siilvan · 2 days
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In the spirit of my ask for @nrdmssgs about Zhar's friendship canons, I ask the same, Mini's friendship canons with the 141+the girls and whoever else you want <3 Use generalities if you want of any of your AUs or my fic, don't care. Love you <3
Mini, the social butterfly. Let’s see all the friendships between her and all the 141 men + my dear moot’s OC’s 
I will make note if its either Military or Civilian version of Mini 🙂
Simon, the first time he meets Mini, thinks of her as just another annoying MacTavish. (which is true…)
(Civilian Mini) from the moment Soap joined SAS, Soap often mentioned his teammates. 
Mini is glad his brother has someone he could trust and lean on to in the military. 
When Mini finally gets to meet Ghost in person, she latches onto him like superglue. 
Hassles him like how she hassles Soap.
“So you are the infamous Ghost!”  “.....” “mmmm… nice mask. Do you wash it often?”
(Military Mini) Ghost’s aloof exterior made Mini hesitant to approach him at first. But the stubborn Scottish girl inside her was determined to forge a friendship with this Silent British man.
The two MacTavish siblings' determination to include them into their family life slowly breaks down his tough barrier. Dragging him to family gatherings. Easter.. Christmas..you name it. 
His final defence crumbles as Ma MacTavish “You are always welcome in this family. You are the other son that I never have…”  ( and also the older not-my-birth-son that can control my two bampot children.)
Simon started to see Mini as his younger sister. 
Just as overly protective of her as Soap. Silently looking out for him. But can be as nagging like Soap half of the time.
“.... where are you going?” “You are not dating an asshole are you.” “Why are they touching you?” “Soap said someone dumped you. Tell me where they live, I'll teach them a lesson.” 
Mini hassles him in return. “Got someone?” “No? Want me to introduce someone to you? What's your preference?” “Oh you got someone on your mind?Let me set up a date for you…” 
Mini always knows, if she is in trouble or needing help, she could always count on Simon to be there for her.
Well, the MacTavish Siblings. 
Despite the age gap, these two are very close. 
Pretty much can communicate with eyes and subtle body languages. 
*eye roll* , *shrugging* *slump shoulder*  “...Soap said he will very EAGERLY offer himself for the first watch.” “... how did you know?” “ He told me.” “... none of us heard a word come out of either of your mouths.”  
Mini looks up to her older sibling. Follows him around all the time when she was young. 
(Military Mini) One of the main reasons why she followed him into the military, despite Soap’s dismay and protest. 
(Civilian Mini and military Mini) The amount of mishaps and injuries acquired by Johnny with all the things he gets up to aspiring Mini to become a medic/work in the health field. 
Overprotective big brother. 
Nagging hen mother when he catches any wind about Mini’s possible love life. 
The two often have arguments over this.
“Stop treating me like a 12 year old!” “But you are still young!” “Johnny, I AM AN ADULT!” 
But Soap is always there to comfort her every heartbreak she experiences.
Cried his eyes out when Mini got married. ( even worse than their Ma and Da.) 
The best uncle Mini’s kid could have. 
Two peas in a pod.
Gossip exchanger. “Did you hear about the other team…” “OH that.. I have more info about.. “ “DO TELL” 
(Military Mini) Often spend time together in the common room chatting away about anything and everything. Or doing things together. Movie… crocheting..( more Gaz teaching Mini handcrafts than the other way round.)
Price often jokes about these two should be in the intelligence. And he doesn't know what is worse, Soap and Gaz combo or Mini and Gaz combo.
(Civilian Mini) Just like Simon, Mini hears stories about Soap’s team mates all the time.  Shit and giggles Soap and Gaz get up to…. 
So by the time Mini finally gets to meet the team, she felt like she knew all about them.
(Military Mini) Gaz was the first few people to welcome her into the team, not judging her getting into SAS with such a low rank. 
Always looking out for her. But letting her explore and learn the ropes herself. 
Unlike Ghost and Soap, Gaz and Mini’s friendship is more than “brothers” and more of best friends. 
Gaz often carries Mini’s favourite snack on him, feeding her when she is in a sulky mood.
“How did you manage to placid my sister so fast??!!”  “by feeding her / By not pissing her off.” 
Common conversation between Soap and Gaz. He knows his good friend well. 
Mini would ask Gaz to be her “Man of Honour” for her wedding. 
Mini looks up to Price as a Mentor, calm and collected adult “She aspires to be.” 
(Military Mini) Price often wondered why he made the decision to put two MacTavishes in the same team.
(Military Mini, Lady Fortuna) Met with a lot of resistance from people when he decided to put an inexperienced low ranking officer into the team. But he stood by his decision and trusted his instinct. And Mini is forever grateful for that.
