SilverDeni digivolves to Electrocat part deux
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some of them seem to be coincidence, no one can copyright a pose or ideas right? but after seeing the way she blatantly redid some of electrocat’s ideas, makes you realize is not a coincidence at all, she even uses the same songs ec used for her older pieces
not to mention that right after deni began to date mushy, deni magically began to love coffee, motorcycle gear, her element being electric, made herself a tiger as an alt character and finally changed her main sona to a cat whose face markings are way too similar to ec's
electrocat was contacted in regards to this situation and that’s why you won’t find most of these pieces on deni’s gallery anymore
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SilverDeni and MushyMutt archive
The original journal has been removed.
Well, it’s finally time for me to go into more detail about the backstory of that particular piece, since others are also beginning to write journals about said drama:
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I won’t lie. I’ve always had something of a problem with certain popufur artists. You know the type. The ones who think being able to draw pwetty cartoon doggies means you’re above rules and criticism and you can generally behave like a complete prick. Whether it be scamming people out of their money or, in this case, harassment and theft. Don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with every popular artist out there. I’m friends with some of them and, honestly, it is possible to be popular and to not abandon certain things that make you a decent human being. Things like maturity and respect towards others. It is possible to be a nice person and still be popular, folks. However, it is still disappointing (but not surprising, at this point) when somebody you used to look up to and respect becomes so… repulsive? That word may be harsh but it’s perfect to describe this case. We have an artist here, Ash, - the victim - who is shy and modest and genuinely wants to be here for the art. She hates drama and wouldn’t deliberately instigate it. You can tell me otherwise until you’re blue in the face but, as an onlooker who has witnessed this drama since its beginning, I’ve never seen her do or say anything to ask for this. In fact, she’s even gone as far to draw gift art for her abuser to try and pacify her: 
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However, because this popufur artist - Deni - doesn’t have one creative bone in her body and has to effectively bully those she deems a ‘threat’ to her pristine, totes originul image, she literally has to go back in time, edit her ref sheets and take advantage to DA’s timestamps to 'prove’ she got there 'first’. Thankfully, people are beginning to take note of this but, unfortunately, not enough people are aware of this and are still making out that Deni is the best thing since sliced bread. All the while comparing Ash - the victim in this - unfavourably to her and just putting her down because she has the AUDACITY to have a character that happens to be amber/orange and a cat. Yes, my friends, it’s another one of those 'lol i’m gonna copyright a certain colour and a certain species because i ttly got there first’ drama fests that you thought died off in 2009/10:
It’s kinda like how Hinauchi tried to copyright brown and white dogs back in 2010. But if you’re not aware of that drama, please Google it and look into it yourselves. I’m not willing to turn this journal into a bitchfest about Hina when I’m only using it as an example and its old drama anyway.
Also, Hinauchi was 15 and Deni is - what - in her mid twenties? Make of that what you will.
There’s also something eerily systematic about all of this. Deni doesn’t simply stop at 'lol ur character looks like mine’ comments (because she believes acting like a child who got its toys taken away is comic gold) but she also does the following, whether it be because she has to cover her tracks or make out like she’s the innocent victim in all of this:
Sics her boyfriend onto you and has him send you threats and all manner of lovely comments. He seems to have got into his head that he’s some kind of art prodigy when a) people would forget about him by next Thursday if Deni dumped his ass and b) it’s totally OK and not 'disgusting’ when HE uses his girlfriend’s art and fame as a crutch:
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Sends her fantards to make 'lulzy’ comments on Ash’s art (dude later admitted over Skype that Deni 'sent’ him): 
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Makes 'trololol’ artwork mocking said artists who she accuses of stealing her totally originul orange Balto fursonadingo* character. Which you can see in the attachment above.But then turns around and claims that the harassment and trolling is, in fact, directed at HER, when its of her own doing.
My biggest question is, for the pair of them: if you’re not fans of ‘trolling’ or ‘harassment’, why go through all that effort? Speaks for itself, really.
Also, as the screencaps show, this has been going on for years. 
