shompinice2 · 3 years
2) Research background
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area includes Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, Macau Special Administrative Region and Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Zhuhai, Foshan, Huizhou, Dongguan, Zhongshan, Jiangmen, Zhaoqing (hereinafter referred to as the nine Pearl River Delta cities) With a total area of ​​56,000 square kilometers and a total population of approximately 70 million at the end of 2017, it is one of the most open and economically vigorous regions in China, and has an important strategic position in the overall development of the country. The construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is not only a new attempt to promote the formation of a new pattern of comprehensive opening up in the new era, but also a new practice to promote the development of "one country, two systems".
 Since the reform and opening up, especially after the return of Hong Kong and Macao to the motherland, the cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao has been continuously deepened and actualized. The economic strength and regional competitiveness of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area have been significantly enhanced, and the basic conditions for building a world-class bay area and a world-class city cluster have been established. .
 3. The economy, positioning and opportunities of the Greater Bay Area
 A vibrant world-class city cluster. Relying on the advantages of Hong Kong and Macau as a free and open economy and Guangdong as a pioneer in reform and opening up, continue to deepen reforms and expand opening up, take the lead in the country in building a system and mechanism for high-quality economic development, play a leading role in demonstration, and accelerate institutional innovation and advancement First try to build a modern economic system, better integrate into the global market system, build the world's emerging industries, advanced manufacturing and modern service industry bases, and build a world-class city cluster.
 An international scientific and technological innovation center with global influence. Aiming at the frontiers of world technology and industrial development, strengthening the construction of innovation platforms, vigorously developing new technologies, new industries, new business forms, and new models, and accelerating the formation of an economic system with innovation as the main driving force and support; solidly pushing forward comprehensive innovation reform experiments, and giving full play to Guangdong The advantages of Hong Kong and Macao in technological research and development and industrial innovation have broken the bottlenecks and constraints that affect the free flow of innovative elements, further stimulated the vitality of various innovation entities, and built a global technological innovation highland and an important source of emerging industries.
 Huge integrated market
 The vast territory of the Greater Bay Area, rapid economic growth, and interconnected markets provide huge business opportunities for infrastructure and real estate, financial services, capital markets, mergers and acquisitions and investment financing, technology, taxation, and retail. Strengthen cooperation between local governments in areas such as economic system, immigration and taxation policies, environment and transportation, supervision and coordination mechanisms, promote the smooth flow of materials, funds, talents and information, and optimize the regional operating environment.
 Complementary advantages of cities in the region
Cities in the Greater Bay Area have their own advantages and characteristics, and use their respective advantages to create huge and comprehensive business opportunities. Dongguan, Guangzhou and Foshan are important manufacturing bases, Shenzhen has advantages in high-end manufacturing, information technology and technological innovation, and Macau is a global tourism and leisure center. Hong Kong is a world-renowned center for international finance, shipping, trade, asset management and offshore RMB. Its professional services and financial services industries have a large number of diversified talents with international experience.
 Local and international business opportunities
Located in the Pearl River Delta, the Bay Area has great development potential and is expected to drive the economic growth of neighboring provinces such as Fujian, Jiangxi, Hunan, Guangxi, Hainan, Guizhou, and Yunnan. The Bay Area supports the implementation of China's "One Belt One Road" initiative. The Belt and Road Initiative covers more than 70 countries and is the backbone of future global infrastructure investment, trade and economic growth. China's state-owned enterprises-many of which have domestic and international headquarters in the Gulf region-will play a very active role in the Belt and Road Initiative.
 4) Existing cooperation mechanism and its characteristics
There are four main cooperation mechanisms in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area for collaborative innovation:
(1) Method of coordination and cooperation mechanism
Method synergy refers to the value-added effects produced by various innovation entities through the use of diversified synergistic methods. The synergy produced by methods essentially pursues technological synergy, which effectively promotes the spillover, diffusion and application of knowledge, and effectively reduces The innovation cost of enterprises, through the economics of scope and scale of technological innovation, can improve the innovation synergy effect of the entire Greater Bay Area.
