sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Krissy Nelson
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DONNA: So thank you! Thank you for that! I want you to talk to us about an encounter that Jesus took you on. And He took you to several different places and you witnessed several different people. And just as a little side note here, they were all women! But that’s okay, you guys! You can still listen! They were all women. And from this I mean we learned some of the most powerful concepts that we have as believers! Sid Roth.
KRISSY: Uh-huh!
DONNA: So share that encounter with us!
KRISSY: Yeah. You know it was a time where I was in my “ordinary.” Doing something very ordinary in a kitchen and I could feel the presence of God filling the room.
DONNA: Uh-huh.
KRISSY: And I was very aware Sid Roth that something was about to happen and I had been crying out for an encounter for weeks and weeks! “God, I want to encounter You fresh and anew! God!” You know? And it was in a kitchen at somebody’s house and suddenly I just sort of stood still and then I felt this hand come and fill mine, my right hand. And I opened my eyes and I looked and nobody was there. And so in awe I just felt the fear of the Lord and I just stood there. And then I heard Jesus and He spoke to me and He said, “Come, follow Me!” And I thought, “Whoa! This is going to be exciting! We’re going to go into my future! We’re going to see my destiny. You know what He’s going to show me about my life! But what He did is He took me back. He said, “Come follow Me back!” And He brought me back into these accounts in His story! History! You know the Word of God with these women in there that He encountered! And so I think about these three encounters and I see them as that. These were three encounters that Jesus let me see and He let me in on. And I write about that in my book. It’s the introduction of it because that sets the tone for the whole thing. But first we were at the well and we were with the woman at the well. And I could feel what Jesus was feeling for her. His deep compassion and love. And I could feel the moment that you know He’s releasing revelation to her about who exactly He is and what He has to offer. And you know He’s asking her for a drink but then He says to her, “If you knew who it was that was here with you, you would be asking him for living water and he would fill you.” You know I feel like she represents those of us who feel dry! You know?  
DONNA: Uh-huh.
KRISSY: Because He is saying living water is going to come in and bring eternal life. And so many of us can relate to her story because of a life that we’ve lived or decisions we’ve made, we can begin to feel really dry but there is hope for us! Because Jesus will encounter us in our dryness and He’ll bring not just water that will satisfy us for a moment, but living water that will fill us to our very soul, you know, and launch us then into our destiny and our purpose!  
DONNA: Wow! Yeah!
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Krissy Nelson
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DONNA: Hello! I’m Donna Chavis and thank you for joining us for “Something More!” My guest is a wife. She’s a mother. She’s a teacher. She’s a preacher. She’s a conference speaker. And she is the author of the book “Created for the Impossible.” Please welcome Krissy Nelson! Krissy, hi!
KRISSY: Hi! Thank you, Donna!
DONNA: Absolutely! Thank you for being here! Now we’re going to minister to a lot of women today! We’re going to minister. You’re going to speak to them. But you had a message before we get started for the guys!
KRISSY: Yeah, for the guys! Sid Roth. For all you guys do not turn the channel! Because there is a word of hope for you found in these powerful accounts of Jesus encountering these women in the Word! So you’re not going to want to miss it either!
DONNA: Okay, let’s get started! And I know you have a passion to minister to women.
KRISSY: Uh-huh!
DONNA: And you speak at a lot of Teen Challenge events.
KRISSY: Uh-huh.
DONNA: And women’s conferences. What is the need that you find with young women and women today?
KRISSY: You know I think - I mean as a women I can relate. We’re looking for hope! Sid Roth. You know we want hope that our life matters! We want hope that in our everyday “ordinary” that there’s high value in that! We want to know that God sees us and that our life matters to Him! And we also want to know that what we’ve done in our past doesn’t define us but that there is hope for today and there is always a new start with Jesus! And so I love to just deposit those words of truth and hope that Christ says! You know that for all who come to Me, you are a new creation! You know the old is gone and the new is come and that’s so exciting!  
DONNA: And I know that with the younger women like the Teen Challenge places that you speak, do you find a lot of people that are - ladies, young girls even that are so desperately trying to find something that will make them feel valued?  
KRISSY: Uh-huh.
DONNA: Significant in their life. How do you minister to them?
KRISSY: You know I remember one time when I was getting ready and getting my heart ready to go minister at a women’s Teen Challenge and I was before the Lord and I said, “God, what do You want me to say?” You know? And I was preparing and studying and He sort of interrupted my study with His presence. And He said to me, “Krissy, your only job is to let them see how much that I love them!” And I’m like okay. All right. You know you just show up and you minister the heart of love from our Father who loved us so much that He gave us His son! You know? And that’s what we need. That’s what they need. They need to know that there is love for them! That they are loved just as they are!
KRISSY: You know?
DONNA: Yes. Or is that the reason you know everybody - you know everybody like you said they’re looking for love. They want love. Sometimes they don’t even know that that’s what they’re looking for.
KRISSY: Uh-huh.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Cindy Jacobs
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MIKE: Don’t lose heart! Well, your group, Generals International, meets yearly, I believe, to seek God concerning His Word, His prophetic Word for the year to come. Sid Roth.
CINDY: Uh-huh. Uh-huh.
MIKE: And I’d like you to share if you’d like about any words God has given you for this year, 2018.
CINDY: Uh-huh.
MIKE: What we can expect in the United States. What we can expect in the world as a whole.  
CINDY: Uh-huh.
MIKE: And because I believe we should move into the future armed with the prophetic word. And Paul told Timothy to fight a good warfare -
CINDY: Right.
MIKE: With the prophetic word he had received. Sid Roth.
