solciencialuna · 15 days
Why French Bulldogs (and Their Owners) Are the Worst: A Rant
"So not only are overall health, quality of life, and mobility sacrificed to get these modern marvels distinctive enough to flatter the owner’s self-image and impress passersby, so is the ability to behave as real dogs. Deduct right off the top the many weeks or months the French and English bulls that I, personally, have known to spend in ICU isolation attached to oxygen tanks for pneumonia. Add the very common multiple surgeries to correct their show-standard mouths, noses, eyes, skin, legs, and spines. Then add the recovery time, assuming there will be full recovery in immunocompromised breeds prone to infections, and not much is left for getting to know other dogs and learning basic social skills. Disabled pets may help improve their owners’ social chances, but they’re dealt a bum hand for dealing with their own kind. Poor performance in puppy mixer groups is par for the course."
"Assuming Frenchies survive puppyhood — and the owners don’t dump them — they’ll never be able to use normal body language to communicate with other dogs because their bodies are so warped. “Correct” appearance as per their breed standard may say something about the owners’ financial condition and discriminating taste, but those weird alien eyes, the frozen glare and exposed teeth, the endless coughing, wheezing, and cartoon gurgling that fans find so cute and entertaining, give other dogs they pass on sidewalks good reason to be alarmed and on their guard. Nature’s basic repertoire of expressions and vocalizations has been perverted by human meddling, and if the owners aren’t smart enough to know the gene pool is being threatened by these weak and tragic specimens, other dogs are. Humped backs distort posture and intent. Dwarfed legs prevent play bowing and invite aggression. Short curly tails can’t wag or warn to signal as they should. Deliberate mutations multiply misunderstandings and explain the constant brawls Frenchies are famous for getting into at the local dog park, even amongst each other because they’re startled by what they see in the mirror."
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solciencialuna · 15 days
El nombre de mi otro blog es el tĂ­tulo de D'Vana Tendi.
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