smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
I’m pretty sure there is. I think there’s a couple actually, since I see people carrying around a couple of different gym bags all the time. I’d say yes to being your gym buddy, but… I think I’d get a more than a little distracted. 
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You don’t go to any? And c’mon Ben, I promise to be good and focus on exercising, at least until we both finish our routines. I know you don’t really need to exercise, your body is amazing, but c’mon, I could use a buddy to help me stay in the zone, otherwise I’m just gonna stop going. 
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Pretty please? 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
I know this is late, but there is one not too far from the school that I go to regularly. There is also one in the school. I don’t go there much because it gets crowded fast.
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You’re not late Sammy, I’m still trying to choose one. Talk to me about the one close to the school. I’ve heard that the one in the school isn’t great, the equipment is old or something like that. 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
Text 📲 Frankbastian
Frankie: I like the idea. DO I need my fake ID or we're going somewhere they don't check?
Seb: You have a fake ID? And dumb me thought that I had to get you one...
Seb: Yeah, bring it. You like gay bars? I was thinking about going to Scandals, but I can try a 'straight' bar if you are not in the mood for a gay one.
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
Text 📲 Mattbastian
Matt: What did you do?!
Matt: The history? You mean the stories?
Seb: I finally tried being really, really dominant!
Seb: Yeah! That! Sorry this freaking autocorrector, have you find any?
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
You are staying at that hotel next door? As much as I’d love to tell you otherwise, the bedrooms have the worst sound isolation imaginable. Or it is just my luck to have a neighbor two doors down who’s extremely loud whenever she’s getting some, and a next door neighbor who’s some kind of sex-god who gets most people he’s with to get loud enough to be heard in my bedroom.
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A pleasure to meet you, Sebastian. I’ll be keeping an eye out for you and if you ever need help with anything come find me. Always have time for a hot student in need of help. 
Yeah. And the privacy is non existent in this place too. Thanks to a friend’s advice I got special headphones to cancel the screams of my neighbors. And maybe one of use should try to get some of that neighbor of yours, maybe once we understand, we’ll accept the noises that come out of his room or maybe we should get together some time and be loud enough just to give him a taste of his own medicine. And I guess I’ll stay here, the only thing I have to tolerate is the constant screaming of the name Mickey from the girl next door, I guess I can live with that. 
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Good to know, I hope you really mean it because I’m gonna be there at the second I feel that something isn’t ok with my computer. 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
I’d remember more, but he sounded like your run of the mill hipster, although I hear he has a case of crater face worthy of a touch down by Neil Armstrong; so that set’s him out. Look at your dick sticking itself in dark places, for the good of good sex. When you float your way up the correct shit creek, let a girl know, we can blast his name together. 
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While I am, these guys are bench pressing 250 minimum. Plus, a few of them are hot enough to model for Ambercorny and Fitch, so no doubt you’re cash is going to be well spent on washboard abs and buns of steel. You talking edibles? ‘Cos I’m always willing to sell a baggie of delicious goodies to a friend like you, Bas. 
Crater face? Are you serious? Then why is people having sex with him? That should be pretext enough to pass on that impostor. I’ll do it for our sake Santana, It’s my way of contributing to society. But I definitely won’t face fuck someone that has a case of bad acne, that’s just impossible. And I’ll definitely let you know, I’ll even let you know how much his dick measure if that’s what you want. 
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And do you have any recommendations? Help a friend out ‘Tana, I don’t want to waste my time betting for guys that aren’t worth my time. That’s exactly what I’m talking about. Is there going to be any cookies or brownies with that? I haven’t had any in a while. I’ll even share some with you if you like.
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
They’re amazing in bed, too. I know they end for the night at about eight, usually. I’m a pastry chef in the making, but with this virus, I’m considering on going on double majors.
