sona-ia-blog · 9 years
After an exhausting day of school and housework the female needed nothing more than a hot shower to die the day away. She placed her towel and clothes neatly on the cupboard that she bought not too long ago. A letter arrived today saying that she’d encounter her new roommate today, which is why she wanted bought and cleaned everything so tidily, she really wanted him to feel home. The brunette expected his arrival a little earlier but now that the day almost ended she thought that he’d just come a day later. Which would also be the reason for her not locking the door to the bathroom.
Once she threw her clothes on the ground and turned on the shower a relieved sigh left her mouth. Shower time really was the best time of the day. The walls of the shower were transparent but due to the heat the windows fogged a little. Now that the sun sprite could forget everything around her and just relax for the next twenty minutes she blocked everything out, which caused her to overhear the front door shutting. 
Sona continued with her usual shower routine just until she got interrupted by footsteps coming towards the shower. With a shocked impression she turned towards the door only to see her so supposed new room mate storm in. The sight of him taking off his pants made her screech and cover her eyes. Only a few seconds later she realized that the stranger was able to see through the shower windows. In an attempt the female tried to hide her private parts with both of her hands and arms. In the hurry she was in Sona forgot every single word in Korean she had learned over the past years and as a result she just began speaking English. “You..... don’t look!” her cheeks were quickly covered pink and she turned off the water. Right now Sona had the huge urge to throw something at him.
Awkward first meeting || Sona & Dylan
The skinwalker fixated his gaze on the piece of paper on his hand, the words ‘Ignis dorm room 2e’ scribbled there. Now if it only wasn’t so difficult to find the dorm… It had been more than a year since Dylan was last at the academy, and due to his stupid overconfidence he hadn’t even thought about asking for a map at the secretary. Obviously his memory wasn’t as good as he thought. 
He continued walking; sparing a glare at the squirrel on his hand. He knew they had been close to finding the dorms, but then she had starting running on the opposite direction, and he had no choice but to follow, because he still didn’t trust any of the creatures around here, who knew how many of them ate squirrel?
They had ended up at the lake, which he knew from previous experience wasn’t close to the dorms. After that he had had to run in circles behind Soo to catch her –she had probably thought it was a game-. So here he was, with an escapist squirrel firmly grabbed in one hand and a heavy suitcase on the other, lost and damn tired. He had decided, as much as a blow it was to his stubborn nature, that it was time to ask for directions.
The girl he had asked had been nothing but nice and effective and soon he found himself opening the door of his new room. He let a relieved sigh as he took off his shoes and flopped down on one of the beds, it was clear that he had a roommate as there were personal items scattered around the place, but he didn’t really care if he was on someone’s bed. He would apologize later, for now he needed to rest. He watched Soo run around the place, smelling everything, and smiled to himself. The place was nice.
After some minutes, he was pleasantly dozing off when he felt the urgent need to empty his bladder. Without much thought he opened one of the doors, he was so tired he didn’t noticed the shower was being used.
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Sona could rely to his situation a lot. For such reasons no one ever wanted to come to closer to her since everybody described her presence as ‘standing next to a burning fire’. And still until this day the female is quite unsure whether this was a compliment or an insult. Shrugging about the thought of hers, she turned her head at his side to face him properly. “I feel you, at first I freaked out as well, because I thought I was going to die soon and people freaking out around me didn’t make it any better.” Back then, the topic health was an absolute nightmare to her, but know that she understood the circumstances, she couldn’t help but laugh.
Yoons explanation sounded reasonable, thinking about it people all over the world would have thought or did the same. “Good thing I didn’t found out earlier, as a child a had this huge urge to communicate and I couldn’t keep a secret. You managed that pretty well from a young age on, respect.” She held her thumbs up while grinning again. For some reason it relieved her, knowing that he would stay for a while. It made her feel a little odd to be happy about the presence of a stranger but without wasting another thought on weird feeling, she shook her head slightly and turned back at their conversation. “Do you think it is that dangerous for us beings out here? I’m sure your parents would look out for you if you were to travel around the world. They’d notice your absence!” She hoped that those words left a cheering impression on him before abruptly twitching as she noticed the fireball flowing over his hand. “What is that..? H-how did you do that?” In an attempt to do the same Sona extended her hand and squinted but to her frustration nothing happened. Even though Sona would turn 20 soon she knew almost nothing about the magical powers of a sun sprite nor could she use any of it, except for controlling the heat which was really lame if she’d think about it. She pushed her lower lip forward a little to create a pout before sighing. “I think so too, especially the food is so good, it’s disgusting.”  
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Sonas eyes always switched from looking into her counterparts and looking away from him, just to make sure he wouldn’t run into someone. As both of them continued their conversation, the brunette grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him to the right side. Without saying anything she pointed at the street lamp. “I told you.” Her countenance formed into a ‘I told you’ expression before shortly after smiling again just like she did before. Once Yoon agreed to take a trip to England she couldn’t help but grin like a Cheshire cat. “You definitely won’t get rid of me now. Is there any place in England that you’d like to see?” 
