shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
All right, the scenario was cute. A seemingly intimidating guy surrounded by playful kids? It was like something out of a manga. Or at least that’s what she thought. But if the kids weren’t scared by him, then neither should she.
“Ah, no, no– I don’t know Tetsuo-san.” She smiled. “But it’s very sweet that he’s playing with you all!”
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“Oh where are my manners? I’m Hiyori Iki– I just came to pick up some papers is all.”
 -Mnhm! Tetsuo is the best oniichan!
Well now, the kids were making more conversation than him. A show for his absolute lack of social skills. When he heard her self-presentation, Shironuma nodded. She already knew his name because of the kids, so there should be no need for him to repeat it.
 -Hiyori!  -Is Hiyori going to play with us too?
Ah, the kids were starting to get all friendly with her. Not that it was bad in itself, Shironuma worried the girl was in a hurry and found herself unable to leave because of the kids. Patting the head of the two that were more insistent about playing with her, Shironuma shook his head to them. A clear way of telling them to stop. Then he bowed just an inch as if to apologize for the kids.
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
   Ginko followed Tetsuo obediently, trusting the younger man knew where he was going and discreetly checking behind him for the familiar face of the person who’d attempted to kill him (and admiring the trail of blood he was leaving).
   He was mildly surprised by how close his soulmate lived near the place he worked - there was another worry, did the person who’d killed the other person know here he worked? - and how large it was.
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   Still, he followed his soulmate in without a word, dutifully taking off his - blood crusted - shoes and raised his voice when making his greeting.
      “Thank you for allowing me inside your house
Shironuma surely had a question or two in mind, about the identity of the person that had attempted to murder his soulmate, and for whatever had triggered such situation. But he wasn’t in a rush. He knew better than to try to shake answers out of someone in a situation like this.
Shironuma didn’t even stopped in the kitchen, his adoptive mother cooking, only her back visible Some gentle words of welcome and a happy expression at Shironuma’s ‘friend’, the elderly woman didn’t made anymore questions, probably not noticing the blood since she was so focused in her cooking.
The blond continued to walk all the way over to his own room, opening the sliding screen to guide the man inside.
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“Bath?“ he only thought of asking after he had picked some clothes he thought would fit Ginko. Considering all that blood, the white haired might rather wash himself before putting clean clothes after all.
There is hope to be found
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
     “Tetsuo, then.” Ginko said, rolling the name over his tongue, trying to understand the meaning behind being able to call someone by their first name so easily. Did it
 was he still interested in a relationship, despite
   Ginko was interested. In his opinion, they were just a little ahead of the game, and he needed to at least try to cement this relationship with his soulmate, even if it wasn’t necessarily romantic.
   He was slightly surprised by the initiation of physical contact, but also pleased and a bit relieved. Just because it wasn’t expected, their bonding didn’t mean that he didn’t want it. His hand closed over Tetsuo’s, comfortingly.
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     “Ah, yeah, we should
 get away from here.” The subject of his clothes, the blood, reminded that the person who’d done this to him might still be around. A surge of protectiveness arose for his soulmate - just because they could escape death’s door now didn’t mean they should tempt it.
   Quickly, even though his body was urging him to be slow, the scientist stood, taking Tetsuo’s forearms and leading him into a standing position with him, keeping an eye out for anyone else. “Please, lead the way.”
Shironuma nodded, more satisfied with this new way of being called. For someone who was hardly called by his first name -not many acquaintances having that luxury- it didn’t felt odd at all. Rather the opposite if he might say so. Curious. He wondered if it had something to do with the whole soulmate thing or not.
Ginko didn’t pulled back, corresponding the hold in a rather comforting way. He guessed that meant he was willing to work out this whole soulmate deal.
Now, it was only when he heard the other’s words saying they should leave that he realized... it wasn’t normal to be pushed down some stairs with a knife on your gut. Well, at least he hoped it wasn’t normal because then they would have some serious troubles.
Getting up as the other lead him, Shironuma nodded as he picked up his bag, then he proceeded to make his way back home at a slightly faster pace, his hand closed around that of the other the whole time. He didn’t thought of saying anything, but he didn’t felt specially awkward about it. He was the type to enjoy the silence after all.
It didn’t took long for them to reach Shironuma’s house. A traditional house, pretty big at that, surrounded by a wooden wall of sorts, with a big gate at the very center. On the side the name ‘Shironuma’ written down in ink. Pushing the door open, Shironuma walked through the stones that followed through the front garden -a traditional japanese one- and lead to the front door of the house.