(2) Space coordination and cooperation mechanism
Space synergistic effect refers to the added value of innovative elements of innovation within the body between Guangdong, Hong Kong 11 Bay Area cities across the urban space configuration produced. Mainly in three aspects: First, a large Bay Area resource elements or the main innovation between different cities together. The main innovation between different cities large Bay Area through shared synergies arising from the interaction. Second, the internal elements of corporate synergy. Become interactive elements of collaborative links to promote enterprise synergies. Third, the main innovation or resource elements in the Bay Area city together. Synergies between enterprises in different cities in the Bay Area and other large main innovation generated by the collaboration.
(3) Resource element cooperation mechanism
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area resource element cooperation mechanism can be carried out from three dimensions: innovation function elements, innovation main elements and innovation environment elements. First, the innovation function element refers to the element linkage mechanism and function operation mechanism between the innovation entities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. Second, innovation subject elements include macro-level innovation activity actors, which are users and owners of innovation resources; and micro-level innovation subject elements mainly refer to elements that are directly related to technological innovation. Third, innovation and environmental factors. Refers to an innovation environment that promotes and guarantees coordinated operation and stable cooperation between innovative actors.
(4) Cooperation mechanism of innovation entities
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has the basic conditions for building and building a collaborative innovation network. The spatial nodes in the innovation network are the main body of collaborative innovation and also carry the diversified mechanism of collaborative innovation operation. Among them, enterprises are the main body of technological innovation; Universities and research institutes are the main body of knowledge innovation; the government is the main body of system innovation; science and technology intermediary is the link that accelerates the flow of factors and links the main body of innovation.
 5) Challenges of industrial coordination facing the Greater Bay Area
The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is under the framework of "one country, two systems". There are "gene" differences in culture, law, space, and industry. The free flow of elements has not yet been realized in the Bay Area.
(1) The regional distribution of innovation resources is uneven, and the effect of technology diffusion is not obvious
The innovation capabilities of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area are uneven. The uneven distribution of innovation resources has to some extent caused the spatial heterogeneity of innovation capabilities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area. The geographical proximity and unbalanced technological innovation levels and capabilities mean that the technology spillover effect in the Greater Bay Area is relatively weak.
(B) innovation resources input mix similar, serious waste of resources
The low level of connection and collaboration among innovation entities in the Greater Bay Area has caused certain obstacles to the extension of creativity to industries. The unclear division of labor in the cities in the Bay Area has led to serious similarities in the industrial structure of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the coexistence of waste of resources and insufficient supply.
(3) The flow of innovation factors is blocked, and the overall innovation efficiency needs to be improved
The flow of innovative R&D talents to enterprises in the Greater Bay Area lacks motivation and institutional guarantees. There are still large geographical differences in the Greater Bay Area, which makes it difficult for the relatively backward cities in the Greater Bay Area to absorb and gather innovative elements and resources.
(4) The innovation and cooperation system and mechanism of the Greater Bay Area need to be improved
Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao high-level consultation and coordination mechanisms for innovation and cooperation has not been established, innovative cooperation within the Bay Area too few large projects. Cooperation in scientific research institutions and enterprises is relatively weak. Science and technology intermediary service system is still not perfect.
(5) Collaborative innovation network for science and technology services has not yet formed
In the Pearl River Delta, there is still repeated construction and relatively lagging behind, which has a certain impact on the utilization of network service capabilities. Capacity development and technology services in 11 cities in the Bay Area is not balanced, Guangdong, Hong Kong will hinder large Bay Area collaborative innovation process.
 lCooperative development of innovative ideas        
6) Case content
1. Guangzhou Municipal Government, Guangzhou Automobile Group and Tencent signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement to build a "smart city "
2. Borrowing from the international experience: the early establishment of a synergy agency in the San Francisco Bay Area to solve the problem of industrial synergy
3. ? ?
4.? ?
5. Collaborative and innovative development of the biomedical industry in the Yangtze River Delta
 7) Main points
1. Strategic emerging industries become dominant (knowledge-based and innovative jobs are increasing
2. In order to solve the problem of industrial and policy coordination between cities, institutions should be established to undertake the function of inter-city coordination
3. ? ?
4.? ?
