soulsow · 1 year
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textual frustration
words: 1581 rating: e (18+ readers only)
this one is inspired by the "would your wol take nudes" wolqotd. sorry about it. a few things to note: sam is left handed and this is set in me and egg's university AU!
It hadn’t started out as a particularly remarkable evening by any means, but Sam had been learning a lot—and not from the textbooks that sat forgotten on his desk across the room, shrouded by the darkness that extended past the piercing glow of his cell phone screen.
First off, he learned that sexting felt super weird (and a little embarrassing to start) but also felt super good, if the stiffness between his legs was anything to go off of. Euphie seemed to be into it too, unless she was lying about what his words were doing to her—but what reason would she have to lie?
Normally instead of texting all the things they wanted to do to each other they’d just actually do those things, but Sam had been insistent they spend a few evenings apart as finals week was rapidly approaching. Clearly his plan to study quickly went out the window as he was in bed with one hand on his phone and the other on his cock, too wrapped up in his budding sexual frustration to focus on study guides and notes.
Secondly, Sam learned that sometimes girls do want dick pics.
He’d never sent one before. Sure, he could be oblivious sometimes, but he wasn’t that stupid. Anyone who existed in this day and age knew that unprovoked photos of penises were almost always looked down upon. Besides, until just an hour ago he’d never sexted! He’d never had a valid reason to even think about taking a picture of his dick until now, as he looked back and read and reread the last couple texts he and Euphie had exchanged.
Euphie 💖: are you as turned on as i am right now?
im texting with my right hand…does that answer ur question lol?
Euphie 💖: show me~
He wasn’t about to leave her wanting, though. Kicking the blanket down a bit and pulling his erection fully out of his boxers, Sam aimed the phone in the general direction of his groin and tapped the camera button. The flash went off and the camera app clicked and Sam was presented with…probably the worst picture anyone could have taken of a dick in their life.
Sam didn’t really think that penises looked great to begin with, but this photo (blurry and washed out due to the flash, no less) was doing his member zero favors. Making a slight face at how ugly that first attempt was, he deleted it and pondered for just a moment before pulling up the web browser app on his phone next.
“How to take a good dick pic” wasn’t something Sam thought he’d ever have to Google, but here he was doing just that. Too much reading would make the boner go away, though, so he skimmed a few articles (and went through his texts with Euphie again to harden back up) before trying again.
Reaching over, he turned on the lamp on his bedside table, squinting as his eyes adjusted to the warm light that filled his corner of the room. The blanket was fully pushed to the end of his bed and his boxers followed suit, his t-shirt pulled up to expose his stomach and the happy little trail of hair that climbed from the base of his cock to his belly button.
Speaking of bases of cocks, that’s where one of his hands settled, holding his member up at what he hoped was a more appealing angle than almost laying flat against his body. With all the pieces in place all that was left to do was take the picture—making sure the flash was off this time.
The final product was better than the first, though it was still a little blurry, but maybe it just looked…artistic? Sam wasn’t good at these kinds of things and Euphie knew that, so he assumed she knew what she was getting into when she asked for a nude picture from him.
Attaching the photo to his next message he typed a quick message and hit send.
sorry that took a sec, idk how to take dick pics lol
The typing bubble showed up and for a split second, Sam was awash with an unfamiliar anxiety. They’d seen each other naked plenty of times and Euphie always told him how attracted she was to him, but maybe the picture wasn’t what she was expecting. Maybe she didn’t actually want a nude? His mind raced for a moment until her message finally popped up on screen.
Euphie 💖: oh my god sammie that’s so hot
The anxiety washed away and he was left with an incredibly strange sense of pride, though his face felt a bit flushed. It was a little embarrassing to keep seeing the picture of his own penis on the screen followed by her praise, though he didn’t have a chance to reply before the screen was filled with a photo from Euphie this time.
They had seen each other naked before, many times—but that didn’t stop a pang of need from coursing through him when he saw Euphie’s nude form on his phone screen, the hand that wasn’t holding her phone buried between her legs. His hips thrust forward almost involuntarily before he began to pump his left hand up and down his length again while his right fumbled as he attempted to text back.
so r u
Not poetry in the slightest, but Sam tended to get a bit of a one-track mind the closer he got to climaxing. Pulling his hand back for just a moment he spit in it (not a moment he’d be proud of in his future post-nut clarity) and continued to jerk off, trying to pretend the wetness from his own saliva could even compare to what it’d feel like to be inside of his girlfriend right now.
