Lavender let a silent sigh of relief over the fact that the Slytherin seemed to be in a civil mood. It wasn’t something that she expected from the other girl, but she surely wasn’t going to question it at the moment. As she listened to Pansy’s question, she shook her head. “I just got here, so I haven’t really seen anyone. Maybe they’re running late?” Lavender suggested, trying to be helpful. “Have you seen Parvati Patil?”
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Pansy looks out the window and thinks for a moment was it possible that those two were late . No it couldn’t be they always showed up around the same time or the boys arrived minutes before she would . she was shaken of her thinking when she was asked. she turned back to the gryffindor “No i haven’t seen her.” 
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Train Ride || Open
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Lavender had been a little late getting to the train, and was having trouble locating her friends. She opened the next compartment door, only to find the raven haired Slytherin. “Oh sorry, I was just looking for someone.” Lavender said quickly, feeling the need to apologize before she got snapped at.
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Pansy was sick of seeing all of these gryffindors but she wasn’t in a mood to fight . “It’s fine , we seem to be on the same boat “ She didn’t want to ask gryffindors for any type of help but she figure it couldn’t hurt to ask . “You haven’t seen Zabini Or Malfoy by any chance?” She referred to the boys by their last names cause she didn’t want anybody to know how truly close she was with the two fellow slytherins . She knew asking was a long shot but it was worth a shot . 
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Train Ride || Open
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Train Ride || Open
Pansy was glad to be heading back at Hogwarts .She never missed anything quite as much as the school everyday she leaves it weather that be for the holiday or the summer.  After the scare at the quidditch world cup she wasn’t sure if coming back was a good idea .   She was sitting in her’s usual compartment. Normally she would be joined by Blaise and Draco by now but those two seem to be MIA which worried the raven haired witch even more then she already was.
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Quidditch World Cup//Aftermath
Luna had enjoyed the game with her father (and had ran into some wonderful school mates) Her and her father finished the evening indulging in butter beer and discussing the needs of the Quibbler.
Luna had gone off to bed when she was startled awake by a chaos outside. Hooded men swarmed the camp and she heard people screaming and running. Her father looked at her before running into the madness as she ran towards the forest.
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Originally posted by targaryems
After Pansy realized what was going on she still stood staring for 5 mintutes straight , she couldn’t help but worry about her friends even though she didn’t seem them . She didn’t know weather or not be relieved after about that fact or not . The raven haired girl takes a deep breath. she shakes her thoughts from her head and starting dashing towards the forest . 
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“I don’t care” Harry replied without a moments hesitation. Harry started to shuffle in his step as he grew more and more uncomfortable in the situation.
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“Just trying to make small talk, you know all Gryffindors and Slytherins don’t always have to hate each other” He said keeping his distance.
“Good” she shrugs .Hmm let me think about that “ Pansy took a moment to pretend to think. No matter what reality she was in she was never gonna stop hating gryffindors . “Nope i am good , Everything is good as it is “
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Quidditch World Cup - Open Starter
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Hermione sucked in a deep breathe upon hearing the demanding, unpleasant, voice of a girl she knew all too, Pansy Parkinson. Hermione and Ms.Parkinson could not be more polar opposites, if they tried. She almost always fell on the opposite ends of Hermiones beliefs and ideals, and it would appear today was not an exception.
Spinning around, Hermione took in the smug look on the brunettes face. A look very reminiscent of one, she had once seen on her mother upon finding a mouse in their home.
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“Muggleborn or not, I am welcome here just as much you are” she answered indignantly.
She looks around to make sure nobody was listening to their conversation  “Oh I never say anything about not being welcomed , you just came up with that yourself. Way to go . I was simply stating a fact . “ Pansy was enjoying watch the mudblood make a fool of herself. she would admit it was a rare site but she still loved watching it . She didn’t have to say very much . 
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Realizing his error Harry immediately dropped his smile and took a couple of paces back “Pansy” Harry said “I almost didn’t recognize you.”
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Harry took a quick look around the scene to see if anyone was watching, the last thing he wanted was to cause a scene among all these people. “Keeping out of trouble I hope” Harry said glancing towards Pansy
“Potter..” she repiles . “I am offend i never cause any trouble .I don’t know why you care if i did or didn’t ” for the most part pansy did keep of trouble , it was a rare occasion when she was around trouble but for the most part she was a good girl. “Come to think of it why do you care?” she question
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Quidditch World Cup - Open Starter
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Quidditch World Cup || Starter
Hermione could not help the quizzical look that spread across her face, as she journeyed further into the campgrounds. The Quidditch world cup was truly a sight to behold. 
Spread across the misty moor was thousands of tents, each more flamboyant and extravagant than the last, adorned in colors of green and red. It was no wonder the ministry had trouble keeping the sites muggle caretaker in the dark. Every wizard here was failing spectacularly to remain inconspicuous.
Hermione’s quiet bemusement at the sight around her slowly developed into laughter, as she finally came upon a village of tents that resembled a small hillside. Hundreds of small shamrocks covered the outermost tarp like overgrown moss.
“can you believe this” she asked incredulously.
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Pansy was a huge fan of the sport, in fact she hated it , it was way too violent if you ask her unfortunately because her family was a huge prueblood name and her family was one of the scare 28 meant she had to come even if she didn’t want to. She had no choice in the matter of attending the event . A little while after the event started she snuck away from her awful parents . “I am sorry ,but you must be talking to the wrong person . Well if it isn’t the little muggleborn. “ 
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The wizarding world never ceased to amaze Harry. One minute you are a top of a hill looking at an old boot the next you are at the quidditch world cup. The initial excitement had calmed down slightly and Harry was taking a walk through the campsite to soak up the atmosphere.
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Everyone one was in such high spirits you would forget there were teams battling in out against each other to be crowned the quidditch world cup champions. Rounding a corner Harry spotted a familiar face “Enjoying the  atmosphere?” He asked with a smile.
Growing up in a prueblood household meant she came to stuff like this all the time . Events like this were the only time pansy was ever seen with her parents who she figure out they just keep her because she was their only child. At the moment she was away from her mother and father when potter of all people came up to her . “And tell me why should i tell you ? Did you forget who i was or something ? ”
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Quidditch World Cup - Open Starter
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