smokestainedglass · 11 months
Padre Nostro, che sei nei cieli,
Sia santificato il tuo nome.
Venga il tuo regno,
Sia fatta la tua volontá,
Come in cielo, così in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano,
E rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
Come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori.
E non ci indurre in tentazione,
Ma liberaci dal male.
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
I found this, it seems cute.
Sometimes I worry Dottie and I are too intertwined…
She hasn’t been eating much since I got home, not nearly as cuddly…
I think I’ll go get some more enrichment for her enclosure tomorrow! I think that’ll cheer her up!
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
Okay. Good. Just let me know.
I haven’t felt this way about someone in a really long time.
I’m get butterflies and stuff, it’s so weird..
I don’t know what to do with it all…maybe I should write some crappy poetry, drink some wine and call it a night! ^^;
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
??? Want me to kick their ass?
I haven’t felt this way about someone in a really long time.
I’m get butterflies and stuff, it’s so weird..
I don’t know what to do with it all…maybe I should write some crappy poetry, drink some wine and call it a night! ^^;
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
Rest well.
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
The fucking blood.
I cant do this shit. Not tonight. Not fuckin’ tonight. I’m gonna be sick.
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
The inhumanity in no one taking this shit seriously disgusts me.
It’s a fuckin’ human life. He was Someone you all fuckin’ talked to. Laughed with. Laughed at, I don’t fuckin’ know.
You know it’s gonna be more. There’s gonna be more. How are they gonna think when it’s everyone laughin’ and ignorin’ them as they suffer and die.
I don’t fuckin’ know. Maybe I’m getting too into my head about shit. Wish I could just go to the fuckin’ bar or some shit but I’m not tryin’ to leave. Go for a walk, god I haven’t had a smoke in forever. Not muckin’ up Donny’s walls with the shit.
Need to clear my fuckin’ head before I go insane. Stick to my web-diary like some teenage fuckin’ girl for now I guess.
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
Fuck you, and fuck your weak ass approach to any of this.
You think you have some sorta moral high ground over a petty fuckin title? You aren’t that title. You aren’t shit. You aren’t worth the gravel you fuckin’ walk on.
Tryin’ to use shit against people, tryin’ to talk all high and mighty like you know a fuckin’ thing or two. Your pillars are sand and the tides comin’ in strong, fucker.
Hope you know how to swim.
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smokestainedglass · 1 year
I can’t stand this shit.
Everyone’s so up their own ass about this. God. Way to fuckin’ go, D. Shoot for the first desperate job request you see. Fuckin’ Christ man.
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