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Using his keys, he opened the door and walked in. Finally letting go of his soulmate’s hand, Shironuma took of his shoes before getting up to the hall. On the far back he heard the voice of his mother greeting him.
“I’m back” he replied dully as he closed the door behind Ginko.
There is hope to be found
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
   Ginko blinked because that - that was not what he was expecting. Still, he remained collected, dipping his head in return.
   For one, this guy was way younger than he looked, and pretty attractive as far as strangers went, the scientist would have fun figuring him out, that was for sure
 that is, if he was interested in a relationship.
     “Ginko Maeda, pleased to meet you
. -san?” He decided not to think too much about it, for now, and went on with the introductions. “Nature scientist, twenty-four years of age, just graduated college.”
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   Realizing that his hands were still on the other - on Shironuma’s shoulders, he lowered them so that they rested between their laps, not quite on his own, but not too far from his soulmate.
 you saved my life.” And the wonder returned in full force, nearly choking his thoughts with the experience of falling. He quickly returned his thoughts to the person in front of him. “Thank you. You had no reason to, and I’m forever in your debt.”
The white haired returned the greeting with a bow of his own before starting his own introduction. Shironuma himself didn’t knew how to deal with this situation, so he was glad the other followed the flow without making any strange questions.
Ah, there was quite an age difference. And this guy was already graduated from college? Well, it doesn’t matter. He could make it work... probably. if the other wanted, in any case.
“Tetsuo is fine.” He said. Ginko was older than him and they were soulmates, was there really a need for him to call him by his last name and even add honorifics to it.
To the thank you, Shironuma only lowered his head as if to acknowledge the fact. The problem now was... what to do? Should they start dating so they could know each other? Did this guy even wanted that kind of relationship. Wait more importantly, shouldn’t he try to give this guy a chance to change out of those bloody clothes? Luckily they didn’t seemed too far in height and build so he could probably share his clothes with him.
Eyes lowering themselves a bit, Shironuma tenderly bited down on his own lower lip for a few seconds before letting go. His right hand moving forward, he grasped at Ginko’s, tentatively, ready to let go if the other tried to.
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“Your clothes...” he started. This whole talking thing was hard “If you want... I live close. You can come. And change.”
There is hope to be found
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
   It was pretty confusing, being certain of death one moment and the next moment being laid out on the ground with a warm presence on top of him, a solid force against his lips
   Was that a soul bond, the fluttering between his ribs, or the stab wound healing? Ginko was a bit stunned, but reacted appropriately, his tongue reacting on instinct - even though he had kissed someone before, there was the element of being in pain and this person working to make a soul bond and
   Ginko’s eyes cleared, and even though his skin was still tingling, even though his mind was still trying to tell him he was bleeding, broken on the sidewalk, he sat up, his hands reaching for the shoulders of the person kissing him.
   They had just
 with one action, they might’ve ruined their chances for a proper romance, just to save him. He was a bit overwhelmed. And extremely grateful to be alive. But mostly shocked, and moved - emotionally speaking.
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   Careful not to make a move that spelled ‘rejection’, Ginko lowered his eyelids and pulled back, just enough to get a proper look at the person - at his soulmate. That was a new idea, partially scary, partially wonderous.
He hadn’t really thought much of anything when he moved forward to kiss this person. He just felt like it’d be a shame if he were to die such an unsightly death, so early. After all, he didn’t seemed too much older than himself. He had never been too interested in the romantic options of this... bonding thing.
He felt like whoever was stuck with someone as unemotional and detached person as himself was up to feel frustrated and abandoned. In that sense, it might be better to use the chance to save someone that deserved to live.
He felt hands on his shoulders, the silver-haired man he had just saved sitting up slowly and looking at him. There were no words.
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Either way, they were tied together now. Soulmates.
“Shironuma Tetsuo. High-school student. 16 years old.” he introduced himself with the slightest nod. a little silence “Nice to meet you”
There is hope to be found
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Today was an uneventful day. Classes went like always, and Shironuma left as soon as he had finished his duty as representative of the class like any other day. And like any other day, he took out a novel to read in his way back, steps taking him from the front gate to the metro, through the 6-some stops to his place and then down the road to his house.