Euphie 💖: i wish you were here sammie
my fingers and toys dont feel as good as you
His eyes kept retracing her words as he continued to pleasure himself, thinking about how Euphie was doing the same, yearning for him as much as he wanted her in this moment. Scrolling back up a few messages his eyes locked onto the picture she’d sent, feeling that familiar tension building in his core.
euph im guna cum
(He didn’t care much about typos right now.)
It took only a split second before another series of text messages from Euphie showed up on screen.
Euphie 💖: show me
Slowing his hand for just a second he managed to pull open the camera app once more and flick the output to ‘video’ instead of ‘photo,’ hitting record just moments before he finished. Angles and lighting and whatever else be damned, he didn’t have time to try and make this aesthetic.
With one hand on his dick and the other on his phone Sam couldn’t suppress the sound that escaped him when he came, something between a whine and a growl that rumbled in his throat and devolved into heavy panting. As the orgasm faded and the last spurt of cum landed on his stomach, he stopped recording and sent her the video before he could get shy and second guess himself.
It took a bit for Euphie to respond, and it wasn’t with text but a video of her own. It was too dark to see much of anything but there were two things he could certainly hear—Euphie breathing his name over and over and the undeniable wet sounds of a very aroused woman touching herself.
If that wasn’t enough to get him horny again, the sounds she made as she approached and hit her own orgasm certainly were. Sam couldn’t help but play the video a few more times, relishing the sound of his name on her lips as she came. The video was interrupted by a new incoming text, however.
Euphie 💖: i just want you to know i came again but it happened so fast i couldnt record it for you
if it was anything like the one you sent me then i bet ur feeling really good
Euphie 💖: im still shaky and quivery sooo yeah. feeling amazing right now 💗
god dammit euphie, that was so hot im gonna get hard again and u kno i can only cum once lol
Sam was trying to will his rebound erection away to little success. Falling asleep after all this was going to be next to impossible, he just knew it.
Euphie 💖: heehee 😁 sorry sammieee~ guess you’ll just have to take care of it in the morning
might have to skip morning class and have you help me with that
Euphie 💖: what about getting ready for finals, huh??
yeah, because i did SO much of that tonight lol
Reaching over, Sam grabbed a handful of tissues to clean himself off before turning the lamp off and pulling the sheets up over himself once more (the tissues would be properly disposed of after getting up in the morning…probably). The banner across the top of his phone screen read 2 a.m.—definitely later than he wanted to stay up, but the warmth of love and satisfaction that filled the spots in his chest vacated by desire and lust just moments prior made it all worth it.
(And the thought of seeing Euphie in the morning to finish off what they’d started over text. That made it worth it too.)
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soulsow · 1 year
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gesture of love
words: 1051 rating: t
inspired by a twitter wolqotd about what your character's hands are like.
Sam winced as he unwrapped his hands, the cotton fabric sticking and pulling at the rough spots that had formed on his skin. The humidity of La Noscea meant he'd never dealt with dry skin as painful as this, but after spending more time in Ishgard it had become rather common for him.
When he was young, the only hand salve kept in the house was used by his father. It was thick, gelatinous, and smelled horrible, and still his father would slather it on religiously after a long day's work on the docks. That particular brand wasn't available in the shops of the Jeweled Crozier, but in an effort to alleviate the deepening cracks on his hands he'd picked up a cheap tin of salve from a shop on the way back to Cygne Cross.
He scooped out a generous portion of the concoction and rubbed it between his hands, spreading it over his knuckles and between his fingers. And while the scent wasn't offputting (it barely even smelled of anything) it just felt horribly greasy. The salve simply sat atop of his skin, and while it protected the dry patches and painful cracks from the harsh, dry air, it did nothing to actually make him feel better.
"Sam, why are you holding your hands out like that?" a voice rang from behind him. Turning, Euphie had walked in the room to see him sitting down, hands outstretched and fingers spread to hopefully instigate the drying of the salve (and it wasn't working that well.)
"Oh. Uh," he stammered, looking down at his hands. "I was putting on some salve because my hands hurt, but it's not really...working."
"It's not working?" she repeated, head tilted to the side. Reaching forward, she grabbed the tin that was next to him before clicking her tongue and sighing. "Of course it's not working, this is the cheapest product you can buy at the apothecary."