At this point both parties seemed to have decided that staying outside might even be the better choice. Wordlessly Sona plumped down on the grass and stroke over the still slightly wet grass with her flat of her hand. The air that was blowing through her hair was really refreshing and breathing seemed so easily over here.
A proud smile flew over her lips as she received the compliment, hearing encouragements always made her heart flutter. “You really think so?” While Yoon continued speaking, the female also dropped her upper body on the grass. Laying down under the sky like this always felt like her skin was absorbing the sun beams. She responded with a laugh before turning her head towards him. “You must have missed a lot of stuff in school because of that… What do you think would have happened if you told anybody about you?” It was exact the same for her, only her parents knew what she really was and they dealt with it pretty well but still advised her to keep quiet. “Do you think we would have been the next Frankenstein?” Jokingly Sona pulled a serious face while quoting “Alone: bad, friend: good” she softly tugged on his shirt, still quoting “I want friend like me.” Her actions might be interpreted as weird or childish but it was just the very easy way she worked. She chuckled at her own imitation before she heard Yoons last sentence. “Does that mean you wouldn’t like to stay here for long?” 
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Sonas eyes always switched from looking into her counterparts and looking away from him, just to make sure he wouldn’t run into someone. As both of them continued their conversation, the brunette grabbed him by his shoulders and pulled him to the right side. Without saying anything she pointed at the street lamp. “I told you.” Her countenance formed into a ‘I told you’ expression before shortly after smiling again just like she did before. Once Yoon agreed to take a trip to England she couldn’t help but grin like a Cheshire cat. “You definitely won’t get rid of me now. Is there any place in England that you’d like to see?” 
At this point both parties seemed to have decided that staying outside might even be the better choice. Wordlessly Sona plumped down on the grass and stroke over the still slightly wet grass with her flat of her hand. The air that was blowing through her hair was really refreshing and breathing seemed so easily over here.
A proud smile flew over her lips as she received the compliment, hearing encouragements always made her heart flutter. “You really think so?” While Yoon continued speaking, the female also dropped her upper body on the grass. Laying down under the sky like this always felt like her skin was absorbing the sun beams. She responded with a laugh before turning her head towards him. “You must have missed a lot of stuff in school because of that... What do you think would have happened if you told anybody about you?” It was exact the same for her, only her parents knew what she really was and they dealt with it pretty well but still advised her to keep quiet. “Do you think we would have been the next Frankenstein?” Jokingly Sona pulled a serious face while quoting “Alone: bad, friend: good” she softly tugged on his shirt, still quoting “I want friend like me.” Her actions might be interpreted as weird or childish but it was just the very easy way she worked. She chuckled at her own imitation before she heard Yoons last sentence. “Does that mean you wouldn’t like to stay here for long?” 
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
After laughing about his joke Sona still remained a little shy and felt difficulty to turn back towards Yoon and to look him back in the eyes. Actually the brunette probably was the one that felt more uncomfortable. “Maybe it’ll be helpful for your roommate … Unless he doesn’t like heat.” 
While they were still walking Sona continued to play with her finger nervously, hoping that the strange feeling this situation gave her would disappear soon. She couldn’t recall ever feeling that… weird. “I think actually drawing attention to it, made me feel more uncomfortable.” Hesitantly glimpsed at him, giving him a very soft smile of hers before also looking up at the sky. At first the sun sprite didn’t notice that Yoon was motioning her to follow up, only the noise of footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts. Just as Yoon turned around to face her, Sona faced him again. “You’re going to bump into someone like this.” A soft chuckle left her mouth before she devoted at his questions. “Yes that’s right. You should accompany me then when I go back to see my parents.” Cheekily Sona poked his chest with a wide grin on her face. “Well that’s a long story, I didn’t knew until 2 years ago that I wasn’t human. To be quite honest, I never thought that supernatural beings were real.” Sona stopped for a second to think about how she could sum it up in a short sentence. “My parents were concerned about my health once they checked my temperature, so they took me from one doctor after another because no one seemed to be able to diagnose or cure me only after 9 years we’ve met a someone who was able to tell me about … basically all of this.” The questions amused her, it felt like the first time someone was that interested in her life. “I don’t think I’ll be better off at the sun to be honest, I feel more human than anything else to be honest.” Sona couldn’t help to smile sheepishly at the last question. “I’ve always wanted to be a paleontologist or an elementary school teacher… Is that weird?” Hoping that she didn’t misunderstood his question Sona covered her smile with her hand. “What about you? I would like to know everything. Maybe we could just … sit down for a bit and enjoy the sun a little longer?” Frankly the brunette wasn’t too sure if it was really the sun or Yoons company that she’d like to stay with a little longer.
