shisui-uchiha-rp · 10 hours
«What is there to be bothered about? It's basic human anatomy. It is also a very common thing for lovers to appreciate each other's body and want to display it. Don't we do it to each other so often? I don't see what's so vexing in re-directing a photo that was misplaced. If it happened to me, I would be thankful if Sasuke showed you the suggestive photo I wrongly sent.»
Are you out of your miNd baby??
If I found out Sasuke received one of my dickpicks i would kindly set myself on fire and pass away.
Gods...man @sassykinzonline I'm so sorry. Rest in peace brother.
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 17 hours
Why do I know for a fact that you would do this? XD @kiigan
Just...never bothered by anything
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Aftermath to this one (took me long enough)
Like a good older brother, Itachi made sure the d!ck pic Sasuke accidentally sent to him would be seen by its intended recipient. It was a grim day for the dignity of Sasuke and Naruto and Naruto briefly considered letting Itachi capture him after all.
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 1 day
@naruto-uzumaki-rp for you bro
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 4 days
Don't get bratty Sas, I'm your Sensei for today~
Now then, how much have you learned about chakra control so far?
oi. flicker your body over and teach me that body flicker.
*let's out a sigh*
I'm so sleeping on the couch for this...
*fingersigns and goes on his merry way to seek out little Duck Butt Sasuke*
I hope you didn't skip your warm up Sasuke. Let's make this count~
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 5 days
oi. flicker your body over and teach me that body flicker.
*let's out a sigh*
I'm so sleeping on the couch for this...
*fingersigns and goes on his merry way to seek out little Duck Butt Sasuke*
I hope you didn't skip your warm up Sasuke. Let's make this count~
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 5 days
Tag me when you do~
Unity Clause
Fugaku is taking a long lunch from the Police Force when he feels Shisui's chakra flare off in the distance.
When he arrives at the scene, it's just in time to witness Danzo rip out Shisui's eye and Itachi swoops in to rescue him.
He follows Itachi's shushin (it leaves a thin chakra trail that Itachi's not as experienced at hiding) and comes across Shisui about to step over the ledge while Itachi seems frozen in place in terror/horror.
He quickly shushins over and grabs Shisui before he can do anything drastic then grabs Itachi and uses Hirashin (Minato taught it to him shortly after Itachi was born) to get back to the house quickly.
Mikoto drops a plate and slips into a fighting stance when the sudden chakra appears in her house before she realizes who it is.
She's horrified by the sight before her and quickly snaps to attention, directing Itachi to sneakily get Asami. Quickly!
Fugaku carries Shisui into his room (Shisui has had a room at the man houses since Fugaku and Mikoto realized his parents were... debatable at best) and lays him on the bed.
Fugaku isn't a medic nin, but he does know a bit about medical ninjutsu and tries to gauge the severity of the wounds. Obviously the missing eyes are worst, but he knows that os beyond his limited skills and focuses on the lesser injuries.
Itachi, meanwhile, dodges all the cameras in the compound to arrive at Asami's, who is, thankfully, alone. When he explains what happened, she's out of her chair and grabbing the storage scroll that holds all her medical equipment.
Back at the main house, she quickly assesses the scene and starts barking orders at the clan heads, who hurry to obey recognizing her seniority in this situation.
Everyone seems to forget Itachi, standing mutely in a corner still silently crying and highly traumatized by what happened.
At least until Asami orders someone to retrieve the Aburame clan head because she recognizes the poison in Shisui's system and only they have the antidote.
Itachi is once more ordered to leave and find someone.
Shibi is more shocked to have Fugaku's heir on his doorstep than the news that Danzo poisoned someone with his clan's specialty jutsu.
To avoid suspicion, Shibi henges into a bug and rides back to the Uchiha Compound on Itachi's shoulders.
He administers the antidote while Asami works on Shisui's eyes (Itachi having given back the other one somewhere in the chaos) and Fugaku heals the lesser injuries.
Given the situation, Asami decides to induce a coma for a few days to let his body recover and adjust to having his eye back/get the poison fully removed.
Shibi insists on knowing what happened, which now that he mentions it, no one is really sure what happened. All eyes suddenly fall on the visibly shaken Itachi.
For once, Fugaku takes pity on his eldest and uses the Sharingan to retrieve the memory of events.