Twilight was already turning into night, the distant white from public illumination not being hardly enough for him to continue his reading. He stopped for just a moment in front of a building like any other from the row, and opened his side bag to put the book away. Then he heard it. An ugly cracking sound. Eyes of the color of hazelnut moving up, he was there in time to see a complete stranger cracking his body horribly after a terrifying fall.
He couldn’t asses what was happening... but he could smell the blood.
The grey concrete was soon tainted red. Like a crimson river slipping through the little cracks and tainting the soil. The guy was going to die. Was there any other possible conclusion to this?
There was one.
Maybe he should have give it some more thought, but with a kind-looking man bleeding to death in front of him, he didn’t had the time for that.
So he just left his bag on the side and walked forward. Kneeling on the floor, his pants getting stained with thick, warm blood, Shironuma leaned forward over the dying man.
Lips pressed against lips, Shironuma kept them there until he heard the click and felt the little click of the connection being made. Good. Lips parting slightly, he deepened the kiss a little more. He had heard deep kisses worked good in this situations.
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It tasted of blood. The metal flavor dripping through his lips and spreading through his mouth. This should be working. Hazel eyes still open, he took a glance at the body of the man. The broken limbs seemed to be returning to their rightful place. Good. Closing his eyes, he continued with the kiss for some more, tongue now reaching around the other’s mouth.
After a few moments, and as he noticed the other getting better, Shironuma retreated a bit. Blood tainting his lips.
There is hope to be found
“the one where being next to your soulmate can heal you from things people don’t normally heal from” + complication “the one where soul bonding is actually a choice and someone chooses to bond with someone they may not know or like to save their lives” Soulmate AU
   Ginko had never been one to cater to lady luck. If he saw a black cat he would pet it, allow it to do what it wanted. If there was an open ladder in his way he would just walk under it. He’d been scolded for ignoring elements that encouraged bad luck, apparently one too many times.
   Still, who would’ve thought the fresh-grad science guy would be the one to walk in on the murder. Wasn’t it typically the person’s best friend or future soulmate in the movies?
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   He had a few more moments to consider it before his back hit the middle of the stairway with an ugly cracking noise, and he had barely any time to wince before gravity took him farther down.
   In his mind’s eye, Ginko could still see the first scene of the crime, the crazed look in the killer’s eyes, the slumped form of his first victim, and he wished he could’ve helped. Really. But with no soulmate to be found on his part and a stab wound in his abdomen, what could be expected?
   He hit the bottom stair before he could properly acknowledge what had happened, and all the sudden little stars of pain were deciding to make themselves known to his body, as well as showing up in his vision.
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
But I just thought this is my chance to play canon Shironuma, who has the exact same face, is even less sociable and has 16 years old. Hahaha! Unbelievable right? That face and build for a 16 yo!
Also has special abilities including enhanced speed, strength and sense of smell. Like a big scary silent doggy lol.
But yeah High school first year Shironuma is gonna be a thing
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
She ducked behind the wall, a bit embarrassed and well, intimidated. He was rather tall and burly looking– though the fact that was surrounded by kids, all whom seemed to enjoy his company did pique her interest. In fact, the scenario was rather cute. But there was no way she’d mention that.
Yet, Hiyori couldn’t stay hidden here, not after he’d discover her. So she mustered up her courage and stepped out, a sheepish look on her face.
“Ah, sorry, sorry– I didn’t disturb something did I?”
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The kids were staring at her now, and Hiyori couldn’t help but smile and wave at them. 
The girl promptly hid behind the wall. He couldn’t help it if she had found him somehow scary, but he would very much prefer if that wasn’t the case. He had no intention of scaring her. Or anyone in particular.
He was already walking over to the wall, some kids still hanging from his back and arms when the girl stepped out. Stopping where he was he looked down at her and shook his head from side to side.
   -Tetsuo is playing with us!
   -Do you know him?
   -Are you a friend of Tetsuo?
The kids started to ask, even though Shironuma thought it was obvious the opposite was true. It’d be good if it didn’t troubled her too much.
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Oh right, before I forget. Today is Shironumas BDAY!!!