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
After laughing about his joke Sona still remained a little shy and felt difficulty to turn back towards Yoon and to look him back in the eyes. Actually the brunette probably was the one that felt more uncomfortable. “Maybe it’ll be helpful for your roommate ... Unless he doesn’t like heat.” 
While they were still walking Sona continued to play with her finger nervously, hoping that the strange feeling this situation gave her would disappear soon. She couldn’t recall ever feeling that... weird. “I think actually drawing attention to it, made me feel more uncomfortable.” Hesitantly glimpsed at him, giving him a very soft smile of hers before also looking up at the sky. At first the sun sprite didn’t notice that Yoon was motioning her to follow up, only the noise of footsteps pulled her out of her thoughts. Just as Yoon turned around to face her, Sona faced him again. “You’re going to bump into someone like this.” A soft chuckle left her mouth before she devoted at his questions. “Yes that’s right. You should accompany me then when I go back to see my parents.” Cheekily Sona poked his chest with a wide grin on her face. “Well that’s a long story, I didn’t knew until 2 years ago that I wasn’t human. To be quite honest, I never thought that supernatural beings were real.” Sona stopped for a second to think about how she could sum it up in a short sentence. “My parents were concerned about my health once they checked my temperature, so they took me from one doctor after another because no one seemed to be able to diagnose or cure me only after 9 years we’ve met a someone who was able to tell me about ... basically all of this.” The questions amused her, it felt like the first time someone was that interested in her life. “I don’t think I’ll be better off at the sun to be honest, I feel more human than anything else to be honest.” Sona couldn’t help to smile sheepishly at the last question. “I’ve always wanted to be a paleontologist or an elementary school teacher... Is that weird?” Hoping that she didn’t misunderstood his question Sona covered her smile with her hand. “What about you? I would like to know everything. Maybe we could just ... sit down for a bit and enjoy the sun a little longer?” Frankly the brunette wasn’t too sure if it was really the sun or Yoons company that she’d like to stay with a little longer.
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
“Yes,” Yoon laughed. “We do make rather good heaters, that’s for sure,” he agreed with a nod. His mother had always joked about that as well, only living in Arizona where temperatures often reached 110F or higher in the summer, it was quite a bad this to essentially be a heater all the time. “I hear Korea is cold in the winter, so at least I’ll be a useful heater here,” he smiled. It was then that he saw the flush rise on her cheeks from him pulling his hand away and he laughed nervously, shaking his head.
“I’m not uncomfortable,” he said honestly. If anything he was too comfortable and that was strange to him. He was hardly ever truly comfortable around anyone. “It’s just, I didn’t know if you might be uncomfortable,” he admitted lightly, looking up at the sky, then realizing they were just standing there when they should be on their way to the clinic. With a deep breath of the warmth of the sun, he looked back at Sona and motioned for her to follow him again. He took a few steps forward, then turned to face her, walking backwards to make sure she was following him. “So,” he began again, changing the subject. “You grew up in Liverpool? I’ve always wanted to go to Europe,” he comments. “When did you find out you were a Sun Sprite if he didn’t always know?” He asked curiously. “What do you want to do with your life? Besides… going back to the Sun? Like… what do you like to do?”
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Once he finished speaking Sona took a moment to think about what he just said. He might be right about the fact that she’d be better off down here. At least the brunette had no idea what it was like up there and even though she was a child of the sun, adjusting to the people, standards and temperature might be hard since she was used to earth. “Maybe I just wasn’t meant to be up there, at least I can be a very good heater replacement in winter for my family, that’s useful for the people on earth.” With the joke being said, Sona hoped to break the ice a little more. 
“Oh I feel flattered” she responded while chuckling softly. With an interested expression on her face, she listened to what he told her about the sun. Quite frankly Sona had to admit to herself that she didn’t know what communities he was talking about, neither did she know what the nothern conglomerate was like, but instead of asking the sun sprite just left it being said like this and nodded lightly in response. “I think for now I’ll just stick with the heater replacement as my assignment.” Jokingly Sona nudged his shoulder softly with hers before Yoon pulled his hand back abruptly. Even she herself didn’t realize that they were holding hands all the way. Sheepishly Sona brushed a strand of hair out of her face with her fingers. “It’s- .... No n-” Unsure about what she could possibly response to that the brunette took a few seconds before being able to say anything. “I’m sorry for making you uncomfortable.” After speaking her cheeks turned from a healthy white to a peach pink. 
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Even though Yoon was pulling her along, Sona took her time since the sunbeams that were brightly shining on her wounds seemed to somehow have a healing impression on her. The bruises still wouldn’t disappear but it made her forget everything. Additionally Sona felt the warmth of a sun sprites hand and  although they had just met, Yoon felt like a really comfortable company to be with. Once her counterpart stopped speaking, the brunette turned her head curiously. “Are you royal? Some sort of prince?” Her question could be interpreted as naively but she didn’t know it any better. Sona had absolutely no idea of the circumstances on mother sun. 
