snakesimp · 1 year
“Yeah I know. You’re a bit of a drama queen.” / emmett & manny / @pantherbound​
brow furrows and mouth drops, the very picture of drama. “no, i’m not,” manny argues, each word coming out slow and hard, a period stapled after each syllable. “all i said was that your sister wants me to die a slow and painful death, probably at her own badly manicured hands.” it’s a different kinda beef than the one she has with paige, not as much competition as it is just general distaste for the other’s entire being. she cracks open her notebook, determined to use this library time to study, not be distracted by a nash. “and i’m saying it to save you. you’re fraternizing with the enemy here. unless...,” she narrows her gaze playfully, wouldn’t be manny santos if she didn’t tack on a little flirting, “undercover spy?”
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snakesimp · 1 year
​❝ how can you see anything? it’s pitch dark. ❞ ( jay + auggie ) / @kosmiskmysterium​
picking through the ravine is nothing new to jay hogart, could probably find the way with his eyes closed and, in the blue blackness of the night, they might as well be. there’s supposed to be a sick party though, further past the picnic benches his crew usually loiters around. it’s gonna be more selective, not the usually groupies, and he’d taken the opportunity of alexlessness and spent it to bring auggie along. “i know what i’m doing,” he assures absently. jay stops along the vague path, throws a smirk back at her. “you scared or somethin’?” there’s not a lot of threat associated with the degrassi neighborhood, even in the darkest, more remote corners of their local ravine, he imagines the worst they could stumble on is a pissed off squirrel. “don’t worry. i’m the worst thing in these woods.” all smug confidence, hammed up for sure, eventually he rolls his eyes and offers his hand. “listen. you can hear the music. we’re almost there.”
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snakesimp · 1 year
❥   𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍     [   𝐀   𝐒𝐘𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐋   𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐄   ]  .
designed  for  muses  with  a  bit  of  unresolved  tension between  them ,   but  can  be  used  for  any  circumstances you  see  fit !!  
♡   𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄  :    add   ‘  + 🔁  ’   to  reverse  the  roles .
📖  :    my  muse  discovers  your  muse  reading  a  diary  entry  that  my  muse  wrote  about  yours .
💅  :    your  muse  paints  my  muse’s  nails .
🚿  :    my  muse  accidentally  moans  while  your  muse  washes  their  hair .
👕  :    your  muse  helps  my  muse  get  dressed  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness .
🛏️  :    our  muses  are  forced  by  circumstance  to  share  a  bed  for  the  night .
🧼  :    your  muse  bathes  mine  after  my  muse  sustains  an  injury  or  illness .
🙏  :    our  muses’  hands  brush  as  they  walk  side  by  side .
💢  :    your  muse  picks  mine  up   &   carries  them  over  their  shoulder .
👁️  :    your  muse  is  watching  mine  sleep ,   when  my  muse  suddenly  wakes  up   &   catches  them .
🚬  :    my  muse  steals  a  cigarette   (   or lollipop   )   from  your  muse   &   puts  it  in  their  mouth .
🎐  :    our  muses  slow  dance  together .
🧦  :    your  muse  walks  in  on  my  muse  changing  clothes .
🎀  :   your  muse  brushes  my  muse’s  hair .
💍  :    our  muses  are  mistaken  for  a  couple  by  someone  else .
👔  :    your  muse  notices  that  my  muse’s  shirt  is  open   &   goes  to  ‘  fix  it  ’ .
👗  :    my  muse  sees  yours  all  dressed  up .
🪑  :    my  muse  is   ‘  forced  ’   to  sit  on  your  muse’s  lap   (   due  to  a  lack  of  chairs ,   faulty seatbelt ,  etc .   )
🍆  :    your  muse  makes  a  suggestive  joke  but  my  muse  actually  acts  on  it . 
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snakesimp · 1 year
some   may   be   nsfw   and   /   or   be   triggering.   
01    :     TOUCH .
❝ i love this [ FABRIC ], it feels satisfying. ❞
❝ your touch. it leaves me breathless. ❞
❝ your touch is unlike any other. ❞
​❝ have you ever felt anything more comfortable? ❞
❝ feel this. what does it feel like to you? ❞
❝ i wanted to see what it felt like. ❞
​❝ touch it. i dare you. ❞
​❝ you felt ice cold when i touched you. ❞
​❝ you feel warm to me. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of [ FABRIC ] against my skin. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of your skin against mine. ❞
​❝ i would never touch anyone else. ❞
​❝ i love the feel of your hair between each of my fingers. ❞
​❝ don’t you dare touch me. ❞
​❝ i want to feel your lips against my own. ❞
​❝ i can feel your pulse. it jumped. ❞
​❝ let me give you a massage. ❞
❝ you feel like home to me. ❞ 
02     :      TASTE .