"Well, I don't have much spending gil—"
"Shh, shh. Go wash your hands off and come to my chambers. I've got something that will help."
Retiring with Euphie to her room usually ended up one way and one way only so Sam was a bit confused as to how that would help, but he dutifully went to the washroom and cleaned his hands off in the basin. The water felt nice on his skin, but the soap stung and drying them off was a delicate procedure. With hands that were now a bit redder and angrier than they were before, he retreated to Euphie's room.
When he walked in she patted the spot next to her on the bed. Sitting down, he barely had a chance to say anything before she took one of his hands in hers and began smoothing a cream across his skin. It was cold, not only in temperature but it had a cooling effect against his skin. The scent was somewhat medicinal (his brain was telling him 'camphor' but he wasn't sure if that was it exactly) but it wasn’t bad by any stretch of the imagination.
But what struck him was how she was applying the cream to his hand. Wordlessly, his eyes slid down to watch her work. Despite her years of fighting as a knight Euphie's hands were soft and gentle against his own, her long and slender fingers a contrast against his own, which were rough and calloused.
"Give me your other hand, Sammie," she said softly, breaking the silence, and he obliged without thinking. Euphie spread more of the cream across his skin, ensuring to get between his fingers and up to his wrist.
To anyone else, being enamored by this act might feel absurd. Sam, however, couldn't recall the last time in recent years anyone had touched him with this gentleness, this kindness. Her movements were slow, deliberate, filled with care and wanting to help him—and Sam, getting entirely too wrapped up in his emotions during the moment, leaned forward to capture Euphie's lips in a kiss, his hand still nestled within hers, his fingers interlacing with her own.
She didn't pull away, but when they separated moments later, she gave him a bit of an appraising look. "What was that for?"
Her voice had a sing-song tone she usually reserved for when she was teasing, but her eyes sparkled a bit as she looked at him.
"I..." Sam paused. What was it for? The thought caused a flush to rise in his cheeks. "I guess no one's ever done anything like that for me before. All I could think about was how loved I felt, and how much I love you, and I had to just kiss you."
Her smile deepend as she scooted a bit closer. "Do you have a hand kink?"
"What?! No, I just—"
"I'm teasing," she interrupted him, unable to hold back a soft giggle. "But I am your petite amie, after all! Are you implying I don’t do nice things for you?”
“No! I—”
She just laughed again, this time cutting off his words with another kiss. Sam melted into the embrace, one hand moving to cup the side of Euphie’s head, fingertips burying beneath her hair (and it was not lost on him how smoothly his skin moved between the locks of her hair after she had applied that cream).
“I do understand what you mean, even if I teased you a little,” she breathed against his lips when they separated for air. “You felt loved in that moment because I love you, Sammie, and I hope you can feel my love in every moment.”
“I do,” he smiled, peppering her cheek and jaw with soft kisses, his lips ghosting over her porcelain skin. “And thank you, by the way. That hand cream truly did help.”
“Good. Now your rough hands won’t snag all my expensive silks,” she said, that sing-song tone back to her voice.
“Just your silks? Not worried about your hair or your skin?”
“Oh, you know I like that a little bit rough, Sammie,” she said, eyes narrowing slightly and lips set in a triumphant smirk as she clambered into his lap and pushed him back onto her mattress. Sam wasn’t wrong, after all—retiring to Euphie’s chambers meant they would end up in her bed together.
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soulsow · 1 year
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First batch of my YCH Valentine's Commissions!
Get yours here!
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soulsow · 1 year
Do you ever wanna bond with someone so bad you’re like “damn i wish we were knights on a dangerous quest”
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soulsow · 2 years
not writing, not not writing, but a secret third thing
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soulsow · 2 years
17. novel
summary: it’s a long shot, but ysabel wasn’t known for giving up.
rating: t
characters: ysable myste (oc)
word count: 717
notes: testing out a new character! a slice from her past, the night before trials to join the dragoons. this is a lot of uhhh me just making stuff up. so yeah
"a brume orphan, joining the knights dragoon?" the man scoffed. "now there's a novel idea."