Before she attempted to open her mouth to keep questioning him, Yoon interrupted her with his promise to which she simply responded with a firm smile. Only as he began to stutter at the beginning of his sentence she grew a little concerned. Did she go too far just now as she obsessed about all the things that have been said? “If you don’t feel comfortable for me calling you that, then I can stick with Yoon…. It must be very hard to be that far from home. I understand that, I’m from Liverpool… It’s not as far as the sun but you can’t consider it close either.” Sona couldn’t deny the fact, that she was really curious to hear everything about her actual home but it felt like the wrong time to keep asking him.
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
[Tumblr is messing with me so bad at the moment, could you please message me if I haven’t answered to you messages or plots yet, please otl ]
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Sona had heard that sentence since very much the beginning of her memory and now that she finally knew the reason for her hot aura, she couldn’t help but smile at his words being said. Once he revealed his race to her Sona perked her eyebrows up. “Is being a werewolf the same just as they show it in the Hollywood movies?” The question could be interpreted as naively but quite frankly Sona knew nothing about the race yet. Now that Sona thought about him being a werewolf she had to admit that he wasn’t as hairy and rough as she imaged a werewolf to be.
“Oh yeah, the cafeteria sounds fine. Maybe we should start learning after the breakfast, it’s easier to concentrate that way. I also would love to hear a little about your race, maybe we can have a little chit-chat before continuing with our Korean lessons?” That being said, Sona supported her sentence with a brief nod and a firm smile on her face, she was sure that this might turn out to be much more interesting than she thought it would be.
Wake up || Luhan & Sona
“You could see it like that, yes. I’m like one of those calculators that only run with solar energy.” Jokingly Sona chuckled briefly and held her hand against her lips to cover her smile. Her eyes were still linked to his before she sheepishly turned away at his wink. For some weird reason it seemed difficult to turn away from him but at the same time, looking in his eyes were doing something weird to her. “What race are you if you mind me asking?” 
Just as Luhan agreed to meet up now Sona felt a bright smile growing on her lips. “Great! Erm, how about we go and sit down at the library, or is there any place you would rather be?” Unknowingly about his race the brunette tried to handle those topics with care.
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Even though Yoon was pulling her along, Sona took her time since the sunbeams that were brightly shining on her wounds seemed to somehow have a healing impression on her. The bruises still wouldn’t disappear but it made her forget everything. Additionally Sona felt the warmth of a sun sprites hand and  although they had just met, Yoon felt like a really comfortable company to be with. Once her counterpart stopped speaking, the brunette turned her head curiously. “Are you royal? Some sort of prince?” Her question could be interpreted as naively but she didn’t know it any better. Sona had absolutely no idea of the circumstances on mother sun. 
Before she attempted to open her mouth to keep questioning him, Yoon interrupted her with his promise to which she simply responded with a firm smile. Only as he began to stutter at the beginning of his sentence she grew a little concerned. Did she go too far just now as she obsessed about all the things that have been said? “If you don’t feel comfortable for me calling you that, then I can stick with Yoon.... It must be very hard to be that far from home. I understand that, I’m from Liverpool... It’s not as far as the sun but you can’t consider it close either.” Sona couldn’t deny the fact, that she was really curious to hear everything about her actual home but it felt like the wrong time to keep asking him.
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Yoon noticed that Sona’s tone already looked better now that she was in the sun, but didn’t even get to say anything before all those questions came at him. He laughed, thinking that’s how he must sound when meeting other people. But there was one question in particular that stood out to him. Did he have memory of being on the Sun. Of course he did. And it surprised him that she didn’t. he had wanted to start walking, but now he honestly just wanted to sit down here on the grass and talk to her. He wondered if she would be opposed to that or if she really wanted to go to the clinic. “I do have memories of it,” he said slowly, curiously. They were given to me on my 18th birthday from my Sun Guardian,“ he said as though it were the most obvious thing in the world.
"Besides the fact that I just got back from there…” he started again, but that was a story he didn’t want to get into right now. Instead he turned and started walking to where he thought the clinic was, motioning for Sona to follow him. “Later I’ll tell you more about it,” he promised, though at the mention of calling him by his true name, he felt his chest tighten. It would be so nice, and yet so strange to have someone call him that, but it did sound beautiful coming from her lips, especially with her accent. “I… I suppose I can let you call me that,” he smiled lightly, looking to her again. “It’s been a while.” It had only actually been a few months, but his name had been said with such venom those past months on the Sun that it felt like a completely different name in her mouth.
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
With careful steps Sona left the dark room and felt an absolute relief as soon as she was back outside and being able to see mother sun. The hand that guided her exuded a really warmth feeling that she had never experienced before. Probably because the brunette never held the hand of another sun sprite. It was surely a great experience to have someone from the same race around.