CINDY: That’s so good! Yes, absolutely! Well, this is the Apostolic Council for Prophetic Elders. We’ve met since 1999 and so it’s many ministries. Major prophets who work together who are authors. In fact, James Goll is going to be with you and he is one of our group. Dutch Sheets. Bishop Bill Hamon. I mean many prophets that are very respected worldwide. And we meet together and hear God and then we put together a word that’s a consensus word. So what did God say? Well, I’m glad you asked! [Laughing] Genesis 22:17: “Blessing I will bless you and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and the sand which is on the seashore. And your descendants shall possess the gates of their enemies.” So this year is the first time “possessing the gates of your future.”
MIKE: Now this was God speaking to Abraham.
CINDY: Right.
MIKE: But why do we relate that to the Body of Christ too?
CINDY: Because we’re all children of Abraham if we’re born again. Yeah, I mean Romans 10 makes that clear. And I love this cause it says, “Blessing I will bless you!” In other words, this is a double iteration of blessing! “Multiplying I will multiply you.” And so you know I mean is your life multiplying? Are you seeing great blessings? Are your descendants seeing great blessings? Well, this is a promise! But you know what? There’s an enemy, right, that doesn’t want us to have those promises. So many people get mad at God, don’t they Mike? I mean they’re like, “God, You haven’t done anything for me.” But there’s a warfare!
MIKE: Right.
CINDY: You have to contend.  
MIKE: Or they blame God for something the devil did.
CINDY: Exactly! You have to contend! And so this year the Lord said that He’s going to open gates of our future! And one of them was that He would suddenly do it! Now, so I looked this up.
MIKE: Well can you hold that thought.
CINDY: Yeah.
MIKE: Because we've got to take a break!
CINDY: Oh yes! [Laughs]
MIKE: And we want to hear about these words. [Music]
CINDY: Suddenly!
MIKE: That are going to have such an impact on our life this year! So we’ll be back in just a moment!
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Cindy Jacobs
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MIKE: Welcome to “Something More!” I’m your host, Mike Shreve! And I’m here with Cindy Jacobs of Generals International. Welcome, Cindy!
CINDY: Thank you! Thank you!
MIKE: Thank you so much for being with us today! Sid Roth..
CINDY: Thank you!
MIKE: Why Generals?
CINDY: [Laughs]
MIKE: Why do you refer to your ministry as “generals?” I like it but I’d like to know the reason behind it.
CINDY: Well you know many years ago, 1984 and ‘85 God began to speak to my husband and I about gathering the generals to pray. And at that time in the ‘80s, you know we were calling churches. No one seemed to have a prayer group. You know ministries didn’t seem to have people that were leading their prayer which kind of shocked us. And so the Lord spoke to me clearly. He said, “gather the generals.” And we at that time didn’t call ourselves generals but everyone began to call us “the generals” so after that, as we began all these invitation prayer meetings, we became generals and it just kind of stuck. You know prayer generals. We lead prayer and intercession around the world. Sid Roth.
MIKE: Well that has an application to the idea of an army.  
CINDY: [Laughing]
MIKE: The structure of an army, right? And the generals were at the top. But what’s the responsibility of the generals?
CINDY: Well a general is a strategist. In fact what the Lord told me at that time, and I wrote about it in my book, “Possessing the Gates of the Enemy,” well how come essentially the world’s in such a mess? You know why is America in the condition that it is in? You know? And rather, as often happens when you ask a question, rather than getting a direct answer, the Lord said: “gather the generals and I want you to heal the nation.” Now in ‘84 healing of nations that was like some kind of strange thing. My daddy was a preacher. I mean he was a pastor. A theologian. I never heard anybody teach on, healing of nations! That was like a foreign terminology to me. And so then I thought well I said Lord, well how do you heal a whole nation? You know I didn’t think, Mike, that Matthew 28, 17 through 20, it says, “Go and make disciples of nations.”
MIKE: That’s right! That’s right!
CINDY: It never occurred to me it was a whole nation. And so I realized that that was our mandate! Isn’t that amazing?
MIKE: Well who’s going to respond to it?
CINDY: Yeah.
MIKE: Somebody’s got to take the challenge.
CINDY: Yeah. I mean so at that time we thought of discipling nations, as discipling individuals but can God heal a nation? I mean can God heal America? Now don’t automatically think no! I know some of you are thinking no, it’s in such a mess but nothing’s impossible to God!
MIKE: That’s right. It’s happened before!
CINDY: Yeah! And so you know and then I thought well is there one nation on earth that’s discipled and taught of the Lord? And this is our last mandate! And so it was just incredible to me!
MIKE: That is the key to the coming of the Lord. Right?
CINDY: Yes, of course!
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Roy Fields
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ROY: And just recently, I think I was on one of these programs before, a few years ago, and this particular incident happened. I was in my office, I had no music going. I always have a piano by me in my office, at all times, in case I get something. But I wasn’t on the piano and I remember just getting on my knees and I just began to just worship Him in the sense of, I wasn’t really singing to Him, heart worship is not music; it’s heart worship. Sid Roth.
RYAN: I like that.
ROY: It’s not music.
RYAN: I like that. I tell you what, later in the program, you’re going to be playing for us, but let’s set the stage now for worship. Don’t play and let’s begin to lead the people at home in worship.
ROY: Yeah, that’s where I was going, is that when I was in my office, I wasn’t necessarily singing, I just began to shut it all down,
RYAN: Let’s do that.
ROY:   and I would be quiet. And this is what I want to encourage you that are watching is that you have to learn to shut everything down. This is the highest form of worship. And it’s going to sound crazy for television, for a few moments here, but really the quietness is when God speaks the loudest. Sometimes we say too many words, Ryan. Sid Roth.
RYAN: Yeah.
