someoneiswriting · 3 months
Hi, just wanted to ask if everyone goes through like a 4/5 months break with Genshin every year because they burn out, then return with tears in their eyes because they missed a shitton of things and are overwhelmed with the things they have to catch up with, but then they play like for five minutes and everything that crosses their mind is just "I'm home" and pure joy, until they are midway in doing a quest that lasts like 50 hours and wants to die again, then a new region comes out just as they finish the exploration of the one before, but they can't stop now, at least they are curious to see the story of the new region. And boom burnout again see you in 4 months.
Am I insane or is this a phenomenon that can be studied. Help.
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someoneiswriting · 6 months
Hiya, I beat the damn queen spider in Baldur's Gate III after 6 tries smh, I am so bad at this
PS I'm also lvl 3 (because I am an unconfrontational baddie).
PPS I also suck at using my environment, took me 5 tries to understand how to eliminate all the baby spider's eggs before the beginning of the fight and use efficiently the webs to make her fall
Man, Layton only taught me how to solve puzzles, not how to actually be smart.
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someoneiswriting · 11 months
A bunch of feminist things are colonising my social media, I am not complaining.
Look at me eating it ALLL up
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Cunk on Earth 1x04
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someoneiswriting · 2 years
I did not catch all of these things, so seeing this is so revealing. I didn't consider some ulterior steps about Sou's evolution throughout the story. Thank you for sharing <3
Nao's attack was a trigger for Shin to fully slip into "Sou Hiyori" persona.
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I’m on a rampage with Yttd posts recently ya’ll. I have serious brainrot, don’t even try to stop me.
Ok so, imagine being teenage boy attending high school. Imagine being lonely on a daily basis and then one day imagine that you got a friend. Turned out that friend was terryfing. Maniuplative, anxiety inducing, sociopathic individual who you’re spending time with day after day in his house. But he’s smart and sticks around with you despite the fact that you don’t have many friends. So you cling to him even more even if you don’t really want to. Even if you avoid eye contact every time he looks at you because you start to panic and sweating and you can see how much fun he has when he sees you like that.
And then imagine that after some time that friend who caused you so much suffering dissapears without telling you why. After debating if you really should be looking for him bc of partial fear, you still decide to do so. It’s confusing because you love him as your big brother and hate him as worst enemy at the same time. And then you find out he didn’t even go to your school. So you feel betrayed.
From this point onward your life is living hell. You’re paranoid about everyone you meet. You’re starting to second guessing people’s intentions, to see your own kindness as your weakness and naivety. On the other hand kindness of others you see as a threat and weapon to manipulate you because there’s no way people can be kind without ulterior motive exactly how your scary friend once was. Besides being kind was exactly what pushed you into trusting Hiyori in the first place. So you decided to never show your kind side ever again until you’d want to be used like you were before. In other words, you’re not the same person you once was. You were weak by then. You still are but at least now you’re more careful about who you trust.
And then imagine that you’re suddenly thrown into a Death Game where your paranoia gets even worse and you’re on a mental breakdown. You have zero survival rate and so you’re becoming the person you despise the most despite the disgust it brings you because he was the only definition of strength you ever known: Sou Hiyori.
You soon see the girl who is the opposite of you. She has the highest chance of surviving so that makes her suspicious in your eyes right of the bat. Strong people can be strong only because they’re using and manipulating others: weaker individuals. That much is obvious, right? Hiyori proved it.
Imagine you ask her if she will accompany you in search: it’s good idea to keep an eye on her and suspect her as much as you can. But you’re not that kind of person deep down inside. So…  even though you’ve said your name is Sou Hiyori and intend to make a chaos… you’re still holding back to some degree despite your better judgment… at least for now.
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Imagine your true name being Shin Tsukimi.. because that’s exactly what he’s been trough in Your Turn To Die / Kimi Ga Shine up to this point… and it soon turned out to be even worse not only for him but for everybody else.