While Yoon was examining the map, Sona enjoyed the sunbeams a little longer. Even though the bruises didn’t disappear the simple warmth that she received from both the sun and her counterpart made her forget everything that has happened last night. Once Yoon finished his sentences Sona curiosity grew even more. “You’ve been on the sun before... and you have a memory of that?” Now the brunette definitely wouldn’t let go of him. “You have to tell me everything!” Out of the happiness that she experienced, Sona couldn’t suppress a bright grin growing on her lips. “Since we’re both from the same race can I call you Zahi? I think that’s a really nice name. Oh and you’ve lived in the states before? Does that mean you speak English fluently?” Maybe telling her those things wasn’t the best idea since now, Yoon was definitely doomed to answer a ton of questions.
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Yoon honestly didn’t know how he would repay this sort of act either, but he wasn’t even asking her to. He somehow knew she wouldn’t give up, though. It was in her spirit as it was in his. “Do not worry about it,” he said again with another shake of his head. “Let’s just get out of here.” With his map in one hand, his other reaching idly and innocently for hers, he guided her to the door and out of the common room. There was a satisfying warmth that spread through his body, reenergizing him as the sunlight hit his skin, and he was sure Sona felt the same. He hoped it was going to bring back her strength as well.
He held out the map again and began to look it over now that he was feeling better at least. It was just as he started to look for anything that said “Healer” or anything about medicine or a clinic or something that she asked that question about his name. He hadn’t even really realized exactly what he’d said before until she’d asked him about it. “Hm,” he hummed as he looked over to the girl. “Yes. Um…” he started, wondering if he should explain everything. “At… home, on the Sun, my name was Zahi, but… my previous name in the States was Cahya. It the one my parents gave me,” he explained, knowing it was a little vague, but hoping it would satisfy. “Here. I think this is something,” he said, pointing to a place on the map labeled “clinic.” “It’s somewhere to start anyway.”
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Sona bit her lower lip in as a response to him, watching over her for the whole night. She wasn’t too sure how to reply to him which is why she pulled her lip out of her teeth and smiled softly. “I really don’t know what to say except for thank you...” The sun sprite stopped for a second and thought about what to response. “I never expected to receive such kindness from a stranger, and to be honest I really don’t know how to pay back such a thing.” With a slight overextension the brunette managed to smiled briefly before attempting to walk towards the door. Even though she knew nothing could happen in this dorm, the place still felt a bit scary and too dark for her own taste.
Just as he pulled out the map Sona squinted her eyes a little. It was so dark down here, that the small streets were almost disappearing in the dark. “I feel you, I’ve never been that confused by a map before. Maybe we should get out first and then try to ask someone for directions?” Sona was sure that the sun beams, kissing her bare skin would at least make her feel better. By the time they stepped outside the sun sprite couldn’t take her eyes off the new student. it surely wasn’t the right time to ask him about his past and about his own experiences with the race itself but she would definitely want to catch up on it. While the red haired guy introduced himself as Yoon, Sona got a little curious. “Does that mean you had another name before?” 
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Sona smiled brightly as he confirmed his race in front of her. He may not be the first sun sprite she had every met, but he was the very first that saved her and the only male sun sprite she came across. “Oh so you’re new here, I wish we would have met under different circumstances.” Even in pain, the brunette wouldn’t forget her sense of humor. 
Their conversation paused briefly as Sona ran her fingers over the bruises once again. Only after Sona turned back to him she realized that his left eye didn’t have a pupil. She couldn’t help but look at his eyes intensely for a few seconds before turning back away, since she figured out her stare might be rude. “You were watching me the whole night..?” Now Sona felt completelyguilt towards the new student. He must have been exhausted from moving already and additionally the sun sprite had been a burden to him. “You helped me more than enough, I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t there… Thank you, again.” After thinking about his question, she answered “I think they have healers over here, they should at least I’ve never been there but I guess this would be the right time to figure it out.” Being fluttered by his offer the brunette nodded softly and attempted to get up, her legs still felt a bit unsteadily but she could manage to stand straight. “You have to guide me, otherwise I might end up in someone’s bathroom, I’ve never been in this dorm.” By the look of it’s walls and furniture it seemed like this would be the perfect home for a vampire or a werewolf hiding from the moonlight, luckily she herself didn’t end up living in here. “Oh I am such a rude person, I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Sona, very nice to meet you.” She still didn’t got used to the idea of bowing instead of handshaking, as a result to that she simply extended her hand.  
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Sona smiled brightly as he confirmed his race in front of her. He may not be the first sun sprite she had every met, but he was the very first that saved her and the only male sun sprite she came across. “Oh so you’re new here, I wish we would have met under different circumstances.” Even in pain, the brunette wouldn’t forget her sense of humor. 
