solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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Rita Moreno wearing the same dress she wore to the 1962 Oscars, when she won Best Supporting Actress. If that isn’t the ultimate LEGEND move, I don’t know what it.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
To lovely humans who were excluded from invitations, left behind when they tied their shoes, forced to walk in the grass when the sidewalk was full, spoken over when you tried to contribute, whispered about or laughed at, given side-eye when you tried to fit in…. you are so worthy of love.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
Happy Zookeeper Appreciation Week!
The last couple summers have been super busy, but this year I’d like to highlight some of the cool things that I get to do as an aquarist. Stay tuned this week to get a more in depth view of my daily work. And as always, feel free to ask me any questions you might have throughout the week. Thanks for loving me so well y’all.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
Btw you can be intensely critical of the Democratic party and recognize that it is full of aged out of touch moderates who are refusing to meet the urgency of the moment,
and also recognize that voting for Democrats is extremely important because it allows things like the confirmation of Justices and prevents the literal fascist party from gaining more power and that harm reduction is an important end in itself
These things can coexist
Politics is a long game. Being disappointed and angry today does not obviate your responsibility to participate
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
Ok, I've seen this sentiment before, but the amount of Kindle Unlimited ads I've been seeing is forcing me to repeat it-
Kindle Unlimited is offering two free months of unlimited ebooks. As a trial. Which will then become a paid subscription.
Your local library is offering unlimited ebooks all the time. Forever. No contracts, no predatory practices, no tracking of how long you spend on each particular page in the hopes that information about your habits can be sold for a profit.
Use your library. They want so badly to give you all of the things for free.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
i hate you anti wrinkle cream i hate you anti aging products i hate you cosmetic botox i hate you only using sunscreen to avoid wrinkles i love you smile lines i love you frown lines i love you crows feet i love you gray hair i love you aging
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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This is Francis Kéré, an architect from Burkina Faso and at least in my eyes, the patron saint of "afro solar punk". He builds using local, sustainable materials, and uses the education he received in Germany to improve on traditional methods already known. His first project was a school in his home village, built to enable other children to receive an education like he once was. The school has a self-cooling mechanism that does not require AC and was built cost effectively together with the community. This year he won the Pritzker Prize. You know what, just watch his TED Talk, I highly recommend it.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
I am respectfully asking goyim to stop saying “well what about this innocent explanation?” when they ask me to explain an antisemitic dogwhistle.
Yes, that person COULD have been born in 1988.
Yes, that person COULD be saying that it was specifically corrupt “religious people” who crucified Jesus.
Yes, that person COULD be honestly confused about how dual citizenship works.
Yes, that person COULD think that (((these brackets))) are just another silly internet joke.
You aren’t the first to bring it up, and you won’t be the last. But “I can’t hear anything” doesn’t mean the dogwhistle isn’t making any sound. It just means you’re not a dog.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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Palace of Plants 🌷🌿🌺🌱🌸🧚🏻‍♀️
I went to Kew Gardens today, I wore my favourite dress (My 🍓 dress) and looked around all the gardens and glasshouses. They were extremely hot and made me feel a little faint and tired but it was worth it to see all the plants and flowers! ✨ I felt like a real princess walking through all the gardens and greenhouses🌺
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
This is your friendly (but autistically blunt) reminder that the term "neurodivergent" has always included mental health conditions, and the disabled woman of colour who coined the term, Kassiane Asasumasu, did so precisely because we were missing an inclusive umbrella term for anyone whose brain operates differently.
Not only do you sound clownish when trying to suggest that there is such a thing as neurotypical mentally ill people, you are slamming the door of neurodivergence on people who are also ostracized and marginalized and I have to wonder about your motivations for being so keen to distance yourself from us.
And as Asasumasu herself has said when y'all try to bring up the "but you have to be neurodivergent from birth or it doesn't really count" definition that people keep plucking out of thin air for no apparent reason, the term you are looking for already existed and it is "developmental disorders".
TL;DR Stop trying to retrospectively change the definition of a word if you don't even know its history, neurodivergence includes mental illness and that is not up for debate.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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oh my🌺
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
I think one of the most damaging ideologies towards children is the conviction that having children isn’t a calling but a moral obligation.
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solarpunkbaby · 2 years
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