Itachi falls to his knees in tears as he recount his newest nightmare for his father then has to listen to Fugaku recount the incident to Shibi, Mikoto, and Asami.
(Someone give this poor 11 year old a hug. Please.)
Shock and horror abounds. "What do you mean Danzo stole a kekki genkai?" The Uchihas are less shocked (there's been rumors about Danzo and Kagami for years), but no less horrified.
"Actually, this... this might actually work to our advantage," Fugaku says after the explanations are finished. He explains the Unity Clause (essentially a law written in by Hashirama and Madara that if 3 clan heads (or two if they happened to be the Uchiha and Senju) were ever in agreement that the hokage wasn't doing a good job, they could force a new election).
"If you'll agree that this is a horrifying oversight on Hiruzen's part, we just need to find one more clan head."
I have gotten very attached to the hc of Inoichi being Shisui's genin sensei. Someone points this out and recommends Inoichi for the third.
Fugaku is inclined to agree and sends word via his summons this time (he's finally realized Itachi probably should be resting and not running around the village while in shock).
Inoichi arrives, gets filled in, and immediately agrees to helps. He may have only started training Shisui as a favor to Fugaku, but he's grown to care about the boy. Plus, Inoichi has his own reasons for hating Danzo/disapproving of Hiruzen
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 5 days
If only...if only
Mod// I love this mini story🧡🧡
The first time Mikoto noticed anything amiss, it was in the bright eyed way Itachi described his new friend, Shisui. Shisui was four years older and already a genin (which she knew meant he'd already seen the horrors of the war). She considers briefly that he was simply an imaginary friend, but Itachi had never had any before and she recognizes that name as the current Uchiha prodigy.
Well, crap.
At least Itachi wouldn't be alone and isolated the way she had been.
When she finally meets Shisui, her opinion stays the same. He's a polite boy with eyes far too knowledgeable for a mere nine year old. Her investigation had revealed that he'd not only seen the war, but fought in it, losing his entire genin team in the process. He was later taken on by Inoichi Yamanaka, and remained with him to this day.
She knows, the moment she sees Itachi look at him with those big doe eyes he'd inherited from her, that one day, she'll be fighting tooth and nail to allow him to marry the boy he so obviously loves.
A few months later, a girl stops by asking about Itachi. They're classmates in the Academy, and she was hoping to do their homework together. Watching them work together, she has a brief moment of hope that he's different. Unlike her, he won't know a life of sneaking around, stealing kisses in back alleys to avoid people's judgment. However, she doesn't see the same light she does when he talks about Shisui, and she resigns herself to her fate.
Itachi would not be forced into a marriage against his will the way she had been. Not as long as she was alive to stop it.
(Not that she hadn't come to love Fugaku in her own way, but she'd never love him the way she'd loved Kushina once. A long time ago.)
As Itachi ages, she realizes she's right. The light he held when talking about his new friend never dims, and in fact grows stronger and stronger. All she has to do is mention his name, and Itachi will perk up no matter how rough a time he's having. No matter how distracted he is.
She knows he loves Shisui just as much, if not more than, she'd love Kushina, and it hurts her heart to think about the trials he'll face because of it.
When he's fourteen, Itach sits her and Fugaku down at the kitchen table, Sasuke away at the Academy. He seems unusually anxious, and she suspects she knows what this is about. Has been waiting for his day since he was four years old.
"Mother, Father. I-" He starts, hesitating. He glances at them both anxiously before ducking his head so his bangs cover his eyes. She glances at Fugaku, who she suspects also knows what he's trying to say. Itachi swallows. "I'm... gay. I-I don't like girls. Not... not that way."
She smiles warmly at him, considers telling him she's the same but doesn't want to take way from his moment. "That's okay. It doesn't change anything."
Beside her, Fugaku nods. "We still love and support you."
Itachi's shoulders sag in relief as he processes what they've just said. "Thank you." If his eyes look glossier than usual, she pretends not to notice. If her own feel the same, well, hopefully he'd extend the same courtesy.
Four years later on Itachi's eighteenth birthday, she throws the same elaborate clan wide party she always throws despite knowing how much he hates it. It's too loud with too many people, and it overwhelms him, but the elders insist on it. Just like every year, Itachi insists on making himself scarce during it.
This year, Sasuke's genin teammates are here, and she's distracted by all the chaos Naruto brings with him. Just like Kushina all those years ago. The thought warms her heart.