Their conversation paused briefly as Sona ran her fingers over the bruises once again. Only after Sona turned back to him she realized that his left eye didn’t have a pupil. She couldn’t help but look at his eyes intensely for a few seconds before turning back away, since she figured out her stare might be rude. “You were watching me the whole night..?” Now Sona felt completelyguilt towards the new student. He must have been exhausted from moving already and additionally the sun sprite had been a burden to him. “You helped me more than enough, I don’t know what would have happened if you weren’t there... Thank you, again.” After thinking about his question, she answered “I think they have healers over here, they should at least I’ve never been there but I guess this would be the right time to figure it out.” Being fluttered by his offer the brunette nodded softly and attempted to get up, her legs still felt a bit unsteadily but she could manage to stand straight. “You have to guide me, otherwise I might end up in someone’s bathroom, I’ve never been in this dorm.” By the look of it’s walls and furniture it seemed like this would be the perfect home for a vampire or a werewolf hiding from the moonlight, luckily she herself didn’t end up living in here. “Oh I am such a rude person, I forgot to introduce myself, I’m Sona, very nice to meet you.” She still didn’t got used to the idea of bowing instead of handshaking, as a result to that she simply extended her hand.  
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Yoon laughed softly, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t want to know what would have happened if you’d stayed out there any longer either,” he said honestly, but then distracted by her comment about him being a Sun Sprite. “I am. I just came to the academy a few days ago.” He had yet to meet another Sun Sprite here on Earth, even in his first 21 years here, but so far he was not disappointed with her company despite the circumstances. She seemed really sweet, something he would actually expect from a child of the Sun.
As she suddenly cried out in English, he perked up even more, his smile growing into a grin, but then she was talking again before he could ask her about it. That had definitely been a British accent. He would know one of those anywhere. So… she wasn’t from around here. “To be honest, I did wish several times last night that I had healing powers,” he said, looking over her other arm as she sat up straight on the couch, knowing her whole body must be aching from the immense lack of energy it went through last night. “But don’t worry about me,” he muttered as she began to wipe the dirt from her clothes. “I wasn’t outside for too long. You weren’t too far from the door,” he shrugged. “I just wish I could have done more to help. Maybe you should go see a healer?” he suggested, though he didn’t know if the school actually had healers. He assumed they did. Most schools had nurses right? So this one should have some sort of magical healer, right? “I can help you there, if you want. Although I’m not sure quite how to find my way around the school yet.” He had been exploring for a few days and still only knew where his classes and dorm were. “At the very least, we should get you outside and out of this dorm now that it’s day.”
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Once he finished speaking Sona couldn’t help but forget her pain or a second and smile. “Thank you, really I owe you... I don’t know what would have happened to me if you weren’t there and to be honest, I don’t even think I would like to know.” The brunette felt the urge to hug him but resisted since she didn’t want to appear weird. “Wait.. did you say fellow? Does that mean, you’re a sun sprite as well?” From all the beings she had met, sun sprites definitely were one of the rare ones and having another one around surely would be great, not only that she could learn a bit more about her own race but it also felt nice to be around her race. 
A short glance at her arm made her smile grow into a pout. “Oh Blimey!” Sona said in English, bursting out in the biggest British accent. “I look like I’ve been abused.” As the red haired stranger ran his fingers over her arm she could feel a slight pain on the dark spots that were covering her skin. “Those are the times you’d wish for healing powers, right?” Chuckling Sona turned back to her counterpart, smiling again since she did not want to appear rude. “I don’t know, I started walking shortly after sunset, it seemed like an eternity for me.” The brunette sat straight again and tried to forget the pain as much as possible since she did not want anybody to see her curving like that. But at times she couldn’t help but grimace.
Her clothes were covered in dirt and as she looked down on the dress she was wearing Sona tried to wipe it away. “You had to come outside to get me, right? Didn’t it hurt you...? I mean you’re a sun sprite as well and you could have gotten in danger! I ...” The sun sprite stopped for a second, unsure what to say. “I really don’t know how I can make up for this.” 
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Yoon hadn’t planned on staying up here all night, but now with this girl here, he couldn’t just leave her. She was one of his people and she was hurt. How could he leave? He knew he dozed off at least a few times, laying against the arm of the couch, his arm protectively on her shoulder. He was drained of his energy and he needed sleep, even when he wasn’t trying to keep himself and someone else warm. His studying abandoned on the table in front of them, he kept his gaze on her whenever he was awake, wanting to make sure she was okay and that nothing was going to hurt her.
When he felt those first rays of light on his skin, he could feel his body accepting their warmth and easily re-energizing him. He took in a deep breath and pushed himself up from the side of the couch where he had fallen asleep, looking down at the girl still sleep in front of him. As soon as the rays hit her as well, he noticed the color returning to her skin and he couldn’t help but smile. The bruises were still visible, tainting her tanned skin with the black and blue of night, but she already looked significantly better than she had light night when he had found her. She was lucky she had collapsed where she did or she might have been left out there all night. Or, at least longer than she had been.