Before Nao’s attack came, you could still see Shin acting like his old, kind self, at least to some degree.
He was looking out for Sara: when he saw a bar, he told her not to drink because she was still underage.
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When she found a dart on the table he said to her to be careful because the dart’s tip is sharp.
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When they found cigarettes to sale he said to her not to buy anything because they can’t turn her into a delinquent.
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His cowardly nature was also more obvious: when they had to enter pink room he was scared of the eerie atmosphere the corridor had.
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And when he thought Miley is gonna move after attaching all her body parts he started to laugh nervously out of fear.
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He tried to help others as much as he could: he found secret room and a laptop and called for Sara when he did. He didn’t keep it for himself. He could do it, but he didn’t.
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He was trying to guess the password and even stopped Sara to go on the second floor on her own bc of possible danger.
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Beside strange faces when he noticed Sara has a gun, he was harmless. Even if you did give him the gun he gave it back to you second after.
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You can call it an act but it’s been proven he’s originally kind hearted. To add to that even though he was the most suspicious of Sara, he didn’t vote for her in voting before Mishima’s death. Because despite her highest chance she didn’t do anything out of ordinary… yet.
And then came Nao’s attack and everything began to change.
With his paranoia, anxiety and fear that everyone will use him and kill him being high enough already, imagine what it have been after someone smacked him on the head and knocked him unconcious when he was alone in the dark room. He probably began to think that if he won’t take “being Sou Hiyori” matter seriously, he’s going to die for real.
So he took another approach.
Shin in 2-2 when we play as him sees himself as being “dead”. And that’s the conclusion I wanted to go for because that’s exactly it. Shin Tsukimi persona dissapeared right there and Sou Hiyori finally took over for good.
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The evidence is that Shin suddenly starts to make even creppier face than before and starts to manipulate Kanna. Not only that but he starts to lie as well. His first lie is about the password that he didn’t get it. Second one is that Joe didn’t vote for himself. And later there’s this whole play with him being a “keymaster” and so on. Lies from now on spilled from his mouth are countless.
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It’s sad to think how easy it could be avoided… Nao with her attack - altough it was not her fault since she was threatened - made everything worse for everybody for next 2 chapters…
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someoneiswriting · 2 years
My brain obsessively seeking intellectual stimuli is very happy to have this, thank you <3
Want to learn something new in 2022??
Absolute beginner adult ballet series (fabulous beginning teacher)
40 piano lessons for beginners (some of the best explanations for piano I’ve ever seen)
Excellent basic crochet video series
Basic knitting (probably the best how to knit video out there)
Pre-Free Figure Skate Levels A-D guides and practice activities (each video builds up with exercises to the actual moves!)
How to draw character faces video (very funny, surprisingly instructive?)
Another drawing character faces video
Literally my favorite art pose hack
Tutorial of how to make a whole ass Stardew Valley esque farming game in Gamemaker Studios 2??
Introduction to flying small aircrafts
French/Dutch/Fishtail braiding
Playing the guitar for beginners (well paced and excellent instructor)
Playing the violin for beginners (really good practical tips mixed in)
Color theory in digital art (not of the children’s hospital variety)
Retake classes you hated but now there’s zero stakes:
Calculus 1 (full semester class)
Learn basic statistics (free textbook)
Introduction to college physics (free textbook)
Introduction to accounting (free textbook)
Learn a language:
Ancient Greek
Japanese (grammar guide) (for dummies)
Russian (pretty good cyrillic guide!)
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someoneiswriting · 3 years
And I failed to fall in love with them even if they perfectly fit into my type.
That is a great achievement indeed.
(I still love them sm it's unhealhty)
This guy
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and this guy
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Are exactly the same person and have the same dumbass energy and you can’t tell me otherwise. And they’re both French, flirt all the fucking time, they both chase after a Japanese nerd with brown hair, and they’re both blonde haired blue eyed dumbasses. 
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