sillygoatsposts · 7 years
Top Ten Benefits of Goat Milk Soap
With, health awareness being on the rise, more and more people are opting for natural products, be it cosmetics or eatables. Hence, it is no surprise that, natural handcrafted soaps are becoming popular with each passing day. People now prefer to opt for these soaps especially the ones offering them therapeutic properties like soaps made from pure goat milk. As, a goat milk soap is made by using pure essential oils, herbs and spices, and is sans any animal tallow, the soap is considered to be a ideal healthy option for the skin. Most of the people are seen suffering from problems like sensitive skins with the problems getting aggravated due to use of soaps which are harsh on their skins. Hence, goat milk soap, which is totally natural, proves to be beneficial for the well being of their skin. However, one of the common doubts raised in the minds of people is, why would anyone use a thing which is obtained from a farm animal, all over their body. For those of who are unaware, goat milk provides with the most amazing benefits for your skin. Some of them are as follows:
 1. Recent studies have it that, goat milk has proved itself to be most effective in treating acne.
 2. As compared to other synthetically manufactured soaps and detergents, goat milk soap or goat milk lotion, is totally natural and allergy free.
 3. Regular usage of goat milk soap can help in reduction of skin inflammation and also soothing of dry and damaged skin.
 4. Apart from reducing wrinkles, goat milk soap is also helpful in delaying skin aging signs.
 5. Goat milk soap, which is loaded with alpha-hydroxy acids, helps in softening of the skin by breaking down the glue which holds the dead skin cells together.  
 6. Bathing in goat’s milk was the secret of Cleopatra’s beautiful features and amazing skin, as was revealed recently.  
 7. Goat milk helps in maintaining the PH levels of our skin and free from chemicals and bacteria attacks.
 8. Goat milk contains several vitamins like vitamin C, B6, B1, B12, and E, apart from various essential nutrients.
 9. As, goat milk soaps, are made from natural ingredients, they are mild and totally harmless to the skin. These soaps can be used by anyone irrespective of their skin conditions.  
10. Due to presence of triglycerides and natural emollients in goat milk soaps, they are considered to be natural moisturizers.
The above mentioned benefits are only some of the main ones, as goat milk soaps offer several other benefits, to the users. While, drinking goat milk is considered to be a healthy option, most of the people refrain from having it due to its different taste. One can also search on Google about the great health benefits offered by goat milk which is bound to leave you amazed.
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sillygoatsposts · 7 years
What Benefits Does A Goat Milk Lotion Offer?
If you are looking for natural skin care products that have amazing advantages, you must rely on goat milk lotion. These lotions are made up of pure goat milk, but along with that, there are other ingredients like olive oil or coconut oil. It is a perfect substitute of synthetic products. It can boost your beauty in no time.
Benefits of goat milk lotion are many as it doesn’t have any harsh chemicals as such. Moreover, it contains lactic acid,, due to which impurities are cleansed and eliminated. There’s also hydroxyl acid which helps in getting rid of dead cells and removing dull skin layer. A clean and squeaky appearance becomes possible. Since the lotion contains lots of natural ingredients, excessive dryness is not caused.
• Nourished and healthy skin
If you don’t know, let us tell you that goat milk contains vitamin E, D, C, B12, B6, B1 and A. Apart from that, there are minerals like selenium, iron, copper and zinc. This is not it; it has certain enzymes, antioxidants, citric acid and amino acids. They are necessary not only for body but also for skin. Goat milk penetrates skin surface fast and each tissue gets a good amount of nutrition. Hence, if goat milk lotion is used regularly, the skin will be nourished in no time.
• Skin remains moisturized and soft
Goat milk is a natural or an emollient moisturizer which the skin absorbs instantly. A moisture barrier is created for keeping it supple, smooth and soft for a long time. It is full of glycerine, fatty acids and proteins. They contribute well to the moisturizing and hydrating properties. Moreover, the texture is smooth and you will be wooed by its luxurious softness. It will properly penetrate in the skin’s upper layer and will reach gaps and cracks uniformly.
• Premature aging is prevented
Since the lotion is rich in all kinds of vitamins and antioxidants, it can keep the body free from all sorts of damages that radicals cause. Dead cell layer is also eliminated from the skin. It reveals that there are various new layers below it. Now, if goat milk lotion is used, the aging will be delayed and wrinkles, fine lines and sun spots will be vanished.
With goat milk lotion, the pH balance is also maintained properly. Researchers have found that in goat milk, there’s caprylic acid, a kind of fatty acid. With this, the pH balance is lowered and it becomes equal with that of body. Due to this, most of the nutrients will be absorbed by the skin. Also, the attack of germs will be prevented successfully. Get rid of all other normal lotions; pick a goat milk lotion and enjoy the benefits.
For more info:-Goat milk Soap
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sillygoatsposts · 7 years
Goat Milk Soaps And Lotions- Best For Eczema And Other Skin Problems
Eczema is a skin disorder that is commonly found in a growing number of people around the world. An itchy inflammation of skin is its major symptom and people who suffer from this problem face these types of symptoms since childhood. There is no specific reason behind the occurrence of this disease, but a family history of the patient can become a link of its cause. This is a disease which travels from one generation to another. People who are suffering from this chronic skin problem quickly become experts of skin care products.