And, just in case you’re thinking 'but she’s had that fursona since liek 5ever’, please read on: It’s quite easy to conclude that Deni’s ideas are original and creative because many of the artists that she’s copied off and lifted ideas from have moved on from canines and such, so she no longer resembles them. She also edits her deviations and what-not to take advantage of DA’s timestamps and make it appear like people are copying off HER, because she got there “first”.
This involves editing her character refs and adding various traits of various characters she accuses of being “clones”, so they look more like “clones” than they actually are/were. The screen caps make a clear reference to these modifications and developments.
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ANYBODY CAN DO THIS. It’s not hard to return to the psd. of an old ref sheet and change the palette. If you’re in doubt of whether or not her character’s stripes were always red to begin with, you only have to look at her gallery, AND the commissions that were delivered to her at the same time: http://sta.sh/01oab5jflgfj
Also, this comment pretty much confirms it quite well:
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So, the only way Deni can ever come up with an original idea is by literally going back in time and rewriting history. In short: she’s a fraud.
And before you even begin to feel sorry for Deni (because being popular means being automatically deserving of sympathy), take note of this:
Artists (including fucking children) on DA are legit terrified of drawing whatever the hell they want for fear of ending up like Ash and it needs to stop - right now. It is NOT fun being on the receiving end of a popular artist (especially one you may look up to) and her equally charming boyfriend: http://sta.sh/02avg5qp0w3f
It is NOT fun being mocked and harassed to the point where you’re legit having to defend and explain yourself constantly. Like you’ve committed a crime or something. I’m not normally one for mudslinging at other artists but this has gone on for WAY too long and people have tolerated it for too long. If Deni were a lesser being on this website, she could’ve been chased away long ago. She’s been allowed to get away with this because she’s “popular” and it’s not right.
We are artists and we’re here to learn and produce art, not fight over fictional animals. Let’s keep it that way, please.
UPDATE: Apparently Scamming People is a-OK Now slightlyangryunicorn also brought up good points on the past (or current) shenanigans of Deni (and Mushy). Yes, Mushy too. I’m not going to let him shy away from the limelight, considering he enables and encourages Deni’s shitty behaviour like some dumbass cheerleader, if the screenshots didn’t make that clear: And this is just a portion of the art problems xD Its not even going into the fact that she’s just now getting around to commissions she’s owed for years, her selective motivation depending on who she wants to impress at the time, feigning friendship for fanart, the slurs used and encouraged in her “podcast”, getting my pictures deleted from DA so that she can once-again look like she came up with an idea. The list goes on. Yes, Deni owes several commissions. I’m not going to go into too much detail about this issue as it requires an whole new essay but, like her art theft, she covers this up well. Occasionally, she might put up the occasional batch of commissions but chances are these commissions will have been ordered years ago.
Link to AB articles: 
UPDATE 2: Even Newcomers to DA Aren’t Safe Sadly, the assumption that Deni only goes after popular artists is untrue. My friend, TheOutli3R suffered from harassment and bullying for supposedly 'copying’ Deni’s fursona when she first joined DA, because Deni apparently holds copyright to BANGS ON CANINES as well. You can read the full story here:
This journal was deleted but they harassed this user
I encountered Kitsch by chance through the Groups feature and found that we shared many of the same interests (graphic design, animals). Unfortunately, our friendship didn’t blossom until very recently. Kitsch was legit terrified to speak to me because, at the time of our first meeting, I considered Deni an idol and had no idea of the abuse she had suffered at her and Mushy’s hands. However, Kitsch soon told me of what went on, how Deni had block evaded and outright abused her over stolen artwork and how Mushy told her to kill herself (his exact words were “drink bleach”). It was fucking disgusting to behold and I cut all contact with the pair of them. I don’t care if somebody has stolen your artwork or thrown a water balloon at you, you do NOT send them death threats. There were a billion and one ways that this could’ve been handled better but Mushy and Deni - being the dipshits that they are - decided to be as childish and idiotic as possible. Like