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HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY COMPLETELY SILENT AND PRACTICALLY ASOCIAL BBY WITH A HEART OF GOLD. *throws coffetti and brings a strawberry cake for his birthday*
I love you and I'm glad to be married (?) with you. Hope you have a great birthday my love if I manage to finish this damn essay early I’ll write a bday drabble for you
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Having sunk to the ground she simply stayed there, a feeling of hopelessness encompassing her. It wasn’t like her, to let something keep her down for long, but she was truly at a loss of what to do now and could not even see the slightest hint of a silver lining in this situation. The notion of being confined to a lonely existence where she could neither touch nor speak to those most dear to her was painful. The young heiress didn’t know how she would stand it, being able to see and hear those around her but not being able to be seen or heard in return.
Kajika supposed she couldn’t remain sitting in the street all night yet she had no idea where she should go. Going home seemed a little bit pointless in her present state and even if she did head home, she had no idea what she should when she got there. Not being able to touch anything was rather inconvenient

After her failed attempt at waving, the russet haired female had ceased paying attention to the people passing her by and was therefore unaware that she was being approached until she heard a familiar male voice calling out to her.
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Immediately her head darted up, silver eyes widened and slowly filling with tears as she saw the concern-filled golden gaze directed at her. Eyes that were looking right at her
 not through her
 not passed her
 right at her.
“Y-You can see me? You can really see me
A sudden jolt of relief travelled through her and she smiled through her tears at Shironuma who was crouched before her. Suddenly her situation was no longer as dire as it had seemed before, despite the fact that nothing else had changed besides the fact that she had found someone who could see her. At present however, one person being able to see her was more than enough.
“Ah thank goodness! I didn’t think that there was anyone who could
Abruptly Kajika cut off and stared silently at her hand, the hand she had unthinkingly reached out to grab Shironuma’s in her excitement only for it to pass right though. Her smile dimmed a little as she looked back at him, her silver orbs reflecting slight disappointment that her inability to touch things remained the same. Curling her hand in a fist, she directed her gaze away so as to avoid seeing how the other would react to what had just transpired.
“I umm
 I forgot
Still, being seen was better than nothing even if she couldn’t touch anybody or anything like she used to.
Burnsworth had always been pretty friendly, kind, and quite earnest, so, even if he personally wouldn’t feel all that affected by passing unnoticed by others, he could understand to a certain point the reason behind her nervousness and even sadness. Being a ghost sounded hard too.
He would like to pat her head to make her feel better, but as his own attempt to make contact a bit ago, the excited movement of the girl ended in a rather awkward ‘passing through’ situation. He couldn’t say it wasn’t surprising to have someone’s arm passing through your shoulder, but besides the visual shock there was really nothing bad about it. he couldn’t feel a thing after all
It must be a much bigger shock for the girl that was now condemned to never have any physical contact with anyone. Such a warm person shouldn’t be stripped away of human contact...
Stoic face all the same, he shook his head in a dismissive way. he didn’t really minded it, so there was no point in acting like he did.
“’s fine” he replied in his usual rough manner, struggling to think of ways to convey his thoughts that didn’t required of physical contact. He would have to talk quite a bit, it would seem.
Now, instead of just talking about trivial stuff, wouldn’t it be better for her if he could find a way of helping? Besides being a confident to this ghost-girl. Lifting his dark book of spells, Shironuma presented it to the girl.
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“It has spells about ghosts. We might figure something out” he suggested, voice just a bit more warm as he was trying to cheer her up.
Ghost of Your Memories
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Kajika had been unsure whether he would accept her invitation at first, his stoic expression not revealing any hint as to what he was thinking. Having met many kinds of people throughout her life, she had come to realise that not everyone was as emotive or expressive as she so the lack of reaction didn’t particularly bother her. In fact, his demeanour reminded her a little of Li Ren to an extent, although unlike her childhood friend whose actions and emotions she could gage on prior experience the stranger was a complete mystery.
It would be interesting to get to know her good samaritan and it would be even better if the opportunity to befriend him arose only
 he had yet to accept her invitation for tea

When at last his acceptance was given, Kajika could feel her expression brighten with joy as she opened the door wider and stepped aside so that he could enter. Upon closing the door behind him, she gestured for him to follow her and began leading him in the direction of the lounge.
“You already know who I am from my student card but I, on the other hand, still don’t know who you are.”
The younger female guessed that the tall stranger had initially not planned on staying any longer than dropping off her card and had considered an introduction unnecessary. It was different now that he had accepted her invitation however

As Kajika lead the way, she wondered if she should make their beverages herself or request a staff member to do it, although the latter option was probably best so that her guest would not be left unattended while she was busy. Upon reaching the lounge, she indicated that her guest take a seat on one of the comfortable looking couches before ensconcing herself in one directly opposite him so that they could converse.
