shinfoxxx · 7 years
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To thank you all for this milestone, we will be holding a special giveaway! ^^
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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Triple H 199X Scans - E’Dawn
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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To thank you all for this milestone, we will be holding a special giveaway! ^^
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
song for universe posted by kino in fancafe (translated lyrics); ©PANEM_PTG
his comment: ahhhhhhh i’m really really so happy right now ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ how much i waited for today ㅠㅠㅠㅠ as soon as I heard the official announcement was up, I suddenly came here. Finally I can call you “uni” (short name for UNIVERSE). I waited many days to upload this. I miss you. My only one Uni deuls :( Pentagon and Universe Let’s be happy together forever…sure sure. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love our Uni deuls very much <3 (translated by amazing_ptg)
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
Reblog if you’re a proud UNIVERSE
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
the signs as pentagon songs
aries - find me
taurus - engine
gemini - pretty pretty
cancer - gorilla
leo - young
virgo -  pentagon
libra - you are
scorpio - organic song
sagittarius -  lukewarm
capricorn - stay crazy
aquarius - can you feel it
pisces - smile
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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cute shinwon for anon
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
Handwriting Meme
1. Handwrite your name. 2. Handwrite your Tumblr URL. 3. Handwrite your blog title. 4. Handwrite your Tumblr crushes. 5. Handwrite your favorite season of the year. 6. Handwrite what color shirt your wearing right now. 7. Handwrite your favorite actresses and actors. 8. Handwrite your favorite TV shows. 9. Handwrite your favorite bands/singers. 10. Handwrite your favorite songs. 11. Handwrite your favorite number. 12. Handwrite the country you currently live in. 13. Handwrite the country you were born in. 14. Handwrite “hello”. 15. Handwrite your name in the hand that you do NOT normally use. 16. Handwrite 3 words that sum you up. 17. Handwrite the first 10 words that come to mind. 18. Handwrite a message to your followers. 19. Handwrite my url
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
Get to know me tag.
Fun tag time yay. I was tagged by @yutoaf ily Cammi 1. Are you named after someone? Not really? My name comes from my moms middle name Marlene (my French name) but I just go by Marley since that's what's on my birth certificate. 2. When is the last time you cried? Last night over Shinwon (I cry every night over Shinwon though) 3. Do you like your handwriting? Not at all. I'm learning to write in cursive rn and it still sucks but it's better than my print writing. 4. What is your favorite lunch meat? I actually had a little phase where I didn't like lunch meats but recently I like turkey, chicken, and ham. 5. Do you have kids? All of my irl friends are my kids but everyone online is my mom. 6. If you were another person, would you be friends with you? Honestly, I think I'm pretty annoying lmao. So probably not. 7. Do you use sarcasm? Sometimes but never if I feel like it'll be mean. 8. Do you still have your tonsils? Nope, I got them out a while ago. 9. Would you bungee jump? HELL YEAH! Just tell me when and where! 10. What is your favorite kind of cereal? Probably fruity pebbles idk 11. Do you untie your shoes when you take them off? Only if they're new. If I've had them for more than a month then nah. 12. Do you think you're a strong person? Emotionally, yeah. Physically, N O P E. 13. What is your favorite ice cream flavor? Mint chocolate chip, and since yesterday coffee. 14. What is the first thing you notice about people? Fashion sense, hair, and facial expressions. 15. Red or pink? Pink 16. What is the least favorite physical thing you like about yourself? I have a chubby baby face, which it's not too bad but it's kinda annoying at times. 17. What color pants and shoes are you wearing now? I'm wearing zebra print sleeping shorts and blue puma socks (because I love puma ❤️) 18. What was the last thing you ate? White rice oh wow 19. What are you listening to right now? In the car by c-clown (I'm actually crying rn wow) 20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be? Probably a pastel blue color 21. Favorite smell? Something fruity like watermelon 22. Who was the last person you talked to on the phone? My mom 23. Favorite sport to watch? SOCCER/FOOTBALL ANFKFLDJ ITS MY LIFE BESIDES PTG 24. Hair color? Naturally light brown but rn it's like maroon red idk. 25. Eye color? Blue in natural lighting but gray in unnatural light. 26. Do you wear contacts? I never have but maybe I will in the future. 27. Favorite food to eat? I love tomatoes especially cherry tomatoes I could eat them all day. 28. Scary movies or comedy? Comedy, I'm super jumpy when it comes to scary movies. (I love scary stories though) 29. Last movie you watched? Coming to America. My dad made me watch it and it was actually really funny. 30. What color of shirt are you wearing? I'm wearing a super comfortable cream colored sweater. 31. Summer or winter? Winter, I love winter fashion especially sweaters. 32. Hugs or kisses? Hugs, I can't live without them. 33. What book are you currently reading? I just finished Of Mice and Men on Thursday (please recommend me good books I need it) 34. Who do you miss right now? My grandma :( 35. What is on your mouse pad? My mouse ???? 36. What is the last tv program you watched? The walking dead, my mom was watching it and I had nothing else to do. I don't understand that show... 37. What is the best sound? The sound of Shinwon playing piano and his soft breathes. 38. Rolling Stones or The Beatles? The Beatles 39. What is the farthest you've ever traveled? Germany 40. Do you have a special talent? I have a messed up jaw and I can pop it back and forth. I can also pop my elbow back and forth on a hard surface. 41. Where were you born? The Lone Star State of Texas (kinda boring but it's ok) 42. Who am I tagging? @officialyanan @4pentagon @shineuro @shinweon @organicdawn
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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Pentagon selfie appreciation post 6/10 - Yan An 
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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Kino counting flowers
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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tagged by @miniminsu for this moodboard tag
it sucks so much like i cant aesthetic iM SORRY
im gonna tag @shinelf @nams-jams @cypherkookie @knkruinedmylife and @dboyonthebeat yall dont have to do it if you dont want to
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
I'm sorry I haven't posted anything in a while I haven't felt very creative I have a few things saved up though so I may post some stuff later.
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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Pentagon selfie appreciation post 4/10 - Yuto
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
Finally some Shinwon
FINALLY IM POSTING SOME SHINWON!!! I've been so soft over him all day (when am I not though). Today has been super extra softness and I'm crying. But here's one of MY FAVORITE!!!! Things I've ever wrote. Guys I love Shinwon so much though just saying. Imagine: Shinwon taking you to a little café near where he used to live. He shows you all of the drinks he'd used to get and you tell him to order for you. "Wow this is so sweet I love it." "I picked it because you're the sweetest person in the world."
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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Here's a moodboard for nerdy Changgu. I feel like death rn so I'm kinda just laying here trying to survive life.
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shinfoxxx · 7 years
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Pentagon selfie appreciation post 3/10 - Hongseok 
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