i thought sleep would help me but i dont feel any better
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everyone will move on
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maybe i shouldn't make it to 21
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its been made loud and clear by everyone that my two choices are.
live in the way thats true to myself but no one likes me or wants to be around me.
lie my whole life but have people like me but only want to use me for their own personal gain.
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im so tired
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im gonna die alone and be forgotten but maybe thats for the better. maybe things are supposed to be this way. my whole life i've felt alone so why did i think it should be different now
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living is a pain with no good i think its time i learn that and stop trying
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they say fake it til you make it but i dont think theres any point one should be honest. every single time i get too close it just hurts me and other people
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i feel like i was built to be alone. i hate it
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everytime i finally start being happy in my identity it feels like everyone is out to rip it away from me and destroy any amount of happiness i may have had.
i'm so alone
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my feelings don't matter so why am i sitting here crying selfishly
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i always daydream of the perfect friend group
where i can just be accepted as who i am
and not constantly feel like i'm too broken to be loved as who i am
but then i always wake up and i'm alone, i have people in my life but none of them understand me.
there's just too much wrong with me. i need to isolate again.
Nothing will change
I am alone
So I need to stop caring
End of story
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I’m bored so I’m going on an Asking Spree
are you a more of a brain or a brawn?
uhhhh neither idk lmao.
if i had to choose i guess more brain? i dont got much to offer either way.
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is every relationship supposed to make you feel bad and emotionally drained? i feel like thats how i feel in every one ive been in. not even just romantic either, i have friends like that too. it feels like all of them take the life out of me like a vampire when i get too close
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i find it funny how me relating to someone else's problem turns into "At least you can totally transition bc most of your system is male" actually shut the fuck up, we're broke, we live in a transphobic area, our family that we rely on is transphobic, and i don't even know if we will LIVE long enough to see that happen. but sure we're so lucky and should never try to relate to anything just because most of our system is male.
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am i the only one who hates that i kin certain things because whenever i shift i just feel suicidal and like hurting myself
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i hate being in a constant state between they all hate me and dont want me around and if i leave they'll get hurt. this is why you dont get attached nothing is ever simple, nothing can ever just be good
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