ROY: He’s like, “Can I get a word in edgewise? Can I talk back?”
RYAN: Right.
ROY: I’d rather Him talk back, as He’s feeling these vibrations of worship go from our heart. So, I would just sit in my living room or I’d sit in my office and I would just hold my hands out, or I would just sit there on my knees and in my heart, I would begin to connect with Him. And I’m now thinking even, “Lord, I love You so much. I mean, I really love You. I’m not here because I have a need. I’m not here because I’m so thankful that You’ve taken me and blessed me and I’ve succeeded. Father, I’m just coming to You right now, and I just worship You because You are who You said You are.”
RYAN: We worship You, Jesus. Yes, God.
ROY: “We love You so much.” And I’ll just begin to pray. And then I’ll have a tongue come out because I’m filled with the Holy Spirit and I’ll begin to just sing in the Spirit. Somebody would say, “What’s that?”
RYAN: Let’s do that now. Let’s do that now.
ROY: Well, for instance, I would start to go [singing in tongues] [music]
RYAN: Welcome back to “Something More”. We’re literally having a first-class education on how to worship. In fact, why don’t you, there are a lot of people listening at home. Why don’t you teach me how to worship?
ROY: Okay sure.
RYAN: I’ve had a busy day. Nobody happens to be home. I’m a family man, but nobody is home at the time. I go into my office at home and I - again, a busy day. So lead me, lead them, into worship. Tell me what to do next.
ROY: Okay, you come home from a busy day and you’ve got all of this stress going on. That’s why I said in the first segment, you’ve got to shut everything down.
RYAN: How do I do that though?
ROY: Get into a room; close the door.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest James Goll
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MIKE: For the church which was actually more than Paul praying for the Ephesians. It was the Holy Spirit through Paul praying for all of us so it’s a done deal!
JAMES: And I took those verses, Ephesians 1:17 to 19. I prayed them every day, every year for 10 straight years over my life and I prayed and so I pray for you. By the way, you want to pray a perfect prayer? Pray the prayers of the Bible! Sid Roth.
MIKE: Yes!
JAMES: And Paul prays. He says I pray that you be filled with the spirit of wisdom and revelation and the glorious knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ! And I pray that the eyes of your heart will be enlightened so that you might know the hope of His calling, the glorious inheritance which is in the saints, and the surpassing greatness of His power towards us who are, “Goll Amplified Version” ñ believing believers!
MIKE: [Laughing] We’re going to learn more about.
JAMES: [Laughing]
MIKE: When we come back after the next segment! But you need to start claiming that prayer as if it’s already been prayed over you! Not something you have to beg for [Music] but something you receive by faith! I’m excited to hear the rest of what James Goll has to say! Come back with us! Sid Roth.
MIKE: Welcome back to “Something More!” We’re here with James Goll and we’re talking about the gift of being a “seer!”
JAMES: Uh-huh!
MIKE: Now I’m interested in this aspect. And you may want to revert back to what you were talking about in the last segment but if you can include. I know the Bible says that you may all prophesy.
JAMES: Sure.
MIKE: But can any Christian tap into this anointing of being a seer
JAMES: That is a really a great question! Because you’re absolutely right. It does say let them each prophesy one by one. Now there is a difference though between the spirit prophecy, the gift of prophecy, the ministry of prophecy and the office of a prophet. 
MIKE: Wow. 
JAMES: And so there’s four different spheres here and so there is an atmosphere that can be created in the manifested presence which is the spirit of prophecy. There is as you know the charismata, the gifts of the spirit where it is a gift of prophecy. It doesn’t mean it is residential, though.  
MIKE: Okay.
JAMES: In a ministry of prophecy, which is limited though, kept unto edification, exhortation and comfort, then it has to be in that area. And then there’s a consistency so it’s a ministry. So not everybody who prophesies is necessarily in the office of a prophet.    
MIKE: May I ask you a question?
MIKE: So if you’re in the atmosphere of a prophetic anointing even though you don’t necessarily think you have the gift of prophecy, God may move on you, kind of like the men that -
JAMES: You got it!
MIKE:  were following the prophetic group.  
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Robert Henderson
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ROBERT: So we have to know how to go into the Courts of Heaven and reclaim what is our right inheritance!
KYNAN: Wow! That’s good. That’s so good!
ROBERT: Because if it was a part of their bloodline before it’s still something God would have today! Sid Roth.
KYNAN: That’s good.
ROBERT: But the enemy used something legal to steal it away!
KYNAN: Wow. Wow.
ROBERT: So that they don’t have it in their hands now to be able to bring the shift and the reformation of culture we’re looking for!
KYNAN: You know just for 30 seconds I want you to just speak to our viewers just for about 30 seconds and just sort of speak into that situation that someone’s watching, they’re saying you know what? I never heard this concept before. I’ve never really studied this or understood this. But I just want you to pray to remove whatever blockage that they might be experiencing in their mind.
KYNAN: At least when it comes to understanding that God wants the Church to have influence. He wants the Church to move in authority! He wants us to move in kingdom!
KYNAN: So could you just pray with our viewers really quickly?
ROBERT: Absolutely! You know one of the things I want to say is that when the Bible says He gives you power to get wealth that means He doesn’t just give wealth, He gives us the power to generate it or create it! And so God wants to bless you with that! That’s a part of His covenant promises of the Abrahamic Covenant which we are still a part of and so it’s God’s will for you to carry, wealth! Because God said I need a wealthy people to be able to get My will done in the earth! In other words I’m going to have to have someone that can be trusted with wealth for that to happen! If you want that let me pray: Father, I just want to pray for all those that are watching right now in the name of Jesus! That anything that’s standing in the way of blessing and prosperity it would shift now from the very Courts of Heaven and there would be a release of wealth and prosperity that would come into the hands of Your people so that they can have every empowerment they need to be a part of that which You have designed to do in this day and in this time in Jesus’ name! Sid Roth.
