shiinohana-blog · 7 years
Could you please reblog this if it is okay to ask you straight up if you want to ship?
I am a baby and need reassurance that I’m not being too pushy by asking
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
      "Mmm-hmm-hmm. . ."
      The woman's form swayed to and fro, supported haphazardly upon the living shadows that licked at her legs as her laughter came to a slow and simmering halt. She was like a chaotic puppet upon strings so dark that it was hard to tell if the figure was alive or not; and with how Oichi moved? That made it even harder still. Listless, dark eyes the color of ink watched as those she had just been fighting a moment's notice ago dropped, not light held in them despite her satisfaction at the scene unfolding before her.
      "You sing no longer, do you. . . ? How pitiful you all are. . . 'Ichi longs for something to make the void in her heart full. . . To make the ravenous glutton of an organ finally satiated. . ."
      None of them understood that empty feeling did they? The urge to just take, and take, and take some more until there was nothing left; to swallow everything down until the world was more empty than she. Even then, Oichi found it unlikely that she would be satisfied. The prettiest blossoms eluded her, leaving her dreams to be nothing other than endless nightmares. How the flowers mocked her existence; their bright colors burning their loveliness into her mind like a brand. She felt that relationships were much the same. It's why when Nagamasa lost his life, she found herself crying with a fascinated smile upon her porcelain face.
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      "Nothing works. Fight after fight, war after war. . . I can stain it all a brilliant shade of red and yet. . . it is still so dull. . . so bland and boring. . . Why is it never as beautiful as Nagamasa-sama? Ah. . . Nagamasa-sama? Why did you contain such a pretty shade? Was it the light you held? I wonder. . ."
      Tears faintly welled in her eyes as a sad smile tugged at her lips. She wished she had been the one to sever the threads of life her late beloved had rather than her brother. How cruel Nobunaga was to take that opportunity from her. With the last of the forces now at her feet with nothing left but a bloodied mess, the woman in pink started to wander the field in search of something or someone else, the gentle and eerie tones of her voice carried on the wind as she hummed. 
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
Open starter call
Okay so I can’t resist the allure anymore. xD Give this a like if you want to have a starter for a thread with a more chaotic, murder-happy Oichi~<3 
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
As I am sitting here being all fluffy with the things I’ve been writing for people, I’ve come to the realization how fun it would be to have a verse for Oichi where she ends up with a similar murdering obsession to Tenkai. I mean, she’s pretty much there already but rather than wallowing in her self-pity and despair, I would love to give her the divergent route of being a monster worthy of the Oda name. Ugh~ that would be so much fun~ Those sweet dreams would be stained a brilliant crimson.
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
Someone has placed a letter and a bouquet of white gardenias in Oichi’s room. The letter reads: "I have been watching over you for a long time. Even if another has taken you from me...I still long for you with all my heart. You are the kindest, most gentle woman with whom I have ever been acquainted. Every night, I dream that we shall one day hold hands and reveal our deepest secrets to one another. If nothing else...I wish to reunite with you in our next lives."
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      Looking at the bouquet of gardenias, sad eyes took in their pure innocence, clipped for their particular beauty only to be destined to live a shorter life than others of their kind. Beauty was such a double-edged blade. Be too noticeable and someone will come along and pluck one from their home, their safety. Even so, Oichi found her lips absentmindedly pulling into the faintest of smiles. 
      “ ‘Ichi does not deserve this… There is only one heart that was allowed close and look what happened…”
      Nevertheless, she reached for the letter next, reading over it carefully while her moment of clarity lasted. Oh, how tragic. Did this admirer suffer from a broken heart as well? Oichi must have been to blame yet again. First, Nagamasa-sama’s death and now this person? How truly depressing. 
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      “I should thank you but… whoever you are, you should just stay away. It’s for the best. Why anyone would want something so worthless and weak is beyond ‘Ichi…”
      Rather than removing the objects of affection from her room however, she carefully placed the letter down and admired the flowers. She was only capable of scarlet blossoms but these… Was this what happened when happiness was achieved? How foolish. Happiness only existed to be broken and cast aside like the weak state that it was. Even so, the Oda could not pull herself away, her slender form wobbling under the weight of her own despair.
      “… ‘Ichi likes these flowers too… “
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
   The young man looked at his sister and the red blossoms that rested in her hand. They were smeared and covered with dirt much like parts of her cheek and forehead. He simply sighed and turned away from her, moving farther into the darkness that was consuming his figure.