When she finally opened her eyes and looked up at him, he looked her over, then caught her gaze with his good eye, his smile still lingering on his lips. “I… I don’t think I’d call it saving,” he said with a shrug. “But I guess, yeah.” He gently ran his fingertips over her arm before realizing that was probably weird and pulling away to sit back in his chair. “You collapsed outside last night. I… I couldn’t leave a fellow Sun Sprite like that,” he said honestly. Glancing to the bar on the far side of the common room, he wondered if they would have supplies for hot chocolate or anything like that, but he sincerely doubted it. “How are you feeling?” he asked then, noticing the wince as she tried to move. “I’ve… I’ve never had that happen to me. How long were you out there?”
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Even though Sona herself wasn’t too sure whether this night was just going to leave her bruised or if she would just fade away. Admittedly fading probably wasn’t going to happen but sometimes her imagination would just run free. The condition Sona currently felt herself in could be described as somewhat like a dream. For some weird reason she dreamed about someone saving her life, just like you would see it in movies. 
The fact that a stranger actually did save her wasn’t feasible for her yet. But even due to her unconsciousness, the sun sprite felt a warmth touch on her shoulder, something made her feel save again. Slowly the brunette opened her eyes as a result to the warmth that ran through her body again. She still felt very weak and could hardly open her eyes but she was able to perceive a man with fire red hair and eyes. Unknowing whether it was an illusion or not, Sona extended her hand, touching his face softly with the tip of her fingers before dropping everything and falling back into her unconsciousness.
It was only the very next day that the brunette could open her eyes entirely in synchronization with the sunbeams, kissing her skin. The first thing she spotted was a dark painted roof which looked not familiar to her at all. Slowly the brunette turned her head at her right and spotted a red haired guy watching her. Only after a few awkward seconds of eye contact the pain in her arms, hands and face made itself felt. Sona convulsed in pain as a response and only then she remembered what had happened last night. “Did you...” While still being in pain, the sun sprite lifted her head to look up at the stranger sitting in front of her. “Did you save me last night ...?” There were a few more questions running through her head but this one seemed like the most important to her at the moment. 
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Writing down a few sentences in his notebook, he read them to himself in his head, then saying them out loud, not even caring if anyone else was around. “I hate the dark.” he said in Korean with a chuckle, then following it with, “I need sunlight.” It was just as he finished saying that line again, making sure his pronunciation was okay, that he heard a small thud against the front door of the dorm. He paused, looking up. There were only a couple windows and he didn’t see anything, but his curiosity got the better of him and he stood, placing his stuff on the chair as he did. He slowly walked over to the door, cautious of what he would find on the other side.
Slowly, he opened the door, but what he actually saw when he did what not at all what he was expecting. A brunette girl who looked like she had definitely seen better days, especially considering she had just collapsed outside the dorm. Quickly kneeling down next to her to check her pulse, his CPR training from his previous stint on Earth kicking in, he noticed she was warmer than a normal human, though her skin was spotted with black and blue. Like bruises. It was curious, to be honest. Hesitating a moment, he finally touched her shoulder, rubbing it lightly in an attempt to awaken the girl. “Hello?” he called to her, but there was no response. He tried again with the same outcome and he needed to get back inside before… wait. She was a sun sprite? It dawned on him that he had always been warned this would happen to him if he was out in the moonlight too long. His heart skipped a beat. He hadn’t wanted to meet another sun sprite this way. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her into the common room, shutting the door behind him with his foot. He didn’t know anywhere he could go for sunlight at this time of day and since most of his powers were weak at best, and even worse at night, he couldn’t do much to help her either. Moving across the common room carefully, he placed her on one of the couches, then pushed the couch over to where he knew the sunlight would be creeping in as soon as it began to rise in the morning. Bringing a chair over as well, he sat next to her and placed his hand on her shoulder. Using what strength he had in him to try to warm her up a bit more, he hoped desperately that she would be okay.
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Harmful darkness | | Yoon & Sona
Wearily Sona dropped her head on her arms that were lying on the desk. Although the Astrology lessons were quite interesting, the darkness that filled the room made her whole body feel weak. This was actually the first time she regretted picking a subject for herself. Additionally to the fatigue the uncertainty of the day time made the sunsprite a little nervous. She did not remember the last time she had been outdoor after sunset  but preferably the brunette wouldn’t want to experience such a thing again. 
While the minutes just past by Sona could feel her body ceasing it’s actions and soon it seemed like a really big challenge to keep her eyes open, waiting impatiently for the release of the lesson. Only seconds before Sona was sure to just faint the teacher finally declared the end of the lesson, nothing seemed more important to her than getting in her bed as soon as possible. 