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“Would you prefer to have tea, coffee or something cold?”
Shironuma's surprise to the friendly invitation of the girl was completely unnoticeable as the default stoic gesture of his face didn’t changed, not even by a millimeter. He just blinked slowly, measuring his options before accepting to join: he had been taught by a very kind adoptive mother to not let other people’s kindness go to waste after all.
The girl seemed interested in befriending him, and though he saw it might be hard for her to actually get along with someone as inexpressive and stoic as himself, he did appreciated the intention. He wouldn’t make it harder on her by rejecting her advances, and he wouldn’t blame her either if she decided it was too much of a hassle to deal with him.
Her earnest reply some sparkles in her eyes and a bright smile, he got into the house as soon as she gave him the space to do so, bowing forward once as if to thank her for the invitation.
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"Shironuma... Tetsuo Shirouma. 24 years old. 1,87 cm. Birthday on march 22. Graduate student at Oakville, in geosciences. Currently residing in Oakville Flats.” should he say anymore? He wasn’t exactly sure what was expected of him so he said what he had grasped from the girl’s ID. 
 all the way to the lounge, golden eyes hardly straying to the surroundings as he didn’t wanted to see rude, yet catching enough of the place to know the general organization of rooms and decorations.
He sat down on the couch as she wordlessly suggested and saw her sitting right in front of him, a relaxed stance on her body as she did so.
“Coffee” he replied briefly.
Found it {Kajika & Shironuma}
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Today was another day of visiting the orphanage. Shironuma could never forget the days he had to spend in that institution back in Japan, and it wasn’t because of how happy or fulfilling his life there had been. But rather the opposite.
He was lucky to get the parents he got... but he was also aware of the many that weren’t. And so, he had made a habit of visiting the place. A habit that didn’t stopped when he moved over to Bellevue.
In the months he had spent there, the kids had already grown fond of him, and he enjoyed the times he could spend with them. Today yet again, the kids wanted to hang from his arms because he was ‘oh so strong’, so he complied. With three children hanging from each arm, he twirled a couple of times, giggled resounding all around before his eyes caught on someone looking at them. Slowing down, he finally stopped and put the kids down, golden eyes looking at her curiously.
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He didn’t remembered having seen her around.
The orphanage.
Hiyori had been asked by one of her superiors to stop by the place, to pick up a few papers concerning one of their patients there. She obliged, having only been there once since she came to Bellevue.
The orphanage was relatively large and in good condition too. She was happy that Bellevue took good care of those in need. The world certainly needed it. 
Asking the receptionist for the papers, Hiyori played the waiting the game – it seemed it would take awhile to arrange the paperwork. She walked down towards the hall, glancing at the various pictures hung on the walls until she turned the corner.
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Hiyori noticed a rather large fellow surrounded by a small group of kids, all whom looked eager to have him. It’d be rude to just waltz right in there so Hiyori hid around the corner, head peering out of the corner as she watched the scene unfold.
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Hinata watched him as best as she could, but her eyelids felt heavy and warm. At the same time they were too warm to close them. Goodness she should have been eating better this entire time. Why didn’t she do that? Now she’s causing trouble for her neighbor. Despite him telling her not to worry, she still frowned at her own disability to take care of herself. 
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“I’m so sorry about this Tetsuo.” She mumbled, still pouting at herself. His warm hand on her head made her a bit self conscious, worried that her hair was in complete disarray. 
“Tea would be great.” She nodded almost sleepily. That’s all she wanted to do was sleep if not for her head either deciding to spin so fast she couldn’t continue to lay down, or if her whole body would stop feeling hot and itchy. 
“I will make it up to you.”
Of course he was worried about his neighbor feeling unwell. He knew how much of a hard-worker and kind soul she was, and it was worrying to see she paid more attention to others than to herself. If he had known she wasn’t taking proper care of her meals and chores he would have suggested to help -well, now that he was aware of the situation he would care for her. Maybe leave her some healthy meals for her to eat when she came back.
She apologized too much. He wouldn’t do this if he didn’t wanted to. He patted her head some more and then held her shoulder warmly before taking her to the closest chair.
