slimmer-me-35 · 25 days
April 17
Navigating a new job while discovering I'm expecting has been quite the challenge. My mind feels like it's operating on low power mode, and battling morning sickness has become a daily struggle. Learning and remembering all this new information while pregnant has proven difficult, but today signaled a positive shift – my first good day. I'm optimistic that things will continue to improve from here. Being the new employee is always tough, but witnessing progress feels rewarding.
On another note, tomorrow marks 7 weeks into my pregnancy, and we have our first scan scheduled. I'm excited to see our baby for the first time! However, there's a lingering fear in the back of my mind, the apprehension that something might be wrong. What if we don't hear that reassuring heartbeat?
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slimmer-me-35 · 1 month
April 7
Yesterday, as I was preparing dinner, I suddenly felt overwhelmingly nauseous when I caught a whiff of the raw meat. It was truly revolting, one of the most unpleasant odors I've encountered in a while. My boyfriend even came over to make sure the meat hadn't spoiled, but it turned out it was just my reaction. It's challenging because I enjoy cooking, but if I can't tolerate the smell of meat anymore, it's going to make things difficult.
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slimmer-me-35 · 1 month
April 6
Hey there! It's been ages! I've got some incredible news to share – I'm pregnant! Today marks 5 weeks and 2 days. Can you believe it? The first round of IUI worked like a charm. My partner is over the moon, already brainstorming baby names, obsessing over baby gear, and planning out parental leave arrangements. It's absolutely heartwarming!
Amidst all the excitement, I started a new job just three days after getting the positive test result. It's been a whirlwind, and honestly, I haven't had a moment to let it all sink in properly. But now that it's Saturday, I finally have some downtime to process everything. So far, besides dealing with chronic constipation and that one random day of intense hazelnut cravings (which, by the way, I usually can't stand), I haven't felt too different. But I'm sure it'll all start feeling more real soon.
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slimmer-me-35 · 1 month
Life Goals I wish to reach in my 30s
Finish my master's degree
Become a mom
BMI under 25
Save up to buy a house
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slimmer-me-35 · 3 months
February 20
I was supposed to start my first round of IUI this month, but my egg decided to take its sweet time growing. Even though they scanned me out the day before my expected ovulation, they missed it. I found out the next day, and by then, it was too late for this cycle. Plus, me and my partner hadn't been getting too intimate in the days leading up to my ovulation.
I was pretty disappointed about not getting pregnant this time. But, we decided to go on a quick trip afterward, which was nice. The ferry ride was chaotic with all the screaming kids onboard, but weirdly enough, it made me feel a bit better about not being pregnant. It was like getting a sneak peek into our future. Guess we gotta start getting used to that idea.
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