snailsthatdocrafts · 22 days
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Flying geese scrap quilt by Susan Lanka (on Facebook via the Scrap Happy Quilters group)
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snailsthatdocrafts · 22 days
i spend my days waiting. waiting for the water to boil and my tea to be ready. for spring to come back. for more daylight. the oil in the pan to heat up. a “hey i miss you” or “can you help me out for a second?” or “you want to hang out?” text. for my phone to finish charging. for good news. flowers on the table. the next hug. “hey, you got the job!”. waiting for the sun. to set. to rise. to see both. for summer to be around the corner. a good song. a falling star. a text back. i spend my time waiting to be remembered. i spend my time repeating that tomorrow will be better. tomorrow will be better. i spend my days waiting and waiting and waiting. i spend my days waiting unbearably.
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snailsthatdocrafts · 28 days
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im the king of the world and can achieve anything i set my mind to (blobbily approximating the boston metropolitan area in fabric)
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snailsthatdocrafts · 28 days
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im selling my coasters, [check it out]
please consider reblogging, or favouriting the listing, as this greatly helps me out!!
also, some of the designs (soon to be more, i just have to take pics and edit the listing) have upcycled and second hand fabric! my goal is to make all designs have this and overall create a sustainable method for making these!!
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snailsthatdocrafts · 30 days
I love knitting socks because you can try them on as you knit and it makes me happy
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
Why guerrilla gardening is solarpunk AF
A way to advocate for the environment in your local neighbourhood through small, everyday actions
Guerrilla gardening is the act of cultivating plants in a public place, usually in a spot that is not otherwise being cared for, often with the aim of improving the surroundings and protecting the environment. It has a range of benefits from improving biodiversity to helping to keep temperatures low.
Jenny van Gestel, coordinator of Guerrilla Gardeners NL, explains how transforming one street can have a far-reaching impact on the environment.
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“Stones and tarmac capture the heat,” she notes. “When you remove stones and you add plants, then you know that the temperatures won't rise so much.
“There’s water retention as well; we have flash floods nowadays because of climate change, or we have really dry periods. Adding more green means that you have better water management.”
“It’s direct action against nature deprivation and depletion - highlighting the issue of biophobic urbanisation while fighting it,” explains Ellen.
“It’s fighting for people, plants, and the planet by taking action into your own hands. It’s anarchic, in the purest sense, and is challenging the status quo of what we’ve been taught cities should look like, and who can have the power and right to shape them.”
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Ellen also sees the connection between guerrilla gardening and community. She notes that living in greener neighbourhoods improves mental health, life spans increase and that there are patterns indicating that crime is less common in greener areas.
“I find it empowering to positively impact my local environment and have a sense of ownership of the place I live,” explains Ellen. “There’s a real issue of young urbanites not feeling they ‘belong’ in their neighbourhood, and it’s clear why - cities just aren’t designed for people.
“Guerrilla gardening puts the power to transform the streets that people live in in the hands of the people who live there. It lifts the spirits seeing bright patches of life in otherwise bare, grey spots and I love knowing that I’m helping the local ecosystems and community.”
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
Here is what my mother told me when I was young: the world is harsh. It is unforgiving and it has teeth. Take no shit.
Here is what I have learned from the world: it is wounded and the humans scattered throughout it are rarely the rats of Rat Park, they are the tired, trembling experiments in need of more kindness, not less. Do no harm.
Here's what I have learned from the world: humans are good. They are soft, and gentle, and they are wounded, all of them. When humans were young and wild, they looked at the snarling beasts that came to their fires, the ones with sharp teeth in their long muzzles, and they saw soft fur and the welcome-home wag of a tail.
Here is what I have seen: Given an opportunity, humans will choose creation and love. They will create art, and music, and community. They will tell each other stories, sing each other songs, help each other heal. Even without safety, even when it wounds them, they will love. They will love each other - their family, their friends, their mates - and they will love the world.
Here is what I have seen: there is hope. Sometimes it is ugly and twisted and burns, but humans will hold onto it with both hands and their entire heart. They will share it with one another. They will use it to tame beasts with fur and teeth as well as the ones that live inside of themselves. They will create because of it; they will say I hope this makes someone smile, I hope this makes someone cry. I hope this saves someone. And it will.
Here is what I know to be true: evidence of a healed broken bone from thousands of years ago reminds us that what makes us human isn't our wounds, but how we care for one another through them.
Here is what my mother told me: the world will gnash its sharp teeth at me. It will try to wound me.
Here is what I know to be true: I am human, and humans heal one another and can turn sharp teeth into wagging tails.
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
i love you purple i love you lavender i love you lilac i love you wisteria i love you violet i love you mauve i love you periwinkle i love you amethyst i love you
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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guy who has chronic sitting on my knitting disease
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
everytime i see visible mending i become so happy. just the joy in the literal repairing something so it isnt thrown away but also the idea that things can be mended not thrown out its like a second chance or a way of showing that even with flaws i shouldnt be thrown out. i see visible mending everywhere. in bottles of e and t, in hair dye, in thrift stores, in any repairs, in art, in the backgrounds of the people i see. all the ways we have altered or mended things to fit to make life more livable and prove we dont deserve to be thrown out
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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poor little boy got his booster vaccines. he is 2.5 pounds, and is very sad about everything
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snailsthatdocrafts · 1 month
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