❝ i love the taste of you. ❞
❝ i can never forget that taste. ❞
❝ fair warning, it does have a bitter taste. ❞
​❝ no offense, you just aren’t my taste. ❞
❝ can i have a taste of that? ❞
❝ i have yearned for the taste of your lips. ❞
​❝ that tasted pretty good actually. ❞
​❝ it just left a really bad taste in my mouth so no thanks. ❞
​❝ nothing taste better than chocolate. ❞
​❝ i’ve got something you might want to taste. ❞
​❝ i will forever savor that taste. ❞
​❝ blood has such a metallic taste. ❞
​❝ my taste buds are mad at me after eating that. ❞
​❝ how’s it feel to get a taste of your own medicine? ❞
​❝ you didn’t even taste it. ❞
​❝ trust me, you’ll want to taste this. ❞
​❝ i think it has a bit of bitter sweet taste. ❞
❝ so you tasted it, did you like it? ❞
03     :      SIGHT .
❝ i see you. ❞
❝ i’ve never seen things so clearer than i do now. ❞
❝ it’s too dark, i can’t see anything. ❞
​❝ how can you see anything? it’s pitch dark. ❞
❝ i’ve looked close enough and i see you for what you are. ❞
❝ please, just look at me. ❞
​❝ stop staring at me like that. ❞
​❝ get that light out of my face. ❞
​❝ it’s so bright outside today. ❞
​❝ what’s wrong? what did you see? ❞
​❝ you’re scared, you must have saw something. ❞
​❝ what i saw, you’ll never believe me. ❞
​❝ i’ve never seen you before. ❞
​❝ have we seen one another before? ❞
​❝ you see me for what i truly am. ❞
​❝ i didn’t see anything. ❞
​❝ did you see that? ❞
❝ i can’t believe my eyes. ❞
04     :      SOUND .
❝ shhh, i just heard something. ❞
❝ did you hear that? ❞
❝ what is that sound? ❞
​❝ i missed the sound of your voice. ❞
❝ do you hear me? stay away from me. ❞
❝ i hear you, loud and clear. ❞
​❝ i’m sorry, what was that? i didn’t hear you. ❞
​❝ i’ve heard that sound before. ❞
​❝ you didn’t hear anything at all? ❞
​❝ can you hear what they’re saying? ❞
​❝ aw, i love the sound of music. ❞
​❝ i never said i could hear them. ❞
​❝ wait, hear that? something is coming. ❞
​❝ i could hear screams … ❞
​❝ i heard you all the way upstairs. ❞
​❝ you didn’t just hear that? that sound? that noise? ❞
​❝ trust me, you’re going to want to hear this. ❞
❝ please, just hear me out. ❞
05     :      SMELL .
❝ what is that smell? ❞
❝ i have missed your smell. ❞
❝ you smell nice. ❞
​❝ it’s unlike anything i’ve smelled before. ❞
❝ i smell the food cooking from here. ❞
❝ do you smell that? ❞
​❝ how are you able to smell that? ❞
​❝ no offense but it really smells. ❞
​❝ it’s starting to smell. ❞
​❝ tell me, you’ve smelled this before. ❞
​❝ i know that smell, it’s the smell of lies. ❞
​❝ i can smell you from here. ❞
​❝ are you smelling me? ❞
​❝ i missed the smell of your hair. ❞
​❝ i need to step away, get some fresh air. ❞
​❝ do you smell that? that’s the smell of freedom. ❞
​❝ i could never erase your smell. ❞
❝ i can smell the fear on you from here. ❞
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snakesimp · 1 year
F.R.I.E.N.D.S Starter Meme [1]
*Note: The pronouns now are simply ‘they/them’ from what has been said originally. Simply change it to whoever you’re sending it to, or keep it gender neutral. Feel free to change the quote, add on to it, or whatever you need to suit your character when sending!
“Wow. I definitely did not see that one backfiring.”
“Help me get this mini fridge past the security guard.”
“Yeah, I’ve been there my friend.”
“This doesn’t make me like you any better.”
“Well, with a regular (person), it’s bad. With (Name) – Oh, dear God!”
“We will give you ten dollars.”
“Wow, you’re good! After this, we should solve crimes.”
“I am better than great, I’m good.”
“I like being on my own, I’m, uh, better off this way. I’m a lone wolf. Y'know, a loner. Alone… All alone. Forever. What’s a wolf gotta do to get a hug around here?!”
“I won’t be speaking with you for several weeks.”
“Honey, I wish you’d get over (them). I hate seeing you like this. Is there anything I can do? Do you want to look down my top?”
“What the mother crap is up with this stuff?!”
“You know what I’m going to do? I’m going to get in my sweats and eat in bed.”
