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If you are interested in learning about African American folklore my friend has started a series on youtube! I love it
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it makes me so mad that people aren’t taught that you can just... clone plants.
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SenshiStock’s gallery consists of millions of pictures that are free to use as reference.
General Drawing Poses Sit and Kneel Dramatic and Reaching Drawing Poses Magic and Hogwarts Drawing Poses Staff Weapon Pose Reference Hammer, Axe and Bat Pose Reference Sword Weapon Drawing Reference Small Bladed Weapon Pose Reference Gun Weapon Pose Reference Bow and Arrow Archery Stock Foreshortening and Perspective Poses Dynamic Flying Falling Action Poses Deafeated or Laying Drawing Poses Magic Crystal Magical Girl Wand Weapon Transformations and Dance Cards Back Pose Reference Pin Up Inspired Poses for Drawing Performances Poses Life in General Poses Fights and Fighting Pose Reference Leaning Poses Classic Sailor Senshi Poses Wings Sailor Moon Villains Pairs Romance or Couples Pose Reference All the Male Stock Hanging Stock Drawing Reference Three or More Groups Instruments Mirrors Whip  Technobabble  
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The Wellness Wheel Tarot Spread
**Based on a concept discussed in one of my counseling courses, where each slice of the wheel represents a section of your life and how well you feel like you’re doing in that area**
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The idea behind this spread is to pull one card for each area of wellness to give you an idea of how you can improve that area of wellness. Under each section of wellness I’ve included just a few topics that might relate to that section. You can ask about a specific topic or just the overall area of wellness for each card.
1. Spiritual Wellness
-Connection to nature
-Belief in the divine
-Connection to a community
-Sense of self or sense of purpose
-Meaning in life
2. Financial Wellness
-Abundance and income
-Paid vs. Unpaid work
-Productivity and work ethic
3. Physical Wellness
-Diet and exercise
-Medical appointments
-Medication/ vitamins
4. Emotional Wellness
-Awareness and acceptance of emotions
-Ability to Identify and express emotions
-Emotional stability/ regulation
-Use of positive coping strategies
5. Social Wellness
-Healthy and positive interactions
-Sense of community
-Social connections to family, friends, pets etc.
6. Intellectual Wellness
-Stimulating activities
-Challenges and engagement
-Continued learning
7. Environmental Wellness and Safety
-Do you feel safe in your immediate environment?
8. Overall Wellness
-What do you need to know to raise your wellness overall?
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YouTube is advertising puppy mills - Don’t consider buying these puppies!
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YouTube is advertising greenfieldpuppies.com, a site that advertises tons and tons of random breeders and rely on people viewing the site to figure out whether or not a breeder is good.
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They claim they’ll stop advertising breeders violating state laws…states don’t have the same laws on breeding. A lot have barely any regulation at all.
Unsurprisingly, most of the breeders are from Pennsylvania, which is known for having tons of puppy mills.
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This is probably obvious to other dog owners because greenfieldpuppies is a site we avoid, but I’m posting it anyway in case someone falls for these ads.
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if you bought a ticket for endgame you are required to also go see Fast Color this weekend! support a superhero movie starring black women!
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here’s the trailer:
Go buy your tickets here!
And if there’s no showings in your area? Tweet at your local theater! Or call them or comment on their Facebook or Instagram page.
It’s especially important that you post about the movie, even if you can’t buy a ticket or get your local theater to screen it. Lionsgate, the distributor, threw it under the bus by giving it barely any marketing, putting it the same weekend as Endgame, and only releasing in limited theaters.
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just… remember to be careful with antisemitism in goblincore with things like “ugly” green creatures that hoard precious stones and coins
have fun with it, absolutely! let it be empowering! just be aware that goblins are known to be used as antisemitic caricatures 
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“I can’t wait to meet you, Steph. I’ve even bought you a gift!“As I minimised the WhatsApp conversation on my phone, I was filled with dread about what the next evening would bring. It was a couple of weeks before Christmas and I was going on my first date since the end of my last relationship, two years ago. To say I was extremely nervous was a severe understatement.