The crash that sounds from her living room a few seconds does not.
A few hours later, even she's overwhelmed with the amount of ass kissing she's had to do among the elders. She steps out onto the backporch, breathing in the warm June air. It wasn't unbearably hot this time of night, and the cool air feels pleasant against her flushed skin.
"-go somewhere else?" She hears Shisui's voice, softer than usual. A short pause later, she hears, "You sure? We can sneak off off to my place. No one will be none the wiser." There's a touch of annoyance in his voice, and she can't blame him. For something that was supposed to be celebrating Itachi's continued existence, the guests aren't paying much attention to him.
"I know," she hears Itachi reply, just as soft. "But this technically my party. I don't want Mother to feel bad if she notices our absence."
She peeks around the corner and finds the boys entwined on the porch, Itachi's head against Shisui's shoulder. Their fingers resting together between them. She considers coming out of hiding and telling them to go, that she'd distract anyone looking for them, but she finds herself rooted in place, feeling like she wasn't meant to be hearing this. Seeing this.
Shisui hums, tilting his head to press a kiss against Itachi's head. She leaves then, not listening to anymore of their conversation.
Now that Itachi is of legal age, she suspects it won't be long before Itachi announces their relationship. After all, despite the Mangekyo, Shisui wasn't blind yet, and Itachi was a very attractive young man. They're already close, so it feels like it's just a matter of time.
Four months later, she's seated across the table with Fugaku yet again, though this time Shisui is with them and looking anxious as all hell while Itachi stares more defiantly. Mother, Father," Itachi starts again, just like that day four years ago. "Shisui and I are dating." If Shisui scoots away from Fugaku, she pretends not to notice.
Beside her, Fugaku blinks. "Well, it's about time you told us," she says before he can interject.
Both give her an incredulous look. "What?"
"How long has it been?" She asks, directing her gaze at Shisui.
"Uh," he looks at Itachi, who simply smiles reassuringly. "Three months?" He tenses, prepared for her or Fugaku to blow up at him for dating their precious son.
"Well, congradulations," Fugaku finally says.
She suspects Shisui would look less surprised if someone told him the Nidamine had been resurrected and wanted to take him on as an apprentice.
As the boys leave, she takes a sip of her tea. "How long have you known?" Fugaku asks once they're out of hearing range.
Mikoto smiles. "I don't know what you're talking about." At his unimpressed looks, she rolls her eyes. "Fourteen years. How did you not notice?"
While he struggles to reply, she thinks about how to broach this subject with the clan elders. She refused to have Itachi forcibly wed to someone he didn't love, but how was she going to win that fight?
Three years, a war, and too many close calls later, Mikoto puts the same hairpin she'd worn on her own wedding day in Itachi's hair. It'd been a long, painful three years, full of hardship and suffering, but it was worth it.
She puts her hands on his shoulder and lean in to press a kiss against his cheek. "Are you ready?"
He looks up at her and beams. Genuinely beams. It was a look she never thought she'd see again on him after Shisui was nearly killed on a mission. "I've never been more ready."
She smiles warmly. She'd known this day was coming for decades now, yet she still feels tears in her eyes as Itachi and Shisui recite their vows together. Beside her, Fugaku's eyes look just as watery. She doesn't think she's ever been more proud of her baby boy.
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 6 days
Mod// I love this
My heart needs them to have a happy end so I have honestly inhaled this.
I need more!!!
Unity Clause
Fugaku is taking a long lunch from the Police Force when he feels Shisui's chakra flare off in the distance.
When he arrives at the scene, it's just in time to witness Danzo rip out Shisui's eye and Itachi swoops in to rescue him.
He follows Itachi's shushin (it leaves a thin chakra trail that Itachi's not as experienced at hiding) and comes across Shisui about to step over the ledge while Itachi seems frozen in place in terror/horror.
He quickly shushins over and grabs Shisui before he can do anything drastic then grabs Itachi and uses Hirashin (Minato taught it to him shortly after Itachi was born) to get back to the house quickly.
Mikoto drops a plate and slips into a fighting stance when the sudden chakra appears in her house before she realizes who it is.
She's horrified by the sight before her and quickly snaps to attention, directing Itachi to sneakily get Asami. Quickly!
Fugaku carries Shisui into his room (Shisui has had a room at the man houses since Fugaku and Mikoto realized his parents were... debatable at best) and lays him on the bed.