“I’ve dreamed about this for years! *Nervous laughter* Why have I not been preparing?”
‘Okay, I’ll give you one chance to change my mind. You got one minute.”
“Well, maybe you could date (them), then. That would save me the trouble of killing (them).”
“Yeah I know. You’re a bit of a drama queen.”
“Oh, hey, (Name). I’m so glad someone’s here. Could you zip me up?”
“Oh my God, I want to trade lives with (Name)?!”
“Uh, look, I don’t normally ask out (people) that I meet in coffee houses.”
“I’m an idiot.”
“I always knew there was something weird about that dude.”
“Okay, so, all right I haven’t been in a relationship that lasted longer than a month.”
“You know, I’m trying to remember the last time I opened a door and you weren’t there.”
“I just think there’s somebody better out there for you.”
“I think I can make you happy.”
“In fact, I’ll close my eyes to make it less awkward.”
“What’s going on?”
“Well, let’s see – the first one is, I don’t want to, and the second one – I’m not going.”
“You need to learn some new slang.”
“You have to do something. Knock that door down!”
“I would, but I bruise like a peach.”
“I guess they’re not coming. Want to just order?”
“That’s a great story. Can I eat it?”
“If you were bigger, you’d hit me, huh?”
“They are without a doubt the funniest (person) I ever met!”
“Have you not talked about it yet?”
“To be honest, I think I’d prefer the five dollars.”
“Why do you care so much?”
“Oh, I forgot how hot he/she is.”
“Oh, I forgot how hot (they) are.”
“(Name), why did you lie to me about working here?”
“Because I was ashamed, okay?”
“I sold out for the cash.”
“I’m sorry, too.”
“We’re going to figure this out.”
“But… you suck.”
“Are they still looking for us?”
“You know, we as a group, are not the coolest.”
“I mean, you just went out with my best friend.”
“You’re a pain in the ass, (Last Name or Name).”
“Damn it, man, pull yourself together!”
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snakesimp · 1 year
i miss degrassi rpc so much 🥺
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snakesimp · 1 year
got to the longest day in my dawsons creek rewatch and THIS HOT ASS OPENER
i’m obsessed w pj
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snakesimp · 1 year
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here’s the thing about the cameron siblings, they carry their hurt like it’s all they got. the difference is, sean seems to carry it on his sleeve, controlled by impulse and anger, while sutton tries to burry embarrassing emotions below her boot. “sean, you aren’t in trouble.” she exhales with another shake of her head, feeling her lips pull into a frown. she’s taking several steps forward now, reaching for his shoulder to try and get him to… relax. “wait, what?” she blinks, her head pushing back, blows raspberries. “right, yeah, that’s a joke.” but she’s tilting to look at his face, can see the hurt sprawled across his features, the seriousness. “what are you — what even — why… you can’t be serious,” a step back, and her hands are fumbling around, brows tight together. “what happened to not letting mom and dad suck as back in? you can’t just… bail everytime things get bad. this is our home.”
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he may as well be a statue against the insistence of her hand, unmoving, planted. “serious,” sean affirms, pivoting slightly. blue eyes stick to her shoes, then finally shoot up to her face, shiny under a furrowed brow. “bad? it’s not like i got in some fight or got suspended, sutton. this is way beyond bad.” and he tries to get her to understand that with his look, begs not to be made to spell it all out. characteristically avoidant, he tries to turn the conversation on to her. tone stumbles a bit, unused to keeping her at arms length. “this is your home. you’re doing good in school, you got friends. i talked about it with mom already.” maybe that wasn’t the thing to say, can imagine how irritated he would be if he thought one of his siblings - especially sutton - was conferring with their parents about him. but he’s trying for honesty. “we’ll send you money for the rent. i dunno, maybe you can find somebody to take the other room, too. ellie, or...” it’s a lot of information and he knows she’s gonna want to pummel him for it, so sean exhales and straightens, ready to take it. “it just -- has to be like this. i’m sorry.”
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snakesimp · 1 year
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she’s been to america a handful of time, mostly la and new york, traveling alongside her mother every few summers. the difference between america and canada were slim, but in both places, juliana is fine without the gore. “oh, i’m sure. make sure you add that to your future college resumes.” she sarcastically nods slow, but her grin widens, somewhat amused. eyes watch as he offers the bowl, and a beat before her head shakes. “i’m okay, thanks.” checking her phone once more, juliana is displeased with the empty screen, slides it back into her back pocket, she breathes out a laugh, glancing back over. “appreciate it, but i wouldn’t wanna steal all your loyal costumers looking for a nice gore recommendation, —“ a pause, juliana glances at his name tag. “pacey?” it would be a pretty good gig, if she didn’t have a full plate — if she needed the money.