People who suffer with this disorder are always looking for something that well help relieve the itching and swelling. They change skin product like lotions, creams, soaps, and cleansers randomly in hope of getting the best product that may suit their skin. It is a well-known fact, the cost of skin products are sky high and when these products don't work on skin, it means a total waste of their investment. Many products have skin irritants that cause harm to the skin rather than doing something good for it. This raises a good question, what works better, natural or manmade products for the skin?
Why people choose chemicals over natural compounds?
The prominent reason behind this unhealthy selection is a difference in cost of products. Natural products are usually more expensive than manmade or commercial products. An eczema patient uses skin products in huge quantities. Using something which is already expensive makes it difficult for them to afford. Are there any natural products that don’t cost a large amount of money to these buyers?
Indeed, there is, soaps and lotions made up of goat milk can perfectly fit in this criteria. This Goat Milk Lotion is handmade is available in online and is affordable. The cost of soap is less than $6 for a 4.5 – 5 ounce bar. These skin care products make it ultimate choice of eczema patients. It helps in reducing various skin problems like irritation, rashes, and cracks.
What is the basic advantage of goat milk soap over commercial soap?
First of all, it is important to mention that goat milk is full of 50 vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Goat Milk Soap Benefits are countless; natural glycerin is a byproduct of the cold process soap making.  Commercial brands strip glycerin out when the manufacture theirs and sell it to makeup manufacturers. Glycerin is a humectant, that means it gathers moisture from the air and then the skin doesn’t allow it to escape easily. Dry skin is the major problem of eczema patients. A commercial soap just does the reverse, it uses salt in its composition, which means it removes existing moisture of the skin and makes it drier. Homemade goat milk soap leaves glycerine on the top layer of the skin which keeps skin hydrated even after, hours of taking bath.
Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) is another useful property of this milk. AHA is skin exfoliant that removes old skin cells and improves the generation of new cells beneath the skin. Commercial soaps which have this property are often expensive with no surety of other composition whether it is good for skin or not.
So, use goat milk lotions and soaps, it may be a little more expensive than commercial brand soaps and lotions, but less costly in comparison to medicated products and so much better for you and your family.
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sillygoatsposts · 7 years
Goat Milk Soaps And Lotions- Best For Eczema And Other Skin Problems
Eczema is a skin disorder that is commonly found in a growing number of people around the world. An itchy inflammation of skin is its major symptom and people who suffer from this problem face these types of symptoms since childhood. There is no specific reason behind the occurrence of this disease, but a family history of the patient can become a link of its cause. This is a disease which travels from one generation to another. People who are suffering from this chronic skin problem quickly become experts of skin care products.
People who suffer with this disorder are always looking for something that well help relieve the itching and swelling. They change skin product like lotions, creams, soaps, and cleansers randomly in hope of getting the best product that may suit their skin. It is a well-known fact, the cost of skin products are sky high and when these products don't work on skin, it means a total waste of their investment. Many products have skin irritants that cause harm to the skin rather than doing something good for it. This raises a good question, what works better, natural or manmade products for the skin?
Why people choose chemicals over natural compounds?
The prominent reason behind this unhealthy selection is a difference in cost of products. Natural products are usually more expensive than manmade or commercial products. An eczema patient uses skin products in huge quantities. Using something which is already expensive makes it difficult for them to afford. Are there any natural products that don’t cost a large amount of money to these buyers?
Indeed, there is, soaps and lotions made up of goat milk can perfectly fit in this criteria. This Goat Milk Lotion is handmade is available in online and is affordable. The cost of soap is less than $6 for a 4.5 – 5 ounce bar. These skin care products make it ultimate choice of eczema patients. It helps in reducing various skin problems like irritation, rashes, and cracks.
What is the basic advantage of goat milk soap over commercial soap?
First of all, it is important to mention that goat milk is full of 50 vitamins, nutrients and minerals. Goat Milk Soap Benefits are countless; natural glycerin is a byproduct of the cold process soap making.  Commercial brands strip glycerin out when the manufacture theirs and sell it to makeup manufacturers. Glycerin is a humectant, that means it gathers moisture from the air and then the skin doesn’t allow it to escape easily. Dry skin is the major problem of eczema patients. A commercial soap just does the reverse, it uses salt in its composition, which means it removes existing moisture of the skin and makes it drier. Homemade goat milk soap leaves glycerine on the top layer of the skin which keeps skin hydrated even after, hours of taking bath.
Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) is another useful property of this milk. AHA is skin exfoliant that removes old skin cells and improves the generation of new cells beneath the skin. Commercial soaps which have this property are often expensive with no surety of other composition whether it is good for skin or not.
So, use goat milk lotions and soaps, it may be a little more expensive than commercial brand soaps and lotions, but less costly in comparison to medicated products and so much better for you and your family.
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