terrorists here too but apparently y'all don't know what a civilian or a terrorist is either
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soxiyy ¡ 17 hours
A Jewish woman posts a sweet but deep video about Shabbat and how Jews have continued to live through everything, the replies,
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soxiyy ¡ 17 hours
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Growing up, I was taught that when someone tells you who they are, believe them.
They don’t care about Palestine. They don’t care about Gaza. They care about going mask off.
Fucking believe them.
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soxiyy ¡ 17 hours
Reminder: Jewish indigeneity is not a threat to any other ethnic group. It’s just a fact. Acknowledging Jews as indigenous to the levant doesn’t actually harm any Palestinians. Palestinian indigeneity does not actually rely on Jews NOT being indigenous. Multiple peoples can be indigenous to the same place.
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soxiyy ¡ 17 hours
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I wonder how many civilian souls suffered from attacks by Albert Einstein, who was a zionist and hated nazis.
The problem is not whether Palestinians support Ukraine or russia. The problem is that the Palestinian regime is financed by 1)russia 2)compassionate fools worldwide. All those people who killed and raped Jews and foreigners, who beheaded and burnt alive children, who participated in filming that, all those UNRWA workers - they are financed by these two categories. The rulers of Palestine go to moscow on a regular basis as if it were their home, and believe me, they don't just drink tea there. Palestine is a relatively small country, and it's controlled by this deep-rooted hatred for Jews, who treat Palestinians and give them education in Israel - doesn't seem like genocide to me. Palestine nowadays is obsessed with mass destruction, especially anything resembling Jews and Jewish.
I am pretty much sure that many Iranians support Ukraine - does it somehow lower the amount of Iranian shaheds that kill Ukrainians almost every day? Spoiler: no, it doesn't. 99% of Belarus supports Ukraine - does it change the fact that Belarus is participating in murdering Ukrainians?
I wish those students protested that way during the October 7th massacre, but as we can see, thousands of years passed, but people still love killing Jews and justifying the mass murder and rape of Jews.
If you really want to find out what Palestinians think of Ukraine, just tell them that Odesa is a Jewish city, which currently suffers from missile attacks.
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