socialcircuit · 9 years
I think I might need a hug.
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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socialcircuit · 9 years
when that one coworker won’t shut up and u have important shit to finish
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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And its that time of year once more! EVERYBODY……..
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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socialcircuit · 9 years
Twenty minutes into M*A*S*H and chill he looks at you like this
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socialcircuit · 9 years
*Cue David Attenborough voice*
And here we see the wild David Cameron, attempting to interface with the other animals of his poorly managed country.
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socialcircuit · 9 years
Those days you wish you’d stayed in bed.
This is solely under read more to save your dashboard space, please feel free to read
I swear to god, I just need to rant. So after getting up at 8ish, all of my lectures got cancelled, leaving me with nothing to do for the day until the evening. This morning my flatmate revealed that it was her birthday, so when asked what she wanted to do (me hoping she’d say go out so I could do nothing), she wanted to make pizza. This went so badly wrong and has ruined my lovely evening. I had a skype date involving gaming planned for this evening involving my lovely amazing girlfriend who may or may not read this. It started going wrong from the moment I said “The dough needs to be kept warm”. At that point, some twat of a flatmate decided to put a plastic bowl in the oven. After 5 minutes, there’s me with a fire blanket, and a tea towel trying to save the kitchen from going up in flames (Don’t worry, no actual flames, just smoke). Our kitchen was trashed, so one of the party volunteered their kitchen, which became promptly trashed. Tonight, instead of that lovely skype date, I had to spend the evening cleaning 2 kitchens because everyone else was trying to help the drunks, one of which meant getting melted plastic off the base of an oven. I’ve successfully jeopardised a lot of stuff tonight, only to have to get up for a 9AM lecture tomorrow. I hate today, and I really can never get my shit together on a Tuesday. 
Sweetie, if you’re reading this, you have no idea how sorry I am. Tonight has been a complete catastrophe, and I want to make things better. I’m sure things will be better when you see me. I intend on making it all worthwhile. I hate you tonnes. 
I guess some days just go wrong from the out, and don’t get better.
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socialcircuit · 9 years
You have no idea how long I have waited for this gif set. The hiss at the end makes it.
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Radar’s turtle impression.
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socialcircuit · 9 years
Doing everything as the client asked
/* by DannyFeliz */
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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Come to think of it, there is more than a passing resemblance, isn’t there….?
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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This excellent visual representation of that old scam, “trickle down economics”, has been all over Twitter recently.
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socialcircuit · 9 years
Corgi Tea Party. You’re welcome. 
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socialcircuit · 9 years
Well, this page just got waaaay too PC for me. No one has a sense of humour these days.
Things Programmers Shout #286
“Dude, you give your code so many invalid arguments you should just call it your girlfriend.” // submitted by codingiswhyicryatnight
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socialcircuit · 9 years
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Apple introduce a pencil!
Not just any pencil, this one only costs $99!
Oh and it doesn’t actually work on anything except an $800 iPad Pro. Oh and don’t forget to charge it - yes CHARGE IT -  but it’s ok because they included a lightning connector so you can charge it directly from the iPad Pro.
Far out. I don’t hate Apple - there’s an iPad 3 and a Macbook Air sitting in my lounge right now - but today’s press event was just a massive catch up on competitors. For example when announcing the Apple TV, Tim Cook has said “ We believe the future of television is apps“. Yeah, so has every other smart tv or set top box manufacturer for the last few years!
My main tablet for the last two years has been a 2013 Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 - a device with a tablet that works without needing to be charged. And despite that it still manages to sense the force you apply with it to draw thick or thin lines, hell it even has some sort of magic hover feature where it knows when you’re hovering the stylus over the screen without even touching it.
Oh, and they also announced a new Apple watch that still doesn’t have a GPS. Want to wear your watch out for a run to use all the fitness tracking features? Great, just take your phone as well to actually get any useful data!
Anyway rant over, if you want to check out the other minor upgrades announced today The Verge has some good coverage, otherwise I’ll just leave this Steve Jobs quote here from 2010:
Q: How do you close applications when multitasking? A: (Scott Forstall) You don’t have to. The user just uses things and doesn’t ever have to worry about it. A: (Steve Jobs) It’s like we said on the iPad, if you see a stylus, they blew it. In multitasking, if you see a task manager… they blew it. Users shouldn’t ever have to think about it.
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