(Military Mini) Doesn’t immediately step in if there are conflicts in the team. Quietly observe and let Mini handle the situation. Only giving her support if needed. Not giving anyone a chance of accusing favouritism. ( although everyone knew Price will come after them one way or another if Mini gets bullied or unfair treatment…)
Slowly steers her in the right direction. Nudges her along, to grow herself. 
Trust his judgement. Most times. “… Why did you buy that whisky? OH no.. you didn’t..” “Cham is going to strangle you if you do that.” 
The two often bond over a glass of whisky. Mini enjoys listening to the stories, even though Price is hesitant telling her the “stories not fit for a young lady’s ears”, Mini surprises him with thoughtful comments and questions. 
“There’s those two old people drinking whisky again.”  “Whisky is for the sophisticated people.” “How about bourbon?” “Ghost. Please.” 
Mini asked Price to be one of her witness for her little secret wedding (... who with? ) 
Mini is forever thankful to Price for saving her brother (Soap got shot and died?? Says who? Never happened….) 
Christine “Riot” Vega ( belongs to @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot)
(Military Mini)  Like Ghost, Riot’s quiet personality made Mini hesitant to approach her at first. Just quietly following commands of Riot and Petra. 
Mini starts to notice little things Riot will do for her. (lady of service)
“Want some chocolate?” Mini asked one day, sitting in the common room,reading a book, with a box full of assorted sweets. Riot shook her head, but hesitated for a second before she reached for one of the chocolate. Mini cocked up her eyebrow and said nothing.
Same thing happened again when Mini offered again. She noticed Riot likes certain brands of chocolate only.
“I baked some chocolate biscuits for you… Johnny said they are the few things that I cook that won’t kill him. Oh don’t worry, I only use flake chocolate in there. Or um.. if you don’t want that… I got shortbread?” Mini offered timidly after she decided to gather up her courage and initiate the conversation. 
That seems to break the ice. 
After that, Mini often asks Riot to teach her how to cook and bake more savoury stuff. ( she knew Riot likes savoury over sweets… plus Mini isn’t exactly a good cook. Competent, yes, but nothing spectacular.) 
Mini is one of the first people to notice the strange awkwardness between Riot and Ghost.
“...Something happening between you and Ghost?” “NO.” “You are quite fast to deny that…have you guys even held hands yet?” “Just push that man into bed. Don’t worry, he will be gentle with you.” “MINI!”
Trying to be the nosy matchmaker for the surprisingly relationship shy woman. 
But once she understands her past, she is more determined to try to make her happy ( and her adopted brother Simon happy.) 
Mini started a little lady’s tea club for Riot, Zhar and Petra. ( more for the sake of Riot and Zhar ) to get them to be more sociable.
Riot is Mini’s go to person if any of the boys are being unreasonable. She knew she could trust Riot to slap the boys into behaving themselves. 
Olga 'Zhar' Samoilova (belongs to @nrdmssgs)
Mini is extremely scared of the Russian lady.
(Military Mini) Always seeing her standing by Nikolai’s side, his best right hand person…. And something more? But she doesn’t dare to approach her without another teammate with her.. Nor initiate any conversation. Strictly work stuff. 
Until one day, she rescues her from Nikolai.
“NIKOLAI, told you to stop hassling the poor girl!!”  “but..” “NO BUTS. She’s got enough on her plate, do it yourself. Or tell Krueger to help you.” 
“Let me know if that идиот ( idiot.) hassles you again.”
Mini sees Zhar as an extremely capable soldier that she probably never dreams of achieving.  Mini essentially idolises her. 
(In the Mini x Nik universe) “Olga…””yes?” “Can I ask you for a favour? I got an appointment to go to… Nikolai is busy.. Would you mind keeping an eye on my little one for a bit?” 
Mini could see the hesitation in Zhar’s eyes. But Mini uses her best innocent puppy eye tactic to convince her. 
Mini came back from her appointment/errand and her little bubby is cooing in Zhar’s arm, with her rocking her gently and singing a Russian lullaby. 
Mini realises she has a soft spot for her little Anya. After that, Zhar quietly ask if Mini or Nik need a break from parenting and тётя Olga ( along with дядя Yuri who been roped in ) is more than happy to babysit. 
(In the Nikolai x Zhar Universe)  Once Zhar seems to be more relaxed around Mini, one of her favourite activities is dragging Zhar out. 
“You need a break Olga. And come! Come shopping with me!””Nik would totally love this dress on you. Or wait, maybe he would love that dress OFF you…. Why is your face so red?” 
Just like what Mini did with Riot, she drags Zhar into the lady’s tea club, trying to get her to be more sociable. 
Mini trusts Zhar with all her heart. Especially with scaring Nikolai away. 