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       “If you do not hurry… The crows will have you as their next meal…”
      He always needed to be so cruel, didn't he? No matter how cold the words were, Oichi genuinely loved her brother. Sad, murky eyes looked down to the flowers in her hand before moving back up to see him turned and moving away. That's how it had to be, didn't it? Her always in his shadow, being the silent one while he dreamed so fervently of his conquests when Nobunaga grew older.
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      "A-ah, chotto matte ni-sama. . .!"
      The prospect of the crows having the young Oda girl as a meal bothered her enough to get her moving. Small feet led her quickly to her older bother's side, her free hand coming up to clean her face off in case anyone spotted them.
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
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❝ Oh, Oichi-dono. ❞
     What whisper greets the woman seeks to wipe away her eyes’ glistening. Hardly does his voice raise; he mimics what he hears and presents little more than a sigh, every exhale billowing out deep emotion, sentiment swelled hot and sorrowing and full until his presumed fatigued grace hid away his smile. How tragic, how pretty – His whisping touch on the Lady’s shoulder seeks to remind her of her physical existence, and to steer the conversation away from such unsavory topics.
   ❝ If you don’t remember, that’s alright. Fufu… ❞ After all, forgetfulness and ignorance may as well have been the same thing, and they were kind to their prisoners. A piece that simply played its part had nothing to worry over. It was rude of him to have pried in the first place. Ufufu! 
   ❝ Does the higanbana cry, or does it reach, Oichi? Even when bordering the lightless shores of the Sanzu, it raises its arms as if it were seeking salvation. Perhaps it’s searching just as we are. ❞
     Shh, shh – he goads her on, tips of his fingers barely touching her forwards, second hand offering itself once more. She could drag in her sorrow, she could weep, but they could not stop their shared stumble into the night; gently return the lid of Miss Toyatama’s box, and let not the old age within escape and transform him. He had his peek. She remembered nothing, nothing but names and sweeter memories that kept her conscience wavering and unsteady, and with that piece alone, he could be satisfied.
     There were things he would have rather kept boxed and subsequently buried too, after all.
   ❝ That darkness… What you speak of is blindness, my Lady. I can’t say I’ve ever experienced it… But you should return to it. It would make you feel better. ❞
     Oh, but he’s lost sight so many times before. She speaks of gentleness and he thinks of blood – how wounds cleanly tore open before they oozed, glistened, gathered scarlet and dripped like fresh honey. It covered his eyes and fell thick on his tongue, gagging him, choking him, drowning him, whatever peaceful nothingness she felt, he was her parallel; did he exist for anything, it was to stimulate to the highest point of the senses! Until he was entirely feeling, thoughts blanched and shut off with bliss – she then speaks of her darkness being quiet and loving, and it was something he could only have half understood. Death was silent, and he himself was love.
   ❝ I wonder… ❞ His voice purrs despite his heart’s pounding excitement. ❝ If Nobunaga-kou is even capable of such an emotion. He is, after-all, the Devil King – and demons don’t cry. ❞
     Her final question ( and entailing assumption ) is one he willfully chooses to ignore. 
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      Tears still threatened to stain her cheeks as she quietly nodded, accepting the monk's guidance despite the pricking sensation in the back of her consciousness that told her she should be careful. Of course, the demon king's sister was not so fortunate to listen to the idle warnings of her repressed memories. His ghosting touch kept her from completely breaking down, her hand reaching out to take his once more to resume their walk.
      "I would like to remember. Someday. I feel as if there is a hole in my heart, a lingering void that wishes to be fed until it can handle no more. A gluttonous and overbearing sadness that I do not understand nor can I explain. If I remember, maybe it will stop. Or maybe. . . maybe it will attempt to consume the rest of the heart and turn it to stone."
      At the topic of the spider lilies that she loved so dearly, Oichi's attention to the sorrow she felt slowly subsided. Tenkai had a point. The way they reached over the river Sanzu; was it a plea so salvation, their cries for their short lives, or perhaps did they wish to lure the souls of those who were crossing in an attempt to bloom forever?
      "I believe it may be both. With such short lives, they cry. Their pitiful existences are so sad that it's beautiful. They bloom with vibrant color, like burning embers. But, that burning. . . those cries. . . They are like us, aren't they. . ."
      "Blindness. . . Yes. Arigato, Tenkai-sama."