5. Under the special background of the new crown epidemic, cooperation in the medical industry should be accelerated, and cross-border medical connections should be deepened
 8) Suggestions
 1. Respond to the general trend of artificial intelligence and establish an AI industry ecosystem
 The technological competitiveness of the Greater Bay Area needs to be caught up
In the early days of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, due to the low level of collaboration and unbalanced level of technological innovation, technological competitiveness was still far from its benchmark San Francisco Bay Area and Tokyo Bay Area. Therefore, we believe that it is necessary for the Greater Bay Area to accelerate the flow and aggregation of technological innovation, and combine its advantages in technological innovation resources to transform it into a member of the global technological innovation center. In addition, by encouraging exchanges and cooperation in technological innovation between Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao, the capacity of cross-border industry collaboration in the Greater Bay Area will be enhanced.
 Give full play to the advantages of each city and jointly build an AI industry ecosystem
On the road to promote regional science and technology investment, artificial intelligence bears the brunt of becoming a symbol of innovation in science and technology investment in the Greater Bay Area. Just in 2017, the Guangzhou Municipal Government and Guangzhou Automobile Group signed a strategic cooperation framework agreement with Tencent respectively, and this is only the first step towards the construction of a smart city in the Greater Bay Area. In addition, the development potential of artificial intelligence in the Greater Bay Area is huge. Major cities such as Shenzhen, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong have the most complete robot industry chain. In addition, there are technology giants like Tencent in Shenzhen that provide long-term technology accumulation for labor. The development of intelligence provides a certain foundation. Therefore, in light of this development trend, we suggest that the Greater Bay Area work with all regions to jointly establish an artificial intelligence industry ecosystem, increase technology-level R&D investment, so as to promote sustainable development and strengthen collaboration among other industries. Among them, Guangzhou has innate resource advantages in the new information industry and intelligent manufacturing industry, coupled with the high proportion of artificial intelligence companies in Shenzhen, and the advantages of Hong Kong's basic scientific research, it can be seen that the Greater Bay Area has the elements of the artificial intelligence industry ecosystem. .
 Accelerated integration of AI and service industry
Therefore, the development of artificial intelligence should be combined with the advantages of the major cities to encourage regions to establish long-term cooperation mechanism, only effective in the closely combine elements of innovation and innovation ability of researchers and enterprises. In addition, with Hong Kong and Macao service industry continues to mature, especially in terms of trade, finance, retail, tourism, and high level of digital, artificial intelligence provides a number of scenes landing; Furthermore, in recent years between the heads the company has been committed to the implementation of the transformation of intelligence services, such as artificial intelligence and big data landing in depth in recent years, the financial industry, which all contribute to the integration of intelligent manufacturing and service sectors to strengthen exchanges and cooperation between Guangdong, Hong Kong Science and Technology.
  2. Establish the Greater Bay Area Development Coordination Agency under the framework of one country, two systems
 ①Public policies can provide guarantee and support for the innovation system
The fragmentation of local government is a common governance problem faced by metropolises. The Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and the San Francisco Bay Area have many similarities in the urban spatial structure. Under the policy advantages of one country, two systems, we believe that more attention should be paid to innovation and development. In the role.
The tax reduction and exemption policies of the San Francisco Bay Area are mainly reflected in the following three aspects: one is to stimulate enterprises to increase their R&D investment, the other is to reduce the tax burden on enterprises and their employees, and the third is to indirectly increase the salary of R&D personnel to attract talents. The San Francisco Bay Area also provides additional tax incentives specifically for technological innovation companies and related employees to help the Bay Area attract high-tech companies and talents.
For the government departments of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, in the R&D stage, it is necessary to start with both capital and legislation, increase R&D investment in key scientific research projects, innovate preferential tax policies, and pass clear intellectual property laws to protect innovative companies’ Benefit.
 ②Transfer talents and technology from higher education institutions
The perfection of the university's talent training system, the diversification of disciplines, and outstanding research capabilities in the San Francisco Bay Area are important sources of innovation in the San Francisco Bay Area. For the higher education institutions in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, on the one hand, they promote the construction of universities at different levels, including research universities, and actively guide the establishment of entrepreneurial courses to cultivate the entrepreneurial thinking of scientific and technological talents. On the other hand, it is necessary to strengthen cooperation with universities in the region, and jointly promote cooperation in some scientific research projects with high-level universities in other regions.
