sonnetfromsappho · 25 days
good luck, babe! | prologue
pairing: tashi duncan x fem!reader (inclusive reader)
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When not dealing with academic stress, your back-to-back classes, and the burden that came with working at Stanford’s campus bookstore, you granted yourself the luxury of sleeping in on the weekends. You honestly did deserve it after the week you just had, feeling like you were being worked to the literal bone. You understood it came with being in college, but sometimes you wished you could have more time for yourself. It didn’t matter in moments like this, the moments you were with her.
You couldn’t deny that you noticed her shift out of the bed a little earlier on, but knowing the plans you had in mind, you didn’t mind asking where she was going. You picked your head up to see if she was near, and you only assumed that she was getting herself ready for practice. She usually leaves earlier, but you somehow convinced her that she deserved to sleep in. You weren’t lying, she had been working her ass off since you first met her, and she rarely ever gave herself time to relax. Tennis was always so demanding, so you tried to understand why training would become excessive and take up her entire schedule when she wasn’t in class. You never complained much because it never interfered with the time she made for you. 
“I threw you out of whack, didn’t I?” you asked, almost scaring Tashi. She was so wrapped up in getting herself ready that she barely even noticed you woke up.
“You? Never. Besides, I’d probably be waiting until now anyways. I’m training with Art today, and even he said he’s not good with time,” she answered, but not without her making her way over to kiss your forehead, “Good morning, love.”
“Hi, do you want me to come with? I can get ready in five seconds, I have Barry Allen speed, you know,” you joked while shrugging off your covers and getting out of bed. 
“Honestly, I would just stay here and wait for me to get back,” she was fixing up her hair while looking into the mirror you had in your room. You couldn’t help yourself, she just looked so warm, so you snaked your arms around her waist and pulled her into a hug. 
“And if I’m being honest, I say fuck Art and stay here with your super awesome, amazing girlfriend,” you whispered to her and though you noticed the way she tensed at the word ‘girlfriend’, you let it go in that moment. Later, you would overthink the entire interaction. 
“I would love to do that, but I’ve been saying that I’d help him practice for about a week,” she says as she breaks the hug, heading over to where she placed her bag. You tried to shake off any upset that might have been visible on your face, but she noticed anyway. 
“Don’t give me that look,” she scoffed playfully.
“What look?” you asked defensively, you were hoping that she would just let it go. But it was Tashi, she never let anything go, especially when it came to you.
“You’re looking at me like I’m the asshole, I’m sorry babe but I swear I will be yours in…two hours,” she was always able to read you, but you were very happy that she was wrong for once. The last thing you wanted to do was argue with her, especially over something that couldn’t be settled within the next five minutes. 
“Okay, as long as you promise to come back to me,” you make your way back to your bed, getting cozy under the covers.
“And when have I ever broken that promise?” she smiled at you, slinging her bag over her shoulder. 
If you could have seen what would happen in a couple of months, you would have told her at that moment that she had broken her promise. For now, you feigned a smile and mumbled out a ‘never’ in response to her question as she kissed you goodbye.
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