      Eventually a faint glimpse of a smile formed. The really were just such a peculiar duo, weren't they? Two souls who were damned to experience certain emotions to the extremes. While the lavender-haired male felt love to such and extent that he needed to morbidly and lovingly eradicate it, Oichi found herself loving to the point of drowning herself in the sorrow that came with it. In reality, they were like opposite sides of the same coin. The more she loved something, the more it hurt, the more the object of her affection suffered, and the hungrier the void in her heart got. It was a madness waiting to get out, to be unleashed, only for the sole purpose of drowning the world in darkness. A darkness that would love all and blend it into nothingness, together forever.
      "Ni-sama, I think, needs to be shown." A surprising answer from the Oda, her gaze dull and lifeless as ever as the faint hold on the monk's hand tightened ever so slightly. "He never did understand. . . Tenkai-sama, when we find him, can we show him that emotion along with the higanbana?"
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
So there’s a bunch of snow again today. Some parts go up to my knees. 
Must. Resist. Urge. To flop in the snow.
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
sengokujidai. - cont. from here [ x ]
      The night was cool and the gentle breeze softly licked at her figure as she lay in the grass. The stars were so pretty that night. A beauty that seemed timeless. . . Oh how she wished the flowers could emulate the stars and last longer than the what the will of the seasons dictated. Hearing Takatora lay beside her, the rare fleeting glimpse of a smile formed on her face. It was nice to see someone willing to enjoy the small things in life. Taking the time, no matter how silly or frivolous it seemed, led to a life full of pride and of no regrets. It allowed one to enjoy the moments as they happened, rather than chasing after the good ones as they pass, casting one's self into a never-ending cycle of torment.
      If only Oichi could understand that one herself.
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      "Ah, Takatora-sama. Mm, they seem brighter than usual. I wonder-" her voice was soft as she spoke with the warrior, her eyes returning to the dark sky above," -does that mean they have motivation to be seen? Or is the night simply darker than usual so they burn brighter to fight off the darkness? They are so very pretty though. I would like to think they live with passion rather than fear of the nothingness around them."
      "What about you, Takatora-sama?"
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
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      “Little sister… what exactly are you doing..?  You know if father finds you out here again he is going to scold you for disobeying his orders.”
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      "Ni-sama. . .~ Ah-. . . Yes, I understand. Father does always get angry, doesn't he? I just wanted some flowers. I was going to give them to you since you like red things. Gomen nasai, ni-sama. . ."
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
Sengoku Basara in a Nutshell:
Masamune: PAAAAAAAARTY!!!!!!!
Sasuke: DANNAAAAAA!!!!!
Toshiie: MATSU!!
Keiji & Xavi: LOVEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Kenshin: BISHAMONTEN!!!!!
Nobunaga: CONQUEST!!!
Mitsuhide: *insert orgasm noises here*/SLAUGHTER!!!!
Katsuie: OICHIIII!!!!!!
Maria: *insert noblewoman/bitch laugh here*
Tadakatsu: *insert mechanical noises here*
Hideyoshi: WEAK!!!
Yoshitsugu: MISERY !!!!
Motochika: NAKAMAAAAA!!!!
Muneshige: SORIN-SAMAAAA!!!!
Hisahide: COLLECTION!!!
Yoshiteru: TOMO YOOO!!!!
Hideaki: I'M SORRRRYYYYY!!!!!!
Matabe: HOW DARE YOUUUUUU !!!!!!
Kotaro: .......
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
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“State your business, quickly. I suffer no games.” 
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      The woman in pink and rather oriental armor stopped, her brow furrowing as her lips pulled into a delicate frown.
      "I. . . I'm sorry. . . I was just walking, you see. . . I. . . don't know where I've ended up, just that I want to see a field of flowers. . ."
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
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❝ Yes. ❞
     His hands extends and offers to guide her once more; gentle, so delicate is their shared gliding touch that sensation could only reach the tips of his fingers, the palm of his hand. At her traded away name he sighs, warmed breaths of relief clinging to the inside of the cold mask and warming the metal. 
     Even like this… as it were, there was nothing to worry over. Inconveniently perceptive as she might have been, she held no real sway beyond her body’s limp gangling, no grip and hold on reality apart from what those hands could grasp; as long as she was kept dreaming, she was harmless. Thoughtless. If she were the ‘ body, ’ then he might have been the ‘ mind ’ and the ‘ tongue. ’ For the rest, they only need the heart – what did they, as flesh and organs, live and function for, if only to follow that guiding vessel?