"well, i'm going to try anyway," ysabel replied, expression stony. it earned her a few chuckles from the others around the fire, but she didn't stick around to hear their snide remarks. there was much to prepare for, after all.
it wasn't often that the knights had trials to join their ranks, and...well, the flyer didn't mention that you /had/ to be a highborn to join. ysabel had heard rumblings that the dragoon commanders were becoming desperate to bolster their numbers due to the growing threat of the hoard, so perhaps now was her chance.
she'd scraped ever last gil she could find together for a single night at cloud nine. if she were to perform well at the trial she'd need a decent night's rest and a bath, as she couldn't remember the last time she'd been able to soak in a tub.
climbing the steps to the forgotten knight from the brume, she slipped in through the back entrance. the establishment served ishgardians of all social strata, but even brumelings would get a nasty look thrown their way if they were noticed.
slipping bamponcet the gil for her room, ysabel quickly ascended the steps to the inn as to not draw too much attention her way. it was still early as far as the tavern's clientele was concerned, but there were still a few stray souls lingering about the tables.
the room may not have been much to look at, but to ysabel it was fantastic. after getting a fire roaring in the hearth the room warmed, and she relished in the fact that she wouldn't have to worry about getting frostbite for just this night. the bed wasn't terribly comfortable, but it was better than curling up against cold, hard stone.
and the best part of all—a warm bath. when she requested the room, a maidservant must have prepared the bath for her. quickly undressing, she slid into the tub, the water enveloping her to her chin. a content sigh left her almost involuntarily, eyes sliding shut as she took in the sensation of warmth surrounding her.
her mind wandered as she relaxed, and her thoughts soon turned anxious. ysabel tried her best to hide her fears from others, but truth be told she was nervous about the trials. who wouldn't be? especially for something she'd been dreaming about for ages...if she missed this shot, it would be all over.
getting selected to join the dragoons would change everything. she could get out of the brume, make a name for herself, never have to worry about where her next meal was coming from...though ysabel knew there would be plenty of dangers that came along with the position as well. the job was inherently dangerous, especially amidst the dragonsong war.
and thus her anxieties deepend. would she have the fortitude and strength to do the job even if she was selected? the creeping tendrils of self-doubt wound through her psyche, but she took a deep breath. and another. and soon she found herself calm once more.
"what happens happens," she murmured to herself, sitting up to grab the soap to begin scrubbing the grime from her body. "i've done all i can do to prepare, i just have to try my best and hope that it is enough."
drowning her thoughts in the monotony of cleaning her body and then her hair, she wrapped up her bath just as the water was beginning to grow lukewarm. stepping out of the tub she dried off with a towel before wrapping herself in it, going to sit before the fire as she began to braid her wet hair.
perhaps someone of her station was aspiring to too much. perhaps it was a 'novel' idea as the man had said. but nothing good came from avoiding change all together, either.
finishing her braids, the warmth of the bath and fire were causing ysabel's eyes to droop. without even bothering to get dressed, she climbed into the bed and pulled the blankets up around her, drifting off into the deepest sleep she'd had in recent memory. the rest would be necessary to prepare her for the hardships of the trial the next morn.
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soulsow · 2 years
15. row
summary: adonis and areia get into an argument before an important decision.
rating: t
characters: adonis (sam’s azem oc), areia (ancient!phie)
word count: 591
notes: i have an HC that ancients preferred to express love via actions more than words, so the ending hits a lil bit harder 😞 ty for letting me borrow areia once more @frostsong <3
"you can't do this, adonis!"
areia's eyes were filled with tears, and it was uncharacteristic of her. but what could be considered 'normal' anymore? after the summoning of zodiark the end of the world had been halted, but etheirys was nothing like it was before—and so many ancients had opted to sacrifice more and more of their number to try and restore the star to it's original glory.
venat had different ideas—and adonis was of a like mind. thus was his decision to join her in one final sacrifice, one that might help the star survive. truth be told...he wasn't sure if it was going to work. but what the convocation was doing wasn't helping either, and adonis would always trust the word of his mentor, the former holder of his seat.
"i'm sorry, areia," he replied, trying to keep his voice calm but the words wavered nonetheless. "but i must. i don't know what's going to happen—"
"if you don't know what will happen, how could you know you must do it?" she asked. it was a good question, and one he didn't have a satisfying answer to.
"i...i don't know. all i know is that i trust venat to lead us true. out of us all, who has had more love for our star and its peoples?"
areia fell to her knees, tears spilling over. the middle of an amaurot street would not normally be an ideal place to have this row, but adonis supposed it didn't matter much anymore at this point.
he knelt in front of her, gently lifting her head by placing a finger under her chin. her eyes, overflowing with tears, met his own pained expression. nothing about this choice was easy.