KYNAN: Amen! Wonderful! When we come back we’re going to talk more about unlocking the purpose, destiny and even wealth from the Courts of Heaven! We’ll be right back in just a moment! God bless!
KYNAN: Hey guys, we’re back! This is Dr. Kynan and I have Robert Henderson here, an Apostolic leader, and he’s been talking about unlocking wealth and other aspects of your destiny from the Courts of Heaven! You know in just these few moments I want you to talk about something that you shared with me when we were off the air.
ROBERT: Uh-huh.
KYNAN: You talked about Matthew and how God gave you revelation as it relates to the Church. Could you share that?
ROBERT: In Matthew 20, the parable about the vineyard where that an owner or a master of the vineyard went out and hired laborers throughout the process of the day. At the first hour he hired laborers and they agreed with him. That’s, that’s legalism. In other words I have to have a contract.
KYNAN: Yeah.
ROBERT: I don’t trust you.
KYNAN: Yeah. Uh-huh.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Robert Henderson
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KYNAN: I pray the Lord my soul to keep. If I should die before I wake, that kind of ideology. But you bring a new, a sort of a different perspective to this and really open up a new dimension when you talk about the legal aspect. Could you, could you go into that a little bit?
ROBERT: Yeah. You know when the disciples said to Jesus in Luke 11 “teach us to pray,”
ROBERT: Jesus actually put prayer in 3 dimensions in the Book of Luke.
KYNAN: Okay.
ROBERT: In Luke 11 He puts it in 2 dimensions. He puts it in Number One: approaching God as Father. Sid Roth.
KYNAN: Okay.
ROBERT: Because in response to the disciple’s question Jesus said “when you pray say Our Father which art in heaven.” We know that.
KYNAN: Yeah.
ROBERT: But He was saying you approach God as Father. But then in Luke 11: 5 through 8 He says “and which if you having a friend” and He begins to put prayer in the realm of approaching God as friend. Sid Roth.
KYNAN: Wow. Wow.
ROBERT: But then in Luke 18 He finishes up the teaching, 7 chapters later, and He says that there was in a certain city a judge and a widow that went before this judge and through her activity before this judge she rendered a verdict and then Jesus said, He said if, if the widow can do this how much more will God hear the cry of His elect?
ROBERT: So He puts prayer in the perspective of approaching God as Judge. So those are the 3 dimensions. Approaching God as Father, approaching Him as Friend and approaching Him as Judge!
KYNAN: Wow! Wow!
ROBERT: But the Judge is the courtroom.
KYNAN: That’s good, so good!
ROBERT: And knowing how to come before Him in His judicial system,
KYNAN: Yeah.
ROBERT: …and grant Him the legal right to fulfill His passion and answer our prayers!
KYNAN: Wow! Wow! That’s profound! So I want you to go a little deeper into when we talk cause I want to, there’s so much to this you know and I want to open it up even more,. But you talk about going before the Courts of Heaven. Now we might have some viewers that have never heard that concept before in their entire life, some have some haven’t. I want you to explain what does that mean? How do we go before the Courts of Heaven? I think that’s a very important concept!
ROBERT: Yeah. Well you know I’m a really normal, average kind of guy. I’m not, I don’t consider myself highly gifted in the spirit. I know a lot of people that are very, very prophetic. They have all sorts of encounters with angels and you know go to heaven and I think it’s wonderful.
KYNAN: Yeah.
ROBERT: And I really draw from those people but I’m the kind of guy that when I say going before the Courts it’s an activity of faith! I understand from scripture that there’s a court system in heaven because Daniel 7:10 says “the court was seated and the books were opened.”
KYNAN: Yeah. That’s good!
ROBERT: And I believe that every time we read about the Throne of God we’re not just reading about a place of worship. We’re also reading about a place of judicial activity! Because His Throne is established upon righteousness and justice.
KYNAN: That’s right.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Laura Harris Smith
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KAREN: So welcome back to Something More, where I’m sitting here with Laura Harris Smith and we are just finding out so much about the journey that God has taken her on from when she received Jesus into her heart to leading her through TV and media and all the different things that God has done in her life, Sid Roth. But she’s a mother, she’s an author, she’s a wife, she’s a minister, but there’s something else that God uses you to minister to people in. And God has taken you on a journey to finding health in Him and to finding health in three different areas. And so I want you to share a little bit about those areas and how the viewer, as they’re tuning in, can also find health in those areas. So, talk to us a little bit about the journey that God’s took you on.
