shinemux-blog · 5 years
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Mar 2nd, 2019
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
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"You never change things by fighting the existing reality.
To change something, build a new model that makes the existing model obsolete.”
― R. Buckminster Fuller
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
「現在我覺得,改變不了緣分,也要努力,起碼表達了自己的友善,讓對方知道自己的心意與動機是良善的,之後的相處不適,乃至於分別離散,便可以真正聽天由命。起碼,回想起來,知道不是意圖的問題,只是被捉弄了,真真只是緣分而已。」- 李維菁
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
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德國🇩🇪 / 不來梅主教座堂 記憶總在最平淡時顯得深刻。星期一,打破了原定德國前夕的辭職決定,我又再度回到了打工的日常生活。 · 那天不來梅的天氣特別舒服,暖暖日光沒像拜訪國會大廈那般嚴酷。猶記得走到教堂前仰望它時,內心是多麼的凌亂,有種莫名的壓迫感,進到內部看見彩色玻璃的投射,甚至走近耶穌的台階上,我不自覺整個身體起了雞皮疙瘩。 · 也許這是我整趟旅程感到最震撼的時刻,儘管沒有信仰的歸屬,那場景依然令我動容,久久不能自已。我說照片總是無法拍攝起當下的感動,不如我們好好用心感受平淡的每分每刻吧。
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
Narrative paragraph
Dec 27th, 2018
大一上composition class which illustrates the narrative paragragh and got the recommendation from professor to revise it.
It happened on a Christmas Eve, which would become a memorable day to my family. On the cold  night, my family decided to go to the supermarket in order to prepare some food and buy some Christmas decorations. My mother had already planned the Christmas dinner for a long time and all of us were so expectant about the coming Christmas. However, my home was located in a small village and there were very few conveniences; therefore, every time we want to buy some groceries we have to go out far from our village,  but we always had a good time while my father driving. We shared our excitement about the Christmas and imagined what gift we would receive. The car was filled with our laughing and we forgot how cold it was out there at that moment until something unexpected happened to our car. ‘Boom!’ Suddenly, we all heard a strange sound of explosion from our car engine, which started blowing smoke like a volcano. Shocked by the accident, my father went out to check the car’s condition. My sister and I started praying that our car could still work since it was Christmas Eve, we were planning to do lots of things we had looked forward to. Nevertheless, my father brought back the bad news that our car engine was broken and it was hard to find any car mechanics now. My eyes broke into tears, and the night seemed colder than before. My father tried his best to call for some help, and my mother walked around searching for any opportunity that someone can give us a hand. As time passed, we could not find any help because it seemed that everyone have gone out to celebrate the Christmas. When we all felt completely hopeless, however, we saw someone in the heavy fog and vaguely could see his face. His face gradually appeared and walked slowly through fog. To be honest, we all felt so afraid because we couldn’t assure his identity. My father then told my sister and I sat into the car quickly and warned us not to come out unless he called us out. At that moment I could feel my heart pounding faster and faster which almost pounded out of my body. As time passed by, the stranger walked to my father side and started to talk. I through the window saw my father gave a big smile to that stranger. My father gave us a gesture which meant coming out the car and the stranger introduced himself when we went out. Surprisingly, the stranger said that he used to be a car mechanic; though the garage was closed now, it was just near the village. He told us we could go there and have repaired our car. My family could hardly believe that such a fortunate coincident could happen to us. Later, the stranger drive his crane to take back our car and started to fix it.  Not long after he worked on the car, it recovered the power to move and the engine stopped blowing dark smoke. Tears poured into my eyes again, and we hugged him and thanked him for being an angle to us. Went on our previous plan, we finally bought the groceries for the Christmas and my mother prepared a huge meal. Without his help, we could not have such wonderful Christmas Eve. I promised to myself that if someone needs help, I will try my best to give them a hand. A small help will be a huge favor to somebody. I think this was the best Christmas gift I received in that year. 
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
「說故事的力量──那些運動場上教我的事」- 徐裴翊
Dec 3rd, 2018
由於新聞工作坊的關係,透過學姊的邀請參與了這場演講,原先對這場演講的內容不太清楚,但有先去大概了解講者的背景與她豐富的工作經驗,徐裴翊她不僅在緯來體育台待過幾年的時間,對於體育賽事充滿熱情,台灣國內外的賽事都曾經在第一現場為台灣的運動員加油,做第一時間的轉播,後來轉到三立新聞台擔任主播,也接觸了不同以往的工作內容,進而培養自己在媒體領域多元的能力。在三立新聞台離職後,與曾在體育新聞共事的友人創辦了Vamos Sports,致力推廣台灣體育賽事,讓運動員背後感人的故事藉由媒體的傳播廣為人知,也希望將體育這件事融入到民眾日常生活中。
「唯一能凝聚台灣人的心,就是體育賽事了。」,徐裴翊描述她每每參與現場比賽,看到台灣的選手擊球得分,整個身體都會起雞皮疙瘩,在比賽現場得到的感動往往無法用言語表達,這也成為了她創辦Vamos Sports的契機。透過影音報導或是每個禮拜的直播來引起大家對體育賽事的討論,那是她在體育台和新聞台做不到的事情。他說他曾在新聞台奔波國外體育新聞,努力徵求上級的同意,來播報那短短兩分鐘不到的體育新聞卻是登天之難。「人生一切的一切一定都有它的意義。」他不後悔在體育台和在新聞台的經驗,那是累積她多元媒體領域能力的啟蒙,創辦一個新的媒體平台絕不是一件簡單的事情,從拍片、剪輯、過音等技巧都是需要很多的時間與經驗。這讓我更加明白媒體在我們日常生活的重要性,甚至是當自己身為媒體傳播端時,要如何堅守新聞的價值,做好守門人的角色,讓民眾能透過新聞接收多方的內容,進而影響多元的思維模式。
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
Nov 21st, 2018
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shinemux-blog · 5 years
Nov 14th, 2018 
(喔對,我目前就讀成功大學外文系,聽起來很厲害,嗯真的,因為我很常被那些看不懂的書擊倒,ex: Professor suddenly asked me ‘What’s the language?”,沈默是人類最好的發明了,顆顆。) 
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