sidxlune · 3 months
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sidxlune · 3 months
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“When you hear Angel Face, I want you to know that these songs were written for you to soundtrack the moments of great love and great heartache within your lives. There's a song for the state of every soul. When you listen to this story, I hope you find yourself within it. I hope that you might find them within it — the person who makes this life far more beautiful.”
— Stephen Sanchez, OUTLOOK 2023
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sidxlune · 3 months
"Until I Found You" by Stephen Sanchez appears to be a love song about finding someone who has brought light into the singer's life after a period of darkness and heartbreak. The lyrics convey a sense of longing and a newfound desire to embrace love again.
The mention of Georgia may be a metaphorical representation of this person, symbolizing a place of comfort and warmth. The singer wants to be wrapped up in Georgia, to be held close and never let go. It suggests that the person being sung about brings comfort and security, perhaps healing the wounds of past experiences.
The repetition of the lines ‘I would never fall in love again until I found her’ and ‘I said, I would never fall unless it's you I fall into’ highlight the singer's initial resistance to love and the unexpected nature of their connection. It implies that the singer had closed themselves off from love after a previous heartbreak, but finding this person changed their perspective.
The darkness mentioned in the song represents the emotional state the singer was in before discovering this person. The lyrics suggest that this person brought them out of that darkness, illuminating their life once again.
Overall, "Until I Found You" is a heartfelt expression of love and a celebration of finding someone special who has revitalized the singer's faith in love and brought joy back into their life.
— Songtell July 2023
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sidxlune · 3 months
The song "Something About Her" by Stephen Sanchez reflects on the captivating and mysterious nature of a particular woman. The lyrics suggest that there is something unique and special about her that the narrator finds irresistible.
In the chorus, the repetition of ‘There must be something about her’ emphasizes the narrator's belief that there is an indescribable quality in this woman that makes her stand out from others. The phrase ‘terrifies all my fears’ indicates that she has a powerful effect on the narrator, likely causing them to feel both excitement and apprehension.
In the first verse, the narrator acknowledges that this woman has been kinder to them than anyone else before. They express a mix of emotions, feeling overjoyed by the experience but also saddened by its brevity. The line ‘What have I done?’ suggests that the narrator may have made choices or decisions that have impacted their relationship.
In the second verse, the narrator realizes that it may be wiser to distance themselves from the relationship due to the intensity of their feelings. However, they admit their inability to resist, recognizing that love is meant to be missed and cherished. The phrase ‘I'd die to live for any little part of this’ illustrates the depth of their desire and passion for this woman, as they would be willing to sacrifice for even the smallest connection.
The song's outro repeats the idea that there must be something about this woman, leaving the listener with a sense of wonder and curiosity about her elusive qualities.
Overall, "Something About Her" explores the complex emotions that arise when encountering someone who possesses a captivating charm and impact on the narrator's life. It delves into the bittersweet and intoxicating nature of love and infatuation, expressing a yearning to understand and connect with the enigma that is the woman in question.
— Songtell July 2023
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sidxlune · 3 months
The song "High" by Stephen Sanchez appears to revolve around the theme of intense desire and infatuation. The lyrics depict a passionate longing for someone, to the point where the protagonist is willing to go to great lengths to make the other person experience intense emotions.
In the first verse, the lyrics suggest that the protagonist wants to awaken the other person from a state of indifference ("Pull you underneath the slumber") and experience a profound connection ("Into the light before the thunder"). There is a sense of curiosity about where their relationship stands, perhaps indicating uncertainty or complexity.
The chorus reinforces the intensity of the protagonist's desire, emphasizing their intent to evoke strong emotions in the other person. The use of imagery such as getting someone "high" and the physical reactions like reeling and kneeling suggests a desire for an overwhelming and transformative experience.
The second verse reveals the inner conflict of the protagonist. They acknowledge that their infatuation has escalated to a level they may question or consider inappropriate ("Look how out of hand it's gotten"). However, they admit that they cannot let go of their longing and would willingly express their emotions if given the chance.
Overall, "High" expresses a passionate yearning for someone, where the protagonist is willing to push boundaries and take risks to create an intense emotional connection. The song captures the intoxicating and thrilling nature of desire, albeit with hints of uncertainty or ambiguity in the relationship.
