soulsjudge · 2 months
" Winter and Spring are perhaps the most intimate of seasons, always caught in a dance of death and rebirth. Whether myth or legend, humanity has been fascinated with it for eons. It is only logical to celebrate the coming of spring as life wakes up once more."
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a pause, followed by a bite taken from the chocolate bunny in their hand. " As well as the discounted candy."
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soulsjudge · 4 months
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it's been a bit since I apped Hel in and while i have but a few more replies left to do ( which will be finished sometime this week!) i would like to throw out another starter call, capped at 4 for now!
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soulsjudge · 4 months
" You sound like a casting agent." and perhaps that was the point, but whether or not the other saw that as an insult or compliment was up to them. Hel didn't care to be famous, nor did she care to be shown on the 'big screen', as it was so eloquently put. and for as old as they are, they've done much in their lifetime. but the one thing she hasn't was feature in a movie.
the idea never crossed her mind, but it would be a good way to spend their time, wouldn't it?
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" Hypothetically speaking, let's say that I am interested. What is the plot of you're planning to produce?"
"Well why wouldn't you? I think that's the better question."
At its core it really wasn't that good of a question. But Nian felt a strong desire to try and get more people for a big ol' Spirale show. Whether or not it would work had yet to be seen but the major hurdle as always, was getting people.
Even with her rather good plot pulls people just didn't want to come along for the ride. It was their loss...usually. Until one realized they barely had anyone on board.
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"Where else could you get famous, have a great time, and be shown off on the big screen all at once? The movie biz that's where.~~"
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soulsjudge · 4 months
well, that's a first. never before has Hel been called something like a 'life savior' and the irony of it all doesn't slip past her. if the situation was right for it, they might have laughed at the compliment, but at most there is a slight upturn of their lips before they fall back to neutrality.
Hel had seen others shift from fear to comfort many, many times before. it was one of the more fascinating traits about them, their ability to bounce back or perserve in the face of that fear. resilient, they were, and it was part of her curiosity for humanity as a whole. another clash of thunder rings out and her gaze drifts from the sky to the other, head tilted in an inquisitive manner.
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" Is there a reason you fear thunder?" others wouldn't ask a question at first meeting, but they've never been one to hold back nor mince words.
He had hoped to return home as quickly as possible. Before the rain and before the sound of thunder. He'd rather be in the comfort of his home where he could somehow block out all the noises with forts of blankets and pillows!
Instead, he's out here, scrambling and mind frazzled. he's already trying to find the quickest way home and then the first sound of thunder pierces his ears. He's immediately shaking in his boots and the sound he made may have been a little sad.
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"Man..." He wraps his arms around his body and holds himself close. There's a person standing right next to him and they hold out their hand. Oliver peeks and notices the earplugs. "Wait...you're letting me use these?" He hesitates, uncertainty clear in his eyes. He doesn't wait for long though and grabs the earplugs. Once they're in his ears, he feels he can breathe easy.
"Wow! You're like a life savior. Thank you MUCH!"
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soulsjudge · 4 months
well, she did have a point there, though Hel would hardly call this a 'quirk' of hers. then again, she's walked among humanity for so long, it wouldn't be surprising that a few had developed. most don't choose the top of a bookshelf as a reading spot, but in a city full of the mystical, this shouldn't come as a surprise to the human. but it was rude, was it not? and so, setting the large tome to the side, Hel shifts and practically slides off the top, landing gracefully without a single sound.
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" All the tables were taken when I arrived here--" a glance out the ornate window nearby. "-- two days or so ago. Time flies when you're reading, as they say."
⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀— Hm— ?⠀ ❜⠀⠀OH. ⠀Come to think of it, that really is a bad habit of hers, huh ? Not exactly ideal for a mage...
⠀⠀⠀Juggling several books under her arm with the one she had cracked open, perched on her outstretched fingertips, she can't help but exhale tersely — does anyone like having their concentration broken ? Even worse, Rin has to crane her neck just to look up at them. Who sits on top of a bookshelf ? Honestly, this city attracts the strangest people... and she's been taking classes at the Clock Tower.
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⠀⠀⠀❛ ⠀Wouldn't using a table be easier ? We all have our little quirks, clearly.⠀ ❜ ⠀
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soulsjudge · 4 months
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" For some, they enjoy the ire they've earned. But for most, they hardly care in the end, as they still receive their power. The source of it mattered none." an amusing contradiction, at least to them. " Humans and the gods aren't too unalike in that regard."