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I’d been talking to Robert* for a couple of weeks via Bumble and then WhatsApp, and all seemed to be going well. Since the end of my last relationship, I’d been a bit wary of the opposite sex and had gone into every new dating app chat with a degree of scepticism (especially as I am plus-size – more on this later), however Robert seemed different. He was funny, very intelligent, open-minded and ambitious and more importantly, accepted and preferred the fact that I am plus-size.
It seems a bit silly to have to declare something as trivial as one’s weight on an app, but due to how a large percentage of plus-size women are treated in the dating world, some of us choose to add a note about our weight to our profiles, almost as some kind of ‘disclaimer’. It’s even worse when your weight intersects with something such as race or gender.
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Date night with Robert finally came around and I was practically bursting into flames with excitement. We’d agreed to meet in Clapham in southwest London for a couple of drinks. I arrived at the venue early and tweeted a cute picture of myself, telling my followers that I was out on a first date. Robert arrived and the date began. We had a great time during the three or so hours we spent together – we laughed, we exchanged hilarious date-fail stories, we spoke about our families, likes and dislikes…just normal date stuff, you know? He’d even bought me a little ornament for my room as I’d told him I was still doing it up, which was sweet.
 At the end of the night, we kissed and he said he wanted to see me again.A week later, and hours of speaking on the phone and texting throughout the night, we decided that he’d come over to my flat and we’d watch a few shows while I cooked (I know, I know, rookie mistake; like I said, I’m a dating newbie). Obviously, one thing led to another and we ended up sleeping together.
That was the last time I heard from him.Cut to this week when I receive an email from a friend of his. Apparently, Robert had shown my blog to his friends for ‘approval’. This friend tells me that in the interests of full transparency, he thought he should let me know that the reason I had not heard from Robert since our second date was because he had been dared to ‘pull a fat chick’ and – upon completing the dare – had won a sum of money his friends had pooled.
I felt sick. A wave of embarrassment and humiliation washed over me, and I went into my bathroom and cried. I had been terrified of meeting and talking to men for fear of them judging my appearance. As much as I know that I am an awesome person, I’m blindingly aware that the way I look is not what mainstream society considers to be ‘beautiful’, and that’s something I always have to think about and carry with me.
What should have been a lovely couple of dates – a bid to improve my confidence and self-esteem while tackling the shark-infested waters of dating – has turned into a teaching moment for me, and has definitely made me feel a lot more wary about dating in general and more importantly, trusting men.
Sadly, my story isn’t an isolated incident. We’ve all heard of sick pranks such as the ‘pull a pig’ game, which involves a group of men daring each other to hook up with the least attractive woman (in their eyes) in order to gain clout. There are tales as long as my arm from fellow plus-size women who have been duped or tricked in this way and frankly, a discussion needs to be had about it.
Dating as a plus-size woman, you see, is an exercise rooted more in patience and frustration than in romance. When you are not being ignored by prospective interests, you are either subjected to humiliation and abuse or you are fetishised for your weight. Either way, the abject failure to consider the feelings of the plus-size women in these situations is just another example of the ways in which we are not afforded the luxury of being treated as human beings. It highlights the lack of respect that some men have for women, particularly if they do not comply with social norms.
As plus-size women, we are not afforded the same humanity, care, love and respect as our thinner counterparts. This can force a monumental drop in confidence and either put us off dating for life or lead us to partake in more casual dating in an effort to prove our worth through sex.
Luckily (or maybe unluckily?) I had already deleted Robert’s number from my phone, after not hearing from him for a couple of weeks, so I have no way to contact and chastise him for what he did. I decided to ignore the friend’s email and used Twitter to tell my story, in the hope of opening up the conversation about the way plus-size women are treated. My aim was to raise awareness, and while I received some amazing, positive feedback, it also came with its share of trolling and horrible comments – almost all from men, who were either laughing at the situation or suggesting I change my appearance in order to be treated better next time.
