sillylittlefangirl · 5 years
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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I’m always in this twilight. In the shadow of your heart. [x]
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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New Garcy painting up on my redbubble :)
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
Headcanon: Flynn has annotated the journal - he’s written little notes on the sides of entries, circled or underlined certain details that Lucy has written about, little things that show his thought process while reading the journal and planning his jumps. 
(this is based on a headcanon by @sillylittlefangirl where Lucy’s leverage when she hands Flynn the journal for the first time is that his handwriting is in there as well, further proving to him that they work together in the future) 
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
Completed Bunker Layout
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Here it is! Gosh, this took me a while, but here is my guess as to the layout of the bunker! I don’t know if it’s com0eyely accurate, I know that there are still some mistakes here and there but I tried my best to recreate it from what I saw (which included sifting through a few continuity errors…). If you see a mistake please still let me know as it’s relatively easy to fix.
Oh - and since people had these questions before, I’ll address them here: Lucy doesn’t have a room as she gave up her spot so that Rufus and Jiya could share a room. As we’ve seen in the show, she sleeps either on the couch or in Flynn’s room, so I’ve indicated both with a little star. As for Agent Christopher, she seems to be the on,y team member who can go home, so she seems to sleep at home rather than in the bunker, that’s why she doesn’t have a room either. Finally, if you’re wondering where the spare room came from, it’s from the JFK episode…the spare room is where they were keeping young JFK before he escaped.
EDIT: Since someone asked, it’s possible for the rooms to have windows and be next to each other because the walls are curved, so while the straight parts of the walls might touch other walls, the curved parts won’t, and if you notice the windows appear where the wall begins to curve.
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
Headcanon: Flynn has annotated the journal - he’s written little notes on the sides of entries, circled or underlined certain details that Lucy has written about, little things that show his thought process while reading the journal and planning his jumps. 
(this is based on a headcanon by @sillylittlefangirl where Lucy’s leverage when she hands Flynn the journal for the first time is that his handwriting is in there as well, further proving to him that they work together in the future) 
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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Garcy + height difference
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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What kind of a princess are you?
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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// What kind of a disney princess are you? (insp)
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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You can’t tell me he wasn’t looking at her like she was the sun. Smiling so happily  up on stage with Houdini himself. Her catching him staring brings back oh yeah, I’ve been kidnapped. I shouldn’t be having fun like this.
Flynn really enjoys her in her element in history. 
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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AU Twist: We’re your family, I‘m begging you to stay for us. Please, I love you. 
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
Pros of Garcia Flynn:
protective and supportive husband
Heart Eyes™
let’s Lucy have her space
character development
character development
makes Lucy smile
doesn’t speak for Lucy
is there to comfort Lucy
puts Lucy first
knows when to let things go and when to step in
just talks to Lucy about things that aren’t about their relationship or a mission
knows when to NOT talk
walk walk fashion baby
is a friend first
character development
Croatian Tree
knows that Lucy has some remnant feelings for Wyatt and doesn’t try to change her mind or sway her opinions
also a history geek
protects Rufus even though Rufus doesn’t like him
Calls Wyatt out on his shit
doesn’t shame Lucy for who she talks to
apologized when she told him that he didn’t know her by modifying his statement and giving her a choice to continue
is there whenever he is needed
turtle neck sweaters
deserves everything
Pros of Wyatt Logan:
everyone assumes he’s endgame
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
A Comparison/Contrast of Wyatt and Flynn’s relationship with Lucy in Season 2
So, after lot of discussion and perusing metas dealing with these issues - I just kind of wanted to compile a summary of the obvious ways that Flynn’s behavior has replaced or contrasted with Wyatt’s behavior toward Lucy in the second season of Timeless.  
Before I go further though, I want to make it clear that I don’t hate Wyatt at all. I supported his choice to rekindle his relationship with his wife - it was consistent with his character from the entire first season and it was the obvious choice for him.  However, I very much dislike the way he treated Lucy after bringing Jessica into the bunker. This post is not meant to bash Wyatt as a character, but to paint a picture of the way the relationship dynamics have shifted.  I hope he develops in a meaningful way and changes for the better in season 3 (if NBC would just get the lead out of their asses and #RenewTimeless already!)
As I said, most or all of these have already been done and I am not trying to steal material from anyone or claiming credit for these ideas, just compiling it in one place.  
1) Wyatt metaphorically walks out of Lucy’s space (or heart) just as Flynn is walking into it. Scene: Episode 2.3 - Operation break Flynn out of jail succeeds. Flynn arrives at the bunker, sassy and ready to go.  Wyatt is unhappy, but Lucy tries to distract him by reminding him of their relationship.  Wyatt says sarcastically, “we’re already living together, so it’s a pretty big step”, as his phone chirps a message. She jokingly replies, “Yeah, so we’ve got nowhere to go but down.” (Foreshadowing, anyone?) He laughs, “That’s right”, then frowns when he reads the text message. Lucy asks “What’s wrong?”. “Nothing, I’ve got to go.” Minutes later, the klaxons announce that Wyatt has left.