 ③Coordinate the development of urban areas
In the early days, the industries in the cities in the San Francisco Bay Area were highly homogenized and vicious competition. The establishment of the Bay Area Committee sponsored by enterprises in 1945 greatly improved the coordination issues between cities in the Bay Area.
At present, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area also has similar problems. In July 2019, among the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta, housing prices in eight cities except Zhaoqing were all higher than the national average. Shenzhen, which has the highest housing prices, ranks second in the country, with housing prices in Guangzhou, Zhuhai, Dongguan, Foshan, and Zhongshan all in the top 50 in the country. Due to the high prices and other reasons, Guangdong, Hong Kong Bay Area attraction of talent is bound to weaken. At present, the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area has established a construction leading group. With reference to the experience of the San Francisco Bay Area, some semi-official and unofficial joint organizations can be established in addition to official institutions to solve specific issues such as environment, transportation, and housing prices, and promote coordinated development among regions.
  3. Responding to historical opportunities to promote the integration of Hong Kong and Macao talents into the development wave of the Greater Bay Area
Why choose the Greater Bay Area?
  In the more than 20 years since its reunification, Hong Kong has achieved world-renowned development achievements. However, Hong Kong’s local industrial structure is relatively single, asset prices are high, and the market is small. This has led to a decrease in local employment opportunities for Hong Kong youth in recent years. Now many Hong Kong and Macao students have returned from overseas studies. after the township is still looking not to the right positions. The development of the motherland has brought more new opportunities for Hong Kong youths, and the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and even the inland provinces have provided a broad stage for Hong Kong youths to pursue their dreams. Facts have proved that by actively integrating into the overall development of the country, Hong Kong youth, especially relying on the Greater Bay Area, seeking a win-win development model with Mainland talents, has become an important development direction for Hong Kong youth in the future.
  Moreover, the destiny of Hong Kong has always been closely connected with the motherland. Integrating Hong Kong and Macao into the overall development of the country is the proper meaning of "one country, two systems". The implementation of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is a major plan made by the central government based on the overall situation and long-term, and it is also a major decision to maintain the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong and Macau.
 Give full play to the advantages of high-quality locations and policies and systems to promote the integration of young talents from Hong Kong and Macau into the development wave of the Greater Bay Area
  How to give full play to the advantages of the Greater Bay Area has already been pointed out in the "Opinions of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Supporting Shenzhen in Building a Pilot Demonstration Zone of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics". The core is to continuously improve the level of openness to Hong Kong and Macau. Shenzhen-Hong Kong cooperation in scientific and technological innovation to speed up the construction zone.
  The "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan for National Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China and the Outline of Long-Term Goals for 2035" released this year also pointed out that the integration of Hong Kong and Macao into the overall development of the country and the complementary and coordinated development mechanism of the Mainland will be improved. Support the participation of Hong Kong and Macao, assist the country's comprehensive opening up and modern economic system construction, and create a functional platform for the joint construction of the "Belt and Road". Deepen the economic and trade, science and innovation cooperation relationship between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao, and deepen and expand the interconnection of the financial markets between the Mainland and Hong Kong and Macao. Strengthen exchanges and cooperation between the Mainland, Hong Kong and Macao in various fields, and improve policies and measures to facilitate the development and living of Hong Kong and Macao residents in the Mainland. This series of policy measures are of great significance in order to attract more Hong Kong and Macao youths to study, work and live in the Mainland, promote extensive exchanges, comprehensive exchanges and in-depth integration among Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao youths, and enhance their centripetal force to the motherland.
 Responding to historical opportunities to build dreams in the Greater Bay Area
  Young people are the future and hope of the motherland. Without the healthy growth of young people, the country will not have great development. For contemporary Hong Kong youths, the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area is a precious historical opportunity. At present, an average of more than 60,000 Hong Kong youth and students participate in exchange and internship programs in the Mainland organized, funded or coordinated by various departments of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government each year. As of September 2020, Qianhai Shenzhen-Hong Kong Youth Dream Workshop has incubated a total of 446 entrepreneurial teams, including 227 Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and international teams, with a cumulative financing of more than 1.5 billion yuan. In recent years, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has also allocated funds to support the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Youth Entrepreneurship Funding Program” and the “Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area Innovation and Entrepreneurship Base Experience Funding Program” to help Hong Kong youths innovate and start businesses in the Greater Bay Area.
