showtimcs · 3 years
‘𝐬𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐚 𝐛𝐚𝐝 𝐝𝐚𝐲’ 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬.
prompts designed around the concept of a character having a difficult day and another character arriving to help/support/care for them!
“ you look like you could use a hug. ”
“ please tell me you didn’t cancel your plans for me… ”
“ don’t be silly, you’re much more important than some tinder date! ”
“ where’s your jacket? i’d like to show you something, and it’ll involve a bit of walking. ”
“ you know i’m always here for you, don’t you? no matter what. ”
“ hey, now… i’m only ever a phone call away. ”
“ come on. let’s get you to bed. ”
“ i’m listening. ”
“ hey, do you have any spare pajamas? i’m going to sleep on your couch tonight; that way you just need to shout if you need me. ”
“ what are your nightmares about? they may not be so bad if you talk about them. ”
“ another nightmare? ”
“ hey now, no more apologizing. i’m glad you called me; i meant it when i said any time, any place. ”
“ you know you’re never a nuisance nor a burden. not to me. ”
“ i’m helping you, and that’s final. i’m not taking no for an answer. now. where’s your kitchen? i’m making us some comfort food. ”
“ maybe you think it’s your job to look after everyone else. but it’s not supposed to be like that. it works both ways. and now it’s my turn to look after you. okay? ”
“ hey, now. you’ve been helping me ever since we met. it’s about time i started repaying the favor. ”
“ i’m so proud of you. i know it’s hard to get past these rough days, but… i still want you to know that i’m proud of you. “
“ you know, i reckon our bond is definitely strong enough to endure whatever it is that you need to get off your chest. “
“ it’s alright, now… i got you. “
“ you don’t need to worry about scaring me off. i’m not going anywhere. you can try as hard as you want, but there’s nothing you can say that’s going to make me like you any less. “
“ you know, i make the best hot chocolate in the world. seriously, i’ve asked absolutely everyone on the planet. everyone except you… what do you say? wanna make it a global fact? “
“ let’s go smash some stuff until you’re ready to talk, okay? “
[ TEA ]: sender prepares a mug of hot tea for the receiver.
[ BLANKET ]: having found the receiver either sleeping or just lying on the couch, sender gently takes a blanket and drapes it over them.
[ BATH ]: sender runs a hot bath for the receiver after a particularly challenging day.
[ DINNER ]: having learned that the receiver has had a difficult time lately, sender arrives at their door with their favorite dinner and drinks.
[ COOK ]: in an effort to boost the receiver’s spirits, sender arrives with all the ingredients needed to make the receiver’s favorite comfort food, with the well-intended intentions of cooking it for them.
[ FORT ]: sender builds a blanket fort for the receiver following a long and difficult day.
[ HUM ]: sender hums gently under their breath to soothe and comfort a distressed receiver.
[ WIPE ]: after the receiver has stopped crying, sender tenderly leans forward, cups their face in their hands, and wipes their tears away.
[ JOURNEY ]: noticing the receiver has had a particularly rough day, sender invites them to accompany them on a walk or drive to get out of the house.
[ HAIR ]: as the receiver leans against them/lies in bed, sender begins to run their hand through their hair to soothe them until they relax or fall asleep.
[ CARRY ]: sender lifts a (nearly) sleeping receiver and carries them into their bed, tucking them in in the process.
[ GUIDE ]: sender physically guides an exhausted receiver into their bedroom, following weeks of very little sleep and very high amounts of stress.
[ BESIDE ]: receiver wakens from their first genuinely restful sleep in weeks, to find the sender asleep next to them, having been holding the receiver throughout the night to help them fall asleep.
[ BEDSIDE ]: receiver wakens from their first genuinely restful sleep in weeks, to find the sender asleep in an armchair by their bedside, having stayed there for the night in case receiver had a nightmare or needed them in any other way.
[ KISS ]: as a gesture of comfort and affection, sender leans forward to kiss the receiver on the forehead.