LAURA: Well, in the last—I suppose it was about five years ago, I was writing a book about dreams and it just so happened that God used work to get me to study sleep because it was work that was keeping me from sleep [laughs]. And so I decided to interview sleep study doctors and insert nutrition in there for better dream recall and I really discovered this whole new level of my writing, including the body, in with the spirit and mind message, so body, mind, and spirit. And finally, my publisher came to me one day and said, “Laura, this is your branding. Everything you do, you bring the body into it.” And as a result of that, you see the triune nature of God hard at work already in the Garden of Eden, Sid Roth. You’ve got scripture saying, let Us make man in Our image. So He’s three parts, He made you in three parts and you can’t segregate the three. You can’t—let’s say you get a diagnosis and you just take medication, but you don’t do anything emotionally to get through it in one piece or you don’t ever pray. You’re treating one-third of the person. And so, basically what happened to me was, I was not sleeping. I can sleep; I can lay down and sleep you know, for eight hours straight. I didn’t want to sleep. I love what I do. I’m really high energy. Both of my parents got like four hours sleep a night and I used to say, well Albert Einstein slept four hours a night, I can sleep four hours a night. So I would get so much done, but if you don’t go to sleep, your organs will go to sleep for you. And so that’s basically what happened to me. And so I had to write, I had to finish that book on dreams, on total bed rest, fighting for my life. Every meal was like a final exam, trying to learn how to eat right, eat colorfully. And I learned through that process that God has color-coded our foods; certain vegetable colors treat different ailments and it was a learning experience. I was in the middle of a book contract. I thought I just bet Jehovah sneaky is going to make me write about all of this and so that’s exactly what happened. And from that day until now, and even with my - after my recovery, I became a certified nutritionist. And I’m continuing my degree now, going on for my doctorate. And so that has, this whole world has opened up, communicating to people that they do have three parts and getting healthy in all three.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Laura Harris Smith
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LAURA: They’re one person. So, yes, that whole experience, growing up, you know, in a Christian home, I received great training. I received, um, I mean I was in church every time the doors were open. They say if you go to church on Sunday morning you love the Lord, if you go to church on Sunday night, you love your church, if you go to church on Wednesday night, you love your pastor.
LAURA: So, we loved the church, the Lord, and the pastor.
KAREN: That’s right.
LAURA: And we were there all of the time, but you know, it wasn’t until seventeen years later, that I received the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I grew up in a very conservative denomination and didn’t even really know what that was, Sid Roth. Now, I knew the Holy Spirit, I technically believe that all believers, once you invite Jesus into your heart, I believe we’re all Spirit-filled.
KAREN: That’s right, that’s right.
LAURA: So I don’t really use that term a lot. I believe the difference is that when the Holy Spirit comes upon you with power, that epi experience, as it says in the Greek, the coming upon, and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, speaking in tongues, learning to flow in the gifts of the Spirit, that didn’t happen to me until seventeen years later. So, I had this full ministry, wrote books, my husband was an ordained deacon, and I just, I advise everybody that I know, don’t wait seventeen years.
KAREN: Yes, that’s right.
LAURA: Don’t wait seventeen seconds.
KAREN: That’s right.
LAURA: Just ask Jesus for all of it, you know, when you invite Him into your life.
KAREN: That’s right because when we do accept Him into our life, we are filled with all of those things, but then we have to walk in the operation of those gifting’s. And so that sometimes comes just through learning and spending time with God. And I do believe that we are given those gifting’s because that’s what gives us power. That’s what gives us authority; that’s what gives us the ability to walk out the journey. Share with us a little bit about how that, that power that you received with the Holy Spirit has helped you just to overcome some things in your life.
LAURA: Oh boy. Well, you know, having understood the fruits of the Spirit—
LAURA: I told you, I grew up in a very conservative denomination, so we were great at the fruits of the Spirit, Sid Roth. Uh, when the gifts of the Spirit began to really catch my attention and I wanted to walk in all of them, I treated them like, like I was online shopping and I just wanted to put them all in my cart. I wanted all of them, all nine of them. But I realized that—It’s like my pendulum swung the other way, you know, and we have to have both.
LAURA: Interestingly enough, a dove has nine grooves in each wing and a dove is a symbol of the Holy Spirit or can be, and so if you don’t have the gifts and the fruits, you’re like a one-winged dove. You’re not really going to get anywhere. You’re going to fly around in circles. So, I’m thankful that I had that foundation. You know Karen, I love the anointing, but I’m not impressed with the anointing because I know who it comes from. It’s not from the man. I’m impressed with character.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Julie Meyer & Bruce Van Natta
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BRUCE: This family was from a denomination. I’m not going to say the name of the denomination but this certain denomination believes in cessation theology. That means that all miracles ceased with the apostles. They fully believe it. They teach it. They preach it. And if somebody like me and my testimony, you know what they tell me? That’s of the devil because God doesn’t do miracles anymore. These are people, folks, that I know are going to die and go to heaven that believe in Jesus, but they believe this cessation theology, more than they believe the Bible being, for today Sid Roth. So they’re from this type of church. They’ve been taught this theology, right? She’s just acting out of what she’s been taught. That’s all it is. And her husband, I guess I found out later, her husband was very vocal against these charismatic “charismaniac” people, right? So she says we would never go there. I said, "well ma’am, if you want me to pray for your son, you bring him tomorrow. I don’t know what to tell you. And I said I could pray for him right here." I said, "but we’re going to see more, you know, if he shows up." The next day they show up. It’s mom. It’s dad. It’s one of the brothers. There’s two other brothers. It’s one of the brothers, it's gram, It’s a whole group. And I remember there was a crazy word of knowledge that started it out. There was one word of knowledge that went out and it was somebody here, God had shown me about it that morning, that somebody here was to be named Jennifer, but they’ve never been called it a day in their life and the Lord showed me all this stuff that was going on in this life. And this woman came running to the front. And so she was the very first person that she got called out. But the very first people to come up on their own to get prayer is this family. So I go to pray. So he’s got a “j-tube” and a “g-tube.” This disease that he had it’s something that affected the back of his mouth, his complete esophagus, duodenum, stomach, small intestine, large intestine. His whole GI tract. No one has ever lived from this, this is what the mom told me. No one has ever lived from this disease past the age of 19. He was 16. He looked like he was about 13 because he had never eaten a meal his entire life.
