smilingeycs · 2 years
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Here I stand, I’m your man (x)
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smilingeycs · 2 years
The young woman’s chest rose & fell slowly, her chest moving as she breathed in & out. She felt like she was panting before he had even started, her mind & heart racing, her core wet & wanting for him - and only him. She allowed him to move her body however he pleased, happy to be manipulated & played with however he deemed fit.
She watched him closely through hooded eyes, her skin on fire with every kiss that had planted on her pale canvas. Amelia was shocked to hear his admission, her eyes widening for a moment before they were screwed shut, feeling his lips suck harshly on her thigh. “Ah, fuck.” She whined quietly, her fingers gripping at the sheets briefly before she looked back to him. “Been waiting for this for too long.” Amelia answered as she felt his tongue run over the bruised flesh, her head rolling back as she tried to collect herself, her body beginning to burn with the lust.
Hearing his voice again, her focused moved back to him, the view almost making the blonde drool. Her eyes were fixated on his hand, a million thoughts in her head; wishing, wanting, needing. It seemed like he had read her mind, her breathing hitching in her throat when he moved his thumb over her pussy, her teeth biting into the flesh of her bottom lip to contain her whines & whimpers.
She couldn’t help but move her hips, grinding herself against his fingers, just like she had done in the hallway moments ago. She ached for him now, needing more & more as each second passed. Amelia sucked in her next breath through her teeth when he groped at her breast, her nipple instantly stiffening under his touch. His hands seemed to have a way with her body, the moment he touched her, it felt like her body was no longer her own, it belonged to him & it ached to please him.
He played her like a fiddle. How did he know how to do that? The moment his tongue lapped at her pussy, she knew she was a goner. Her elbows fell from their position from propping her up, the blonde splayed out on the bed, one leg hooked over his shoulder as he worked her. One hand gripped at the sheets & the other moved to become tangled in his hair, gripping lightly as she moaned. “Fuck, Finn…” Amelia exhaled a moan, her cheeks burning from his words, trying to find the right words to answer his question. She wanted it all. She wanted hard, fast, soft, slow. Amelia just wanted him & everything he was willing to give her.
 “How do you expect me to answer when you’re going thaaaat…” Amelia tried to answer calmly, but the last word came out in a blissful moan. She moved to sit up slightly again, her hand moving to take his off her breast, moving two fingers into her mouth to suck on them as she looked down at him between her legs. “I think of you fucking me.” She moaned softly, her cheeks flushed as she admitted her secret. “I think of you, doing whatever you want to me. Fucking me hard. Bending me over. Making me yours.” Amelia tried to explain in between her whimpers & moans. “So do what you want, Finn. I’m all yours tonight.”
She was divine.
At least that was the thought racing back and forth through his mind as he continued to lavish her cunt with his lips and his tongue. As he lapped at and sucked on it. As he gathered what honey he could and savored it as it coated the inside of his mouth. Finn was feasting like a man famished with little thought on how lewd it looked and sounded.
Because that’s just what he was; famished.
He pulled away from her, eyes staring at the wet core. He gave the hooded clit a quick peck before a chuckle was caught in his throat. “You’re no fucking help whatsoever, Amelia.” His hand returned to her breast and gave it a sharp squeeze before he gathered what saliva he could and allowed it to dribble out onto her pussy in one long stream. He watched as it landed on her pelvis just above and rolled down. Finn then returned to it, collecting the spit as his tongue run back over her heat in one long, lap.
Finn lifted the thigh from his shoulder, allowing him to stand tall once more. His hands moved to his belt and slowly unfastened the buckle. Slow, deliberate movements. It hung open, still looped around his waist as he took a small step forward. Forward until he was pressed against the bed between her open legs.