Since the Ignis dormitory and which she stayed in was quite far away it would surely take a bit of time, especially now that she was that tired. To her disadvantage Sona could only witness the last sunbeams shining over the tip of the academy before the darkness took over. 
This can’t be, how am I going to get home now. Desperately the sunsprite looked around to see if someone could guide her, but eventually everybody already left before her. That’s the last straw, Sona thought to herself. It took her a few minutes to decide what to do. Everything around her started to blur from second to second and just laying down here may be more harmful than actually giving walking home a try.
She tried to cover most of her body parts so that the moonlight wouldn’t be able to ‘touch’ any of it with it’s light. Intently the brunette tried to make her way through the campus and even though to her it felt like she was running a marathon, but in fact Sona hardly walked. It was an indescribable feeling that darkness conveyed, it surely wasn’t hot but neither cold would be the right word to describe it. Actually it felt like something was absorbing her energy and without noticing dark blue bruises started to cover her arms, hands and also her cheeks. With every step it somehow felt like she was walking more towards the moon and after reaching the Luna dormitory Sona just couldn’t take it anymore. There wasn’t any energy left over for her to go on and as a result the sunsprite collapsed in the middle of the campus. The last thing she perceived was the sound of owls before her eyes eventually shut.
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Blinking slightly overwhelmed Sona tried to sort the situation that was happening right now. Did she just said that she was a sun sprite? The brunette was still sitting there with no reaction until Eunji grabbed her hands, feeling the warmth that felt just like her own. Within seconds Sonas lips turned into a huge smile. Her grasp grew tighter while approaching the other sun sprite a bit more. “I can’t believe it, I’ve been waiting for someone like you forever!” Unable to contain herself Sona swooped to Eunji and wrapped her hands around her neck for a right hug. “Something around 19 I think what about you?” After enjoying hugging someone that wouldn’t complain about it being to hot the brunette slowly pulled back. “I’m sorry I just had to.”
Once Eunji spoke Sona nodded rapidly in agreement. There surely wouldn’t get out just by themselves. “At least we have each other and we can just talk about our experiences all night long.” A brief chuckle left her mouth as Sona tried to cheer up the conversation a bit. It was undeniable that both of them must have been really tired but at the moment Sona seemed to be a little too overwhelmed to let her tiredness take over.
sona-ia// Library Hide-out
Sona responded with a short nod to Eunjis slightly confused question. The bright smile Sona encountered  the other brunette stayed on her face whilst she pulled out a chair. “Oh really? Well even better we can help each other out so that we’ll be even!” The grin of her counterpart somehow seemed to warm up not only the conversation but also Sonas body temperature a little.
Once Eunji finished talking, Sona pushed her lower lip out a little, causing her to pout. “I am so sorry, I would really like to accompany you, but unfortunately I can’t go outside in the dark, I’m a sunsprite, you see and the darkness could be harmful to me.” Sona really did feel sorry for not being able to accept her favour. But since she didn’t want to damp Eunjis spirit she gladly shook her hand in response. “Very pleasured to meet you Eunji, I’m Sona!”
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sona-ia-blog · 9 years
Even though she already had already made up her order in her mind, Sona was very tempted to just have a quick glance at the menu and raised her eyebrows in sun sprite at the large choice the place was giving. With some of the names written on the menu, the sunsprite was not sure if this was any language that you would speak on earth. 
Confused the brunette leaned back against the sofa and smiled neatly at the waitress while letting Wyatt do the orders. 
Shaking her head in denial Sonas smile grew a bit wider as the waitress left. “Nope, absolutely fine with lemonades!” Their conversation was interrupted by a brief silence from Wyatts side. Sona almost started to worry that she gave out too much information but grinned happily once Wyatt finished speaking. “Really? I should take you with me once I go over for holiday! I can show you around Liverpool and we can explore places together in England!” She spoke rapidly, being so eagerly, the brunette did not even listen to the words that were leaving her mouth
Not you again | | Wyatt & Sona
Once he spoke Sona, for some reason, could not help but imagine her counterpart with bunny ears and grinned to herself in amusement. Obviously she was aware of what he meant by saying that but sometimes her imagination would just go crazy. “Glad to hear that, the weather has not been that good either, so I think warmth is really what we needed right now.” 
In thought Sona nibbled softly on her lower lip. “I think I like tuna Pizza. What about you?” After Wyatt finished drying his arms she gladly took the Handkerchief and folded it neatly before placing it back in her bag. “True. But it was funny running towards the Pizza store.” 
As she lay her arms on the desk and smiled as his question. “I like the academy a lot. There are still a lot of people I should meet and a lot of things I should learn but other than that I have only made great experiences over here. However…” She paused for a second before continuing “I really do miss England and my family but I guess it will be better with time.” Sona stopped talking as soon as she spotted the waitress coming towards them. “Hm, what do you order?”
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