"i'm sorry," he repeated, voice cracking. "i know this is hard, but i must do it."
"what is going to happen after the summoning?" she asked. "what am i going to do without you?"
"you know i don't have answers for those questions," he said, placing his hands on either side of her face, his thumb caressing her cheek. "but i want you to always, always remember that i love you, and i always will love you."
she closed her eyes, shaking softly as the tears came harder. "i know, adonis," she sobbed. "and please...please remember that i love you, too."
his arms enveloped her, holding her to him tightly. the sound of her sobs against his chest made his heart break, but his conviction was strong—if the star were to survive, difficult decisions would have to be made. and while adonis wasn't sure what would happen after the summoning (which, truth be told, was a little frightening) he was confident that in the end it would all work out.
they sat like that for what seemed like forever, and even that wasn't enough. but the appointed hour was coming upon them, and as adonis pulled back and stood, areia could do nothing but watch him retreat to his demise. her sobs spent and tears streaming silently down her face, a sliver of doubt in his mind asked if he was doing the right thing.
did any of them ever know if they were doing the right thing? had the summoning of zodiark been the right thing? there was no way to know, but what adonis /did/ know is doing nothing helped nobody. his decision tempered in the flames of his conviction, adonis enveloped his body in black and purple mist before blinking out of existence for the final time.
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soulsow · 2 years
14. attrition
summary: sam’s mind is filled with thoughts before he sleeps one evening.
rating: g
characters: samson warren (oc)
word count: 422
notes: i am INCREDIBLY late with this. good god. wish me luck in catching up
sam would never outwardly admit it, but he was getting tired.
that wasn't to say he didn't want to continue on his journey. no—he had started this, and he was going to finish it. for who else could save the star but he?
even that thought was exhausting. he lay in his room at the baldesion annex, staring at the ceiling as he listened to the distant waves crashing against the shore. the sound, which was supposed to be relaxing, just made him all the more homesick for his family's little cottage in la noscea.
closing his eyes, he thought about how things had changed over the years. going to the marauder's guild in a last-ditch attempt to quel the anger that festered in his chest to the moment y'shtola recruited him to the scions and his blind optimism in accepting. things had only gotten more difficult from then on, but it was only now that he reflected on these things and felt the weight of it all on his chest, heavier than any anger had ever been.
euphemie had called it attrition, though he wasn't quite sure what that meant at the time. she explained the military definition to him, slowly wearing down the enemy until it eventually collapsed. perhaps that was so, but sam didn't think it was anything anyone had done maliciously. being responsible for the safety of the entire world was a burden too heavy for anyone to bear, though he still did so...without question, without complaint.
and that lead to nights like these, unable to sleep as he thought about everything that had happened. eventually his eyes would slide shut and he would fade into a dreamless rest, still exhausted when he awoke.
the end of it all was on the precipice, or so the scions had told him. just one final burst of energy to cross the finish line...though he had no idea what would happen once he crossed it. though sam figured it didn't matter much—he'd gone this far without knowing what was next, and at this point it was his duty.
the word duty hung heavy in his mind, and with a grunt he shook it off and rolled over. if sleep wouldn't find him, he would force it to come. laying in bed and thinking about everything would do him no good.
and as it always did, sleep did arrive. he closed his eyes, maybe defiantly so, but eventually he drifted off to rest until the sun would rise once more.
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soulsow · 2 years
9—20: ANON.
adjective (abbreviation): anonymous.
rating: g
characters: original characters, samson warren, euphemie de dansereau
tags: modern au, university au, bribery(™), thank u @soulsow for letting me borrow sammie!!
summary: somehow he can’t help but feel a little guilty.
wordcount: 220
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soulsow · 2 years
13. confluence
summary: needing space to think, khatasi ventures outside of the dawn throne.
rating: g
characters: khatasi angura (oc), khadai angura (oc)
word count: 476
notes: hee hoo (i dont have notes for this)
at the confluence of the hak khaal and rai khaal, there was a small island. the rivers were small, but merged into a wide channel that emptied into the lake around the base of the dawn throne.
the massive structure left a long, stretching shadow across the land, testament to the strength of the tribe that controlled it for the year. or that's what khatasi assumed was the intention. truth be told, she didn't feel her tribe was that strong at all anymore.