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" Really, now? Guess that's no different than sickos getting their kicks off of making people mad. Kinda like me back home! "
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soulsjudge · 4 months
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" I wonder if others realize that talking of the gods, more often than not, is what gives them their power. Even if the talk is largely negative."
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soulsjudge · 5 months
"In this place, talking to yourself is as loud as a cannon in the valley." she wasn't eavesdropping, far from it. Hel has a habit of tuning out every single noise when reading, leaving behind reality to indulge in some of the many fantasies others write about. the library in xalphina had fast become something of a space for Hel-- even if some of the texts were beyond even their understanding, others were not.
few ventured deep enough into the small corner that they claimed as their own, but on this evening, it seems one curious human had. the book held carefully in one hand snaps shut as eyes focus on the young woman from beneath her perch.
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" Taking notes would be easier, no?"
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soulsjudge · 5 months
mother nature was often more ruthless than the myths glamorized. those that controlled the skies were much the same, but they often followed the whims of the ground below. the sky, which had been blue just yesterday morn, now was colored an angry grey. thunder rolled within the clouds and she could smell the scent of the coming storm. if Hel was right, there was still some time before the skies would open, letting tears from above crash down below-- just enough time for them to indulge in an evening meal and make it back to their residence without getting wet.
it is the shivering of another nearby that stops her as she exhales a sigh. ah, the skies never care for the comfort of humanity, do they?
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for as cruel as death can be, it could be just as kind. a hand is stretched out towards the teen, fingers unfurling to reveal a pair of ear plugs. " Here. It should silence the thunder."
@ostentumm -- sc
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soulsjudge · 5 months
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" I don't think I've ever seen so much pink in one location. Not even the deities presiding over love were bathed in such an amount."
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soulsjudge · 5 months
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" I take it this is a normal, every day thing." hm. maybe she's had enough of observing humanity.
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soulsjudge · 5 months
".........I don't understand."
it's not that Hel was tuning out whatever the other was saying. it was the fact that she was speaking quickly and with excitement. the exaggerated hand movements were proof enough of that. unfortunately, anything about this 'movie' the other had said didn't connect for Hel. and rather than ask for a repeat explanation, they take a shortcut.
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" Why should I agree to be in your movie?" acting seems far too tiresome even for Hel to deal with. or perhaps it's the audacity of some humans. either way, she isn't too keen on agreeing.
@unfetteredfreedom -- sc
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soulsjudge · 5 months
" You carry the scent of war." a scent no other could pick up. something unique that belonged to few beings. it was one Hel was well accustomed too but.....something isn't right. even with being significantly weakened (a nuisance), they knew. these not a mere god holding dominion over an aspect but the aspect itself. one who is perhaps the closest to what they are in this city. a familiar thing, yet unfamiliar all the same.
and in that instance, Hel decided: it didn't matter.
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" Is this world slotted for destruction? Two horsemen in one place is usually a sign of disaster coming.. At the very least, such is what humanity insists upon."
@eirineftis -- sc
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soulsjudge · 5 months
𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝑵𝑶𝑵𝑽𝑬𝑹𝑩𝑨𝑳 𝑷𝑹𝑶𝑴𝑷𝑻𝑺 .    (  a  collection  of  100  nonverbal  action  prompts .   mature  and  potentially  triggering  themes  are  present .   add  “ + reverse ”  to  swap  assigned  roles . )
∗ o1﹕ sender  tucks  hair  out  of  receiver’s  face . ∗ o2﹕ sender  offers  receiver  a  bite  from  their  fork . ∗ o3﹕ sender  places  their  feet / legs  in  receiver's  lap . ∗ o4﹕ sender  offers  receiver  an  earbud  to  share  their  music . ∗ o5﹕ sender  comforts  receiver  in  the  aftermath  of  a  nightmare . ∗ o6﹕ sender  gives  receiver  company  in  the  hospital . ∗ o7﹕ sender  wraps  their  arms  around  a  hysterical  receiver  to  calm  them . ∗ o8﹕ sender  shows  up  at  receiver’s  home  late  at  night . ∗ o9﹕ sender  falls  asleep  leaning  against  receiver . ∗ 1o﹕ sender  wields  a  [ gun / knife ]  at  receiver . ∗ 11﹕ sender  runs  their  fingers  through  receiver’s  hair . ∗ 12﹕ sender  invites  receiver  to  dance . ∗ 13﹕ sender  takes  a  [ picture / video ]  of  receiver . ∗ 14﹕ sender  places  their  head  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 15﹕ sender  and  receiver  make  eye  contact  across  a  busy  room . ∗ 16﹕ sender  pushes  receiver  against  a  wall  to  kiss  them . ∗ 17﹕ sender  and  receiver  cook  together . ∗ 18﹕ sender  comes  to  receiver  after  being  injured . ∗ 19﹕ sender  sits  in  receiver’s  lap . ∗ 2o﹕ sender  lifts  receiver's  chin ,  invoking  eye  contact . ∗ 21﹕ sender  overtakes  receiver  in  combat . ∗ 22﹕ sender  finds  receiver  [ injured / bloodied ] . ∗ 23﹕ sender  straightens  an  article  of  receiver’s  clothes . ∗ 24﹕ sender  crawls  into  bed  with  receiver . ∗ 25﹕ sender  rolls  their  eyes  at  receiver . ∗ 26﹕ sender  lights  receiver’s  [ cigarette / joint ] . ∗ 27﹕ sender  is  caught  wearing  receiver's  clothes . ∗ 28﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  with  a  pillow . ∗ 29﹕ sender  writes  a  note  on  receiver’s  skin :  [ note ] . ∗ 3o﹕ sender  wraps  a  blanket  around  receiver’s  shoulders . ∗ 31﹕ sender  runs  and  jumps  into  receiver’s  arms . ∗ 32﹕ sender  shoves  receiver  out  of  anger . ∗ 33﹕ sender  hovers  over  receiver’s  shoulder  as  they  complete  a  task . ∗ 34﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  somewhere  they  shouldn’t  be . ∗ 35﹕ sender  curls  up  against  receiver  in  their  sleep . ∗ 36﹕ sender  is  found  drunk  by  receiver . ∗ 37﹕ sender  throws  an  item  of  sentiment  bitterly  at  receiver . ∗ 38﹕ sender  joins  receiver  in  the  shower . ∗ 39﹕ sender  is  caught  following  receiver . ∗ 4o﹕ sender  traces  one  of  receiver’s  [ scars / bruises ] . ∗ 41﹕ sender  twines  their  fingers  with  receiver’s . ∗ 42﹕ sender  barges  into  receiver’s  home  unannounced . ∗ 43﹕ sender  kicks  receiver’s  shin  beneath  a  table . ∗ 44﹕ sender  aggressively  shoves  past  receiver . ∗ 45﹕ sender  kisses  receiver’s  [ forehead / cheek ] . ∗ 46﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  out  of  harm’s  way . ∗ 47﹕ sender  is  found  sobbing  by  receiver . ∗ 48﹕ sender  locks  receiver  out  of  their  room . ∗ 49﹕ sender  brings  receiver  [ coffee / tea ]  in  the  morning . ∗ 5o﹕ sender  rests  their  forehead  against  receiver’s . ∗ 51﹕ sender  plays  a  song  for  receiver  that  reminds  them  of  them :  [ song ] . ∗ 52﹕ sender  takes  a  [ punch / stab / bullet ]  meant  for  receiver . ∗ 53﹕ sender  buys  receiver  a  drink  at  a  bar . ∗ 54﹕ sender  needs  receiver’s  help  getting  in  the  bath . ∗ 55﹕ sender  and  receiver  cross  paths  in  the  kitchen  late  at  night . ∗ 56﹕ sender  twists  receiver’s  arm  behind  their  back . ∗ 57﹕ sender  winks  at  receiver . ∗ 58﹕ sender  is  found  collapsed  by  receiver . ∗ 59﹕ sender  prevents  an  injured  receiver  from  getting  up . ∗ 6o﹕ sender  claps  a  hand  over  receiver’s  mouth  to  silence  them . ∗ 61﹕ sender  cages  receiver  against  a  [ wall / the floor ]  with  their  arms . ∗ 62﹕ sender  storms  away  from  receiver  during  an  argument . ∗ 63﹕ sender  is  found  by  receiver  sleeping  in  receiver’s  bed . ∗ 64﹕ sender  [ applies / touches up ]  receiver’s  makeup . ∗ 65﹕ sender  throws  receiver  into  a  wall  during  combat . ∗ 66﹕ sender  dances  sensually  with  receiver . ∗ 67﹕ sender  strikes  receiver  across  the  face . ∗ 68﹕ sender  places  