Mylène 'Petra' Scholten de Ridder (belongs to @siilvan )
Mini’s future sister in law in some universe *chuckle*
Heard a lot of stories about the elite Dutch soldier and her siblings. 
(Military Mini) Like Riot, Mini was scared to approach her outside work at first.  Since they are essentially an old prestigious military noble family, why would they care about a countryside Scottish girl? 
Mini has this fear of her being perceived as a “Nepo baby” due to her connections with Soap and other team members. So she just lowered her head, worked hard, and followed the commands. Petra sees it all. 
Petra was the first one to jump out and defend her when people have opinions about Mini’s existence in the team, much to Mini’s surprise. 
”I am the one working with her, I am her superior. I know her ability. Got a question?” 
Mini slowly came out from her shell with Petra as she gathered up her courage and asked Petra for help if she needed it.
Petra is the one that helps her to train and pushes her along to refine her skills. 
Once they get to know each other better, these two are close like sisters.
The one that saved Mini and Soap’s life ( again, what canon?)
Petra wants to tear her hair out how dense Mini is. ”Why not become my real sister? My brother seems to be interested in you…” “Huh? You sure.. he’s very close with that Kamarov guy.. I’m sure it's just in your mind.” 
Funny enough, Mini with how dense she is… she's the one that nudges Petra to not to be so hesitant with her relationship.
”I’m sure Yuri wants to take you out on a date…””No he doesn’t.””….he’s been staring at you for the last … two hours.” 
Helping Mini to drag Zhar and Riot into the lady’s tea club. That’s how the Lastochka club was formed. 
BONUS : Nikolai
“Lastochka!” “*scream*” 
The Strange Russian man that loves to tease her. 
Even after few years working alongside him, Mini still doesn’t know how to deal with him sometimes. 
But when it comes to serious business, just like Zhar, Nikolai isn’t hesitant about protecting the little young Lastochka. 
“ Need extra weapon? Need me to …. Make someone disappear?” “Uh no thank you.. Just.. go make Olga Happy.” “… I am trying my best.”
The reliable Russian uncle. 
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siilvan · 3 days
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''You know the blood that I'm owed is all yours''
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siilvan · 3 days
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Gabriella 'Gabi' Cruz, my OC
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siilvan · 3 days
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Corporal Freya 'Mini' MacTavish belongs to @sofasoap and our dirty minds too (mine is in there battling for first place)
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siilvan · 3 days
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orca doesn't like uniforms, but the uniforms like her if y'know what i mean ;)
(took inspiration from @/wombywoo for the background which I think is obvious lol, it turned out pretty cool!)
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siilvan · 3 days
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Lt. Mylène 'Petra' Scholten de Ridder belongs to @siilvan and to our dirty minds (mine is first in line thx)
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siilvan · 3 days
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@sofasoap tagged me
@nrdmssgs made it
@eenochian begged for it
Two awkward idiots
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siilvan · 4 days
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Florence 'Florrie' MacAliistair belongs to @siilvan, and if you look at her too much you'll both melt and lose your eyes because Grizzly (my OC) will rip them off
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siilvan · 5 days
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I've been bad, mommy
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siilvan · 5 days
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Original idea belongs to @moontruffles
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siilvan · 5 days
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So, you've done the boy's as pillow princesses. How about the girls (*telepathically beamimg words into your mind* laswell, Laswell, LASWELL) as dominant tops? 🥰🤭
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I know it's not a dominant top but I'm somewhere on the floor at her feet like a good bitch
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siilvan · 6 days
( ok somehow the first post have errors and people couldn't see .. i'm going to create whole new post here. )
I always wanna try this.. sorry @alypink I'll hijack the post... thank you @moontruffles for creating the template. and Thank you @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot for the render, and thank you @siilvan for letting me borrow her OC. This is more like two OC's within CoD universe....
Freya "Mini" MacTavish and Emiel "Nightfall" Scholten de Ridder
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excuse my ugly writing.
no pressure tags: @siilvan @gamergirlbonestaskforce141riot
@nrdmssgs @roosterr @savlina @vasyandii Blanket template!
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siilvan · 7 days
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I promise, this is not a bait to start following me, it's the only way to show you guys Ghost in all his glory. Full on my Twitter Also here is my masterlist with more doodles.
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siilvan · 9 days
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Corporal Freya Iona 'Mini' MacTavish belongs to @sofasoap
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siilvan · 9 days
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Lt. Olga 'Zhar' Samoilova belongs to @nrdmssgs
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siilvan · 9 days
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Corporal Freya 'Mini' MacTavish belongs to @sofasoap
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siilvan · 9 days
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Lt. Mylène 'Petra' Scholten de Ridder belongs to @siilvan
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