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“college,” pacey repeats with a wry laugh, can’t really help himself. when anybody asks him about college it’s usually in the context of which one he’s thinking of offering his janitorial services. he’s pretty confident that he’ll be manning this blue collar for the rest of his ordinary life, unburdened by the prestigious vines of the ivy league, but even pacey’s not glib enough to admit as much to a girl who looks like juliana. he instead opts for general sarcasm. “definitely, but harvard and princeton are really gonna have to duke it out over who gets the honor of adding the grease-less likes of pacey witter to their academic roster. or maybe i’ll go for ucla instead, choose a warm winter.” rambling is another forte of his, but she thankfully seems more focused on her phone anyway. head nods, smile curious. “i appreciate the goodwill, --,” he pretends like he doesn’t already know her name. “guess you forgot your nametag at home.” the tape pops out of the vcr, sufficiently rewound, and he carefully goes about packaging it. his chin jerks toward where she pocketed her cell, smirk crooked. “they aren’t feelin’ the die hard selection?”
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snakesimp · 1 year
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Deaken Bluman request #274 from bazarek.forumpl.net
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snakesimp · 1 year
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Madelyn Cline and Chase Stokes photographed by Jovon Roberts in 2020
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snakesimp · 1 year
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it’s no surprise for william to gravitate to one of the only few americans residing in canada, he finds it awesome to have someone to bond with about how weird it is that canadian currency is difficult to tear and what the hell a pop is. still, he’d rather be on a boat like pacey suggests, or even better, on a surf board, than be stuck at home. “man, i’m really starting to hate it here.” the blonde quivers, rewrapping himself in his blanket as his brows pull together. “you know, people bitch about how california has no weather, but at least we weren’t a temperature away from turning into like, a snowman.” safe to say the ex california boy is so not used to this type of cold. “i can’t wait for summer again, nothin but sun and girls showing off their long, beautiful, beautiful, legs.” with an exhale, william stretches his legs over the coffee table and digs his hand into his own bag of chips, flicking his eyes at the tv. “we should’ve rented some movies with your discount, man. i don’t know how much cartoon network i can take.”
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dry laugh perks up the features of pacey’s face, he’s decidedly more comfortable in what to william is evidently sub zero-like temperatures. “it must be killing you to have to wear closed-toed shoes, huh?” as if he’s one to talk, considering the sheer number of hawaiian shirts pacey has screaming from his closet. salt-covered fingers pop from his mouth to point to the tv, brow furrowed with offense. “we’ve seen all the movies at cinephile, man.” though, to be fair, they’ve seen all the cartoons on cartoon network, too. “y’know, maybe we should just blow off next semester, jump a boat at the bay, and sail for warmer pastures, my friend.” he says it like a far off fantasy, but make no mistake, pacey needs but a nudge of encouragement and he’ll run with any notions of cutting his own negligible path. “i could go for california. blondes, boardwalks, and palm trees. sounds all right.”
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snakesimp · 1 year
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snakesimp · 1 year
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pangs of sympathy rock through jen at the sight of the blonde, feelings perhaps a little amplified due to the solo cup clutched in her own white knuckles. she knows a spiraling case of self-destruction when she sees one. “of course i don’t hate you, amy.” it’s not her boyfriend she slept with, after all. but she also realizes that amy probably needs a lifeline right about now, and jen’s nothing if not a chronic forgiver. “i don’t mean just jay... i think it’s actually one of the ten commandments that anybody could do better than the sleaze personified himself.” there’s a thoughtful pause as she takes a sip from the cheap keg beer, wonders if amy’s drunk enough to offer a little vulnerability. “listen, meaningless sex is fine, it’s human. but you could’ve done that with anyone.” instead she’d chosen her best friend’s boyfriend. “it just seems... pointed. seems like not you.”
❛  in  my  opinion ,  which  is  objective  fact  in  this  case  and  all  cases  ever … you can do better ❜ / jen & amy @snakesimp
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“well that’s obvious.” the blonde huffs, one arm crossing over frame as she leans against a nearby tree while the other lifts her red cup to her lips. tone isn’t exactly hostile at the other girl as much as it’s hostile to herself, a little frustrated over past mistakes as she watches jay from across the ravine. “i’m not even into him like that. he just gave me the right amount of attention at the right time, and now nothin since lexy found out. and y’know, i was fine being called a slut to my face, but a backstabber is a little too much.” though, painfully true, all things considered. downing her drink, amy hiccups, glances at jen. “at least you don’t hate me, right?”
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snakesimp · 1 year
be on shortlyyy (~:
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snakesimp · 1 year
for you, there’s nothing in this world i wouldn't do. <3 / @snakesimp
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snakesimp · 1 year
sorry but pacey teaching joey how to drive stick shift is peak romance
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