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I like to think that I’m confident enough and maybe numb enough to the whole experience and haven’t let it define me as a woman, but for those of us who are still on our journeys to finding self love and increasing our confidence, going through an experience where you are basically seen as an experiment can be battering.
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Ultimately, what I’ve concluded is that men seem to undertake these ‘pranks’ as a way of gaining respect from their male friends at the expense of women’s feelings. Men, it’s time to stop being impressed by this toxic behaviour. It’s time to call it out, to hold each other accountable. Would you be as admiring if someone pulled a prank like this on a plus-size relative – on your sister, perhaps, or your cousin? Most of all, it’s time to start taking the emotions, perspectives and feelings of fat women seriously. Regardless of body shape, we all deserve to be treated with respect and basic common decency.
*Name has been changed
It’s important to give such things more visibility. I think writing about it is a brave act. Stephanie is so beautiful & powerful! 💕💕💕💕💕
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Jesus, on multiple occasions: I’m going to die very horribly, but then I will rise from the dead three days later.
The women disciples, three days after Jesus’ death: The tomb was empty, and angels appeared and said Jesus is risen.
The Apostles:
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Why are we silent???
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Why do my interests in canning, couponing, and homesteading overlap so often with blogs with titles like ‘The Obedient Housewife’? 
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i was going through my grimoire when i remembered something and here’s the fucking deal:
do not make salt circles in the grass outside.
I know salt is a very common thing and is probably one of the most common things used to make circles, for grounding or ritual work or anything else, but salt comes with its own worries:
1- it kills the small creatures near the salt. maybe not insects with exoskeletons or whatever, but that’ll be a painful experience for our slug and snail friends.
2- it kills the grass and any other plants where you made the circle. this leaves a ring of dead vegetation wherever you worked. this is especially not good if you’re somewhere you’re not allowed to practice– I left a circle in my backyard and I’m pretty sure the only reason i wasn’t caught in a modern day witch hunt was because our dog’s little paddle-pool was coincidentally the same size and also left rings in the grass.
I’m not trying to keep anyone from making circles, of course, they’re very important, but there’s alternatives to salt:
- crystals (be careful though, if you’re in the sun or the grass is wet with dew or rain, some crystals can’t be in direct sunlight and can’t get wet)
- stones
- pure water/moon water/whatever water you think would be best to use for your ritual purpose; storm/river etc.
- ground eggshells (very magically powerful plus it’s also fertilizer once it’s in the ground)
- herb blends
- candles (be careful if working around dead, dry things of course)
- anything naturally occurring outdoors
- or you could honestly just walk the circle
- the easiest for me and my personal favourite is just locating the compass directions, then making four sides with a single representation coordinating to the elements of the directions; north/earth, east/air, south/fire, west/water, etc.
yeah so anyway i know everyone makes salt circles but just as a heads up i guess lmao
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The next time they tell you Americans are “happy” with their employer provided health insurance remember that that “happiness” is fueled by willful ignorance of what the alternatives are really like and fear of losing what little crappy health care they currently have.
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What “cishet” is not:
Any other aspec identity
What “cishet” actually is:
A term created by transgender people to describe cisgender, heterosexual, heteroromantics
Stop misusing the term for your aphobic bullshit, especially during Pride Month, which is a month that most definitely includes aspecs!! And yes, that means cis het aces, cis het aros, and cis aroaces are included because they are not and literally cannot be cishet! It is 2019; this has been going on for years. We shouldn’t still have to make these kinds of posts, but unfortunately, some of y'all continue to be unnecessarily hateful and exclusionary.
Aspecs will always have a place in this community and at pride, and there’s nothing you can do or say to change that!
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