Fugaku isn't a medic nin, but he does know a bit about medical ninjutsu and tries to gauge the severity of the wounds. Obviously the missing eyes are worst, but he knows that os beyond his limited skills and focuses on the lesser injuries.
Itachi, meanwhile, dodges all the cameras in the compound to arrive at Asami's, who is, thankfully, alone. When he explains what happened, she's out of her chair and grabbing the storage scroll that holds all her medical equipment.
Back at the main house, she quickly assesses the scene and starts barking orders at the clan heads, who hurry to obey recognizing her seniority in this situation.
Everyone seems to forget Itachi, standing mutely in a corner still silently crying and highly traumatized by what happened.
At least until Asami orders someone to retrieve the Aburame clan head because she recognizes the poison in Shisui's system and only they have the antidote.
Itachi is once more ordered to leave and find someone.
Shibi is more shocked to have Fugaku's heir on his doorstep than the news that Danzo poisoned someone with his clan's specialty jutsu.
To avoid suspicion, Shibi henges into a bug and rides back to the Uchiha Compound on Itachi's shoulders.
He administers the antidote while Asami works on Shisui's eyes (Itachi having given back the other one somewhere in the chaos) and Fugaku heals the lesser injuries.
Given the situation, Asami decides to induce a coma for a few days to let his body recover and adjust to having his eye back/get the poison fully removed.
Shibi insists on knowing what happened, which now that he mentions it, no one is really sure what happened. All eyes suddenly fall on the visibly shaken Itachi.
For once, Fugaku takes pity on his eldest and uses the Sharingan to retrieve the memory of events.
Itachi falls to his knees in tears as he recount his newest nightmare for his father then has to listen to Fugaku recount the incident to Shibi, Mikoto, and Asami.
(Someone give this poor 11 year old a hug. Please.)
Shock and horror abounds. "What do you mean Danzo stole a kekki genkai?" The Uchihas are less shocked (there's been rumors about Danzo and Kagami for years), but no less horrified.
"Actually, this... this might actually work to our advantage," Fugaku says after the explanations are finished. He explains the Unity Clause (essentially a law written in by Hashirama and Madara that if 3 clan heads (or two if they happened to be the Uchiha and Senju) were ever in agreement that the hokage wasn't doing a good job, they could force a new election).
"If you'll agree that this is a horrifying oversight on Hiruzen's part, we just need to find one more clan head."
I have gotten very attached to the hc of Inoichi being Shisui's genin sensei. Someone points this out and recommends Inoichi for the third.
Fugaku is inclined to agree and sends word via his summons this time (he's finally realized Itachi probably should be resting and not running around the village while in shock).
Inoichi arrives, gets filled in, and immediately agrees to helps. He may have only started training Shisui as a favor to Fugaku, but he's grown to care about the boy. Plus, Inoichi has his own reasons for hating Danzo/disapproving of Hiruzen
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 8 days
A smug grin spread on Shisui's face. He could tell the younger one desperately wanted to make sense of the situation. He'd probably prefer a step by step guide how to do kissing properly, but he wasn't going to get it. No, he wasn't going to indulge this bad habit of his.
"Forget it, Tachi, I'm not telling~"
There was a cheeky flicker in his eyes, as he was very much amused by Itachi's irritation. "You're gonna have to figure it out by yourself I'm afraid", he teased. Though deep down he did hope that one day he would stop feeling the need to please anyone. Least of all him.
How was he going to help him realise this? It was Itachi's lesson to learn, but he couldn't just watch him hurt himself everytime. He was afraid he'd begin to feel obligated to please him. He seemed to instinctively already have started doing so. Basing his self worth upon the fact wether he succeeded to please him or not. And Shisui didn't know what to do about it. He wasn't going to blatantly reject him for it, neither did he want to accidentally coerce him into things.
He perked up, when Itachi's voice carressed his ears once again. As the realization of his words wandered through his brain, Itachi had already began inching closer. Shisui's brain almost short-circuited as he felt Itachis thighs press against his own, with his taut legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
His breath hitched as he stared into Itachi's eyes, trying not to lose his mind, only to see pure, unaltered innocence in his face. He wasn't doing this on purpose. He merely liked the feeling of it, seeking it like a cat seeked the warm rays of the sun.
