shootball-blog · 9 years
casually slips her hand into his, a quiet smile fluttering upon honeysuckle lips.
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“Oh? Well, look who it is.” He mumbled, smiling as he held onto her hand. Sanada gave a reassuring squeeze, the corner of his eyes crinkling in quiet glee as he gazed down at Gou. Leaning in, he brushed his lips against her cheek and lingered there to appreciate her newfound presence. 
“I kinda missed you, you know?” That was a lie, he missed her a lot. 
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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happy birthday to my favorite fuckboy.
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shootball-blog · 9 years
coaxes his head into her lap, lithe fingers thus threading gently through his hair. u ~ u
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Quietly, he laid his head on her lap and let out a sigh. Softened eyes focused on her, and carefully, he reached up and let his fingers brush against her arm for encouragement. “You’re pretty affectionate, hm?” He started, eyeing her expression, “or maybe I just looked that stressed out.” Shifting his position a little, the pitcher made sure he wasn’t putting too much weight on her. 
“Thanks, I appreciate it.” And without another word, his placid expression shifted to a much more relaxed one. 
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shootball-blog · 9 years
presses a tiny, good luck kiss to his nose. go out there and win the game for me!! ` v `
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“Hey now, are you trying to throw me off my game with that change up?” He teased, his nose scrunching a little at the gentle contact. Tilting his head, Sanada pressed a light kiss to her cheek, and smirked. 
“I got this in the bag.”
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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                 hanakuri – ind. ino yamanaka.
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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If Sanada hadn’t gotten into playing baseball, he would’ve joined the soccer team, or basketball team. He’s incredibly fond of baseball, but as a kid he’d play soccer a lot at home and with his cousins in Puerto Rico. He’d also play basketball with them too, and is a fan of the San Antonio Spurs. He’s pretty good at both sports, however baseball is his number one love in terms of sports. 
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shootball-blog · 9 years
Step One: Don’t Sin
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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Treat me like a pirate and gimme that booty.
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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Quietly eats empanada and wonders what the hell is going on.
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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“ ... What? I know they do serve a purpose and all, but it’s annoying finding five of them on you when you’re trying to have a good time. Plus ... this stuff said it was gonna make sure none got on me, but it was clearly a lie... You’re a pretty smart guy, did you learn that sorta stuff in university, or something?”
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     ❛ ticks actually play a   CRUCIAL  role in the ecological system,        providing nourishment for numerous reptiles and  amphibians,        as well as hosting several micro-organisms while aiding  the        control of their hosts’  populations.    even those at the  lower        end of the food  chain serve their   PURPOSE   and can have        adverse  affects on their superiors. ❜
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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“I found five ticks on me while camping, which makes me wonder why they even exist.”
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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HELLO GUYS, sorry I’ve been so quiet this week - I’ve been getting ready to go on a camping trip for my science course. I’ll be on a hiatus from May 30th to June 11th. I get back from the trip on June 7th, but I’ll be busy putting together a presentation for it! I’ll have no internet access during this trip, and to those who have my phone number, I won’t have the time to text or show anything as I’ll be up to my waist in lake water testing food chains. ANYWAY, I’ll be back soon, and get to replies then! Thanks!
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shootball-blog · 9 years
jxstacomet replied to your post: guess who went to illinois just to go to mitsuwa...
nice butt icon
thank you, i try to find the best for my fuckboy.
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shootball-blog · 9 years
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guess who went to illinois just to go to mitsuwa and got ramen + a matcha parfait and keychains? this trash man right here.
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shootball-blog · 9 years
gives u a wildcard for the ship thing `o`)/ it's all u amy
NICE NICE NICE BAE I’M gonna do Furuya/Haruno. 8′)
Drinks all of the coffee: Haruno. Furuya doesn’t drink coffee even though he probably should to help himself stay up.
Brings up adopting a pet: Furuya … he really wants a pet, but since he can’t get a polar bear he just wants a giant husky and quietly asks about it in his like. uncertain voice bc he doesn’t know if she’d want a dog.
Kills the bugs: Furuya. He’s just so quiet, and precise and if he doesn’t get it the first time, he goes into pursuit mode.
Cooks the meals: Haruno! Furuya helps, but it’s mostly dicing things, or handing her seasonings and timing things. 
Starts getting into holidays way before they should: Haruno! 
Initiates the couple selfies: HARUNO … Furuya doesn’t use social media or really think about selfies, like he has little to no apps on his flip phone, so Haruno does all the cute selfies and probably edits them to have stars and stickers, and adds a polar bear one to it to make him smile.
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries: FURUYA … HE’S SO BAD W/ TIME, but it’s small things, he’d remember her birthday though.
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping: Furuya … but it’s like salty junk food like chips, and shrimp chips.
Nicknames the other: Haruno. Furuya is so bad w/ nicknames and just calls her Haruno, or occasionally Haruno - chan. Haruno calls him cute things, and probably calls him ‘honey’ or ‘hey handsome.’ 
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shootball-blog · 9 years
Drinks all of the coffee: Neither, and while Sanada isn’t a heavy coffee drinker, let alone enjoys it a lot he’d probably have a cup or two on a rough day.  
Brings up adopting a pet: GOU. Sanada is already quietly wanting one, but she’d bring it up before he does and it just goes naturally.
Kills the bugs: Sanada, even though he probably just throws them out.
Cooks the meals: SANADA mostly, but I think they’d cook together as a fun activity, but he does most nights. 
Starts getting into holidays way before they should: Gou! He’d help her out and be the one holding the ladder, handing her tinsel, etc. 
Initiates the couple selfies: GOU. Sanada isn’t entirely huge on selfies, but she’d take cute ones of them and ask her to send them to him.
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries: Neither!
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping: Probably both tbh? Sanada is more savory junk food, and I’d imagine Gou has more sweets, and salty snacks foods.
Nicknames the other: Sanada. He gives them out sooo much, and calls her things like ‘Red,’ ‘Princess,’ ‘La linda,’ etc. 
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shootball-blog · 9 years
daikiyo :-)))))
Drinks all of the coffee: Daichi. (: He needs his morning coffee.
Brings up adopting a pet: DAICHI HE BRINGS UP WANTING A DOG BUT DOES IT V. CASUALLY AND THEN leaves like Humane Society bulletins.
Kills the bugs: Kiyoko, I think she’d just be quicker than him.
Cooks the meals: Daichi.
Starts getting into holidays way before they should: DAICHI, OH MY GOD he gets really pumped for Halloween, and Christmas and just decks out their apartment.
Initiates the couple selfies: Daichi.
Forgets the birthdays and anniversaries: Neither.
Always ends up with too much junk food after grocery shopping: Kiyoko, I see her having quite a sweet tooth and not saying it till check out. 8′)
Nicknames the other: They’re both so lame, they have none BC IT TOOK THEM SO LONG TO EVEN CALL EACH OTHER BY THEIR FIRST NAMES …
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