sonataofthefarawaysky · 9 months
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and yet he will not fucking leave
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sonataofthefarawaysky · 9 months
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sonataofthefarawaysky · 11 months
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YO @ everyone my old blog's back go back and follow me
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Well good news
I'm an idiot and never checked my emails
Looks like staff actually did reinstate me lmao
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forget your icon forget your url fuck it forget your blog title. reblog with why is your bio what it is.
no tricksy business, if its just your age and/or pronouns i want to know why are you that age.
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Where we are with the lotr newsletter really shows that this wasn’t a series written for children. So many people mistakenly claim it is because The Hobbit was written for children.
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Cuddly kitty
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Why did Mandy's color palette become paler towards the end of the series?
There was this device we used to call "The Machine", and the network used it to check and see if anyone would get a seizure from watching whatever cartoon was fed into it. After the Pokémon debacle in the early 2000s, everyone turned their machines up to eleven to avoid any bad press from fast-moving backgrounds or striped patterns. If things were bad, you'd get some scenes flagged and you'd need to cut or change them.
Unfortunately, even if you cleared The Machine, you'd sometimes find that it would alter some colors to make the entire palette lower contrast. On Billy & Mandy it mostly affected yellows, which was mostly Mandy's hair. So the change was never intentional. In fact, we didn't know what was going on until well after the altered episodes started airing, and by then it was "too late" to fix them.
Every show you watch is still run through a version of The Machine, but I haven't had the color issues since.
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✨ Little reminders ✨
Virginity is a social construct
Masturbation is healthy and normal
Sex isn‘t everything in life. It‘s okay to not want to have sex
It‘s nobodies business, if and with how many people you have sex
You can love multiple people and have several consensual/ethical relationships
Even though your mental health struggles might feel like a burden, You aren‘t a burden when you are seeking help
Boundaries are there to be respected
Your feelings are valid and not to be debated
Sexuality is a spectrum and you‘re allowed to discover your sexuality in your own tempo
You never owe sex to anyone
Always ask for consent
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Galadriel rly be out here like: "I lost my dear husband Celeborn to the war against Morgoth."
Meanwhile Celeborn, Maedhros-ing his way through the entire second age, maybe even dangling off a really tall cliff: "Quit telling people I'm dead!"
Galadriel: "Sometimes I can still hear his voice."
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I see five
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genuinely the stupidest thing i have read in a while
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if you are considering trying out chickens you should know 1) if you don't want them anymore they are one of the easiest animals to process for meat 2) if you can't process them yourself they are by far the easiest animal to sell or give away 3) there is no such thing as a "farm animal rescue" that is not just a massive waste of time and money and chickens are not the type of animals that actually go to them (it's primarily goats)
get a few laying hens if you can, or better yet ducks, you will be glad you did
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Neil Gaiman has no social media.
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