their  hand  on  receiver’s  leg  while  driving . ∗ 69﹕ sender  pulls  a  chair  out  from  under  receiver . ∗ 7o﹕ sender  catches  receiver’s  wrist  when  they  turn  to  leave . ∗ 71﹕ sender  leaves  an  intimate  mark  on  receiver . ∗ 72﹕ sender  beats  receiver  in  a  video  game . ∗ 73﹕ sender  and  receiver  stand  in  stunned  silence  after  a  fight . ∗ 74﹕ sender  cares  for  receiver  while  they’re  sick . ∗ 75﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  on  a  hike . ∗ 76﹕ sender  is  caught  snooping  in  receiver’s  things . ∗ 77﹕ sender  and  receiver  cuddle  while  watching  television . ∗ 78﹕ sender  throws  something  aggressively  at  receiver . ∗ 79﹕ sender  creeps  up  behind  receiver  to  scare  them . ∗ 8o﹕ sender  and  receiver  go  shopping  together . ∗ 81﹕ sender  helps  receiver  [ dye / style ]  their  hair . ∗ 82﹕ sender  draws  receiver  into  a  kiss  by  the  back  of  their  neck . ∗ 83﹕ sender  is  discovered  having  a  panic  attack  by  receiver . ∗ 84﹕ sender  accidentally  injures  receiver  during  sparring . ∗ 85﹕ sender  grabs  receiver  roughly  by  the  hair . ∗ 86﹕ sender  brings  receiver  to  their  knees  during  combat . ∗ 87﹕ sender  shows  receiver  evidence  of  a  lie  they  told . ∗ 88﹕ sender  winks  [ seductively / mockingly ]  at  receiver . ∗ 89﹕ sender  yells  at  receiver  to  put  their  hands  in  the  air . ∗ 9o﹕ sender  helps  receiver  patch  up  a  wound . ∗ 91﹕ sender  holds  receiver  as  they  cry . ∗ 92﹕ sender  silently  and  angrily  points  receiver  towards  the  door . ∗ 93﹕ sender  gestures  for  receiver  to  sit  down . ∗ 94﹕ sender  pulls  receiver  into  their  lap . ∗ 95﹕ sender  cradles  receiver’s  face . ∗ 96﹕ sender  tackles  receiver  out  of  the  way  of  danger . ∗ 97﹕ sender  has  hidden  an  injury  from  receiver ,  and  receiver  finds  out . ∗ 98﹕ sender  confronts  receiver  about  their  unhealthy  behavior . ∗ 99﹕ sender  proposes  to  receiver . ∗ 1oo﹕ sender  has  just  died ,  receiver  finds  out .
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soulsjudge · 5 months
" Even here, humans exist alongside the rest." how peculiar. it was a popular trope for media: that which existed in myth remaining hidden from humanity, existing in secret to keep themselves safe. vastly different than that of the world Hel walked for ages now, there had been little expectation the same upon finding themselves in this world. but hours of observation had shown that humans held no fear to the unknown here.
or, at the very least, were exceptional at masking it.
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if they were surprised at meeting something like them (to generalize, of course) it isn't show. " It's been some time since I've spoken to an angel."
@hollowfaith -- sc
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soulsjudge · 5 months
hel (death) // original character
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yeah you read that right. death. not like, a reaper or anything but death itself. you know, the pale rider, head honcho grim reaper, etc etc
no, she is not going to tell you when you're going to lose the spice of life so don't bother asking
decided to chill among humans around the 14th century and made itself a human form to do so, so they look like everybody else to the average person
comes from a world where the supernatural and legends are known among humanity, living together with them
genderless, but chose a femme form to walk among humanity with
is very, very, very old but appears mid 30's in their human form. to put it one way, they were riding the big bang
isn't too fond of gods and deities mostly because of how arrogant they can be, but will be civil. most of the time
can you point them to the nearest place to eat, there is a hamburger pizza calling their name--
there is this weird disconnect when it comes to how they show mimic human emotions but she's doing the best she can
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soulsjudge · 5 months
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hi so i still have to do a follow post and such and am currently getting ready to sleep but!! the excitement is real and so I am going to throw out an uncapped starter call for hel here! come and hang out with death, it'll be fine I swear
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