“I want you to get my cock out and suck it, Amelia.” A command more than a request. His thumbs hooked into the waistband of his jeans, pushing the garment down until the very base of the said appendage was visible. “Lavish it. Choke on it. Get it nice and wet.” Finn bent at the waist, lowering his head till it was hovering over hers. “Then I’ll fuck you hard. Bend you over. Make you mine. All of that shit.”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
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smilingeycs · 2 years
               she’d never expected for anything like this to happen, for actual feelings to blossom within what she’d assumed to be a now cold, loveless heart following her four failed marriages. she can’t pinpoint when exactly said feelings began developing, the last few years having been somewhat of a whirlwind travelling to and from set locations between brief stops home. no matter who she had fallen into bed with on her expeditions, whether it be brad pitt or george clooney, her mind always wandered back to finn. oh, sweet, charming and handsome finn — the first man in decades to make her swoon. she finds it embarrassing, really, that the first person able to chisel away at her stone-like exterior was a man half her age.                 warm chestnut eyes can’t help but to roll at his words, a small sigh slipping from between parted petals as her gaze follows his movements, fingers clenching somewhat behind her back as she resists the urge to just touch. to indulge herself with his company, whether it was the last or hundredth-to-last time. whilst she had been the one to suggest it, the thought of him flaunting somebody else on his arm was enough to cause her to wince.                 “ i was merely trying to be practical. “  is all she can muster for now, a short sniffle being taken as she straightens her posture, shoulders rising and falling as she avoids his gaze.  “ but no, it’s not what i want. i just thought that, practically speaking, we could both do with something more on the consistent side. at a certain point in life, you just have to accept that it doesn’t necessarily matter what you want, and that you just have to make do. whilst i want nothing more than to have you all to myself, i just don’t think i’m that grammy red carpet arm candy that you’re looking for. “  she sounds deflated, defeated almost.                 “ i just thought that this was a fling — and i’ve had my fair share of flings in the past — but never one this long lasting, nor this emotionally consuming. i’m at my happiest when i’m with you, my most inspired when i’m lucky enough to be in your presence, and i’m utterly miserable when i’m not. now, correct me if i’m wrong, but that doesn’t sound very fling-y, does it? “
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While his escapades might not (see; definitely not) be as highly noted as hers, he’d be lying if he didn’t say he had his only little skirmishes over the years. And while fun, it always led back to her. Because it’d always lead back to her. He was obsessed. From the first time. From the first touch. From the first glance. He was obsessed from the very start.
And he regretted nothing.
She might be choosing to fight the urge to touch him. To keep her hands behind her back, trying to occupy them with something else. 
Finn wasn’t so inclined. 
Instead, he walked up to her and closed the distance between the pair. Finn held no qualms in touching her. One hand reached up and cupped Veronica by the jaw. The pad of his thumb stroking her cheek before pulling down on the corner of her painted lips. He had smeared the paint a little, but he had always intended on doing that.
“No,” he answered the query. It doesn’t sound very fling-y. That was true. And while she may have thought it was a fling, Finn had fallen in love from the start. “It doesn’t. But...” Finn couldn’t stand the unreciprocated touch any longer. So he took one of her arms by the wrist and placed her hand against his chest. Right over his pounding heart. “Does this feel like a fling?” 
Ba-bump. Ba-bump. Ba-bump.
It felt like it was going to jump out of his chest.
Finn let her feel his heart beating inside of him for a few moments longer before he dragged her hand down over his body and placed it over his crotch. “Does this?”
Once again a pause. A few, quick moments to allow her to think it over before his hand left hers and held her face on the opposing side of his other. “I’ve told you this. I’ve told you I’ve loved you from the very start, Veronica. And I don’t care if practicality says you need something more on the consistent side. I don’t care if you say you need something more on the consistent side. I’m yours and you’re mine. Ain’t shit about to change that.”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
She felt like she was on cloud nine & they had barely started & the blonde began to wonder if she would survive the night. It had been months since she had a bit of fun & being on top of Finn at that moment was becoming increasingly difficult because all she wanted was more, more more. However, she knew that they would have to go at a pace that was comfortable for both of them. She wasn’t sure what this was, but there was a time & place for questions & this wasn’t it.