But that didn't bloody help! Shisui bit down onto his own tongue, trying to suppress the way his blood was rushing south at an alarming rate. He tried to focus on something else, anything else, other than the delicious pressure Itachi was inflicting on his- dammit. He needed to stop. He needed-
He swallowed thickly at Itachi's request. He shouldn't do it. He really really shouldn't. But gods the way Itachi looked at him right now. He may have faced the wrath of the seven Shinobi nations in that moment had he asked. There was nothing in his smitten soul that could resist him.
And so he obliged, pressing his lips to his with burning fervor. The taste of him almost overwhelmed him, as he gently tugged on Itachi's bottom lip with his own, drowning a low groan in his mouth, before tilting his head, deepening it even further.
«Had you asked me before, you would have also listened to it sooner.»
ㅤBack to cheeky teasing, already? Absolutely, but also still speaking nothing if not the truth. Smiling fondly at the next words, probably worthy of being featured in one of those lewd novels Kakashi was so smitten with [but, somehow, when Shisui said them they worked], Itachi brought his hands to cup his friend's cheeks for a moment. «You also did not define the 'flutters' and you keep evading my questions. How do I know if I'm acting correctly?»
ㅤBack to stubbornness, just as well, but it felt important to him. What if he accidentally did something that Shisui did not enjoy? Speaking of which- «I also don't know what you like. What should I do to please you?» And he was this close to ask his friend to write an actual list, for later proper study, and didn't do it only because then he would have to reciprocate and Itachi had no idea what he enjoyed, himself. Never something he'd found necessary to consider, before. Maybe start from the start?
ㅤ«I enjoyed the kiss, the first one. And I enjoy this physical proximity, though this is no proper way to sit-» His parents would be appalled at the lack of decorum, and would also be appalled about a lot more things that were currently unfolding. So Itachi simply pushed that thought out of consideration for the time being. «-and it limits my own movements.» Which he emphasized by wiggling in place, pretty much, what with literally sitting in between Shisui's thighs and now also having that strong arm laced around him. «However, I enjoy your arm where it is. It makes me feel safe and cared for, and gives me a sense of warmth here-» cue a hand moving down to rest on his own navel, «-that I don't know how to properly express. It's soothing but, at the same time, makes me urge to move closer to you. Even closer than we are right now.»
ㅤAgain, to exemplify, he inched closer and tightened the hold of his legs around Shisui's waist, at the same time bringing his arms to cling around the older's one neck. And he very slowly arched his back, rolling his hips forward till the two bodies were now pressed together. Which... felt incredibly right. Like it was meant to be that way. Finding Shisui's gaze again, he exhaled a quiet little sigh of contentment; cheeks burning and dark eyes glistening with a whirlwind of intense emotions. «Can we kiss again, like this? You said you shouldn't have, quote-unquote, waltzed in the way you did and that you should have given me a proper kiss, instead. Give me a proper one now, please. I want to know what it's like.»
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 9 days
This -_-
"are you okay?" no I got way too attached to a fictional character and now they're dead
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 9 days
«If you could not teach my brother things that can potentially kill him, that would be amazing. Please and thank you.» And, yes, there is an intense stare that may or may not suggest that Shisui will either sleep in bed or on the couch tonight, depending on his life choices. Choose wisely.
*feels a singular bead of sweat run down his temple*
Now now- it's not going to hurt him-
*He lifted his hands in an attempt to diffuse the situation, smiling awkwardly*
I'm going to make sure he doesn't hurt himself. You know me, I wouldn't let anything happen to him.
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 9 days
Shisui grinned. Of course he had to overanalyse it again. Such a stubborn little Weasel. Sometimes he wanted to take his head in both hands and shake it until his braincells fell out, so he'd stop overthinking everything.
He was however caught off guard by his next comment, before he could do so. Itachi liked his face. And his body. A part of him was screaming within his head, an other part was smug about it without end. He gave in to neither of these tendencies, though he was glad to know that vital piece of information.
He'd caught himself more than once looking at his 'friend' in a much less than appropriate way. He had never acted on it of course, but there were just some things that got him every time and that strained his restraint whenever he faced them.
Itachi's soft, oblivious noises he made when stretching was one of these things. Him shifting in his sleep and for some reason planting his ass percisely against Shisui's thighs was another thing. And then there was the way he panted after excessive rounds of sparring, that had Shisui think of many other ways he wanted to make him elicit that same sound.