BRUCE: He had never eaten a meal his entire life! He had been tube-fed his whole life! So he’s got a t-shirt on. There’s two tubes sticking out so we go to start praying and I said to his family, you know what? My prayers aren’t any more powerful than your prayers, Sid Roth. I prayed like Bruce Carlson prayed for me and I said, "Lord, I just add my prayers to all the prayers that have already gone up." I said, "but now we’re going to pray differently and we’re going to speak to the mountain and I want you, family, to repeat after me." So these people have been taught not to believe in this. So I said you guys repeat after me. So we started going to town and we started speaking to the mountain and we started saying motility. He had no motility, right? So he couldn’t eat because the food would get stuck and he’d choke and die.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Julie Meyer & Bruce Van Natta
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BRUCE: And then they said Mr. Van Natta, you’re not going to stay here forever cause I said you can’t keep me here forever. And that’s when we found out and they said you’ve only got a year to a year and a half and it had already been six months into it, Sid Roth. That’s the day my wife and I heard. So I kicked the doctor out of the room, you know. And the miracle happens. The creative miracle happens. God does a miracle and I get the intestines back. I’m still sick and you know what? I’m still miserable with lots of stuff. Every night I would be so miserable. And we lived two and a half hours away. So we had four children. My wife would put the kids on the bus. Drive two and a half hours. Spend like an hour with me at the hospital. Drive back two and a half hours to be there for when the kids got off the bus. So I got to spend like one hour with my family a day, with my wife and then on the weekends, I get to spend like a little bit. So I’m stuck in the hospital by myself. You know what happened? God taught me what it looks like to dwell in the secret place of the Most High!
AUDIENCE: Yes! [Clapping]
BRUCE: When the pain was so strong that I’d say, God, I just can’t take it and I can push the morphine pump all I want and I could get the Dilaudid pills and I can get all that stuff but it’s still so strong I can’t handle it? He taught me what it looks like to get into His presence, to dwell there, to abide there, to rest there, Sid Roth. And you know what? And part of the thing that happened was I started to get bad kidney stones because of the issue with the intestines and the - I don’t know if anybody here has ever experienced kidney stones. I’m telling you what, man. That hurts bad, right? And it’s like even in the middle of a bad kidney stone attack, you could transcend that by, dwelling, abiding, and resting in His presence. So it doesn’t matter what you are going through. It doesn’t matter what you’ve gone through! God is there for you and if you press in. If you make the choice to make Him truly your Lord and not just your Savior. You know it says in 2nd Chronicles that we’re to humble ourselves and it says to seek His face. It doesn’t say seek His hands. Seeking His hands is what He does for us. Seeking His face talks about relationship and that’s what God wants from us with us! We are created, you and I were created for relationship with God! You know think about this. We could start operating and I know the gift of knowledge would kick in right now and there’s people watching at home and we could start you know kicking out the word, a gift of knowledge. It would start rolling and I’m sure people would get slain in the spirit here and things would happen and roll. But back to what Jesus, the Holy Spirit said this morning at three o’clock. Give somebody a fish. Feed them for a day. Teach them how to fish. Feed them for the rest of their life. Pray for somebody. Get them a touch by God. Teach them how to pray for each other. Teach them what it means to get into intimacy. Change their life radically forever and the lives of those around them! That’s what I hope you walk away with in this Mentoring Session today. That God wants to use you and there’s nothing that can prevent you from being used by God to live a miraculous life except you! There’s nothing else that’s going to stop it. The hell can’t stop it. The devil can’t stop it. Demons can’t stop it! Only you! You’re the only one that can stop it!
AUDIENCE: [Clapping]
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Julie Meyer & Bruce Van Natta
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BRUCE: To be our Lord. Now see when He’s our Lord what comes along with that benefit package is He’s our Savior. Right?
BRUCE: The problem is we get it turned around so often, Sid Roth. We get it turned around. We say, God, I want You to save my finances.   God, I want You to save my marriage. God, I want You to save me from this horrible cancer. God, I want You to save you know this or that or whatever it is. But we don’t really want Him to be Lord. And the proof is in the pudding. Here it is in Matthew 7. Jesus is speaking in Matthew 7 and He says, “Many will say to Me on that day,” Judgment Day, “many are going to say to Me on that.” Now listen. It starts out with “many.” That’s scary. “Many will say to Me on that day, Lord, Lord. Didn’t we prophesy in Your name? Didn’t we cast out demons? Didn’t we do miracles in Your name?” And He will tell them, “I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers.” Now I’d read that paragraph and it would just bother me.    
BRUCE: And man I would read that and just every time and it would bother me and now look at me, Sid Roth. I read through the Bible at least once a year, usually one and a half times a year and I’ve been doing it for several, several years. Right? And so every time I’d get to that spot or find it you know just in regular reading I’d be like this doesn’t taste right. This doesn’t feel right. So one day I was really asking the Lord about it. He said look every word in that paragraph up in your concordance. Okay. So the New Testament is in Greek. I’m looking this stuff up and I’m going through and it’s like it’s all real clear. I mean nothing is hidden until I got to that last couple of sentences and where it says this. Where Jesus said this statement. He said, “I never knew you.” When I read that word “knew,” I believe if I’m saying this right in the Greek, it’s the word “ginosko.” And that word “knew” in the English we hear like “knew” and we’re thinking like you know your neighbor. Like you know the clerk at the gas station. Like you know your first cousin, George. Right? That word “knew” in the Greek and also back to Hebrew, Jesus is speaking in Aramaic, is something entirely different. In fact, we don’t have an English word that describes that word, so we just get black and white generic. When really this is what the word says. When He said, “I never knew you,” He is talking about an intimacy type relationship up to and including physical intimacy between a husband and a wife. Like Adam “knew” Eve and they begot a son. Now that’s a lot of knowing! You know what I’m saying?