they legit thought there would be no repercussions for such actions. Well, hate to piss on your bonfire but it’s time the pair of you had a reality check. Again, it’s interesting how the pair of them constantly bitch about being harassed and trolled over the years and then they pull stunts like this. Like here for instance: bawww we’re the victims in all of this rly And yet they feel the need to hurl abuse at others, block evade and send death threats. Over a fictional animal. Once more: it’s different when it happens to THEM. Except, like many popufurs, Deni and Mushy seem to think that people revealing and criticising their shitty behaviour is “harassment”. Only THEY have the right to speak to people like shit, only THEY have the right to send you death threats and criticise your art and only THEY are the victims in all of this. And if you do anything to retaliate, they cry foul and accuse you of 'trolling’ them. Sorry, lovebirds, but that’s not gonna fly anymore. Perhaps you should try and get your fucking acts together and act like the mature adults you claim to be instead of blaming others and playing the victim? That would be nice. UPDATE 3: Talking about Rape is the Way to Deal with Kids In light of this journal becoming more widespread, somebody - who wishes to remain anonymous - approached me with their own testimony of how an encounter with Deni and her minions went: 
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And they then linked me to this Imgur album: http://imgur.com/DjIc4W5
I remember seeing this play out via a drama blog on Tumblr and I was thoroughly disgusted by it. The kid was 15 at the time of this happening. 15. A fucking child. He is also a victim of sexual abuse. Deni and the main player in this abuse chain (Alzurana on FA) are in their twenties. And the latter is triggering this kid by making rape jokes, only to play it off as harmful 'trolling’ when confronted about it. Even after the kid begs him to stop. Where is Deni, you ask? Probably laughing her ass off on Skype, considering Alzu was one of her closest buddies at the time of this shit show. Funny how she’s friends with such a lovely individual. Birds of a feather and all that. What was this kid’s crime? Pointing out that having a rape joke as a tagline was hardly appropriate. Yet again, Deni handles things like a pro. She runs off and leaves one of her lackeys to deal with things. At NO point does she intervene and tell Alzu to stop with his word vomit. She merely leaves him to work out his comedy routine and then deletes the journal once he’s done. No apology, no nothing. The kid deactivates and is never able to return to FA. Once again: I don’t care if this person told Deni that rape jokes aren’t funny, stole her art or threw a water balloon at her. She, as the owner of the journal, should’ve taken responsibility and stopped this in its tracks. It’s not clever and it’s not even funny. It’s just pathetic and disgusting to behold. One can suggest that perhaps she encouraged Alzu to do this? Wouldn’t be the first time she’s recruited somebody over Skype to do her dirty work for her. It’s practically her modus operandi at this point. So, basically, if you happen to suffer from a mental illness, don’t even think about criticising Deni. She may very well get some other white knight to make suicide jokes or something equally delightful. The sky’s the limit. Oh, and this:
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Notice how she only approached to the most popular artist.
I’ve featured many important comments on this journal but I’m also going to feature them here as further proof of what these two have done: Ash’s personal testimony:
Ash’s story of how Deni and Mushy tried to lure her onto a Skype call to taunt and abuse her without fear of screencaps:
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Proof http://imgur.com/a/GC9qW
Kitsch’s personal testimony:
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Vitani’s personal testimony, which is particularly enlightening because it appears that even those who help them out with donations and such can be victims in this. Along with the owed commissions/trades, it certainly cements that money is no object to these losers:
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The Podcasts of Fail (and Racism): http://sta.sh/2do9wqkrt5j
WARNING: these podcasts are just extremely bad, in every sense of the word. These two aren’t only racist, they’re just not funny or charming in any way. Thus, some viewers may find the content offensive/cringeworthy. The 'so bad it’s funny’ rule no longer applies after about the first two minutes of these things. P.S. Mushy is still a racist, which was recorded a month before the podcast callout: Mushy Hates Muslims (Jan 13th 2015)
You might want to watch your tone, Mushy. At the rate you’re going, a Muslim might very well be your boss one day.
