simp-for-fantasy · 3 hours
Ruins of the Past
Part 2 of He Loves Me Not
W/C - 1745
A/N- Hi everyone! Sorry this took so long to publish, I had a few things happening in my personal life. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this chapter! Don't forget to let me know your thoughts! Love you and drink some water today!
Theodores POV
September 27th 1994
It started out being just like any other night:
Mattheo chewed loudly in my ear, talking about his latest obsession while Pansy and Enzo argued about who the hottest quidditch player on the Slytherin team was. Draco was too busy brooding about his latest quarrel with Harry to pay attention to Blaizes rant on how Defence Against the Dark Arts was the same every year, and I sat and observed. It is times like these that make me chuckle. These were my friends since my first year. We have been through so much as a group yet we have not changed a bit. These people were my family. Nothing and nobody would ever change that. It is quite ironic that we are supposed to be the most heartless of the Slytherin House, yet, we are always there for each other. 
Since it was already 3 weeks into the term, the new first years have begun to find their groups so there weren't many floaters. This also meant it was a lot louder. So, when the chatter came to a halt, the cause piqued my interest. I looked around to find the source when I spotted a girl who looked like she had slept in a forest. There were twigs in her hair, mud on her face, and her white nightgown. Blood sparkled on her face from a cut that could only be assumed was from a branch. Her feet were bare, trailing mud into the castle. She looked ghastly, her lips were blue and her eyes were sunken in. 
"Who are you" Dumbledore's voice shot through the hall. Her small frame sways in response. She took a stabilizing step forward. Something was wrong with this girl, she looked half-dead. I get out of my seat to go up to her. As I come to the end of the Slytherin table the girl stutters another word; "Help." And she drops. My reflexes kick in and I rush over to her, catching her head before it hits the floor. What in Merlin's name is happening? Who was this girl? Why is she here? And why the hell did she leave wherever she came from without goddamn shoes on!?
First-Person POV
September 29th 1994
I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I sifted through my thoughts trying to remember what happened, but it was useless. My brain feels foggy like I'm in a dream and my limbs feel like weights. My eyes crack open to a large room filled with beds and curtains. White sheets cover my body and a tag is wrapped around my wrist. A hospital maybe? I try to sit up but it's no use. I really must have pushed myself. Voices start bleeding through the walls of the room. "We have to question her! The safety of this school could be in danger! Who knows who else she could have with her!" A deep voice says. "I agree however we have to gain her trust first. She won't tell us anything if she doesn't trust us." an older voice says. "Who says we give her an option? I can check to see if I have any veritaserum, and if not I will brew some!" "Severus, it is illegal!" What the hell is veritaserum and who is Severus? 
Run, they will steal your magick.
Memories crash into my mind. 
A castle. Hall. Doors. Candles. Black. 
It burns in my mind. Like my head is being bashed with a rock. The pain is unbearable. I pull at my hair in an attempt to help the pain.
Run, they can't find out.
"You told me to come here! You said it would be safe! You said I would find answers!" I yell. God, what's happening? The voices from outside die out. They heard. My flight or fight kicks in. I rip the cords out of my arm and run to the window. Shit. I must have been on one of the top levels of the castle. I look behind me and see the door handle rattle.  Okay, I've got this. Just don't look down. I close my eyes and take a deep breath in before stepping out of the window and placing my foot on the lip of the tower ledge. A shaky breath comes out as my hands grip the bricks poking out of the tower wall. Far out. Why am I doing this?
"Where is she?" I hear a lady with a thick accent say—shit shit shit. I fasten my pace as I climb down the castle. I survey the wall trying to find my next handhold. Finally finding one just below me and grab it, but it slips. It was all so quick. Suddenly the only thing holding me from a very long fall was a singular brick being strangled by my left hand. I try my hardest not to make noise to give away my whereabouts to the people searching the room. My Legs swing as they try to find grooves to stand on but it's no luck. Shit. This is how I'm gonna die.
Behind you.
"Oh my god can you just shut up for one second! you got me into this mess so please just shut up so I can get myself out!" I whisper to myself still attempting to be quiet. 
Behind you!
