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Low Energy Witchcraft
Witchy things for you to do when your energy is low but your need to witch is high.*
Hi-res download available on my ko-fi for monthly and one-time members!
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Energy Observation
Not everyone can sit in a serene and silent room and meditate efficiently, so pop on your noise-canceling headphones and maybe do a quick guided meditation to help get in tune with the flow of energy in your body. Simply observe, don’t try to force energy to flow
Tea spells
Herbal teas are great for spells because they already have “spell components”—herbs—and they’re designed to be easy to make. Choose a tea that incorporates herbs that fit the intentions of your spell. If you have the energy for it, come up with a prayer, chant, or rhyme for your spell while you wait for the tea to brew!
Touch Grass
No really—go outside and just appreciate the nature around you try to see if you can let go of yourselves and just be a part of the world around you.
Spiritual Soup
If you can’t go outside then try to get in tune with your indoor space and allow yourself to become part of the spiritual soup that is your living space.
Digital Offerings
If you can’t physically create an offering for the deities, spirits, etc in your life, make a digital offering. You could create a mood board, collage, cobble together a Pinterest board, and more. The possibilities are endless!
*Keep in mind that this is my personal experience and your mileage may vary. While these seem pretty low energy for me and others, this may not be the case for you. Take what clicks with you and leave what doesn't.
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Tarot cheat sheet
Major Arcana
The Fool-Beginnings, Risks The Magician- Actions, manifestations The High Priestess- Hidden knowledge, Secrets The Empress- Resources, Abundance The Emperor- Boundaries, Order The Heirophant- Education, Lessons, Unity The Lovers- Love, decisions The Chariot- Progress, determination Strength- Managing situations, endurance The Hermit- Searching, analysis The Wheel of Fortune- Fate, Luck Justice- Decisions, Balance The Hanged Man- Waiting, sacrifice Death- Transformation, Rebirth Temperance- Negotiation, common ground The Devil-Restrictions, Indulgence The Tower-Unexpected failure, breakdowns The Star- Hope and guidance The Moon- Anxiety and deep emotions The Sun- Growth, Recovery Judgement- The past, second chances The World- Success, completion
Minor Arcana
Cups- Water Element, “I feel”- How emotions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Love, Beginnings Two- Partnerships Three- Celebration Four- Boredom, longing Five- Loss, sadness Six- Peace, reconciliation Seven- confusion, possibilities Eight- Departure, leaving behind Nine- A wish coming true, contentment Ten- Happiness, family Page- Opportunities, Chances Knights- Emotional and dreamy influence Queen- Intelligent and intuitive influence King- Charismatic and Wise influence
Pentacles- Earth Element, “I have”- How possessions rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- Money, success, beginnings Two- Decisions, balancing finances Three- Showing talents, chances Four- Stability, hiding Five- Financial loss, chasing Six- Generosity, supporting Seven- Potential with work Eight- Money coming, building success Nine- Comfort, success Ten- Inheritance, something lost Page- An offer Knight- A dependable influence Queen- A genorous influence King- A prosperous influence
Swords- Air Element, “I think”- How thoughts rule over and work within the  meanings of the cards.
Ace-  Success Two- Stalemate Three- Heartbreak Four- Rest, overwhelmed Five- Conflict Six- Leaving conflict behind Seven- Theft of positivity Eight- Restriction Nine- Anxiety Ten- Endings Page- Intelligence, alertness Knight- A opposing influence Queen- An independent influence King- A strong willed influence
Wands- Fire Element, “I desire”- How desires rule over and work within the meanings of the cards.
Ace- News, beginnings, fertility Two- Making plans Three- Travel Four- Freedom, rest Five- Stong opinions, fights Six- Victory Seven- Work, effort Eight- News, attack Nine- Stress, suspicion, strength Ten- Burdened, work Page- A message, understanding Knight- A motivational influence Queen- A creative influence King- An expressive influence
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☽ little tips for witches ☾
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here I will leave some very useful tips for those who have been in practice for some time, as well as for beginners. I hope this text will illuminate and help each one on their way! ✨
• to do energy cleaning in your home, put in a glass: water, coarse salt and charcoal. position it behind the entrance door.
• bury egg shells in a pot or in your home garden to ensure abundance and fertility in your home.
• do not put the ashes left over from the incense out, they can be reused in making the black salt.
• burn dry rosemary to attract protection, purification, psychic abilities and openness for healing.
• to attract positive energies to you, spread several mirrors around your home, just avoid those with sharp details on your edge. they also help to clear the mind.
• to ward off any bother that is bothering you, write the key words of the situation on a white candle. light the candle and ask the fire beings to burn this evil that you want to destroy.
• spread blackheads under the bed for protection during your sleep.
• make a wreath with chamomile flower and hang it on the door to protect the environment throughout the year from physical and spiritual damage.
• use cinnamon to improve your individual skill with prophecy through divination, channeling and working with oracles.
• when making your own oils, use olive oil and dried herbs of your choice.
• press and store rosemary leaves in your books. this will increase your wisdom during your studies and your memory, making you learn more easily.
• burn some thyme on your altar to clean up your magic space. thyme when burned with incense strengthens psychic power.
Too much light! 🌿 🌿
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Types of water
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💧Rain Water 💧 
Multipurpose, Growth, Rebirth, good for Spells that Gain Power over time
💧River Water💧
Moving on, Focusing Energy, Warding, Breaking through Rough Paths, and Good for Powering Tools
💧Storm Water💧
Emotional Strength, Confidence, Motivation, Force, Charging, Strengthens Spells, and Good for Curses
💧Snow Water💧
Purity, Endings, Change, good for Slow-moving Spells
💧Sea Water💧 
Cleansing, Healing, Banishing, and Protection
💧Dew Water💧
Love, Fertility, Delicate Magick, Fae Work
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