The kiss was heavenly. Goosebumps peppered her skin as he moved his hands over her body, the blonde pressing against him till they were chest to chest & somehow, they still weren’t close enough for her liking. His satisfied moan was like music to her ears, she wanted to listen to him all night long. Play him like a guitar, figure out what made him moan, groan & swear. The blonde was a people pleaser & that personality trait didn’t stop at the bedroom door. She wanted to please her partner in every way that she could, their moans pushing her to do better, be better. Amelia liked being at the top of her class - she also liked being the best in the bedroom too.
The woman grew more needy, her once slow grinding becoming faster paced while she kissed him. Feeling Finn pull away from their kiss made the blonde whine, her eyebrows pulled together as she looked down at him disapprovingly. However, that face didn’t last long. The expression quickly replaced by surprise, a soft gasp leaving her lips as he readjusted them, her legs wrapping around his waist for a brief moment before he lay her down.
Her cheeks burned as she watched him undress in front of her, her head tilted to the side as her eyes moved over his frame, taking in every little detail as she licked her lips. She opened her legs for him without a second thought. Amelia wished that her tipsy mind would remember every inch of his body, hoping that the image of him on his knees, between her legs, would be burned into her memory.
Amelia let out small giggle when he lifted one leg up & kissed it, the act so tender almost catching her off guard. Propping herself up on her elbows, the woman watched him with a look of lust, her once bright blue eyes, now dark. Amelia sucked in through her teeth before exhaling a soft moan as he moved his hands down her body, her body arching to his touch, always wanting more.
She bit her lip as she watched him pocket her panties, raising an eyebrow before she smirked. “You gonna start a collection?” Amelia teased. However, the smirk on her face didn’t last long when he spoke again as he touched her - his words sending a shiver down her body. If he continued talking to her like that, Amelia wouldn’t survive the night. He could say ‘jump’ in a voice like that & her response would be ‘how high?’.
Amelia sat up straight, finger tips pulling the dress over her head to reveal the black bra underneath. The dress would be discarded with the rest of their clothes, her bra the next to come off, leaving the blond bare in front of him. “Yes, Sir.” Amelia teased at his command before she slowly stepped her legs apart, her hands propped up behind her so she could appreciate the view between her legs. 
The usually calm, clear and collected mind of the man was now racing. Thoughts clouded by lust. Finn sucked his lower lip in and bit down into the flesh as he watched the now naked Amelia on his bed. Open. Wanting. Waiting.
Fuck. She was stunning.
Finn lifted the leg once more, only this time placing it on his shoulder in order to get a look at what he had asked for. And his words were correct. Wet. Even in the room, barely illuminated by the full moon shining through open windows. he could see it. He could almost feel it. Feel the heat that it threw off with every beat of her heart.
“Have you been waiting for this, Amelia?” He asked as he started to pepper light kisses to the inside of her thigh. Slowly they made their way up. Up. And up. “Because I have.” No word of lie left his mouth. Finn had been waiting for this. And not for a short time either. Finn kept moving up until he felt his cheek against the apex of her legs. There he sucked on the skin. Pulled on it with his mouth until he left a small bruise. A little ‘I was here’ marking that left a satisfied smile across his face when he did finally break away to admire his handiwork. Finn gave the bruise a long swipe of his tongue before resting his cheek against it to look up at her.
“So, here’s a question,” Finn popped one of his thumbs into his mouth, allowing his tongue to cover the top of the digit in his saliva before he started using it to almost mindlessly play with her pussy. Long, slow strokes. Up and down. Hot and wet. That’s how he’d describe it. Hot and wet and absolutely mouth-watering. The other hand meanwhile reached up and grabbed one of her breasts. A little rough initially but that soon subsided, changing into a more soothing, rolling massage than anything else.
She felt fantastic under his touch.
