shitty-arcana · 4 years
zuko: i wasn’t done talking!
azula: i was done listening.
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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Fall trails
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
Piandao: What’s the most important thing in a duel?
young Zuko: Honor.
Piandao: *hits Zuko’s sword* Not getting killed. Right. On the battlefield, biting, kicking, gouging, it’s all good.
Zuko: I was raised to fight like a gentleman.
Piandao: Were you raised to die young?
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
Katara’s jealousy of Aang in “The Waterbending Scroll” is one of those nuanced characterization moments that showcases one of Katara’s major flaws but also makes her sympathetic, because it shows how hard she’s had to work in her life and how that’s taken a toll on her. She’s always been enthusiastic about helping Aang learn waterbending, and actually takes it on as a duty, her role in helping to restore balance to the world, but when she realizes that Aang is starting to surpass her without much effort, she becomes incredibly frustrated. This leads her to say some really hurtful things.
Katara: [Screaming.] Will you please shut your air hole? Believe it or not your infinite wisdom gets a little old sometimes! Why don’t we just throw the scroll away since you’re so naturally gifted! [Sokka glares at her.] What? [She looks back at Aang, who has tears in his eyes.] Oh my gosh, Aang, I am so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. But you know what, it won’t happen again. [She gives the scroll to Aang.] Here, this is yours. I don’t want to have anything to do with it anymore.
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As soon as she realizes how she’s hurt Aang, she immediately becomes so apologetic that she gives up the scroll which represents both her trying to hold on to a cultural heritage that’s been slowly eroded away over a century, and her own ambition as a waterbender - two things that are interlinked because she’s the last waterbender of her tribe and spent her entire life without anyone to teach her about who she was. Yet despite what she says about not wanting to have anything to do with the scroll, Katara takes it in secret as soon as night falls and continues to practice obsessively with it. She can’t let go of her jealousy even though she knows it isn’t fair or logical.
I think Katara feels the need to sacrifice her own wants and needs both because she feels like it’s her duty and because she is an empathetic person who cares deeply about others, but this also means that she feels deeply when she’s hurt and lashes out when her own emotional needs are not being met. We see it in particular with her conflicted feelings about Zuko and we see it come to a head in “The Southern Raiders,” when she can’t avoid facing her anger and hurt anymore. Obviously there are varying degrees of justification for that anger. Yon Rha deserved her anger and Zuko did as well, although to a lesser degree. When she lashes out at Aang, Aang didn’t do anything to deserve it, but her feelings of frustration and hurt ultimately come from the same place.
Katara has spent much of her life feeling like she’s had to play second fiddle for others. In her first scene we see her complaining to Sokka about how she’s had to do so much work since her mother’s death, and doesn’t feel like Sokka appreciates or understands this.
Katara is a fourteen year old girl who holds herself to extremely high standards, who has had to basically teach herself to fill the various roles she has inherited: mother, sister, waterbender. So to see waterbending come easy to Aang is incredibly frustrating for her. We also see in “The Waterbending Master” how she has to fight for the right to train with a master because of her gender.
“The Southern Raiders” is not just the culmination of Katara’s rage, it’s also the culmination of her arc of reaching her full potential as a waterbender. Katara’s bending was the thing her mother died for, and when Katara confronts Yon Rha, she’s reached the peak of her power and reveals herself to him as the last waterbender of the Southern Water Tribe.
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Katara: She lied to you! She was protecting the last waterbender!
Yon Rha: What? Who?
Katara: Me!
I think confronting Yon Rha was important for her not just because of the idea of getting justice or revenge (which she ultimately decides isn’t worth it), but because she needed to reclaim a part of her heritage that was taken from her.
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
Top 10 atla quotes
“Love is a form of energy and it swirls all around us”
“The greatest illusion in this world is the illusion of separation”
“If you listen hard enough, you can hear every living thing breathing together. You can feel everything growing. We're all living together, even if most folks don't act like it. We all have the same roots and we are all branches of the same tree.”
“Destiny? What would a boy know of destiny? If a fish lives its whole life in this river, does he know the river’s destiny? No! Only that it runs on and on out of his control. He may follow where it flows, but he cannot see the end. He cannot imagine the ocean.”
“We can’t concern ourselves what was; we must act on what is”
“Life happens wherever you go, whether you make it or not”
“There is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you”
“Maybe you should concern yourself less with the tides, who’ve already made up their mind about killing you, and think more about me. Who’s still mulling it over.”
“Don’t flatter yourself, you were never even a player.” 
“No Firelord Ozai, you’re not wearing pants”
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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forbidden trio
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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Racial profiling and institutionalised bigotry, with anthros
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The futility of society’s desire to force everyone to conform to one universal standard of existence, with anthros
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Misogyny in the workplace, toxic workculture, capitalism and the way it forces people to work in jobs they despise in order to feed more money into the 1%, the pressures of romance and how it pushes us to unhealthy compromise, the darker side of idol culture, and the entertainment industry’s tendency to prey on the loneliness of those who struggle socially….. With anthros
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
Differences between couples
Legosi: Hon, am I fat?
Louis, crying: Oh my god, no sweetie, you are so beautiful, but even if you weren’t I would love you anyway, no matter what!
Bill: Hon, am I fat?
Pina: Hon, I know five fat people and you are four of them.
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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aw louis :(
but also aw legosi :)
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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ngl, this is kinda gay
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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Autumn Legosi
[Wallpaper sized, free to download and use]
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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* Beastars Manga Spoilers!*
Very not canon short comic! I wanted to see what might happen if they all met as kids at the same age. I just KNOW things would have been different for Melon if he made friends with our boys.
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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sleepy hug
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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this chapter was fucking insane, have a horny pina, panicking bill and other characters who judge you
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shitty-arcana · 4 years
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"Alternate worlds" 😳💙✨💝💖💛💜💕, different furries, same homosexuality sjjdj More gay furries come out and if they don't come out we make them ohyeah ú // ù ✨
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