He smiled at Itachi's honest confession, his words causing his heart to flutter beyond comprehension. Hearing this, after months of yearning and denying himself his feelings, it felt like a breath of air after almost drowning. Like someone had finally removed the thorn that was aching in his heart. And combined with knowing Itachi liked his body, the burning within him grew.
He pulled him into another embrace, one arm tightly wrapped around his slender waist, while the other ran through his silken hair.
"You have no idea how much I've been longing to hear this", he whispered, before pressing a kiss to his shoulder.
"You're my oxygen...my home...my solace."
He squeezed him.
"My everything"
ㅤ«Define 'flutters'. That is a rather vague term. Increase in heart rate? Increase in body temperature and flushes? Clenching in the stomach? Difficulty to focus and remain settled down? Inability to hold a coherent line of thought?»
ㅤBecause he was definitely feeling all of those, and then some. And... it oddly sounded like the prelude of a panic attack, when described like that, which Itachi found to be both horrifying and amusing. He did listen, though, and he did pay attention and tried to absorb it as much as possible. Shisui was the expert when it came to such matters, after all. There was one particular thing he had to comment on, however.
ㅤ«You shouldn't need to hide anything from me. I very much like your face the way it is. And your body.»
ㅤWas that an awkward thing to say after sharing a kiss? It felt important to him, nonetheless; never would he want Shisui to feel insecure about his looks, of all things. About anything, really. As the topic changed, though, so did Itachi's expression; a frown creasing his elegant brows ever so slightly, though the smile remained on his lips.
ㅤ«I've always considered myself to be one of the most unpleasant persons in the village, and here you are calling me a people-pleaser. How humbling.» Said matter-of-factly and without any judgment. Still holding Shisui's hand, he glanced down at it for a moment, playing with the fingers; gently feeling the knuckles, the nails, the texture of the skin on the different spots. «There are expectations to be met, and duties to be done. If not by me, then it would have to be by somebody else.» Sasuke immediately coming to mind. And wasn't that what being a shinobi was about, anyway? Operate from the shadows, remain nameless, be selfless, self-sacrifice for the greater good. Be a tool to be used, all in all. Maybe it had just never occurred to him that shinobi were also people, and that there might be a line to distinguish one role from the other.
ㅤLooking up again, he tilted his head. «I care a lot about you, as well. You are one of the most important persons to me and I can't imagine my life without you in it. Nor will I ever allow anybody to come between us.» Something he'd be acting upon for years, now. Even if he kept it at civil levels, it was no secret that Fugaku wasn't exactly fond of Shisui's ways; at least once a week, Itachi would hear comments about how that troublesome boy was not a good influence and ought to be kept at arm's length. The one time Itachi completely and royally ignored his father's opinion, because it made no sense to him and heck if he was ever going to give up on Shisui. Not even by the Hokage's decree. Laughing quietly, he glanced down again, this time pulling his hands away to fidget with his own fingers.
ㅤ«I'm sorry if this is nothing of what you expected, though. Unlike you, I don't know how to be suave. However, for all it's worth, my feelings are genuine.»
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 10 days
A Quick Step Justu for you and a Weasel for me ~
I'll see you tomorrow at eight
I say this unironically: if Sasuke doesn't like you, you are not allowed to date Itachi. you are not allowed to date Itachi even if Sasuke likes you I'm pretty sure
On the other hand, if you are dating Sasuke, you get to hear from Itachi about all the embarrassing baby stories. Including the plushie dinosaur.
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 11 days
Save a horse
Ride an Uchiha
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 11 days
You're right, Itachi is pretty cool, isn't he?
But you know... *grins* I defeated him the other day, I think I may be turning cooler than him~
I say this unironically: if Sasuke doesn't like you, you are not allowed to date Itachi. you are not allowed to date Itachi even if Sasuke likes you I'm pretty sure
On the other hand, if you are dating Sasuke, you get to hear from Itachi about all the embarrassing baby stories. Including the plushie dinosaur.
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 11 days
Shisui closed his eyes and sighed softly, a small smile playing on his lips.
"You improve it by...doing what feels good to you. If it gives you the flutters it's usually a good thing", he tried to explain to his friend - if he could even still call him that, but what else would he call him? He did want to help him out a little, guessing that it all must feel more than overwhelming and confusing to the innocent Weasel. "It's much more about...expressing what it is you're feeling and relishing it, other than sharpening a skill."
