shiny-pelmeshka · 19 days
Why do we reread the same books?
There are a lot of books which I haven't read. I'm absolutely sure they're fascinating, but instead read them I'm rereading «Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation». A plot of it I really know clearly 😅
I decided to find out why people prefer to reread something known instead read something new. Here are few facts about this phenomenon.
— It calms the nervous system because we know all plot twists.
— We're sure it woldn't disappointed. There is a guarantee of we'll like this. 0% surprise, 100% confidence.
— This point resonated me more than others 💔💔💔 We feel a nostalgic about time when we read a book the first time. For instance people often reread books which they read in their childhood and felt happily. Rereading helps to remember a state in that time.
«Of course we want to see something new and get new impressions. But for human it's important to feel a connection with where we bacame from. There are certain cultural and personal experiences which we want to go back again and again.»
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shiny-pelmeshka · 27 days
Have you ever reread a book immediately after the first reading?
I have. It was BL Chinese novel «After the Disabled God Of War Became My Concubine». A main character is a teacher of history in a University. He moves in ancient Chinese time. To his surprise he gets in a period that he was exploring long time. He enters in body of younger brother of ruler. This man is unhealthy but incredible attractive. And he doesn't get on with his brother. To humiliate younger brother the ruler makes him to get married. But it's not a usual wending. The main character is forced to get married a man. It's the famous commander of enemy country. He became a prisoner. Now he is crippled and moves in a wheelchair. Because the main character knows history of these times he understands he will be died in few years. He knows his new concubine - Great God of War - can treat his legs and will revenge. He will kill the ruler and his younger brother and take over all country. So the teacher does all to change this part of history and stay alive. He tries to establish relationships with his concubine and show good intentions. And history really changes! You will be surprised if you read it :)
I recommend it so much 💖💖💖
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shiny-pelmeshka · 1 month
The healthcare system in Russia
I was ill in beginning of April. I just caught a cold, but felt really terrible. Today I would like to write about the healthcare system in Russia. I suppose it's better than many other countries.
Firstly all Russians have necessarily an insurance policy. We received it after the birth. We can visit free clinics with it, but it isn't often comfortable. There are a lot of people there and people need to stay in queue long time. If you need to visit a highly specialized specialist like a neurologist or a surgeon you often must wait an appointment for few weeks. However, I haven't visited free clinics lots of years, so I'm not sure about situation now.
Also, there is additional medical insurance. It allows you to visit clinics with paid doctor's appointment. But you don't have to pay it. Insurance company does it. You don't have to wait and visit in clinic takes a little time. If you don't have an additional insurance policy you can visit these clinics too, but you must pay for it. It's not expensive and almost all people can pay it. Usually appointment cost about 1300-1800 RUB (15-20$).
As for me my additional insurance policy is paid by my employer. When I feel a start to be ill I make an appointment with doctor right away. Clinic is near not far from my house, it takes 15 minutes to go there. But when I feel bad I go by taxi. Usually I can make an appointment on the same day, rarely on next day. But I can say medicine is more expensive than visits to the clinic. For treatment of cold I spent more than 5000 RUB (~55$).
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shiny-pelmeshka · 3 months
Impressions after reading a trilogy «Сны Истока» Елены Кондрацкой
This is a story about Miko. She's a smith's daughter. Once her sister was stolen by demon. And Miko goes to demon's world to find her. It's a risky trip because human in the demon's world can be only a servant or food.
The trilogy includes 3 books:
- Сон в тысячу лет - Колыбельная горы Хого - Восход над деревом гингко
Yesterday I finished the third book. Honestly I've been shocked. I'm used to stories where main characters face challenges, but fate always helps them and they handle. Their journey can be exhausting, but at the end characters always win. The most books have a happy end. But it's not about «Сны истока». I wasn't ready to the other. When I was reading I often had vibes of Game of Thrones: there are a lot of glass.
But I have no idea if the expression 'glass' is used when people say about books. In Russia, it means book is tragic, and you feel bad during reading and after that. But also it means book is awesome and it makes you feel something.
Only 18+
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Illustration from tg Ваша Кондрацкая
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shiny-pelmeshka · 3 months
5 facts about me
My name is Irina, I'm Russian. And I want to improve my English skills, so I created this blog. I will write here short notes about my life or my opinion about smth.
Let me introduce myself. This is 5 facts about me.
— I'm from Russia, Yekaterinburg.
I've lived here since 2012. In 2012 I moved in Yekaterinburg from Perm to go to University.
— I work as a product analyst on tech company.
My main goal is improving experience for users who use our service. I hope I will write more about my job in the future.
— I have a cat. His name's Pelmeshonok and he's ginger. I adore him!
We've lived together for about 2 years. But before me he had had another owner. I don't know much about his life before me, but now he's about 12-14.
— In free time I watch anime and read a lot.
I'm going to write here notes about I watched and read.
— I study English for usual life and for job.
I take 2 individual English classes a week. Also I visit 2 group English classes a week.
If you found mistakes in text please tell me about it. It helps to correct them. Thanks.
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