"For fucks sake alright!" I turn behind me to see someone on a...broom? Flying? What the hell is this place? Oh shit, they're coming towards me! I sped up to move down the tower. "Hey! Hey! Wait!" Oh hell no. This is not happening. He grabs my hand before I can grab ahold of another hole in the wall. "What the hell! Are you trying to get me to fall?" I yell at the boy. Wait. I recognize him.
Candles. Hall. Boy. Green. Help. Wind.
The splitting pain comes back. My hold on the wall loosens and I fall. But the boy on the broom was quick. He grabs my hand and lifts me onto the broom with him. "Hold on." He says. I wrap my arms around his torso as he makes the broom fly faster. I close my eyes in an attempt to soothe the fears rushing through my mind. 
Finally, we land at an open field with a lake nearby. I can now fully take in this boy. "You.. you were the one that caught me, weren't you?" He gives out a slight laugh."I think I should be asking the questions." He replies. I huff and cross my arms. He clears his throat before saying "So, first things first, who are you?" "I'm Y/N, and you are?" I question. "Theodore." There's a moment of silence before he pipes up again. "What are you doing here? I mean you made quite the entrance on Tuesday. Why were you in a nightgown? Why are you alone?" 
"Woah, one thing at a time pretty boy," I say slightly overwhelmed by all the questions. "Sadly, I can't tell you half of the answers to those questions, so why don't you find some simpler ones that I might be able to answer?" Theodore looks at me with an annoyed expression. He huffs. "Fine. Why are you here? Especially now?" "See that's a difficult question. Ugh. it's complicated." "So make it uncomplicated." He pushes. God this boy truly is a pain in my arse.
The boy - Theodore - continues to push when a tall lady approaches. "Miss L/N, a word." She had the same accent as the lady outside of the hospital room. Shit. I look back at the boy whose face has turned into a cold and hard scowl. I nod my head and follow the woman to a gargoyle statue. "Sherbet Lemon." Random. Just as I was about to ask what we were doing the gargoyle started to rotate. A hidden staircase. Huh. Once the stairs come to a finish, a grand room with books and statues is revealed.
 A heavy voice comes from the room. " Y/n L/n, I presume?" What the hell is going on? The woman gives me an expectant look. Right. "Uh, yes. What's going on?" The voice chuckles and an old man comes into view. "I feel like we should be asking you that. I mean that was quite an entrance!" I studied the man, there was something off about him. He had a corrupted aura. One that wasn't evil at first glance but deep down there was darkness. "Miss L/n?" I was too lost in my thoughts to realize I had been asked a question. "What was that, sorry?" He chuckles again. "I asked if you would like to explain your intentions?" My intentions? "I'm not sure I understand, sir. What intentions?" "Why you're here of course!" 
You can't trust him. 'Well, what am I supposed to say then? He won't let me go if I don't give him an acceptable answer!' She, however, is trustworthy. 'She's not the one asking!'
"Um, I needed help." It was obvious that these people practiced some form of magick, maybe I can reveal a small part of the truth. The man responded. "That part seemed quite apparent, but, what did you need help with? You were obviously in a rush to get here, but why?" I don't need to reveal it all just yet. "I come from a small and old-fashioned village, and my mother always protected me from their views, but she um..." God, even though it happened a year ago, I never truly talked about it. "She died... a year ago, and uh when she passed, I couldn't control what she had taught me. The villagers found out which meant I wasn't safe anymore. She had told me about this place that her mother went to that honed her magick, so I searched and finally found it." The woman's gaze softened as she placed a calming hand on my shoulder. The old man sighs "I am very sorry for your loss. However I must ask, what magick are you talking about?" This part I had yet to figure out. I can't reveal too much as I am still unsure what magick they practice. I know this magick I possess is uncommon even in the dark world. I must be vague yet precise. " Things would react to my emotions. Things on the other side of the room would break, float, or change because of me."
"Right, well I think there is an evident solution. You would be enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry."
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simp-for-fantasy · 16 days
He Loves Me Not Romance
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simp-for-fantasy · 19 days
He Loves Me Not Masterlist
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˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜The slytherin boys fourth year at Hogwarts was already chaotic before Y/N Despondos arrived three weeks after the school year began.
˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜˜ O/C - This story follows its own timeline: goblet of Fire isn't until 6th year and there are 8 years at Hogwarts I have no clue who I am going to write for Endgame so it will be just as surprising for you as it is for me. Please let me know how I can improve my writing or the story (who is endgame) as I am very new at this. Also this is on my wattpad if you prefer reading on that platform. (1-800-simp-helpline :))
Part One - the start of the end
Part Two - Ruins of the Past
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simp-for-fantasy · 19 days
The Start of the End
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Word Count : 802
Third Person POV
September 27th 1994
Rain pelted down on her cold skin. Rocks and twigs stabbed into her bare feet as she tracked the castle grounds. This was the place from her dreams. This was the place she was going to get answers from.  This was where her predecessors learnt how to hone their magick. Ever since the visions started, she began to lose control. Her magik grew stronger. It seeped out of her being. It was now overtaking her being. She was no longer its master.
Today was the one year anniversary of her mothers death. The day her visions began. The day her life went to shit. One year ago today she found out her life was never hers to follow. She realised her life was thousands of years in the making. She had no free-will. So, today was the day she rectified her situation and found out why this was happening to her. But more importantly; how to stop it from happening. 
 The white lace gown clung to her damp skin as the wing shoved her in every direction. Thoughts and voices swirled in her mind. What was she going to find at this place? What if there was no one here? What if there were people here? How come this place corrupted all of her dreams? Why was it so important that she find this place? Endless questions popped up into her mind and with each one, she became more hesitant to enter this castle. However, she persevered. She has searched for an entire year to find this place, she wasn't going to back out now!
 As the castle doors grew closer, she felt her strength being drained from her body. After around 5 minutes, she reached the rustic door. It seemed both worn in and preserved at the same time. Her hand seemed to have a mind of its own as it grasped the steel door handles which groaned as they turned. As soon as she stepped foot into this mysterious castle she was overwhelmed with the magickal presence it had. Pulling at her hair trying to make the whispers and pounding to stop, she fell to the ground. The tiles were cold but soothing. They helped her regain her composure to then stand and resume her journey. Her brain continue to push on her skull like it was trying to escape its confining. She tried her hardest to ignore the pain so that she could find someone, anyone who would help her. The castle was dark, quiet. It felt as if no one had ever graced its halls. Yet it still filled her with warmth as if she had been there before. 
As she roamed the halls trying to find the source of the magik she felt, she wondered what this place may have looked like when her ancestors were here. She wished of being able to properly talk to them, not through visions or vague dreams but an actual conversation where she could ask for strength. For protection. This was a new world for her. Everything she once knew to be was now nothing but a memory of a simpler time. Her thoughts were disrupted by the sound of laughter. 
Through the endless archways and paintings of the castle a large door came into view. Whatever stood behind this door was pure. Its aura was innocent. yet there was something cold, something corrupting its beauty. Light leaked out of the cracks of the door as well as the sounds of chatting and utensils scraping. She could feel her eyelids begin to droop as the last of the strength in her body began to slip away. With her remainder of strength she open the doors which revealed an endless hall filled with thousand of people wearing similar outfits. A uniform , she concluded. The chatter ceased as people started noticing her. Pointing was spotted throughout the crowd as well as people trying to hid the young children from her. She realised she must of looked crazy as she was wet and tousled from the rain and forest she had to withstand as well as being barefoot in a whit nightgown. In all honesty she couldn't really remember much of how she got here. Before the surrounding forest everything was foggy. Why was she in her pyjamas? why wasn't she in proper clothing to aid her from catching something in this weather?  The thoughts scurried out of her mind as an old man in a white cloak and a long beard stood up.  His booming voice ricocheted on the walls. "Who are you?"
Suddenly, black dots began to invade her vision. "You..." She trailed off. Her body started to sway. "Help." She chocked out. The last thing she saw was a boy in a green robe run up to her.
A/N: Hi Everyone! This was a very short chapter to set the scene and give a vague background to this mysterious girl's life. I promise the next chapter will be longer! Anyway please let me know what you think and who you want the Slytherin boy to be. Love you and drink some water today! BYE!
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