[ HAND ]: noticing the receiver is close to tears, or otherwise struggling with an unseen but considerable burden, sender gently takes their hand and holds it in an attempt to comfort and encourage them.
[ RUB ]: sender gently rubs receiver’s back in a soothing motion.
[ TV ]: sitting next to the receiver on the sofa, sender joins them in watching their favorite show/movie on the television.
[ HOLD ]: as soon as the receiver opens the door and realizes the sender is there, sender wordlessly opens their arms out, and gives the receiver a warm, sorely needed hug.
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showtimcs · 3 years
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i don’t work tomorrow, im sick, i’m not feeling good, i’m exhausted, but i refuse sleep.
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showtimcs · 3 years
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was in the mood to draw a smad demon
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showtimcs · 3 years
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It’s been a while yet again! I’ve got really busy with other projects over the last few weeks/month and I’ve hit a bit of a rut but I’m slowly getting out. I think? Anyway, I wanted to update with another drawing of a devilish poltergest.  Enjoy!
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showtimcs · 3 years
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Greaser beej givin' you THOSE eyes? You prolly should run.
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showtimcs · 3 years
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“Is death a problem and not the solution? Unhappy with eternity?”
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showtimcs · 3 years
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“Lydia Deetz terrifying Adults” the musical
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showtimcs · 3 years
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friendship goals 😎
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showtimcs · 3 years
Here I have a REALLY quick sketch of spooky besties...
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showtimcs · 3 years
You know, you could have had it way more easier if you told Lydia your name has to be told 5 times. She couldn't tease you then.
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' I didn't want to lie to her! what kind of business deal is that? besides, if i lie it makes things less fun, or at least that's how i thought until ya know, her complete and utter betrayal later on, but we're ok now. '
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showtimcs · 3 years
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I guess the time has come for me to post one of my pieces for @thestrangeandunusualproject
I’ve had a blast working on this one!
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showtimcs · 3 years
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“We’re not a couple green…bug man. He’s got a girlfriend and I’ve got a boyfriend who doesn’t know that he’s literally my boyfriend so we are both incredibly happy in the separate relationships that we are totally in.”
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‘ .... should i tell her. it’s so clear. i ... uhg! ’ 
he vibrates like physically buzzing, before floating up in the air.
‘ also rude, it’s mister green bug man. ’ he states poking her nose and letting out a snort and a laugh.
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showtimcs · 3 years
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“Gah–we don’t hold hands all the time! Just when necessary!”
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‘ so like... all the time? ’
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showtimcs · 3 years
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She goes silent for exactly nine minutes and twelve seconds. “Nice, but I’m more a fan of the Extreme Meme Music Megamashup two. Way more weeb shit in it, and as a fangirl I can really appreciate it. So how much should I just start spilling about you or should I just…….say your name?”
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“That said, if you have the same ability I’d stay out of my noggin. There’s some things even the most powerful minds in this realm can’t handle. Problem with being in the whole ‘Cosmic Horror’ category. Name’s Zoe, though.”
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                 ‘ heh, no need, i’m not looking to cause... too much trouble tonight. ’
he adjusted himself, gently pulling at his suit before offering a hand.
‘ a pleasure, from one cosmic horror to another, though i’m more a mix aren’t i? and no, i won’t look too deep, i actually tend to just ignore any surface thoughts, unless they’re kinky. ’
he let out a cackle at that.
‘ but you want to know about me or are you going to spill the tea about me for all to hear? i’d rather be kept private in my own traumas less i have a wizard howl esque tantrum. ’
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showtimcs · 3 years
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‘ i donno spots, you two seem pretty hand holdie, i’m team ladynoir all the way. ’
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“Chat Noir and I are a TEAM. Not a couple. He’s with someone and he seems very happy!”
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showtimcs · 3 years
I more meant body wise, but yeah he does hunt my siblings lol. kinda sure he traumatized my sister honestly
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' that uh, doesn't sound good. do you want me to hunt him? '
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showtimcs · 3 years
the grinch lookin ass
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' grinch WISHES he was this hot. '
cackles then lights a cigar.
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