soprobrochacho · 11 days
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Photos from the Jim Henson Creature Shop #2
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soprobrochacho · 11 days
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Photos from the Jim Henson Creature Shop #3
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soprobrochacho · 11 days
cast iron? yeah thats a pretty common spell to learn
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soprobrochacho · 11 days
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Shame on you Europe.
Free free Palestine!
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soprobrochacho · 11 days
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Continue Escalating
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soprobrochacho · 11 days
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Every 10 Minutes!!!!!!
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soprobrochacho · 11 days
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soprobrochacho · 11 days
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Just gonna....leave this here
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soprobrochacho · 14 days
the tsa stops me because my carryon had too much liquid and they open it and its just full of blood
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soprobrochacho · 14 days
Dead on Main Head Cannon
My favorite head cannon for this ship is that when they're feeling petty and pissed off at each other they'll send the other a purple hyacinth. It hits both of their dead, melodramatic souls perfectly. Flower language for purple hyacinth is "my regrets follow you to the grave" and that just vibes the same as "my condolences for your stupidity" to me at least.
Jason in a meeting as Red Hood with his gang. Flower shop worker guy comes in and says with the monotone of a dead-souled retail worker: "Delivery for Mr. Hood?"
Jason raises his hand with a sardonic head tilt.
Flower shop guy drops a small pot of purple hyacinth in front of him on the table and then reads off a small white card. "For leaving me to meet your dad by myself. Love, Danny." He puts the card back in his pocket. "Enjoy your flowers." He says in a way that makes Jason certain the man has no idea what the word enjoy actually means before shuffling out of the warehouse.
Hood's men all sit there silently for several long moments before one of them finally dares to speak.
"You made them meet the parents by themselves?"
Jason let's out a long heavy sigh.
"Anyone got a couch I can use tonight?"
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soprobrochacho · 15 days
Scarecrow spraying fear toxin on Danny Fenton:
I will make you see your main fear and let you die with scream of horror!
Danny: Man, if I died every time I saw it, then keeping my secrets away from my parents would be really problematic. Spoiler, but my biggest nightmare is me. Just he is a little more hunk and much more an asshole.
Scarecrow: What the…Why didn’t it work?
Danny: Oh, sorry, I got a little distracted. You wanted to hear my dying scream, right? It reminded me, let me show you one of my new powers. My worst-self called it my ghostly wail.
Red Hood: Demolishing part of the warehouse with the rogue’s team wasn’t necessary, fucking Banshee!
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soprobrochacho · 15 days
Scarecrow spraying fear toxin on Danny Fenton:
I will make you see your main fear and let you die with scream of horror!
Danny: Man, if I died every time I saw it, then keeping my secrets away from my parents would be really problematic. Spoiler, but my biggest nightmare is me. Just he is a little more hunk and much more an asshole.
Scarecrow: What the…Why didn’t it work?
Danny: Oh, sorry, I got a little distracted. You wanted to hear my dying scream, right? It reminded me, let me show you one of my new powers. My worst-self called it my ghostly wail.
Red Hood: Demolishing part of the warehouse with the rogue’s team wasn’t necessary, fucking Banshee!
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soprobrochacho · 15 days
The JL are terrified of jazz
So jazz started working in Arkham and immediately got a reputation
She was patient and kind and gave answers to problems people didn't know they had and was just the best psychologist Arkham had ever seen
She also got a reputation for not being messed with after she used the Fenton-anti-creep-stick on Scarecrow after he tried to attack her
At first, Batman was suspicious but after all the background checks and passed all evaluations so he left her be with a light monitoring
The problems started when the JL needed a physiologist and Batman recommended Miss Fenton
At first, Batman showed up asking for her to leave Arkham and work for the JL, he thought she'd jump at the chance to get away from Arkham...
He was wrong...
After a few months, the patients at Arkham were getting better but the JL need a good phycologist so Batman is still pestering jazz about it
Batman is going full paranoid stalker mode, harassing her at work and constantly sending requests for her to transfer to the JL
The only reason she's not been forced to quit is that everyone (guards, prisoners fellow psychiatrists everyone) in Arkham would rather fight than loose her
But things got to a whole other level when Jazz gets a call from her brother asking why a vigilante is calling him and asking him to convince her to transfer
When she sees him next she goes off, yelling and screaming at him for his behaviour and actions
There's a full 20 minutes of jazz just physio-analysing him, calling him obsessive, paranoid, requires closure, OCD, ODD, inconsiderate, and a whole lot of less friendly things
Everyone is scared because Miss Fenton has never even cursed at anything and now she's going off on THE BATMAN
Their terrified
Someone records it and goes viral everyone in the JL see it and thought it was funny...
Until she requested a meeting with them...
They get in the room and see Miss Fenton, her younger brother and a lawyer
Jazz then proceed to yell at every member of the JL, she called all of them enabling lazy, irresponsible children pretending to be adults
Superman tries to get her to be quiet so he can talk and her brother fucking hits him with a tazer! The scary part is he couldn't use his powers after ("don't worry you'll get your powers back in 24 hours, this is just so you'll listen")
So Jazz spends the next 10 minutes calling all the JL out on allllll their BS
After she's done her lawyer gets up and hands out pieces of paper to everyone
:what are these
: a restraining order
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soprobrochacho · 15 days
dp x dc prompt/mini blurb thing:
Somewhere along the line, stealing the Batmobile had seemed like the best option.
Elle would stand by that - admittedly short-sighted and kind of panic induced - logic. It was a vehicle that no one would try and stop. It was fast. The keys were in the ignition. Easiest car theft of her life. Or, well, unlife. Whatever. Still the easiest.
She may have forgotten that Superman could fly as fast as the stupid tank of a car could go. Or that Gotham had other vigilantes, that had bikes that were way more maneuverable, or that Billy was a big baby about car chases.
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soprobrochacho · 15 days
dp x dc prompt/mini blurb thing:
Somewhere along the line, stealing the Batmobile had seemed like the best option.
Elle would stand by that - admittedly short-sighted and kind of panic induced - logic. It was a vehicle that no one would try and stop. It was fast. The keys were in the ignition. Easiest car theft of her life. Or, well, unlife. Whatever. Still the easiest.
She may have forgotten that Superman could fly as fast as the stupid tank of a car could go. Or that Gotham had other vigilantes, that had bikes that were way more maneuverable, or that Billy was a big baby about car chases.
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soprobrochacho · 15 days
In Need Of Adoption
The Fentons were successful in prying Phantom away from their boy, but that didn't mean that the damn ghost didn't come back to kidnap Danny while he was recuperating from the operation that depossessed him.
Or, the one where Phantom and Danny are permanently separated by their parents, and Phantom feels like he must protect his human form at any cost, even if they have to flee their home in Amity Park.
(Phantom wants protection, for himself and his human half. He's in search of foster parents to replace the Fentons and will evaluate potential candidates with a keen eye.)
(Human Danny has long since determined that his ghost half has gone nuts after what their parents did to them, but they do need help, so he pushes for Phantom to consider other heroes as potential candidates for parenthood.)
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soprobrochacho · 15 days
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