shortfilmblog123 · 2 years
CC Weekly Blog 6
This is the final weekly blog, and the editing process this week has been tight. We’ve been finalising everything in preparation for submission in the Goldfish film festival. With the end being near, it’s gives time to reflect on the creative process. I enjoyed this process and found it fun and easy to work with my group as we made it clear from the get go what we wanted to do. It worked out well because we wanted to make a funny film despite it being a risk, we went through with it and I'm glad we did as the end result was hilarious. 
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The filming process was, at first not the easiest thing, as we all had very different schedules and so did the other actors. We began filming and had a few members late which meant we lost one of our key actors as he had to leave. We debated whether or not to film the scenes without them but realised it would muck up the consistency of the film. Overall we thought we may have to film another day but alas, we found someone last minute to play the role. After that rough start, the rest of the filming was smooth and went really well. My role was the cinematographer, I filmed majority of the scenes and I believe I fulfilled that job effectively, helping the team experiment with different shots and angles. I was also the scriptwriter and provided a basis for the film and took on everyones ideas and input. 
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All in all the final collaborative process was interesting and enjoyable, and although there were struggles and upsets I would do it again and with the same people. Filming short films is a good chance to be creative and I’m hoping to make more during my studies. 
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shortfilmblog123 · 2 years
CC Weekly Blog 5
This week, we watched over our film, putting all the clips onto a shareable one drive, and began editing. We realised we had some flaws but we worked through them and made it work. We also discussed with our sound designer and recorded some music to use for our film. Our sound designer just happens to be a music major with a great talent for the piano, which was a surprise to all of us and we used his skills to make the opening and ending sequence. I'm still unsure whether or not we will use what we recorded, but I'm hopeful nonetheless.
We then brainstormed ideas for our poster, played around with visuals on apps like Pinterest, and simply looked at google images, trying to gather inspiration. We came to a final draft idea and our art director will put those ideas together and present us with a concept next week.
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In terms of progress, we got about halfway through editing and will continue to finish it off and complete our project in the final weeks. We all suggested editing styles and where to make cuts and deleted some of the extra footage we didn't need. Overall, this week my role was, just like everybody else's to edit and make changes, I think I worked productively with the group and made it an effective working environment .
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shortfilmblog123 · 2 years
CC Weekly Blog 4
Filming began this week and we all communicated really well on what was expected of all of us on the day, and what we needed to bring. We agreed to meet at 1 o'clock but we didn't end up filming until 2:30 because some of the group members were unfortunately late. We then faced another challenge as one of our actors, had to leave at 2:30, so we were down a person and we figured we may have had to film another day. Luckily one of our group members came in clutch last minute and found someone to replace them.
We then moved off and found a space to film, and the group members got changed into their costumes and applied makeup. My job in the group was the cinematographer and I filmed the majority of the scenes, which was fun and exciting to experiment with different shots and angles. I think I took on my roll well and listened to everyone's ideas and thoughts and kept them in mind when filming.
We shot in multiple different rooms and some outdoor locations as well, and all group members were productive, and putting in their contributions to make it a full collaborative process. Even the two extra actors we had were helping out and suggesting great ideas, which really benefitted us
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It took about an hour and a half to film and I enjoyed the process and I think my fellow peers did too. Now the hardest part is over, its time to, in the following weeks edit and create the poster.
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shortfilmblog123 · 2 years
CC Weekly Blog 3
 Leading up to the days before our class, my group discovered our only day we were free to film was next week and that our initial plan to film this week would change. I felt nervous, that we would fall behind but after talking with other members of the class, I quickly realised we weren't alone in the delaying of filming.I had finished the script and planned the shots for our film, but wanted to run it by my group first before filming to get there feedback and input so we could create a film we all were proud of. Unexpectedly one of our group members had to leave last minute and so the remaining three discussed in more depth the script and we changed a few ideas and brainstormed together, some ways to end the film. 
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Since our film was shot at school, after advice from our lecturer we decided to walk around the campus and figure out our shots and where they would go, how they would work and what they look like on camera. We did a few practice shots and experimented with different angles. For example we stood on top of chairs and tables to get high angle shots. We also experimented with our lines and how we should say them, reading them out to each other and listening to feedback.
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Part of my job in the filming process was the scriptwriter and cinematographer, I completed the script and I believe it fits our theme and our ideas well and when filming begins next week, I can help shoot our movie. Will keep you updated:)
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shortfilmblog123 · 2 years
CC Blog Week 2
During Week 2 of the collaborative process, I came together with my group and we further discussed, our idea for the movie getting down to the final details preparing to film next week. We faced the challenge of one of our group members unfortunately dropping out, leaving the remaining members to carry more of the workload.We also had another group member missing this week due to illness, which made it hard to be a full cohesive group. We overcame this and decided to push forward and keep brainstorming. Originally we decided to have the group members casually find the dead body, without really having a reason for them to be together. However we then discussed our ideas with our tutor and she suggested, we changed a few things and made the characters come together at some sort of event, thus being a reason there all together. She mentioned the Apple Tv show Afterparty and said to check it out as an example.
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We then went back to the drawing board and thought why not take inspiration from The Breakfast Club, the cult classic 1980′s film directed by John Hughes. Recreating the quintessential group of completely different teenagers who are forced to band together at school, but instead of becoming unlikely friends turn on each other and ‘point fingers’ when they discover a fellow student has been murdered. 
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Filming begins next week and I'm excited to make a fun, and humorous film with my classmates, and see it come to life. 
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shortfilmblog123 · 2 years
CC Blog Week 1
During the Uni break one of my group members suggested a murder mystery spoof theme, with all group members being keen on the idea Week 1 was a seemingly easy process. We had the big idea done and it became about the details, the characters and creating a basic story line, as well as assigning the group roles. We decided to go with the murder mystery idea and the film will be about a group of friends finding a fellow student dead, and the investigation that follows. The genre will be Crime/Murder mystery with sprinkles of humour throughout and the characters include
-The Jock
-The Popular Cheerleader Girl
-The Nerd
-The Group Leader
-Deceased Character
In other words stereotypical ‘high school’ characters.
Our film is inspired by the 2019 movie Knives out which is a murder mystery, with sophisticated humour. 
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My role in the group is the script writer and cinematographer and I’m excited to see how this project turns out. I found that working with my group was fun, easy, and successful.
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