— Songtell September 2023
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sidxlune · 3 months
The song "No One Knows" by Stephen Sanchez and Laufey is about a relationship that's been really tough. Even though they've had a lot of problems and fights, there's a strong love that keeps them together. The song talks about times when they hurt each other, like when one person left the other in the cold or broke their things. But it also shows that they still care for each other.
The line that says ‘No one knows the trouble / honey / that we've been through’ means that their problems are private, and only they understand them. It's like saying their relationship has been through a lot of difficult things that other people don't know about. In the end, the song suggests that despite all the tough times, their love for each other is still there, even though it's mixed with pain.
— FreshersLIVE September 2023
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sidxlune · 3 months
It's a dialogue between lovers, in this case 'The Troubadour Sanchez' and Evangeline. 'The Troubadour Sanchez' is saying how much he wants Evangeline and asking her to be more. For instance, Be More is far more than I love you and I need you.
Both sides are begging and proclaiming love. That's the purpose of the song. It affirms your love is far more than you could ever understand, know, or hold within your hands by yourself.
For Evangeline, she found true love in the arms of another, and they in turn found true love in the arms of each other... and all they wanted was for that love to be more than just a secret.
— Stephen Sanchez, Charlotte NC, 2023
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sidxlune · 4 months
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sidxlune · 4 months
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sidxlune · 4 months
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sidxlune · 4 months
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sidxlune · 5 months
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sidxlune · 5 months
Fated Love in Astrology
So, every person has a divine partner that they are meant to be with. Your union with your other half (I hesitate to use the world “twin flame” only because of how misconstrued it is in mainstream astrology/spirituality discourse) depends entirely on both of your individual spiritual awakening and commitment to the spiritual path.
In astrology, the 7th house represents marriage, or, as I like to call it “union”. The 7th house, is the 7th house from the 1st house. It is the descendant to your ascendant. It is the shadow to your ego. Whenever we cross paths with an individual whose luminaries fall to our 7th house, it creates a very magnetic & intense attraction. It’s almost inexplicable what you feel for each other.
With that said, this sort of connection is not logical or rational. It defies all norms. The key to recognizing your divine partner is the intense attraction you feel towards them right away. There is no hesitation or second guessing, you’re simply awestruck by them. Nowadays, we all have a very tedious approach to relationships (due to our collective trauma and bad experiences), everybody walks around with a checklist to find someone who will fit their criteria but that is not how Divine Love works. You just know instantly that there is something different about this connection. That is not to say, the nature of the relationship will be easy. Fated connections are never easy and not everyone is meant to find their Divine Partner. 
When such a person comes into your life, it usually triggers your ego death; they become responsible for you losing the shell of identity you held close to you. All your fears, your shame, your vulnerability comes to the forefront and you have to confront everything you’ve ever repressed. It leads to a dissolution of self. 
In Sufism, there is the concept of “fanaa” which can be translated to “annihilation”. In order to merge oneself with God, it is first necessary to annihilate everything that you consider to be you. It’s important to “to die before one dies”. Love & Worship are very closely intertwined. This is exactly what “twin flame” connection feels like. You rid yourself of your ego, you dissolve your sense of “self”. Sounds intense? That’s because it is. It irks me when people talk about twin flames in a casual way because a) not everyone has a twin flame b) this is not a fun experience in any way, shape or form c)This is the least casual of experiences
(I am using the word twin flame here only because it is a term that more people are familiar with, I wanted to speak of the spiritual background of that experience whilst using a term that’s already familiar)
In Jungian psychology, there is the concept of anima/animus, which refer to the unconscious masculine aspect of a woman and the unconscious feminine aspect of a man respectively. One aspect of being a “whole” human being is to integrate these unconscious parts into yourself. This is similar to what a twin experiences, your other half seems to be in the shadow, hidden from your view, crossing paths with them, brings that realization to you and now in order to unite with them, you must first dissolve yourself and merge with that unconscious image of them. 
There is a reason why twins “mirror” each other; they are a reflection of you and vice versa. This is why every interaction with them strikes a nerve in you and you feel their absence like a phantom limb. 