“No need” he replied again, turning his back on her as he walked over to the kitchen. He put the teapot on it and then proceeded to make the porridge. After a few minutes the water had boiled, so, reaching for the tea box inside her drawers, he made some. lowering the heat on the food, he served a cup of tea for the girl and placed it over the table.
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“Mind if I clean around?” he asked. It seemed like she was in the middle of making chores, so he could at least try and help with that.
Down with the sick
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Shironuma might be unaware of the situation that had brought the girl in front of him to make such a sour expression, but he didn’t found any blame in her for it. The fact that he had showed up at her place uninvited was surely enough reason for anyone to distrust him. And there were still many other reasons that strong frown could be related to. She might naturally be cold and aloof like himself, or she might be having a bad day. He had no reason to question any of that, and so, he didn’t really felt offended or attacked by it.
The particular violet eyes of her moved down to inspect the card as soon as he showed it up in her direction. Then, and before he could even think of bracing himself, she leaped forward, wrapping her arms around him in a hug.
This was not something he could have prepared himself for. Stoic face unchanging, he remained there in what could be read as awkward silence. He wasn’t however, bothered by this in the slightest, just wondering if he should return the hug or not. If she hadn’t retreated as fast as she did, he would have patted her back.
The card finally taken by the girl, who seemed more than happy to have it back, he believed his work for the day would be done and over with. Time to take that stroll and walk back home.
A cheerful grin he couldn’t manage to imitate even if he would have wanted to, the girl talked again. She thanked him twice.
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“It’s no problem” his words weren’t the mere formality one would use in such a situation but a strong marked truth. If coming here caused him troubles, he wouldn’t have done it. However, that didn’t meant he wouldn’t accept the kindness of a girl “I’ll kindly accept your invitation”
Found it {Kajika & Shironuma}
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
 so that is what the man had originally meant. The subject of what was unchanging was rather ambiguous. Casually, with a toss of the head, had his hair flow behind his shoulder.
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   “Men who don’t evolve get caught in natural selection.         However, men who wish to evolve too quickly are radicals.             Change should be a gradual thing, else you be named a heretic.”
On the subject of man, the homo sapiens could only survive as a species till now due to their evolution as a species along with their desire to learn more about the world around them. 
Those with too forward thinking often get stoned or ousted by the public. While painful to have to dumb oneself down to blend in with the general masses, it also served as a safety precaution to a considerable degree. If humans were too quick to change, it could be just as quick to spell the doom of the entire species. Slow and careful planning was apt and safe.
The reason for this question could be easily found in the book he was holding in his hands.One of many sociological works he enjoyed to read in his free time. This time it was a rather antique work over indictment procedures and law of punishment. Even though it was from no less than two hundred years ago, there were enough resemblances with the current state of thought in the mass of people who believed themselves to be innovative he felt sick.
Shugarl’s words were the most righteous and accurate response to the question, and as per usual, way better worded than he could ever try to in a spoken conversation. Therefore, he nodded in agreement, a low grunt adding to his sincerity.
His index fiddling with the edge of the book, he gave it a bit more of thought before saying something.
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“Can’t help but find a distasteful amusement in the resemblances of outdated thoughts in modern societies. Two hundred years old stagnant water.” expression cold as always, he took a cigarette of his pocket and placed it on his mouth before noticing the lack of lighter in his clothes. Neck crooked slightly, he turned to the redhead “Have fire?”
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
Komui could feel the eyes of the other upon him as he hastily shifted his pages so that he was no longer taking up the entire table and the other would at least have some space in front of him. He knew that the pages were somewhat jumbled and far from being in any semblance of order yet there was no time to concern himself with such details now as it would have taken too much time to organise them first. It was something he could take care of once the other was seated.
The scientist acknowledged the stranger’s gratitude with a smile, watching in silence as he sat and arranged his own possessions to suit him. He noted with some interested that his new companion also seemed inclined to do work and briefly considered the book that had been removed from the other’s bag. A student or a professor? One could never tell these days as people of all ages signed up to obtain degrees.
His attention was momentarily deflected by the approach of the waitress that his table companion had flagged down and realising that he had almost depleted his coffee supply, quickly downed the last few mouthfuls before requesting a refill.
Out of the corner of his eye, Komui couldn’t help but notice that the other male seemed just as intrigued by what he had been working on as he was of what the other was planning on reading. It made him smile in some amusement at both their investigative attempts at uncovering information when simply initiating a conversation would have proven to be simpler.
