smolhoneybat · 24 days
hey did you know that uhh
i. the monster's body is a cultural body
ii. the monster always escapes
iii. the monster is the harbinger of category crisis
iv. the monster dwells at the gates of difference
v. the monster polices the borders of the possible
vi. fear of the monster is really a kind of desire
vii. the monster stands at the threshold… of becoming
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smolhoneybat · 26 days
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*plants mint directly in your dash* heehee :3
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smolhoneybat · 1 month
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Rule of rose fanart for probably just me XD
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smolhoneybat · 1 month
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Happy Trans Day of Visibility
i love you more than words can say ♥︎ 🏳️‍⚧️⚧🏳️‍⚧️
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smolhoneybat · 1 month
I want to see a work of fiction that reverses the "vampires are snobby upper class, werewolves are brutish lower class" stereotypes
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smolhoneybat · 1 month
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smolhoneybat · 1 month
˙ʇɐqʇᴉnɹɟ ɐ ǝɯoɔǝq oʇ pǝpᴉɔǝp ǝʌ,I
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
plants :э
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
Susan: A guardian angel is like this friend who follows you around and makes sure you don't get into trouble and loves you with all their heart
Mitzi: Oh, like you.
Susan, tearing up:
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
Hey there, may I ask how you manage your research? I'm a huge fan of video essays and I'm amazed at how you all seem to condense so many references from various media on a particular subject. I mean, how does one manage so much cultural content to dissect and draw numerous conclusions? Isn't easy to be lost in thought sometimes?
Honestly, I just potter around and bump into things and go ooh that's a familiar shape. That's interesting- what about that theme is grabbing my attention? It also depends what I'm chewing on at that point in time and what gels with whatever I'm feeling. It's pretty rare that any of my scripts end up going in the same direction they started in. I write about 15 pages to get all the ideas down and then go...hang on, what was this *actually* about? What was pulled me into this and what sticks with me when I think about that game/show? Then I refine it and connect it to more things and go down many rabbit holes. From what I've seen some people are whittlers: they have a big old block off Stuff/ideas and chip/edit away until it's the perfect shape. Some people are embroiderers and start with a lovely idea/fabric and add detail after detail, building up the layers. Some people are a mix of both. It's easy to get lost in the sauce but that's why I talk to my partner about scripts and explain it and she'll ask me about it from angles I hadn't thought about.
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
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It’s not my best work, but I’m starting to get back into drawing again <3 This is Diana and Clara!
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
thank you for the recommendations! admittedly ender lilies is a favorite of mine and i've already got magnolia on my wishlist! i'll be tackling each one as soon as college settles down, i'm really excited so thank you for responding! it's alright, i tend to gravitate darker themes. i can't think of many cheery ones either when recommending things.
i don't know if you'd like it, perhaps you've already played it but, i'd recommend "the house in fata morgana"! it takes a while to get going but, i look back upon the experience as enjoyable!
thanks again for the recommendations!!
I am STOKED for Magnolia! I was so happy when I saw the trailer! I hope there's something on that list that you love 💛
And thank you for the recommendation too! I've heard the name crop up a few times but have no idea what it's about but everything I've heard has been really positive. Got a copy on steam now so that I'll remember haha
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
it's so sad that the people weren't ready for a game about the fucked up social and emotional dynamics of a group of weird little girls presented to us through the warped perspective of a traumatized young woman reminiscing on her repressed memories in a non-linear fashion using the flowery language and aesthetics of fairytales because that was the frame of reference her young mind used to process and understand this whole depressing mess at the time. i just know so many of us would eat that shit up nowadays if it were a recent indie game release :/
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
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365 Cycles
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
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"no mind to think, no will to break" SHUT UP, it's greenpath vacation time and they deserve some flowers. as a treat
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smolhoneybat · 2 months
hi! i've been a fan for quite a while. i really admire how you seem to articulate, i found myself becoming more introspective with every video. also it's really nice to see someone talking about games and series i really love. aside from that, i wanted to ask if you had any recommendations like games, books, shows, movies?
hi hi!! thank you so much, pinning the words down is hard but worth it haha 💛
Ooh I have so many... obviously there's the games and shows I've talked about on my channel but standouts would have to be Darkwood, Nier Automata and Arcane but ALSO
Games: -A Space for the Unbound: chill fetch quests in a small town in rural Indonesia, finish your summer bucket list with your gf, pet cats, dive into the subconsciousnesses of your neighbours!
-Ender Lilies: metroidvania platformer with some tight controls like Hollow Knight, gorgeous artwork and music, you play as Lily, a young amnesiac priestess trying to purify the spirits of the dead and stop the plague ridden rain that won't stop falling, you're small and weak but you recruit different spirits to fight with you but it never feels overwhelming or bloated, really enjoyed it
-Signalis: survival horror as an android looking for her gf, she made a promise and she's going. to. fulfil. it. Dystopian future in space with lots of good old rusty machine body horror, strange senses of time and memory and there's some puzzles in there too.
-Sunless Sea: Victorian London was moved underground by bats. Don't worry about it. Go sail the seas and try and turn a profit without losing your mind from the Horrors ^.^ (deceptively a lot of reading in this, plays like a management sim meets VN)
-Omori: 4 years ago Something happened. Omori dreams his days away in his room, carefully not thinking about that Something. Some of the game is in his colourful dream worlds and some out in the real world. Fights are always tinged with emotional rock paper scissors as how you, your friends and enemies feel will affect the fight! He's about to move house and an old friend comes knocking on the door...
Books: -Va11-Hall-A: I...don't know whether to put a VN under games or books so I'm putting it between the two. You're a barista in a cyberpunk kinda world, you listen to patrons while making them drinks and chat. (It's chill but sometimes gets pretty heavy and has a lot of mature topics in it for the record.) -Deathless by Cathrynne M. Valente: an alternate history book that has one foot in the Russian Revolution and the other in fairytale. Marya Morevna marries Koschei the Deathless, and goes back to his kingdom. She makes friends with various folklore creatures, checks in on her sisters who all married birds and her old and new lives begin to collide.
-The Locked Tomb trilogy by Tamsyn Muir: sci-fi necromancers vie to become the next right bony hand of God, first book is a murder mystery, second is a grim tale by a survivor of the first but something is Wrong and you know it is, third is an oddly domestic political tragedy and I loved them all so much, cannot recommend the audiobooks in particular enough (as the first is a murder mystery, all the voices the narrator does are both incredibly well done but let me pinpoint exactly who was speaking even when I couldn't remember their names, also she voiced Daniella in Haunting Ground!)
-The Gentleman Bastards series by Scott Lynch: small orphan becomes a conman in fantasy Italy. Ends up being drawn into some political intrigue and fucks around finds out, frequently!
-Children of Time: Spiders! Once upon a time an arrogant scientist decided to infect monkey with a virus that would encourage rapid evolution within cooperative species but...it reaches jumping spiders. They have their own form of sign language with vibrational tappy patterns against the ground and wiggling their palps! Scientist's consciousness has melded with an AI and is waiting for her monkeys to become intelligent enough to contact her
Misc: -Dungeon Meshi: do you want to learn about the ecosystem of a dungeon while also figuring out how to cook the creatures inside and watch a guy with a monster special interest live his absolute best life? Yeah you do! (I'm really enjoying this rn so ye)
-Mabel: podcast about a home health carer for an old lady who's only living relative, Mabel, is missing. Anna, the nurse, starts leaving her voicemails like a diary and slowly gets drawn into family secrets, fairy logic and goes exploring places she shouldn't (this one does not shy away from heavy topics including serious child abuse and its effects so if that's not for you then leave this one be)
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