“I really want to rail you. Nice and hard. Right here.” He punctuated his last 2 words by pressing down with his thumb on top of her clit. Just a brief button press but enough to let his intentions be known. The thumb was soon replaced with his tongue. A long swipe from the bottom up to the top. And that first taste? Fucking electricity. An overly satisfied groan radiated from his throat. It was every bit what he had imagined. “But what do you want?” The hand on her breast soon closed around her pert nipple and Finn gave it a small tug. Nothing overly hard; he was still getting her warmed up, but once again it let his intentions known. “When you’re all alone.” Another sweep of his tongue over her cunt before giving her clit a quick suck. “At night, fucking yourself to whatever imagine you’re picturing. How do you want to be fucked?”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
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smilingeycs · 2 years
Sorry for the absence over the past week or so. Fell ill after New Year celebrations (luckily my covid tests came back negative). But, we’re on the mend so I’ll be getting to replies/starters owed over the next few days.
Thanks again, friends.
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smilingeycs · 2 years
Amelia was into some kinky stuff, she didn’t mind fun with some risk, but there’s risky then there’s straight up stupid. Maybe if he wasn’t her best friend’s brother & they weren’t at a family event, then she wouldn’t be so on edge, but she was trying her best to not get too in her head. She wanted to remember this.
The woman let out a soft whine when he kissed between her legs again, disappointed to watch him stand up. Damn that little voice instead her head that told him to stop, she really enjoyed that view of him down there. Delicate hands locked with his while a quiet exhale left her lips after his kiss. She felt drunk on her need for him, the excitement buzzing through her body as he pulled her along the hall, the blonde trying to stop herself from giggling like a school girl.
Amelia was a good girl. She didn’t do reckless things, didn’t sneak around or disobey; a parents dream. But if she knew sneaking around & being this naughty felt so good? She would have started a lot sooner. When he turned to look at her as he opened the door, she was smirking, her eyes moving over his body before he pulled her in again. “Much better.” The tipsy blonde giggled quietly, her arms around his neck as he moved with her.
Blue eyes burned into him as he sat on the bed, her hands resting on his shoulders, gently massaging for a moment as she weighed up her ideas. After a second, the blonde moved forward, straddling him as she sat in his lap, grinding a little as she settled. “Much more appropriate, but more importantly… Where were we?” She asked with a sultry smile, tilting her head while her hands moved over his chest. Amelia kissed him again, her tongue gliding over his bottom lip almost like asking for permission to deepen the kiss as she started to grind against him, her hips rocking back & forth slowly. If he was going to tease her in the hallway, she would tease him right back.
The comforted sigh that he released when her hand rolled the muscle of his shoulders was barely audible. Barely, but still could be heard. His eyes closed and his cheek rubbed one hand, only ceasing once he felt her moving. Eyes reopened in time to see her descent onto his lap.
It was a welcomed move.
As her hands moved down to his chest, his made their way across her back. One up, until the hand was on her shoulder. The other splayed out, supporting her lower back. She felt good under his touch. Warm. Supple. The way she grinded against his lap was an added bonus as well. Took a lot more willpower not to lift up off the bed to meet the grinding himself. There would be time for that. Instead, Finn basked in the vision. He inhaled her scent. And when they kissed he savored the taste.
Finn would have given his kidney at this moment had she asked. So permission to deepen the kiss? A satisfied moan was his answer. Yes. Yes. Yes. He parted his lips further, allowing the tip of his tongue to softly caress hers. Soft. Delicate. The hand on her shoulder gripped the back of her neck as the other hand pulled the end of her dress out from under her.
Oh how he wanted to get out of these fucking trousers.
It almost hurt breaking the kiss. He swore he felt the pangs in his chest. But while his was thoroughly loving her tongue and her lips on his, Finn wanted his mouth on something else just that much more. “I believe.” Now, having the opportunity to answer her previous question, he took it. Both hands slipped beneath Amelia’s thighs and, using the new grip, lifted her up so he could drop her on her back to the bed. “I was trying to figure out if anything else tasted as good as that mouth.”