the angura tribe was all but gone at this point. only two remained—herself, and her twin brother khadai. by the grace of nhaama must have been with them as she claimed the ovoo for her tribe, securing at least her life and her brother's for another year.
she didn't want to think about what might happen next naadam.
as khagan, khatasi had the right to claim the dawn throne for herself. the throne was extremely oversized for just two people, however, so she allowed the oronir and buduga tribes to stay. she wasn't sure why she did it—maybe to curry good favor with the larger, stronger tribes or for protection in the coming year. perhaps she just missed living with so many people around her.
this was the way of life on the steppe, khatasi knew that. that didn't make the deaths any easier to accept. perhaps the tribes more versed in the art of war had learned ways to forget, to not care...or perhaps they just hid it well.
"i had a feeling i'd find you here," a voice called out behind her.
khatasi turned to see her brother trudging through the hak khaal to the island she sat upon. "it's a nice quiet spot to think."
"what are you thinking about?" khadai asked, shaking the water off his clothes the best he could before sitting next to her.
"everything and nothing," she sighed. "thinking about the past, how we got to where we are now..."
his hand rested on her head, mussing her hair slightly. khadai towered above her, much like the dawn throne towered above this tiny island. but her brother made her feel safe, feel at home...the throne could never do that.
"i think about it too," he said after a moment's pause. "i miss it. but nhaama took us on this path for a reason—or so i hope—and i'm going to try to make the best of it."
"what is there to make of it?"
"well, we have our lives, for one. and we still have each other. and i don't know what the future will hold for either of us, but we can only find out if we get there, right?"
with a little sigh she leaned her head against his arm. "i suppose you're right, even if i hate to admit it."
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soulsow · 2 years
12. miss the boat
summary: tseh’to finds himself in a less than favorable situation.
rating: t
characters: tseh’to relanah (oc)
word count: 332
notes: trying a different character for this one cuz it was the first idea that popped into my head! also went more ‘literal’ with the definition since the idiomatic meaning wasn’t really sticking to any idea i had
tseh'to slumped into a chair at the drowning wench, a long sigh escaping him. he looked like hell—unkempt, grease smudges on his face, a stinging red mark on his cheek. when the barmaiden sidled up to the table, she looked concerned.
"aye, tseh'to, y'alright?" she asked, peering down at him.
"i'll survive," he mumbled, resting his elbow on the table then his chin in his hand. "but i missed my boat."
"missed yer boat?" she repeated, confused. "the one ye're to work on?"
"the very one." another sigh escaped him. perhaps he was being a bit dramatic, but it wasn't ideal to just miss the boat he was signed up to work on. missing the boat meant he wouldn't get paid for the job, even if he did put in a lot of work beforehand. "so i'll need a pint of your cheapest swill, since i won't have the coin to get much better."
"do i even want to know why you missed it?" she asked, hand on hip.
"well, there was this girl—"
the barmaiden scoffed. "again?! tseh'to, when are ye going to learn to keep it in your pants?"
"i took nothing out of my pants!" he rebuked (maybe a bit too loudly, as the next table over definitely heard that and definitely started listening in on the conversation). "i didn't get a chance to. right before anything interesting could happen her sister came across us, and...well, i'd, er, /met/ with her sister last week. neither of them were incredibly happy with that."
"i'm going t' need a drink if i hear the rest of that story," the barmaiden sighed. "looks like ye got a few right smacks upside the head for that one, which ye probably deserved. at any rate, i'll get ye that drink now and let ye wallow in yer sorrows."
she walked back towards the bar, leaving tseh'to to his thoughts (and the sound of snickering from the apparently nosy table next to his own).
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soulsow · 2 years
9—11: (EC) UNFAIR.
adjective: unkind, inconsiderate, or unreasonable.
rating: g
characters: original characters, friend’s oc, samson warren, radegonde greystone, euphemie de dansereau
tags: slice of life, family, ft. samphie’s 2 twin girls, talking about apples, sammie belongs to sky (tysm for letting me borrow him & the girls!!)
summary: even during a brief respite, the warrior of light feels restless. takes place after patch 6.2 in the msq.
wordcount: 745
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soulsow · 2 years
11. transform [free day]
summary: azem is asked an uncommonly intimate question.
rating: t
characters: adonis (sam azem oc), areia (ancient!phie)
word count: 521
notes: egg and i gave eachother prompts for free day! :D another one with some creative interpretation but uhhh there’s not a lot of ancient lore to go off of. just enjoy the ooey-gooey happiness ok
"won't you please transform for me, adonis?"
not many people still called azem by that name, but when it was areia he never minded—though she did have a habit of calling him by his title when feeling particularly feisty or angry, which never failed to elicit a chuckle from him.