   ❝ Of course I like flowers, Oichi-dono. Ufufufu…! Yours hold the loveliest shades and shapes of blooms… I would like to see more. ❞
     He doesn’t mind entertaining her emptiness with continuing conversation. If he could repute himself favorably to her person ( to her hands, ) or at least keep her distracted, then it was all in his benefit. Like this they were shared drifters and dreamers, and though the thought of combining himself with her person more often than not made him recoil, they did have their undeniables. A touch of madness spilled into darkness and tragedy; rapture and agony intertwined… 
   ❝ Surely, Nobunaga-kou will enjoy them as well. After-all, they’re like children in a way, aren’t they? Crying out, writhing, begging for peace - your lullabies, too, lull them into what they so desire. ❞
     Death. Life, revival, Samsara’s cycle. Why did someone like her have to be of Nobunaga’s kin? A woman so frail, so hapless, drowned in self-pitying sorrows so deep only the supernatural could assist her in her existing. He could tense her hand - his brow has sunk low enough, gaze already gelid - and seize her head…
   ❝ Oichi-dono… Just what sort of things do you remember? ❞
     He doesn’t know whether he’s prodding the wasp nest or not with his question, but he chances it.
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      Lifeless eyes peered down towards her hand as she accepted the gentle guidence. What a peculiar thing. The sensation was so soft, so light and feathery that her mind her barely perceive that this wasn't a part of her dreams. It was however that fleeting touch that allowed her to stayed anchored enough to understand. The two moved silently, nothing but their conversation to break the lulled atmosphere they shared.
      "Ah, wonderful. . . Maybe ni-sama will think the color of the autumn sky is crying just like the higanbana. . . Tenkai-sama, do you think we can dye the road red. . .? It might look so pretty. . . so-"
      Oichi stopped in her tracks, the darkness only one who walked with the will of the Netherworld could have trapped in her dull gaze. Remember? Was she meant to remember? Troubled, eyes colored with the murky hues of sorrow shifted upwards to meet Mitsuhide's. Her brow softly furrowed, barely disturbing the eerie peace of her facial features. One would be able to tell however that she was troubled.
      In that moment, her hand pulled away, meeting with her other to both be brought to her chest. Her palms and fingers pressed against where her heart should have been, the subtle sign of tears starting to surface in her eyes. Why can't she remember? The woman that only the shadows could love took one step back, seemingly to stablize herself from dropping to the ground; a habit she was known for when she was distressed.
      "I. . . I don't know. . ." Oichi's voice wavered; perhaps clarity would restore itself soon to the troubled soul. "I. . . want to remember, Tenaki-sama, whatever it is I have forgotten. Tell me, do you know what it's like to see nothing but darkness. . .? It's gentle, you know. Quiet. . . loving. . . But it's lonely. I wonder if ni-sama is ever lonely. . ."
      The woman's sanity was certainly long gone due to the years of mental torment she had gone though, whether imposed by others or by her self-inflicted guilt and blame. While anyone else would have likely pried a swarm from the nest, the monk was fortunate to not have her attention directed towards him. Instead, she still continued to appear as if she were to cry at any moment.
      "If he's lonely, that is sad. . . Sadness should be brought back to the darkness where it can blend and meld into nothingness. . . Tell me, Tenkai-sama. . . are you lonely. . .? Maybe that is why you seek the scarlet flowers. . . They understand."
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
⭐️ 🎂 💌
//smooches cheek
You’re too sweet? You’re too sweet
Seriously though, just start something and tag me or respond to a starter or hit me up in the IMs because I wanna RP with you too! Also, of course we can be get to be friends~! If you have a Discord, feel free to ask for mine okay?~
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
Fay: -shyly waves at- ⭐️ ☀️
Hello sweetie~
Thank you kindly~! Mm, feel free to message me or just respond to the open starter if you want to start something~
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
Belzy: ✨☀️ Also hi 8D
Oh my goodness~! Hello there~
I’m flattered~ Please feel free to contact me anytime, yeah~? I’m open for anything and I love working with multiples~ You just let me know if and when you want something okay?~ Or feel free to respond to any open starters whenever~
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shiinohana-blog · 7 years
Symbols for the mun
💝 I ship our muses, but we’ve never interacted
✨ I think your portrayal is on point, but it also intimidates me
💍 I want to be exclusives with you 
⭐️ We don’t rp, but I desperately wish we did
☀️ I want to rp with you, but I’m not sure how
💔 We’ve rp’ed in the past, but now we don’t
🎂 I’m new to your blog, and I want to be friends
🎉 We’ve been mutuals for ages, and this makes me so happy!
💡 I have a thread idea for us!
💌 I just think you’re amazing
💥 We’re not mutuals, but I wish you’d notice me
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