His fingers worked the buttons on his shirt as his legs spread hers apart even further. Despite his current, alcohol and lust fueled state, the deft fingers made short work of the shirt, discarding it to the floor.
Finn soon followed suit.
Back on his knees, looking at Amelia from between her legs. 
It felt right.
Finn lifted one leg up, turned his head and kissed the inside of her leg. Right above the knee. His hands reached up under her dress. Up to her ribcage before he dragged his nails down her skin. And not in a manner he’d describe as soft either. His fingers slipped beneath the waistband of her panties as his hands continued their downwards trajectory. Down over her thighs. Down until he took the flimsy material with his teeth and used the new grip to remove them.
He made a show of balling up her panties and slipping them into one of the pockets on his jeans. Finn was half-tempted to keep them. But she’d get them back. Eventually. Maybe. His hands continued the previous motion. Reaching up under her dress before raking them back down. 
“Now. Show me that wet pussy, Amelia.”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
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ROBERT PATTINSON photographed for TV Week Magazine
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smilingeycs · 2 years
open to: male, female, nonbinary. muse: veronica, 52 yr old actress/director. plot: veronica’s trying to call off a fling/affair with your muse because of some moral reason, whether your muse works with them or is their friends child or their friends partner, etc. anything works!
                    her chests tight. she can’t recall a time she’d ever been so nervous, so hurt, as this - and to say she’s struggling to process her own emotions would be understatement. the decision, that she’s still this close to undoing before she spoke it aloud and cemented it once and for all, was not an easy one to make. sleepless nights spent tossing and turning, whether she was alone or by their side, had plagued her and drained her of the majority of her energy. social battery level: zero. she’d even had to cancel on her weekly brunch with the girls!
                small, neatly manicured fingers squeeze at theirs before she slowly, hesitantly, peels them apart - hiding them quickly behind her back before she inevitably sought theirs out once again.  “ this — whatever this is, well, was — has been fun. “  she takes a big breath then, steadying herself, pacing herself.  “ but it can’t go on. it shouldn’t go on. you deserve so much better — to be with someone you can publicly claim as your own, someone you can show off to your parents, not some dirty secret. “
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He expected something like this..
Veronica was discrete. She knew how to keep what she wanted hidden just that; hidden. He and the relationship that they shared was proof enough of that. So when something was gnawing away at that veneer, when it was painfully obvious that something was weighing heavy on her mind? Well, it didn’t take Dr. Phil to put 2 and 2 together...
… After all, Finn had expected something like this.
Didn’t mean it didn’t sting. Didn’t mean it didn’t hurt. Because it did. Was? Has? She was already placing them in the past tense. Just because he had expected a conversation like this didn’t mean it didn’t piss him right the fuck off. Finn sucked a breath in through gritted teeth. A calming, somewhat cleansing breath.
Veronica wasn’t the only one able to obfuscate how they felt. Finn just wasn’t as experienced.
"There’s that saying, right? May we get what we want and never what we deserve.” Finn paused, eyes drifting upwards for a brief moment. At least the saying went something like that. Whatever. An exact quote wasn’t important. It got the point across. “So, if this has been buggin’ you then I get it. But don’t tell me about what I deserve. Success. Health. A Grammy nomination, maybe. I think I deserve those things.” Finn ran a hand through his hair, nails raking across his scalp. It was a nervous habit he had acquired early in life. Try as he might it was a habit he just couldn’t kick. One could often determine how anxious Finn was by just how disheveled his hair was.