  Each generation of young people has its own historical mission and opportunities. In the future, the central government and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region government will continue to optimize and expand various Hong Kong youth internship, entrepreneurship and exchange programs in the Mainland to provide Hong Kong youth with deeper, broader and more diversified opportunities. Young people in Hong Kong must first understand the historical mission entrusted by the times, maintain an open, inclusive and healthy competition mentality, strive to enhance their own strength, make full use of the vast platform of the Greater Bay Area, and truly find a place to use their abilities, forge ahead in the new era, and build a dream in the Greater Bay Area .
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5. play synergies big medical and health development of the cause of the Bay Area
①Industrial cluster
Since 1991, the State Council has successively approved the establishment of a total of 5 national-level high-tech industrial development zones, most of which involve the biotechnology industry. In recent years, under the dual promotion of policies and the market, the pharmaceutical industry bases, biological parks, and medicine valleys in the Greater Bay Area have also continued to heat up, forming industrial clusters.
Industrial clusters are conducive to technical exchanges and management, are conducive to obtaining government and policy support, and are also the successful experience of mature medical and health parks in foreign countries. Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao have their own strengths in medical and health, and each performs its own duties. They should also comply with the "Planning Outline", strengthen scientific research cooperation, promote biotechnology innovation, and promote the construction of medical and health industry clusters.
② Talent transfer
With its strong economic foundation and open environment, the Greater Bay Area has maintained a net influx of population and talents for a long time. There are two main reasons: On the one hand, the Greater Bay Area has many job opportunities and high wages, especially in Hong Kong and Macau. The level is much higher than that of the Mainland, and it has strong global competitiveness. At the same time, according to Zhaolian recruitment statistics, the average salary of Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Dongguan and Foshan is among the top ten cities in the country; on the other hand, all parts of the Greater Bay Area have launched Talent introduction programs to attract outstanding talents at home and abroad, such as Hong Kong’s "Excellent Talent Entrance Program", etc., through various methods to provide outstanding talents in scientific and technological innovation, academic education, culture and art and other fields with preferential settlement.
 In addition to absorbing talents, there are many colleges and universities in the Greater Bay Area, cultivating and delivering talents to the Greater Bay Area. Hong Kong and Macao high standard of teaching, the education system with international standards, University of Hong Kong, Chinese University of Hong Kong, such as medical homes colleges and universities not only for the local cultivation of talent, but also to attract the best students Mainland and overseas. Among the nine cities in the Pearl River Delta, Guangzhou has the richest educational resources. It has two "985" universities, Sun Yat-sen University and South China University of Technology, as well as medical colleges such as Southern Medical University, which provide talent motivation for the development of the Greater Bay Area.
 ③Capital empowerment
The capital market in the Greater Bay Area is relatively developed, with the characteristics of large volume and frequent financial activities. As one of the world’s three major financial centers, Hong Kong can provide the most convenient investment and financing services; Macau can take advantage of the establishment of the Sino-Portuguese fund headquarters in Macau to undertake financial cooperation services between China and Portuguese-speaking countries; Guangzhou is an international trade center and a comprehensive transportation hub , The economy is diversified; Shenzhen relies on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange to have access to the capital market.
 In addition, the "Planning Outline" clearly states that it will continue to vigorously develop the financial industry and promote the interconnection of financial markets. In addition to the above-mentioned four cities having their respective focuses in the financial field, cities such as Zhuhai are also supported to develop characteristic financial service industries.
 ④Speeding up circulation
Convenient transportation network helps population and industry layout, accelerates the flow and reasonable distribution of resources between cities, and is also the basis for the development of urban agglomerations. At present, the Guangzhou-Shenzhen-Hong Kong Passenger Dedicated Line and the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge in the Greater Bay Area have been successfully put into use, and further transportation construction to cope with the continued population growth is already under planning .
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