AUDIENCE: [Laughter]
BRUCE: So think about this. When He says He wants to be completely intimate, the most intimate we can ever imagine, that’s why He uses the analogy of a husband and a wife! He uses an analogy of a husband and a wife because it is the most intimate relationship any human being can have in this world. Right? And so we use that analogy. He’s the groom. We’re the bride. And He’s saying, “I never knew you. Away from Me, you evildoers.” And “Away from Me, you evildoers,” that’s the litmus test.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Julie Meyer & Bruce Van Natta
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BRUCE: I mean God healed him! He had double vision. One eye was off to the side. He had double vision. God straightened out the eye. He could see, Sid Roth. The migraines left. The guy gets - he’s running up and down the steps. He’s skipping up and down the steps and he’s saying I couldn’t do this. You know he’s hitting his head. He’s saying it doesn’t hurt. His dad is crying. Everybody in the church is crying. I find out later you know like - so at a later point in time - you know he had been like my background. He had been a drug and alcohol guy and he slowly got back into it. And within a couple of years, he quits going to church and has basically totally walked away from God even though he’s had this incredible, incredible miracle. And I can tell you other stories like that. So it’s a free-will choice. I tell that testimony just to say I mean it was probably like a “top ten” type miracle. I mean multiple miracles! It wasn’t one miracle. It was multiple miracles. There was creative things that happened. It’s was all kind of things and yet he had the free-will choice to walk away. We all do. So when Jesus says, at the end of this, He said, “They don’t need a superstar evangelist. They need to know that I love them and want to answer their prayers.”
BRUCE: So I can tell you that when I started in ministry all the creative miracles that happened with me and everything that happened we knew it a miracle ministry right off the bat, Sid Roth. The very first service somebody that had been given two months to live is healed from cancer. I mean it was just right off the very first thing! I mean miracle after miracle. Regularly. You know not hit and miss. Regularly. And so we’re seeing these miracles happen and I would stay. Let’s say we do a night service at a church and its 7 o’clock and we do these miracles - you know do these miracle services, healing services, whatever you want to call them. And I would pray and they’d say well got the church, you know we got our prayer team. Do you want them? And I’d say no, no. I’m good. And I would pray over every person. Take time for every person. And it might be 1 a.m., 2 a.m. The record we did was like 3 a.m. at a Florida church one time where we start at 7 and pray for people for 5, 6, 7 hours after the service. Right? And I just prayed for each person and prayed for each person and that’s what we did for the first few years. And I continue you know to minister to people. But when this happened and Jesus said they don’t need a superstar evangelist. They need to know that I love them and want to answer their prayers, He began to show me that I was to teach people how to pray. That I was to show them what John 14:12 looks like. Jesus said, “those who believe in Me will do the same things that I’ve been doing, in fact, greater things will they do!” Right?
AUDIENCE: Absolutely!
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Julie Meyer & Bruce Van Natta
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JULIE: You can say “I Love You, Lord! And everything within me cries out that I love You!” You can close your eyes. You can close your eyes at home and just take “Bless the Lord,” just these two scriptures, Sid Roth and when we do this what we’re doing is we’re actually stirring up a fire on the inside! We’re literally stirring up, hunger to love Him more. [Music] And you will see if you just do this. [Singing] “And this is just your own words. Mmm! Here we go! I bless you, Jesus. I love You! And just lift up your voice! Just lift up your own melody! I love You, Jesus! I will bless You! I will honor You! How I need You! How I love You and I’ll bless You with all that is within me, God! With every. With every thought! With all my words! With all my heart! With all my breath! I love You with all my strength! I love You!” And that’s so powerful because it turns the scripture into our own prayer! And we actually begin to feel it personally! Did you feel it personally? We actually begin to feel it personally. And now we’re just going to take this same scripture and we’re going to prophesy it over ourselves! Sid Roth  And I want to encourage you as you’re watching from home, put your name in it! Like I like to say [Singing] “I hear your song, Julie.” I mean I put my name in it because I want all that is within me to hear these words that God is speaking over me through me! He’s speaking over you through you! That’s exciting! I love that! I mean that’s exciting! And the reason this is exciting, is because I go to a lot of different places and people get sad if like their word of knowledge doesn’t get called out. And I love that but I’m like you can go home and with this amazing Word of God you can see healing in your own living room by singing the Word! Because singing, again, it let’s all that you’re singing really reside and be in you richly. So we’re going to take this and we’re just going to sing the other side of it as if God were singing to us. And you’ll all have a different melody and different words and that’s okay. That’s what we’re supposed to do. [Singing] “I hear your voice! I hear your blessing! I hear your song and , I hear your heart! It’s beating. It’s beating for Me, says the Lord. And even put your name in it! I hear I hear your blessing! I see how you honor me, Julie. Just even sing out your name. Sing out your name. God loves your name. I hear the song. I receive your blessing! I’m listening! I hear your song. I hear your plea. I’m listening and even right now I’m stirring you up! And even right now I’m stirring you up on the inside. On the inside. On the inside right now. That every breath will praise Me, says the Lord! And every breath will praise Me! All of your days every breath will praise Me says the Lord. Every breath will praise Me all of your days! Just put your name in it! Sing out your name, your name! All your days will praise Me! All your breath. All your love. All your affections. All your breath. All your love. All your affections says the Lord!” And it’s important that we do these three ways.
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Mary Hasz
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MARY: And about a week later she says to her dad, “If he asked for my hand in marriage will you give your blessing?” Uh, we’ve met him one time! That is not the typical thing a father does! And the conversation, is just not going real well, but I know that I know that I know that I know that I know she’s marrying him! So you know cause she says “You know I can just elope!” And he goes, “Well, yeah.” And I said, “You know I can help you. I can help you do this. A little tiny wedding. You know I did so and so’s wedding in 5 days when they flew in from Australia. You know I can do weddings! Like I’m good at pulling weddings off fast!” And Rich looks at me and he goes, “So you’re making this about you?” Now that is not typical language out of his mouth. Sid Roth.