The hand returned to his side, slapping his upper thigh as it fell. “I guess what I’m trying to say is... Is if it’s what you want then tell me that. Just, don’t try to hide behind some ‘you deserve someone you can bring home to the parents’ bullshit. Because I will go out and bring a girl home to meet them right now and see you tomorrow.” Another pause. Another sigh. Another moment of inner reflection. “Because that shit was weak. And that ain’t you. So, try again. Please.”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
Roxy relaxed back against the wall of the tub, the warmth of the room nearly knocking her out. She worked hard, and spent the majority of days alternating between her two jobs: a stewardess on private flights, or bartending at one of those sports bars where the girls all wore cut up jerseys and she shortest of shorts. Point being, she understood that moments like these with Finn, where they could both just unwind, were few and far between, and demanded to be taken advantage of.  Her foot jerked a bit as he gripped it, ticklish and all, making some of the sudsy water slosh over the edge of the tub, all while she laughed lightly. “Sorry. I’ll clean it up. Promise.” She sat up a bit straighter, eyes fluttering between his fingers and his face, feeling a full body flush. This was so intimate it was almost overwhelming, but that was part of why she liked him so much. He wasn’t afraid to do things like paint her toes, his masculinity didn’t seem to take any hits when performing such actions.  “You could always do both.” Not that Roxana gamed or really knew much about streaming channels like that. She just didn’t have the time. But that didn’t mean she couldn’t support him, or help him figure it out. “Live stuff is fun, getting to interact, you know? Even if it’s virtual, you get to work the crowd a little and build that confidence up. And with Twitch you can get tips right? So it could almost feel like you’ve got a gig in a café or something. I say give it a go. You know I’ll tune in no matter where I’m at.” 
Now that he was finished painting the final toe of the foot Finn placed the brush back into the pot of paint. He replaced it with a half-smoked joint, which was placed into his mouth before he leaned back against the tub with a lighter in hand.
Flick, flick, flame.
With a chest filled of smoke, Finn passed to Roxana. “You better tip well.” His voice was choked as he tried to keep the weed in his lungs. When he finally did exhale it was against the rapidly drying paint. “Nah, it isn’t even about the money.” Although it wouldn’t hurt. “Not really. It was the faces of the people the guy was playing for.” Call him soft or sentimental or whatever but that joy? It was something else. Finn lifted the foot and placed a soft kissed to the inside of her ankle as his hand ran up the entire smooth length of her lower leg. “Just seemed nice.” The leg was placed back on the edge once more. He splashed a little of the water across his chest as he considered the idea a little more.
“Or maybe I need to keep off of youtube.” Finn retrieved the end of the towel from the floor. “Next foot please. What would you request if a handsome, talented, big dicked pianist asked to play a song for you?”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
@flawcdexistence liked this for a deep-end starter!
“Trust me.”
Big words. He knew that. But still, they came from his mouth without hesitation.
“It’s just a little fun.”
Finn’s fingers adjusted the silken material he had bound around her head, hopefully obscuring her vision. It was just a little fun. Something a little different. Once satisfied Finn rounded back to the front, the tips of his fingers following the path he took. Hopefully reassuring them that their faith was well placed. He bent at the waist and placed a chaste kiss to their forehead before turning to the table.
“Just a second.”.
The sound of slicing was the only sound he made. The thud as the sharp blade hit the wooden board. Finn used the freshly cut wedge of fruit to trace the shape of their upper lip. Then the lower. Only after the second lap did he offer the piece to their awaiting tongue and teeth.
“.... And the answer is?”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
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smilingeycs · 2 years
@fiiingertrap liked this for a deep-end starter!
Life was a bitch. Common knowledge held by anyone with half a fucking brain. So, when the opportunity to unwind from said bitch arose, Finn grabbed that with both hands.
And on that thought Finn inspected one of his hands. An open palm. Then the back. He should probably wear gloves when handling such.
That brought a smile to his face.
No matter. Back to his work. Finn retrieved the discarded nail brush and returned to painting the nails of the foot currently rested on the side of the large tub that they currently occupied. He had finished painting the four smaller toes a brilliant ruby red, leaving only the large one.
