Questioning Transgenderism
It seems to be pulling itself apart in pieces with all these different categories and sub-labels. I listen varied opinions and come to a more questioning state of it all.
Transgender, Non-Binary-Transgender, Non-Binary, Pronouns and what is consider 'social construct of gender'. The community props up 'the science', that the doctor's research backs up the reasoning for medical transitioning and that its completely safe. Yet, I can't help question how long has it actually been studied and by how many of these scientist? Who hears 'Puberty Blockers for Transitioning Kids' and think that's completely safe with no long term lasting conditions, then promote and protest to have it allowed? Those who have decided to reverse their transition coming out with their experience of how its easy to get it, but then realizing how hard it is to reverse afterward. Ironically, the argument given by the community of how many genders there are, some denying that there is male and woman, disowning the science from decades of study that such things aren't real. Which in itself breaks apart what transgender itself is on a fundamental, to physically medically transition to the other sex.
Coming from all of it created non-binary and pronouns, to change your gender without medical influence and just basic out appearance. Demanding others use the pronouns even when others could have no way of knowing and at times denouncing that it is only two genders. Wanting to dismantle the society view of men and woman, to blend and blur the lines and yet destroys their own use for the pronouns. Kind of destroys the idea of DragQueens and DragKings. Some of them even using pronouns in which that are nouns, demanding others remember and use them even if it sounds insanity calling one a bat or ghost. Pushing back against those who they claim forces their belief onto the community, but yet they are pushing their belief of pronouns onto others and cultures to reconstruct to around them. Even as of lately, a few (under the umbrella) transgenders of the smaller portion starting to demand they be dated/sex despite sexuality; that lesbians and men must have sex with trans-women or be labeled transphobic. Lesbians of all things, biological women who want biological women, attracted the biological female body and no related male portion.
I myself do not believe in using pronouns as such as they have, even though I do support transgender adults having their choice to transition. Basically having a line of reality to keep myself from falling into the confusing mindset that they have causing them such misery. Frankly, the most miserable people I have ever seen growing up in this world.
It leads to my questioning- How necessary is all of this? Changing your pronouns or transitioning, blaming gender dysphoria and that the cure is changing every inch of yourself. Preaching about self love and acceptance in yourself, but denying their biological body and further confusing their identity of themselves. Trusting so heavily in the doctors who give them what they want easily, claiming they have plenty of research on this more recent boom of transgenderism without question. I don't believe any of this actually helps with gender dysphoria, it's making all of this worse and getting as much money out of it. If somebody has gender dysphoria wouldn't you treat the mentality, not the body? Wouldn't you help them to become comfortable in their own body again and not say they need to change everything about themselves? What happened to girls who liked boy things just being a tomboy or boys who liked girlish things just being feminine? That Females and Males were simply more diverse than what history as taught, the reason for the skater girls and the fashionista men.
All of this 'treatment' hasn't really convinced me with confidence that it actually helped the problem, but instead made further regrets, confusion and worsen the problem. Especially trying to allow such things for minors, the youth who barely still know themselves, matured or understand the world at large enough to decide just a life changing choice. It's an entirely different conversation to talk about my views on the whole thing of teens and children. The entire thing becoming more complicated each year as more layers are created on this collapsing multi-tier cake.
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Women vs Trans-Women
Among the continuing feminist movement adjusting with the progress of the 2000s, things have gone far from where it has started and what the movement stood for. When it was centered around biological women and the unjust fairness of treatment dealt to our female ancestors for generations, now more focused on the LGBTQ+ and men themselves in multiple ways creating an irony. Our ancestor's efforts of change bringing freedom and independence to women, even inspiring other countries to make such changes in their society. With the increased awareness from this very blog site of the Queer community, now the LGBTQ+ community, their issues were brought to light and thus the feminist movement supported their fight for equal fairness. Which is good.
It has gone far out of hand without any regulation or due-process to make sure it didn't go from the point of what feminism was for. Becoming a hypocritical and emotional lead movement, verbal to physical violence and entitlement making a narcissist giggle giddily feeling represented by this insanity. I am not against transitioned people their right for a normal life and to live transitioned, but there needs to be a connection to reality somewhere, anywhere.
This reality being that trans-women are not and will never be a biological woman, but yet the modern-feminist movement wishes to treat them as if actual women and let them into women's spaces. Demanding to call trans-women 'women' and yet to call actual women 'birth givers', such the same goes with the the title of 'mother'. Demanding such trans-women to be allowed to compete in women sports, all the while evidence being seen how these 'women' win easily in the category and ignore science behind biology. Letting trans-women to speak on behalf of biological women in women focused podcast, as if they understand and know what its like being a woman since birth. I am not even going to dive into the insanity which is some women in the movement believing a fetus knows its trans before it learns to speak. This isn't even half of the concerns and issues going on.
The complete irony of it all takes the top of this entirely mad made cake that could only be created by the Mad Hatter himself- Women, biological women, are being silenced when voicing these concerns about our metaphorical and physical spaces being taken from us; all in the name to protect men who transitioned to masquerade as us. It has flipped on its head, that biological women can't speak against men, again. If we do, we will be shamed, named called, threatened of our job and reputation, all because we try to point out concerns of letting all this step over the boundary.
We've already seen concerning cases of also bad men abusing the protection of trans-women to do harm in women spaces, such as bathrooms for an example. This is not the fault of trans people themselves, they can not control a sick man's actions abusing their community, but there hasn't been a boundary set to prevent this in the first place. Biological women are trying to call out this very concern and already issue that has happened, but gets told they are trans-phobic and shut down for not allowing a trans-women to use their space.
I can not wrap my head around how the feminist movement developed to the point of backfiring on women themselves. Did so many parents fail their children- are too many of the supports emotionally lead women- is it our education system- or possibly the internet and no regulation for minors on here to what they consume. Could be a combination of everything!
As a biological women myself I will not align myself with such things. Yes, let trans-people have their right to a normal life. However, I may call them by the gender they wish to be, but I will not see them as me. Women are women; men are men and trans-people are trans-people. It is not a bad thing to have this new and separate category just for them, because just as the issue with the podcast a trans-women can not speak for a women, as a women can not speak for them. There needs to be a boundary, limits and regulation, otherwise as it is happening now things will be swallowed whole all together.
At one point when I was younger on here in the past, I saw everything from the beginning and very blessed I started seeing the issues as they developed. Too many women are blinded by what they believe is justice and cause harm to their own community of women.
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