Hi new Tumblr users
Please know this sites hashtagging system is categorical and NOT clout based
Aka if I look up the “Wendell and Wild” tag, I should find clips, media, art and posts related to Wendell and wild ONLY. Same with any other random tag searched
If I spy a selfie, a random neighborhood, or any other kind of “insta” post trying to take likes for a popular hashtag, I’m reporting you for spam. Most other long term users will too and your acct will be fast tracked as a spam blogger and blocked.
You will not ruin the last non corporate site for us, especially by trying to treat this site like influencers matter. If you get popular, it’s bc you’re a clown w a skill not bc your hot or rich or skinny, got it?
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Every neurodivergent kid felt that.
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A Friend From The Wall - Worship.
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would you let him into your town
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was looking at pill organizers online and found someone asking this. absolutely inscrutable
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Trans Luigi shitpost because I can
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he did nothing wrong
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A storytelling moment I love in Glass Onion is the throat spray. It works in the metanarrative as an excuse to not have any of the actors wear masks despite the setting, but it works in story too.
We're assuming this is set in late 2020 due to the Among Us popularity, so we're looking at peak first wave pandemic. The fact Miles has a throat spray that can, through some magic, stop the transmission of Covid for at least 4 days at the height of its spread, and the fact that, evidently, he has made no effort to mass distribute it, means either
1. This thing hasn't passed FDA approval and Miles still felt comfortable giving it to his 'friends', foreshadowing his apathy towards regulation and safety standards with Klear.
2. He's a selfish arsehole.
Both work.
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My butch and I are both lesbians. We are, neither of us, men.
But I call him my boyfriend. I call him my boytoy, my boy, sir, Mr., guy. Cause this language makes him happy. It supports his gender and expression, and it makes him happy.
Butches of all flavors and types have been using he/him pronouns and masculine language forever. Butches have been called boy, guy, boyfriend. Butches have used "traditionally masculine" names like Mitch, Ed, Mac, Joe.
Cause guess what?
Language is fake! It's all made up! If it makes you happy, use it! Wanna call yourself "boy," even if you're not a man? Do it! Wanna be called "boyfriend," even if you're not a guy? Go for it!
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Pop frames from Into the Spiderverse bc I love this movie so much and they’re all so cool and miles morales is the only thing in my brain right now
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Miles jumping in front of the train is my personal favorite :> His reveal in the big fight is a VERY VERY close second
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the fact that welcome to the black parade was recorded in a haunted mansion called the paramour and they recorded it in the middle of the night in the ballroom and the bass player had to go live with a therapist and the lead singer would have night terrors of being strangled and the guitarist would see a woman in white walking the halls. who is doing it like my chemical romance. fucking no one
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"if mushrooms are the superior lifeform that really calls the shots on this earth, why haven't they destroyed us yet?" listen to yourself. have we as humans gotten rid of every mountain on the planet just because we are smarter than big rocks? no!! because they don't pose a threat to us. sure some people die rock climbing or skiing and that's tragic but mountains aren't dangerous to us as a global society. do you see where i am going with this. it's your misplaced hubris that makes you think that humankind is worth destroying to a mushroom. we are a part of the mundane landscape on the surface. we pose no threat to the mycelian era. humble yourself
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I miss when library books used to have little paper pockets inside with a list of all the people who borrowed it and when... I hate that this is now exclusive knowledge of librarians. I do care that a miss Mariana borrowed this book in 1985 and then Dario in 1997. They're my brothers and sisters
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My old person trait is that I think a website should work in a web browser and not try to open an app
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SPACE HEATER: If you plug this in, it will kill you. It will burn your house down and kill you if you ever use this. Not for use. 
ME: (standing right in front of it so my shins feel warm) mmm. Worm
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today elon musk banned the "elonjet" account that shared his private flight data, which is public information, in real time. he also banned a litany of ostensibly liberal journalists for having the temerity to report on it.
banned twitter users, as it turns out, can still participate in spaces, so a bunch of them got together. elon himself found the space and was allowed to speak on it.
one of the banned journalists asked musk whether he sees any similarities between his own behavior today and previous twitter staff taking down illegal content stolen from hunter biden's laptop, to which elon musk... said nothing and fucking left
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