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I’m gonna have to confirm that myself, that’s a fact you can’t just generalize, but I’m sure that their ability to hold their breath can come pretty handy. You need to keep yourself busy? I’m only an actor and I already feel like I have a lot in my hands. 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
Text 📲 Frankbastian
Frankie: No, I'm getting reiki massage and having my nails done... Nah, I'm free? Why, did you want to come over?
Seb: I actually have a different plan for us tonight. What do you think of going out to clubs and all?
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
Nearly naked, muscly men somewhere on this campus? I’ve figured out my life’s priorities and tracked their practices down. I go when the schedule allows, which isn’t much, as of late. Culinary classes are a bitch.
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I have to admit that swimmers have the best backs in the world, their shoulders... wow. I might consider visiting it sometime. When does the swim team practice close to that gym? Oh so you are taking cooking classes? Or is that your major?
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
Do you know that apartment building across the street from McKinley? That is where I live. 
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I used to be a student there, nowadays I’m one of the TA’s that started there this semester. I work over at the Computer Science department. By the way, I’m Chris. 
Yeah! That’s actually right next to mine! If it has good, sound-proof bedrooms I’ll even might consider moving there. 
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Nice to meet you Chris, I’m definitely going to start spending more time in the Computer Science department. I’m Sebastian Smythe, I’m still a student there, but it’s always nice to know that we have nice hot people to help us in school. 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
You know there’s a great way to stay in shape that don’t involve heavy machines. Just involves another person. And if you think it won’t get you cut, think again, bro… Fuckin’ is my primary form of exercise and I’m friggin’ jacked.
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I’ve heard that it’s a great cardio, but you can’t get jacked purely by having sex, that’s impossible or at least hard to believe. And about you being jacked I’m gonna need to see some proof and I mean real life proof, I don’t want a photo which could be photoshopped. 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
Gym near where the swim team meets. Excellent view, open 24/7, and if you get there at a decent time, you can control the remote. You literally cannot go wrong.
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A big fan of the swim team? I didn’t even know that we had a swim team, I need to update on everything. And It actually sounds really good, You go there? 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
I didn’t fuck with them, but a few girls i know did, and as far as I know he’s bi and his name is Brandon. I guess there is another Brandon around who has the moves, that’s he’s biting off of in hopes they won’t notice he’s a 1 star rating, while the other is a 5. Shame, really. 
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Of course, we’ll all be there, and all of us will be up for auction. We have more than a few handsome gays and bi’s that do their part flipping, and tossing us into the air I’m sure you’ll want to spend some cold hard cash on. The desserts range from cupcakes, cookies, to some people’s cultural favorites. They start at least five bucks a pop and go up from there, and trust, they’re worth every penny. We keep the girls who are a danger to themselves and their weaves, out of the kitchen for the baking. They get to decorate the tables. 
Brandon? That’s all the information you have? That’s pretty vague. But you are right there, taking advantage of others popularity is something really low. It’s been really quiet around here so I guess I’ll make everyone a favor and find this Brandon guy to put a stop on him, even if I have to fuck all the guys named Brandon around here. 
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I was going to say that if they are strong enough to toss you around then I definitely want to spend a night with them, but I’m sure that you are as light as a feather, so maybe that wouldn’t sound so good. Save me some cupcakes then, I promise to buy at least 3 of them. And if you have something with something extra on them please let me know. I’m not a big fan of special cookies if you know what I mean. 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
There’s one in my building. Doesn’t have the same equipment as the gym at campus but it is more private. Plus you get to hang out with me. 
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You had me at hanging out with you. But where is your building? Is it close to the school? 
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And are you a student at Mckinley? Because I haven’t see you around. 
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
Text 📲 Frankbastian
Seb: Frankie! Are you free tonight?
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
You can always work out at school!
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At school? Is it good? I’ve heard that it need some maintenance...
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smytheyoucame-blog · 6 years
I’m way too lazy to google this so I figure I could just ask here... 
Anyone know a gym close to the school? Working out in my apartment is kinda fun but I need the machines if I really want to get in shape and if any of you would like to be my gym buddy, you guys are more than welcome. 
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