“You think I should start a twitch channel?” He absently asked his partner as he reapplied the paint to the brush. Even in the dimly lit room and through the steam rising from the heated water he could see that his work was far from the best. But unless the viewer was sucking on the toes he doubted they would be inspected close enough the see the brush strokes. Finn grasped the foot with his spare hand as he started to paint. “Or go on one of those random webcam sites. I saw a video on Youtube of some guy taking requests from randoms. Looks like fun.”
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smilingeycs · 2 years
Anyone want an starter that throws two muses into the intimacy deep end of the pool? Give this a like. First in, best dressed.
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smilingeycs · 2 years
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smilingeycs · 2 years
Who was she right now? Amelia wasn’t sure, but she certainly wasn’t herself. She was reserved & cautious, not reckless & open. The blonde would blame the tequila from earlier & the fact that she had been harbouring a secret crush on Finn since their first meeting when his brother had invited Amelia over for a party, but he didn’t need to know that. This was all fun & drunken games.
She was growing wetter by the second, with every touch she had to control herself, fighting her need to just pull him into the closest bedroom. A lump formed in her throat as he smudged her lipstick, her heart racing so fast she was almost sure that he would be able to hear it if his family turned down the music at the party below them. She’d definitely need to sneak out the house without anyone seeing her after Finn had had his way with her, she wouldn’t be fit to return to the party… No, she shouldn’t think about that now. She can’t get in her own head. ‘Just enjoy it, don’t overthink’ was now on replay in her head, the little voice in her head screaming at her.
The little voice was hushed by Finn’s actions, the blonde melting into his touch as he assaulted her neck with his kisses, her teeth biting harshly at her bottom lip to silence herself while her nails scratched along his neck. Her breathing was shallow, eyes fluttering shut & her head tilted back against the wall as he moved down her body. How could he make her feel like this with so little effort?
His voice snapped her back to reality, her eyes falling to him on his knees before her & in return, her own knees almost gave out at the sight. Fingertips raked through his hair, a gentle grip forming while her other hand went against the wall to keep herself propped up. Feeling his lips against her panties shot goosebumps over her body, her head falling back as she mouthed ‘fuck, fuck, fuck,’ to herself while she stared at the roof. A small yelp left her mouth when he bit at her thigh, her free hand flying over her mouth as her eyes darted towards the stairs. “S—Shouldn’t we move this somewhere else?” Amelia whispered as she pulled her dress up, the sight of him between her legs causing a new wave of heat to move through her, sure her panties would be damp now. “I–I don’t think I can be quiet, if you…” Her cheeks were pink & her voice was hushed, scared that they’d get caught in the hallway.
She was right. This wasn’t exactly ideal. Despite Finn’s reasons being completely different than Amelia’s, he didn’t want to get caught either. That was an awkward conversation he hoped never to have. So, a dissatisfied groan left his body. But not before he once again pressed a kiss to her panty-covered pussy. In the dim light he wasn’t too sure if it was his tongue that left the obvious wet mark or if it was her. Further investigation would be required.
“Alright.” He told her as he once again rose to his feet. Finn’s hand interlocked with one of hers as her pressed his lips against hers in a quick peck. “Come on then.”
Now this was familiar. Creeping through his parents house. Sneaking down the hall to his bedroom. Usually the muffled music playing in another room wasn’t the soundtrack. But the feeling? Yeah, it was nostalgic.
Finn turned to face Amelia, fingers still weaved with hers, as he opened the door to his bedroom. With a pull, she was once again pressed against his body. The contact created a chuckle. One that reverberated against the room’s walls as he closed the door behind them.
“There.” Both of his hands returned to her waist as he continued to led her, only this time backwards. The room hadn’t changed. Not really. The posters that had once adorned his walls had been removed. And they were now painted a different, lighter colour. But overall, the room still very much felt the same. It had the same lamp. The same drawers. The same Yamaha keyboard. The same small double sized bed. The same bed he stopped at when his legs banged into them. Finn sat on the bed, allowing a view from a different angle. He was fairly certain it was one of his favourite angles of Amelia. “Is this a bit more appropriate?”
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