Other stupid shit that they’ve pulled:
Deni turning herself into Mushy’s ex girlfriend, Electrocat
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Owed art
as if harassing people and stealing other artist’s ideas weren’t enough, overdue commissions or art trades with little to no contact has become pretty much her trademark by now and anyone who dares questioning her actions, gets a taste of her charming attitude
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and of course let’s not forget the art trades
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I saw this by coincidence, I don’t know how she managed to entirely remove the comment
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now this is all you’ll see
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Comments from Beware Artists
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if you know someone in this situation, I encourage you to contact me so I can post it here and warn more people from her, no one should even consider getting a commission from her without reading all these first, that’s the only way people can avoid going through this unpleasant situation
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Badasses and bullies
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more whiteknight action
you realize that podcast of silverdeni and mushymutts is 3 years old. people make mistakes and they were younger back then. you all digging up drama to make yourself look better is just pathetic. deni is 10 times a better artist than you! at least she apologize. fucking sensitive furfag. grow a pair of balls and get over youself. deni is a sweetheart and so is mushy. they didn't mean it. read the apology.
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Keep reading
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you can find the podcasts here http://sta.sh/2do9wqkrt5j
Evidently. And here I thought they were against humans in general.
This post has been up for 3 years. It’d be one thing to post it and then show remorse later and delete it. And yet it’s still here.
These are popular members of the furry community. It’s bad enough that…
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This blog is a goldmine. Also, do you think it would be a good idea to reblog the original Tumblr posts concerning the podcasts and all the racist shit that was in them? Or perhaps do a separate post about them? I know they're already on here but it's quite hard to find them under tl;dr blocks of text and screenshots. Just a suggestion because I remember them being quite pivotal in revealing how trashy this duo were. Anyway, keep up the good work. :)
thats a great idea anon and thanks! C:
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i have to agree with the music anon. i don't understand why a blog that's against Deni and Mushy would have their voices plastered all over it, especially after what happened with the podcasts. i'm also confused: you want more people to visit this blog and look at the content but when people offer advice on how to improve it and make it more appealing, you call them 'dumb'? it's also a common fact that autoplay music actually messes up some people's internet and makes blogs harder to load.
but it’s funny cuz in the audio they claim they’re not bullies when in fact they are, u people have no sense of humor at all :C
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Why do you type like an American.
apparently deni created the user britishtiger on furaffinity and sofurry to talk to electrocat, I’m just borrowing the user and the icon deni made for her sockpuppet account
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This blog borders on actual, literal psychopathy. Consider the following: no one cares.
if no one cares then why bother leaving a comment?
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Showcasing this bullshit is fine and everything but do you really have to have their voices on autoplay for whoever visits the blog? Nobody's going to want to stay for over five minutes because the hideously unfunny music track will make their ears bleed. You might want to sort that out if you want to encourage traffic. They're hypocrites, we get it: the screenshots are enough proof of that.
but the song is so damn catchy D8
just lower the volume dumb anon, no one’s forcing you to listen to it
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Previous anon is wrong. But Thera does have a fun helping hand in all of this. I have done some digging and found some sources that lead to this actually being Ash with the handy help from Thera. You two didn't do a very good job at covering your trail at all lol If you two were truly not involved in any of this then why did both of you follow "BritshTigers; twitter and why is "he" following both of you and your alt accounts? And why does his DA have favorites from both of your galleries? :DDDDD
sadly you’re wrong, I’m not thera and I’m not ash either, I favd their pics and follow them on twitter just to support them, I would’ve favd other stuff the rest of them posted but apparently the ones who started this mess decided to chicken out later for unknown reasons, here’s all I could find
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mysteriously the day after, the journal was gone
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You just don't know when to quit do you Thera? Your fucking mental! Get a life and leave the fandom.
I’m not Thera, try again :)
also you’re*
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I'm also curious how you know these two and what they did to piss you off. Did they attack you? Betray your trust? Did they attack your friends? Or are you just a white knight seeking justice for those wronged?
maybe all of the above, maybe none of the above, does it really matter? you’re asking too many questions silly anon! just sit down and enjoy the show ;)
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The white knights corner
Click here for bigger version
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The original Black, White, Grey Wolf Rip-offs
because only HE is allowed to have a BLACK, WHITE, GREY WOLF CHARACTER WITH THE CHEEK STRIPE!!11
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