If you’re on a twin flame journey or would like to know more about it, I suggest immersing yourself in Sufi philosophy. To a lay person, the Sufi concept of Love may seem dramatic and over the top but for those in the know, it will seem deeply familiar, because ultimately your longing and yearning for your “twin” is your innate longing to seek union with God/the Divine. We were all made in pairs and to know the other is to know God and to know God is to know Love.
These connections are presented to you in order for you to ascend. Why were you chosen for ascension over millions of others? That’s the divine plan, not up to us to question. It is entirely possible to meet such a person at a time in your life when you’re completely spiritually unevolved (this is very common) and they usually trigger your dark night of the soul. This leads to positive disintegration although nothing about this experience feels positive in any way, shape or form.
Actually uniting with your twin and sharing a life with them is a long shot. Its often an unrequited love. It requires A LOT of work by both people. There is a lifetime of purging, integration and inner work before union could ever be a possibility. Most people who use the term “twin flame” are using a fancy spiritual label to describe their excessive interest in someone. You don’t have a twin flame, you’re just manic. 
In Arabic literature, there are 7 stages to love, it is as follows:
1. Dilkashi or attraction
2. Uns or attachment
3. Mohabbat or love
4. Akidat or reverence 
5. Ibadat or worship
6. Junoon or madness
7. Maut or death
If you believe you’re experiencing a twin flame connection, you have probably gone through these stages, maybe not in this order but you’ve probably experienced all of these. 
You experience an inexplicable attraction that draws you to them, regardless of how far you stray from them, your heart clings to them & forms a deep attachment, even though you don’t seem to understand it, you’re consumed by love for them, without even knowing why, this love morphs itself into reverence and soon enough it’s eclipsed even that & embedded itself as worship. Your feelings for them are so strong, intense and powerful even in separation, even in their absence that you feel yourself going mad. This madness is key because it brings you to the death of “self”. You lose all sense of who you were before you met them. You’re ripped of your ego. You die and die and die again, hoping to taste the love that will give life to you.
There are astrological indicators obviously but just because these aspects/placements are present, does not mean they are your twin flame. The biggest indicator is the deep sense of knowing you have in your soul, you don’t even have to know the word “twin flame”, you’re experiencing a magnetic, excruciating and tortuous kind of attraction. 
Some indicators:
1. Venus in 12h 
2. Venus in Scorpio
3. Primary Scorpio or Taurus placements (the Taurus-Scorpio axis creates the most intense chemistry between two people)
4. Moon conjunct Mars 
5. Opposite signs occupying many placements (Virgo-Pisces, Cancer-Capricorn, Gemini-Sagittarius)  
5. 7h synastry 
6. Bharani nakshatra 
Uniting with your twin can trigger your kundalini awakening. It is not for the faint of heart. Union is a very intense experience. Much has been said about twin flames and tantric sex. Imo? What we call Tantric sex is essentially the heightened feeling and intensity of sexual experience that a Tantric practice brings about. (its possible to feel this way with a non-twin if you have a disciplined Tantric practice). 
Sex is the source and root of everything. It is the cause of creation and nothing less than divine. Eros is the first god that could be conceived by man, he is the creator of all beings and ruler of the universe. He is son of Chaos, the original primeval emptiness of the universe.
Longing, desire and Eros, all go hand in hand. When your soul has longed for someone for so long, the sheer passion and enormity of desire will make it a very one of a kind experience. Short answer being that sex with your twin will be out of this world and life changing.
In Sufism, there is a concept called baqaa which is subsistence through God. Someone who has experienced fanaa, or annihilation of the ego and self, finds God, unites with him and sees him in everything. This is what love of a “twin flame” nature does. It is all consuming and potent, you cannot walk away from it, even brushing with it briefly, transforms you. It purifies you and strips you of your pride, shame, fears and everything that you thought was “you” but the reward for this is understanding through first hand knowledge, a love so all encompassing, expansive, deep and profound that it forever alters the way you look at the world. You begin to love everything and everyone because you’ve tasted true love and its generosity. 
Karmic Partnerships
These are extremely common and almost everyone has one. They need not strictly be romantic. Many non-romantic associations can be karmic. These people to put it very plainly, come into your life, to teach you lessons. They need not explicitly be “bad relationships” but the energy is definitely not light hearted and its absolutely not meant to last a lifetime. You are meant to learn your lessons and move on from them and break the karmic cycle. However there are people who do not do this and stay stuck in the same patterns and perpetuate the same cycles.