Deciding he might as well sate his curiosity, the science just about parted his lips to speak when he hesitated. The other had been quick to delve into his book and he wasn’t certain whether an interruption would be welcome. Then again, he supposed the other could just ignore him if he wasn’t inclined to answer.
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“I see I’m not the only one who tends to work while dining although that looks like rather heavy reading material
The book he now held in his hands was not one that would usually attract the eyes of others. It was the example of a forgotten library book, too old and dusty, yellow pages and cracked cover. Many words and too little of a good edition making them reach the edges and tilt at some points. In fact it seemed to be the work of a typewritter, and then a copy machine. As much as he loved the fancy editions that commercial books usually offered -covers soft to the touch, shiny new paper, silky page-separators and elegant margins- he didn’t disregarded the sometimes unsightly editions of academic papers.
He could oversee aesthetic defect if the information carried was worth it. And this specific book was the very proof of it. A solid and accurate analysis supported by respectable sources and intriguing authors, organized and lined for easy following.
It might not be the easiest read, as it started from the supposition the reader knew most of the therms and understood the sociological statements and treatises of all kind of authors. For someone as studious as Shironuma, the lack of repetitive explanation on topics he already understood was a great help. More than that, the topics greatly picked his interest and fired up the logical and analytic part of his mind.
He was already busy dissecting the paragraph in his head when he heard words directed to him. Golden eyes lifting themselves from the pages, he threw an interested glance at him, expression unchanged.
He had never been all too good reading people’s expressions or intentions, but for the words and rather intense stare, he could guess his companion was interested in his book as much as he had been in the messy papers a bit ago.
Accepting the man was more than right in his observation he nodded once.
“Effective use of time”
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No more words escaped his mouth after that, however, the book was effectively put down on a side and his attention fell completely on the other male. In Shironuma’s perspective this should be more than enough to proof his interest in pursuing this conversation. However, Youji had done more than a good job teaching him the need to play the game of catch and throw that conversations were. And so, he tried to throw a question of his own.
“Professor?” he was almost certain of his supposition. The use of the word work instead of homework and the style of the papers leading for this option rather than that of another graduate student.
Table for two {Komui & Shironuma}
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shironuma-tetsuo-blog · 7 years
When the world stopped spinning so fast, Hinata found herself in her bed and tangled up in her fluffy comforter. Things still seemed fuzzy but slightly better. She wasn’t sure how long she had stayed in bed, but she could hear movement in her kitchen. One minute or ten, she couldn’t let her neighbor shuffle around her kitchen while she layed in bed. 
Rolling off the bed and taking the comforter with her, she shuffled into the kitchen and stood there staring at her guest, her face stuck in a questioning gaze. “What’r you doin?” She mumbled, curling her comforter closer around her. 
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“Can I get you coffee? I made coffee didn’t I? Or did I make tea?” Hinata shuffled along the wall and to the kitchen, finding herself curling into one of her dining chairs when the kitchen tilted again. A small groan escaped her lips and she tilted her head over the back of the chair, her lavender eyes watching her guest. “Maybe not
. I’m sorry.”
Hands moving around the kitchen, he cut and mixed while the rice cooked. The objective to make a traditional rice porridge with onion and ginger, a warm and easy to digest meal taken from his memories of childhood sickness. Even if there was always a distance between his family and himself, they weren’t unkind. Specially in his sickness, they would take extra care of him with little details like that.
In the middle of that, he heard muffled steps and something like clothes being dragged. The knife left aside, he turned around, he stared at the sick brunette in silence. The sight of her, all wrapped in her comforter and completely red by the sickness was nothing short of cute. Like a little animal he ought to protect.
The question of the girl made him throw a glance around in disbelief. He didn’t remembered seeing anything like that in the counter and he had been working quite a bit now.
A little groan and the sound of the chair dragging on the floor and Shironuma changed his attention once more to the girl, who was now curling there. She was definitely not good enough to be sitting here in the cold.
“Do not worry” he retorted with a nod. The rice would still take some time to be cooked and the cutting was already done. It wouldn’t matter much if he left it as it was for a moment. In just a couple of steps he was already before the girl, golden eyes observing her with as much detail as he could.
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“Want tea?” he asked. A proposition of making some if she so desired, his right hand tenderly patting the top of her head. If it were for him, he’d rather have her rest in bed, but something told him she would just stand up again.
Down with the sick
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