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2) Wyatt’s choices (which I support him for making) break Lucy’s heart, while Flynn spends the rest of the season trying to pull her back together - which could not be more perfectly illustrated than with the following clips from 2.4 and 2.10:
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3) Wyatt is distant as he invests time in his wife, only resurfacing to occasionally berate Lucy for her choice of company (more on that later) and confuse her further with unclear intentions. Flynn, on the other hand, is just there for her - available for her when she needs him to be. 
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4) Flynn is there for the little things, like buckling her up, while Wyatt is “taking up his personal days”. This was such a clever scene to add to the treasure trove of lovely Flynn/Lucy moments that are in 2.4. Wyatt was always buckling her in season 1, even when it was completely unnecessary.  Then, when she was unable to do so because of her injury, Flynn was there to do it.  It was a clear and purposeful message that the writers were putting forth: Flynn is there to do the things that Wyatt used to do. He is picking up the slack - filling the gaps left by Wyatt’s absence. At first, Lucy resists.  But Flynn isn’t forcing himself into her space, he’s just trying to help.
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5) Wyatt constantly pushes his feelings/opinions/desires on Lucy, trying to control her, while Flynn allows her to make her own choices. 
Wyatt makes advances on her even when Jessica is just down the hall.  He does not know how to reestablish the boundaries of his and Lucy’s relationship. When it comes to Flynn, he has zero tolerance for her interactions with him.  Some will argue that this is simply because he doesn’t trust Flynn.  But if that were the case, it would mean that Wyatt no longer loves Lucy.  Hear me on this, if Wyatt was still in love with Lucy, of course he would be jealous of her spending the night with Flynn, regardless of what did or did not happen.  If his motivation is solely because he has reservations about Flynn’s character due to their past, then we must accept that he views Lucy as a friend only and was lying about still loving her.  We can’t have it both ways.  Either Wyatt is in love with her and is jealous of Flynn, or Wyatt cares for her as just a friend and simply distrusts Flynn.  
Flynn, on the other hand, does not invade Lucy’s space.  He doesn’t push himself on her.  He doesn’t try to fix her. He doesn’t tell her to stay away from Wyatt. He doesn’t take advantage of an emotionally compromised woman with a bottle of vodka sitting on his bed all night long - and it’s not because he’s not attracted to her.  He lets her come to him in her own time. He respects her.  He understands her.
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6) Wyatt prioritizes Jessica (after he knows she is Rittenhouse) over the safety of Lucy and the rest of the team…Flynn gives up the chance to kill Emma, the new leader of Rittenhouse and the only pilot they have, to comfort Lucy.
Guys, this is huge.  First of all, I do not blame Wyatt for putting his wife and baby first before the safety of the team. He loves her more than anything or anyone.  She is the most important person to him, regardless of her loyalty to Rittenhouse (which we know is shaky enough to defy orders in order to spare Wyatt). So yes, I understand that he was willing to risk the others getting shot because he could not bring himself to hurt his wife, even if she was shooting at them.  
Flynn - the man whose wife and child were murdered in their home by Rittenhouse; the man who was prepared to kill and maim his way through history regardless of the consequences in order to bring down Rittenhouse; the man who was about to kill a kid who might (and did) become the next Rittenhouse heir; the man who was willing to give up literally everything, including his own life, to take down Rittenhouse - gave up the perfect opportunity to deal a crippling blow to his arch nemesis, to comfort the woman he loves.  Comfort.  Not even save.  Lucy was no longer in danger, Emma had been run off.  Though he was wounded, Emma was unarmed and Flynn still had enough bullets in his magazine to take her down.  He didn’t.  He prioritized Lucy over Rittenhouse.  If there was any doubt over what he was going to say when she asked him “Why are you here?”, there isn’t anymore.  He’s there because he loves her.  He proved that beyond a shadow of a doubt when he put her needs before his desire to save his family and take out Rittenhouse. 
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In conclusion, I do believe Wyatt was being truthful (and somewhat manipulative) when he told Lucy that he loved her, a couple hours after his pregnant wife took off, and gave their dead friend the credit for his choice to tell her.  But his actions prove that he does not love her above all.  Flynn missed his opportunity to tell Lucy how he felt about her (thanks to Wyatt), but his actions told the story better than words ever could.  Show, don’t tell.  But he still needs to tell her in Season 3. So, NBC, Timeless writers, producers, directors, etc - get on that.  I believe this ship deserves to sail into the sunset, just as I believe that Wyatt deserves to find happiness with his wife and child. I also want to see Lucy and Wyatt reclaim their friendship and continue to be partners in taking down Rittenhouse and saving the past and the future.  So here’s to Garcy, Wyjess, and a restored Lyatt friendship.
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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Flynn coming to Lucy’s rescue/ being there for her (S2) (requested)
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sillylittlefangirl · 6 years
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Lucy making Flynn smile (Season 2) (requested)
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