He felt a pang of guilt within his chest. Was it right what he was doing? Itachi seemed to return his feelings (even though he still couldn't believe it it himself, surely it would hit him somewhen later that day), but how could he be sure that it was not just his anxiety speaking? That he instinctively wanted to cling to the most comforting person he knew? How could he be sure he wasn't doing this, because he was afraid of losing him, if he didn't? It wasn't that far fetched of an idea, either. That was pretty much how Itachi operated; always analysing and optimising, trying to break things down to understand them logically and people pleasing left and right.
His comment still made him chuckle though, delaying the answer to his pressing inner questions.
"A very handsome vegetable, though", he teased. "I might even start liking them if you were to be part of the selection~"
He was beginning to enjoy this lighthearted banter. It seemed that now finally, as his head wasn't constantly spinning with wether Itachi liked him back or not, he could at last dig out his decaying charisma, that ran away screaming whenever the Weasel did as much as giggle.
He listened to him as he spoke, making sure to pay attention as he carefully put together his observations. Shisui's eyes crinkled slightly at the corners as he smiled.
"Don't look too much, else you'll find a pimple or other annoying things I've managed to hide from you." He winked.
He paused, as Itach's next question reached his ears, feeling a bud of nervousness in his chest.
"I was scared", he admitted. He was never one to beat around the bush, especially not with Itachi, whom he trusted blindly. "I was scared you'd be repulsed by me and that I would lose you, if I pushed it too far. Or worse...I'd no longer be able to help you when you need it, for you'd have lost all trust in me."
He ran a hand through his hair, looking to the side.
"You know the clan's traditions and its rules. Their stance on what should and what should not be practised and...you're one to follow rules and other's expectations to a T...so...I'd rather not risk spiting you."
A faint blush dusted his cheeks.
"I care about you, you know. A lot."
ㅤ«...Why? Did I kiss you in the worst way in the history of mankind? Because that's not helpful, you know. How else can I improve?»
ㅤWords that were a mix of true sentiment and unavoidable teasing. Itachi did want to improve and learn how to properly kiss, but, at the same time - he knew what Shisui was hinting at, and he was incredibly grateful for it. More and more, the only moments when he could afford to be himself [whoever himself was, other than the expectations of others] instead of a perfect doll set on a pedestal high up were either when he was with Sasuke or when he was with Shisui. Something he very much appreciated and very much wished to cherish; push the same little voice to the back of his head and try to keep it there, if temporarily.
ㅤ«Also, I don't want to stop using my mind. That would make me a vegetable or, worse, a person lacking in critical thinking.»
ㅤMore stubborn talking back that, in the end, meant nothing in the grand scheme of things; the little cocoon of safety and care and tranquility they were so carefully building for themselves, together. Allowing his hands to be taken, finally relaxing those muscles, Itachi clung back to Shisui's hold and looked back up at him, keeping silent for an instant longer. Drinking in the sight of a face he'd memorized to the smallest detail, that he'd looked at for almost every day of his life in the past decade and a half. And still finding new things to marvel at, such as the sharp lines of Shisui's jaw. His elegant cheekbones. The way in which the unruly curls fell on his forehead. Even the tip of his nose, that was perfect to plant little smooches on.
ㅤ«So curious,» he said, half to himself, «that I've looked at you a million times before, but right now you seem different. And I don't know why or how.» The same way he couldn't explain how his heartbeat refused to calm down, how his cheeks refused to stop burning. «Did you put a genjutsu on me with that first kiss? My brain has never felt this addled, before.» Said with the same awe-struck smile on his lips, though, and even that Itachi couldn't explain; how he presently felt at ease in a way he'd rarely ever experienced before, so content and so soothed. Bringing one of Shisui's hands up, he placed a gentle kiss on that palm.
«And, if you've been wanting to kiss me so terribly, why haven't you done it before?»
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shisui-uchiha-rp · 13 days
*gets down to his level and loosely puts an arm around his shoulders*
What about this: You let me date your brother and in turn I'll teach you my body flicker jutsu~
I say this unironically: if Sasuke doesn't like you, you are not allowed to date Itachi. you are not allowed to date Itachi even if Sasuke likes you I'm pretty sure
On the other hand, if you are dating Sasuke, you get to hear from Itachi about all the embarrassing baby stories. Including the plushie dinosaur.
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