sinner-sinta · 13 days
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My conclusion☝️🤓
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sinner-sinta · 20 days
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Practice piece (and good night everyone zzzzzzzz)
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sinner-sinta · 24 days
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And again he remembered the vision of fanatic legions following the green and black banner of the Atreides, pillaging and burning across the universe in the name of their prophet Muad’Dib. That must not happen, he told himself. — Dune, Frank Herbert.
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sinner-sinta · 24 days
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My blade is SHARP 💦
feypaul since this it’s drier than Arrakis out here
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sinner-sinta · 26 days
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“How about we just stay here, Seva? I know a guy who builds insane underground bunkers. No more Interpol…”
“Hmmm… Ever considered that I like being chased by guys in full kit?”
“We could have both, no need to choose…”
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
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Reverend Mother Jessica Atreides
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
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There is one way your family can remain in power and, through you, the continuation of our stewardship. Are you prepared? You've been preparing me my whole life, Reverend Mother.
DUNE PART TWO (2024) dir. Denis Villeneuve
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
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May thy blade chip and shatter
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
If anyone wants me to say my opinion on a character with this bingo
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
A thing that sticking with me about Dune Part2 [SPOILERS] once Paul takes the waters of life, he stops being the protagonist. The film isn’t from his POV anymore, we don’t see his visions, the camera rarely meets him at eye level. He’s not a character anymore, but a force people must navigate.
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
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summary: destined to one another since conception, your very life belongs to feyd rautha. as a token of good will you are sent to the strange planet of giedi prime a week before your wedding ceremony, only to learn that it is far more hostile than you imagined it would be. a failed assassination attempt has tempers flaring and sparks flying when it is decided to be safer to sleep alongside feyd. you hate to admit it, but he has played the part of a "protector" better than the guards who were tasked to watch over you. whilst you have been dreading this union all of your life, feyd has been anticipating it. meeting you as children had left him awe-struck. . . and a bit obsessed.
pairings: feyd rautha x atreides!reader
status: ongoing
warnings: !SMUT HEAVY IN FUTURE PARTS!, feyd is super overprotective in this fic and kills multiple people in your honor, blood and gore, it's a dark romance folks, political marriage, forced proximity, temporary unrequited love, a lil dubious consent in some scenes, there's a lot of talk about breeding, enemies to lovers (in your mind, not his), there's a "who did this to you" scene, knife play, blood kink, breeding kink heavy, lots of scent marking/marking.
total word count: 18.5k
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chapter index:
chapter one: the news of your approaching marriage is swift and brutal. there is no escaping your birth-right. what you don’t know is that feyd-rautha would never let you slip from his iron-like grip. you’re his after all.
chapter two: isolation. you feel as though your entire family is completely lost to you and it doesn’t help that the na-baron seems to enjoy playing with you. you’re in desperate need of some kind of a release and feyd is happy to oblige you. the two find yourselves face to face in a sparring match… a particularly heated one at that
chapter three: someone had gained access to your room, and now you were alone in the darkness, left to your own devices. you have a choice to make: fight for your life or let giedi prime swallow you whole. sadly, when placed in a life or death situation, your years of training completely evade you. thankfully you happen to have your very own vengeful demon, and he’s more than happy to behead those that hurt you.
chapter four: reeling after the shocking would-be assassination, you find it impossible to think of anything else- including feyd’s attempts to show you that he cares. having breakfast with the baron leaves you with more questions than you had before. with feyd’s mindset hurtling towards darker, more obsessive ways to show his affections, you’re in for quite the surprise. how else can he show that he loves you? it’s decided: blood will be spilled. . . and a lot of it.
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pinterest board and playlist coming soon.
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
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sinner-sinta · 28 days
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Atreides supremacy.
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sinner-sinta · 1 month
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feyd & paul + text posts (please do not repost without credit)
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sinner-sinta · 1 month
I want to talk about the loincloth scene
So the more times I watch Dune Pts 1 & 2 and the more I hear other people talk about it, the more I realize how much Denis Villeneuve has made every single scene incredibly intentional, if not layered with meaning from the books as well as other classic visual language.
And gang? I think we got distracted by Austin Butler's killer abs and radiating mad vibes the first time we saw this scene.
First, there is no other scene in either Dune movie that directly and explicitly sexualizes a character like this. It's a PG-13 franchise. Even the love scene between Timothy and Zendaya is very, very tamely framed by the standards of PG-13 MPA censors, and that includes the characters who are literally concubines by role in the books and films.
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Okay, so we have a single piece of eye candy, what of it? Well, this isn't just a gratuitous scene, this is an establishing character scene. The first time we're introduced to a character that has been mentioned briefly but never seen on screen before. The first shots, images, or scenes, will cement the character and a lot of thing about them into our mind. And Feyd-Rautha? We don't start with a shot as a whole, or from a distance, or his face, or hands. We don't even do the traditionally feminine panning shots that objectifying women in an introduction like this would usually bring (think starting from the legs and working up).
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No. We start zoomed in, on his stripped bare chest, as ceremonial paints are applied by hand by servants all over his torso. The very first place we see the paint applied is over his ribs where Paul will ultimately stab him and kill him, his most vulnerable spot. His breathing is fast, but controlled, and seems almost animalistic, which we're to expect given everything we have just heard about him from Irulan. He doesn't seem aroused though? If anything this feels like an animal under stress, forced to show its soft parts and stay still. (An animal, caught in a trap, waiting for a hunter, one might say?)
We could assume that he's stressed about the big day. It is his coming of age, there are thousands of people watching, etc. But we see him strut out there and OWN that arena. He's confident, delighted, even in a fight.
This is where the things changed from the book, and things maybe left out come in. Feyd-Rautha in the book (and Sting in the 1984 Dune) takes to the Arena in a leather battle thong, similar to what we see him wearing as he's being painted. But in the new movie when he fights he wears full battle armor. Is the eye candy outfit just a reference then? Or… did Villeneuve find a way to showcase exactly what kind of character Feyd-Rautha is in the book with his opening scene?
I think it's the latter. I'm certain of it now, because while I've noticed the strain he seemed to display while being painted, on my most recent watch I realized:
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He only kills the two handmaids who were rubbing their hands all over him, then noticeably relaxes.
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In one scene, Villeneuve shows us Feyd-Rautha: a character who has made his body into a weapon, but one he holds no true autonomy over. In the scenes that follow that day he wears severe black robes that cover him from half his neck all the way to the ground, leaving only half his hands exposed. It's in these robes both his uncle and then Margot Fenring manipulate him for their own purposes, with Margot explicitly sexually manipulating him with the Voice, and his uncle… well, Villeneuve has read the books, and I'm saying 'manipulative Feyd who has been abused his whole life' is meant to be canonically coded, not just that one weird kiss and the look of pure delight every time Feyd sees something happen to the Baron by someone else's hand.
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On a lighter note to end, as always, Feyd's battle armor (both gladiatorial and desert) is less severe, and shows more of his throat and wrists and other vulnerable places, as well as the fight scenes being the only time he explicitly reaches out for physical contact (except that kiss with the Baron) and seems to receive it as well with great exuberance and abundance something something revealing more of yourself while fully armored my baby boy <3
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sinner-sinta · 1 month
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