Some indicators of Karmic Partnerships in astrology:
1. 12h synastry
2. 8h synastry 
3. Saturn aspects 
4. Capricorn/Libra placements
These are the most wholesome, fulfilling bonds between two people. Soulmates need not always be romantic. The bond is kind of instant and inexplicable. You just get each other. It feels fulfilling, empowering and light. It fills you up. There is no angst and there’s no chaos. 
Some indicators:
1. Moon signs that are compatible with each other
2. Moon aspects that are positive
3. Venus-Ascendant aspects
4. 5h synastry
5. Strong Venus or Jupiter aspects
6. Element compatibility (fire & air vs water & earth)
I’m sorry if I sound a little too esoteric on this post 😭😭😭idk how else to talk about this stuff and I tried my best to make it sound as simple as I could 😭I hope this was interesting and if you guys have any questions feel free to ask me💛💛
Further reading:
1. Plato’s Symposium
2. Sufi philosophy and poetry 
3. Carl Jung’s works
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sidxlune · 7 months
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sidxlune · 8 months
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sidxlune · 9 months
Middle Ground Monday, 1st of August, 1:47 P.M
There’s a certain kind of warmth in the atmosphere on Christmas eve...
There’s a certain kind of warmth that you feel when the merry making begins to die down and the conversations shift from loud to almost a whisper, the mind goes half-asleep, topics become more serious...
There’s a certain kind of warmth that wraps your heart and turns your brain into a puddle, making you throw whatever principles you have right out the window.. and this particular warmth, it’s the one I felt when I was listening to your voice.
I don’t know what came over me. I was halfway through a bottle of wine and I reasoned it must’ve altered my system to a certain degree. It’s probably just the wine, I kept thinking. My cheeks were flushed and my voice was starting to sound hoarse.. yeah, must be the wine. Damn it. IT WAS YOU, for fuck’s sake. IT WAS US. It was the universe finally giving us our time and it was so overwhelming, I wanted to just shut my eyes and swim in it. "Can we at least try?" you asked in a really soft tone and it triggered a weakness in me. The danger thrilled me that I almost caved in.. but I pulled and held on to my senses because if I didn’t, we’d be in trouble. What a virgo thing to do, isn’t it? to be in control. Grounded, they say. I always go deep, but that time I wished I was as light as you, as carefree as you.
I would’ve bottled that warmth if I could. That’s how badly I wanted to hold onto that newfound feeling. I would have brought it with me here, dispensed its contents drop by drop from time to time, let it linger on my sheets like a perfume and buried myself in it until I fall asleep. I’ve nurtured coldness in my life for a really long time that I crave even a slight hint of warmth when it’s near my grasp. Everything about you felt warm and familiar, strange and new—all at once. Even if I try, I can’t simplify it.
We talked for hours and every time you spoke my name, I flinched. When was the last I heard you say it? it’s half our age ago, I never thought I’d hear it again. It sounded so different coming from you. I couldn’t help but wonder if you’ve ever said it with a lump in your throat over the past years. Am I a good or a bad memory?
Where did we stand in each other’s lives? we were always catching up but only at a distance—on and off—for a long, long time. We were never clearly defined. We bonded more than friends but less than lovers. The chance was always there but we never grabbed it. You were always too careful; I was always a runaway. You hovered but never really landed because you wanted me to make the decision. "It was hard to find the right timing with you," you told me. Who would’ve thought that us getting older, acknowledging our regrets, totally abandoning what’s right and wrong, you moving back home and me leaving, your secrets, my wine, staying up ‘til dawn and just hearing each other’s voices again will convince me to finally let you in?
I wonder if fate is real or the universe really does something crazy and makes a fool of us sometimes, like reunite people unexpectedly and ignite old flames or awaken dormant feelings. I wonder if it randomly sends warmth to people’s hearts and makes them fall in love even if the circumstances are against it. I wonder if star-crossed lovers ever make it out alive in the end.
When you said you love me, did you mean it?
When I said it back, was it just a lie?
Do you think we should stay?
Is it worth it?
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sidxlune · 9 months
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"Are you heartbroken again?" Chungking Express (1994)
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