"are you sure we're on that level, areia?" he asked, a hand running through his floppy brown hair, a smirk playing on his lips. a gentle shove and a pout were her answer.
they were on one of the outskirting islands of elpis, able to look out over the facility while also bask in the warm sunlight and under the pastel-colored clouds. it was idyllic, but most of the world was. still, elpis was always a place of calm where azem knew he could retire if he needed space to think.
when areia tagged along, however, there wasn't a lot of room for thinking—at least not of the academic kind. she was fiercely intelligent, smarter than he was, and he could admit that easily. it was one of just the many things he found entirely fascinating about her.
"you know transforming takes a lot of energy," he finally said in earnest, stretching his legs out on the blanket they were sitting upon. The breeze from their altitude rustled the tree leaves and caught a spare edge of his robe, causing it to billow up before settling down moments later. "and it’s not really something we're supposed to show others."
"i've always been curious what a member of the convocation would look like transformed," she mused, leaning over closer to him. "you're all so strong, you must be incredibly fearsome."
had he seen anyone else on the convocation transform? nay, not that he could remember, at least not in recent memory. most were a bit more...uptight than he was, but even the amiable elidibus didn't parade about in his transformed state. nobody really did.
"we're a bit too busy most days to sit about and compare our second forms," he laughed, the irony of his statement not lost on himself. he could almost predict what she might say next.
"well, if you're so busy, azem, why deign to spend time up here with me?" her words were haughty, but a laugh colored the edge of her words and a little smirky smile pulled at her lips.
falling back on the blanket to look up at the soft clouds swirling above them, adonis smiled and glanced at her.
"in my travels, i've learned much. academia is oft considered the most important thing we can strive for, and i do not disagree that it's important." he said. "however...there's naught else i've found in the world that can replace the company of someone you love. nothing else has meaning without that."
areia, having moved closer, grinned down at him. her hair created a canopy around their faces as she bent down, lips grazing against his gently before committing to a  kiss. they separated after a moment; the embrace didn't last long, but it didn't have to.
"i still want to see you transform, though."
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soulsow · 2 years
10. channel
summary: rei is struggling with her first task as an arcanist.
rating: g
characters: rei belle (oc)
word count: 296
notes: short and late, but oh well... that’s life! i’m glad i got something out for this. also might not be super lore-accurate but i did my best so meh. take it with a bit of creative interpretation
the first step was to summon a carbuncle.
but that was much easier said than done. rei had an aptitude for magic, that was certain, but summoning a being out of aether (even with the help of the carefully drawn runes in her grimoire) wasn't an easy feat.
still, she had to do this. summoning was the entire basis of these arcane arts she studied, and if she couldn't do that...she wouldn't be able to move forward with her training.
scanning the geometry drawn on the pages of her grimoire, she once again concentrated on the shapes, closing her eyes for just a moment to channel every particle of her aether into this one spell. it had failed so many times before...but this time, rei was hopeful. ever hopeful.
uttering the incantation and and throwing her hand out, a bright spark emanated from her fingertips. rei's eyes widened as she watched the aether take form, stretching into long ears and a round body. she grinned as the light dimmed, a glimmering blue carbuncle appearing before her.
"i did it!" she shrieked, jumping up from the table to approach the summon. kneeling before the small creature, it placed a paw on her leg (which was a very strange sensation—rei'd never been touched by an aetheric being before) before leaping up onto her shoulders like a housecoeurl.
the summon didn't last long, however. sustaining the carbuncle for long periods would take practice. as the curious blue creature on her shoulder blinked out of existence, a newfound vigor coursed through rei to get even stronger.
scrambling back to the table, she sat before her grimoire and began to read once more, reciting the incantations and tracing the geometry, channeling every onze of her concentration towards that next summon.