MARY: Oooh, those were fightin’ words!
AUDIENCE: [Laughter]
MARY: I didn’t even know I could get that mad! I said I’m leaving this conversation! Cause I knew, I knew, I mean I just didn’t even truly know I could get that mad! And I go into the bedroom and I’m thinking of all the things I’m going to say to him in private when he walks through that bedroom door! Sid Roth.
AUDIENCE: [Laughter]
MARY: And Holy Spirit says to me, “Take out your sword and divide your soul and your spirit!”        
MARY: “Do a prophetic act!” So I say, “Okay, Holy Spirit! I take out this sword and I divide my soul and spirit in Jesus name!” I start checking myself. I’m not mad! Ha-ha-ha! Ha-ha! [Laughs] Who knew! Who knew that my spirit is never mad! It’s my soul that’s getting me in trouble!
AUDIENCE: [Laughter]
MARY: I was stunned! I said, “Holy Spirit, what am I supposed to do?” He said, “When Rich walks in here, ask him if he’d like to watch a movie with you.” He said, “And then go, apologize to your daughter.” So Rich walks in. I say, “Would you like to watch a movie?” He goes, “I’d love to!” He didn’t even know I was mad!
AUDIENCE: [Laughter]
MARY: I said well you pick it out. I’ll be right back! And our daughter was staying with us for a few months. She had started a new job in our area so she had a wing of the house. I knock on the door. She doesn’t answer. I open the door. I’m on assignment. I don’t usually do this to my children. And the bathroom door is slightly open and the shower is running. I go, “Excuse me!” I just walk on in! Can’t say I’ve ever done that to any of my children. And she’s like, “Yes?” And I said, “Umm, I just want to apologize if I made that about me.” And she said, “Well you did!” See Holy Spirit knows how what you’re doing is being received when you don’t! And that is why He needs to be your Teacher, your Comforter, your Guide. And you need to know His voice because you do not need to railroad your relationships with your friends and your family and with others! You need to know how to hear Him! So I said, “Well I am so sorry that it made it look like I made it about me! I know this is who God has sent and if you want any help, I’m here.” She said, “Thanks.” I said “bye” and I went and watched a movie. Two days later she eloped!
MARY: We got a text message.
AUDIENCE: [Laughter]
MARY: And in 3 weeks she’s doing a big celebration!
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sidrothtum · 2 years
Our Guest Mary Hasz
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MARY: And so Moses instructed the people “one lamb per house.” And they had to take that lamb and they had to inspect that lamb for 14 days. It had to be without blemish, spot or scar because it was typifying Jesus, the spotless Lamb who was to come! And they examined that lamb for 14 days and then on one night, they drain that blood into a bowl and they took the hyssop and they dip it and they struck the doorposts and they struck the lintel! And God allowed the destroying angel to come into Egypt and that destroying angel could not cross the bloodline! Sid Roth.
MARY: That destroying angel was crossing into every home but it was prevented by the blood of a little lamb! We have the blood of THE Lamb!
MARY: And we paint it over ourselves! Over the doorposts of our heart! When we enter into salvation we enter into covenant! We enter into this new covenant where we are backed by all of heaven! Sid Roth  And in 1st Samuel 17:26 when King David shows up. Sorry, not King David. It was in him already. [Laughing] He was going to be king. When David shows up with the bread and the cheese. His father has sent him to check on his brothers, and out  comes, Goliath of Gath. And he decrees send one of your men and if I win you will be our slaves, but if he kills me we will be your slaves! And David looks around and he can see the fear on all the soldiers in Israel. But David is a worshipper! He is a worshipper! We all are called to be worshippers!
AUDIENCE: Amen!      
MARY: And he has gotten to know the Father and he has gotten to understand the backing when he faced the lion. When he faced the bear. He knows he’s backed by all of heaven and he says some of my most favorite words in the Bible. First Samuel 17:26. “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine to think he can defy the armies of the living God?”
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah!    
MARY: God gave circumcision to Abraham as a sign of covenant! And now we are of circumcision of our heart! But David said, “Who is this uncircumcised Philistine?” Who is this guy, who is not in covenant? He has no backing! David got it! He knew who he belonged to! He knew whose he was! And David ran, RAN at Goliath! There was no fear in David! And when you come into this understanding of being in blood covenant with God Almighty, the banner over your head is painted “No fear!” “No fear!” “No fear!”
AUDIENCE: [Clapping]
MARY: No fear, to cancer! No fear, to leukemia! No fear, to brain tumors! I’m saying right now they are all bowing their knee and disappearing in the name of Jesus!
MARY: There is a banner over you in the spirit realm of “no fear!”
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah!      
MARY: And David picked up those 5 smooth stones and he ran at Goliath and when he released that stone, Holy Spirit got a hold of that stone. And it embedded deep into Goliath’s forehead and he fell. Well, David did not wait around. He drew Goliath’s sword and he killed his enemy! We all face Goliaths! I faced the Goliath of a form of muscular dystrophy that affected my life for years two times! But what I have a hold of now, we’re not going there again!
AUDIENCE: Hallelujah! [Clapping]  
MARY: You are backed by all of heaven! All of heaven! By the Father, by the Son, by Holy Spirit who we have here! By the 7 Spirits of God! By the 4 Living Creatures! By the Seraphim! By the Cherubim! By the Angels! By the Men in White! By the Great Cloud of Witnesses! It is so much bigger! What you have access to is so much greater than we have tapped into! [Laughing] In Isaiah. [Laughing]
AUDIENCE: [Laughing]
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