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soulsow · 2 years
09. yawn
summary: sam wakes from a nap with a start.
rating: g
characters: sam warren (oc), melodieuse de dansereau (oc), harmonielle de dansereau (oc)
word count: 254
notes: v short, but thats ok.
with a start, sam woke. the world came rushing back to him as he blinked the grogginess out of his eyes, a gentle weight on his chest grounding him.
blearily, he focused on that weight—two small bundles, swaddled securely in blankets, the tiniest of pointed ears sticking out from beneath the tiniest of hand-knitted bonnets.
bless the twelve, melodieuse and harmonielle were still asleep.
he gazed down at the newborns asleep in his arms, and an indescribable warmth filled his chest. it truly felt impossible that these children were /his/—that he was a father. and perhaps these children were nigh impossible, but now they were here, the little rises and falls of their chests proving that this was all real.
the twins were impossibly small. not because they were unhealthy or anything, but sam hadn't been aware jut small newborns could be. though both were laying on his chest, his frame dwarfed them (though, given their elezen mother and a little highlander ancestry, he knew they wouldn't be this small forever).
placing a hand over each to hold them steady, he winced as he felt melodieuse start to move. sam prepared for a wail as she opened her mouth, though no sound came out. with a little stretch and a very, very big yawn for one so little, the newborn settled back down against him and fell back asleep.
he could have laughed, but he didn't (that would certainly disturb them)—and the warmth of love grew ever more within him.
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soulsow · 2 years
ppl reading my fill for #8 makes me SO SHY
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soulsow · 2 years
08. tepid
summary: euphemie attempts to wake the warrior of light one morning.
rating: e (18+ readers only)
characters: sam warren (oc), euphemie dansereau (friend’s oc)
word count: 609
notes: i had the idea and ran with it 🤷‍♀️ no judge pls
"the maid's drawn you a bath, my love."
euphemie sat on the edge of the bed where sam was sprawled, golden rays of morning sun streaming in through the leaded windows of cygne cross. sam groaned at the thought of getting out from beneath the sheets, instead reaching an arm out towards the elezen perched next to him.
she let out a little laugh at his petulance. "sammie—!"
her sentence was cut short as his strong arm wrapped around her, pulling her down into the bed with him. she didn't resist, her giggles multiplying as she squirmed under the covers to get closer to him. sam's arms enshrouded her, holding her tightly as she settled against him, her back against his chest.
"i don't want to get up just yet, love," he murmured sleepily into her ear, and that's when euphie felt the undeniable firmness pressed against her rear.
"you're dirty, sammie," she chided, but he could hear the triumphant little smirk in her tone.
"maybe," he conceded, placing a gentle kiss at the base of her ear. "i thought you liked that, though."
"i didn't say i didn't like it." her voice was a sing song as she arched her back, pressing back against him (and eliciting a delicious little groan from him as she did so).
the conversation shifted from words to actions, sam's callused hands sliding across her silk nightclothes, her legs tangling with his as his touch brought her undone. he drank in the feeling of her lithe body against his while she could only revel in the sensation of sam's arms holding her close.
"can i—" sam began to ask, his voice thick and husky in her ear, dripping with desire but ever the gentleman as to ask her permission first. euphie didn't need to let him finish, though.
"yes, love," she gasped. "whatever you wanted to ask, the answer is always yes."
she felt the absence of one of his hands on her for just a moment before it found a new home on her thigh, lifting one leg just enough to grant entrance. sam placed another kiss on her neck as he rolled his hips forward, their bodies connecting with ease.
euphie lifted a hand to cover her mouth, attempting to suppress the sounds she could not hold back. it was a quiet morning in cygne cross, and neither of them were about to disturb the peace as they got lost in one another. he took her slowly, as one would slowly eat a cake they were relishing for the first time, wanting to remember every last bite.
his breath was haggard in her ear, and it did nothing but drive her growing pleasure further. his other hand gripped her breast, holding her to him; her delicate hand settled atop his, fingertips gripping against his skin.
it took just a few more needy thrusts before he halted, groaning into her ear and fingertips digging into her skin—and euphie was filled with more than a little pride that she could reduce the warrior of light to such ecstasy and mewling.
"you certainly need a bath now," she breathed as he relaxed, his lips finding her shoulder. "though the water's likely gone quite tepid."
"perhaps," sam sighed, kisses peppering her bare skin. "but we've more to do, love. what gentleman would i be if i didn't bring you the same pleasure you just brought me?"
euphie couldn't hold back another little laugh. "so the bath will go cold, then."
"all's well," he replied, the smirk now in his voice. "we'll need plenty of cooling off by the time we get to the bath."
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